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Mrs. Constance W...'s Letters 23

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Constance is caught between love and lust.
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Part 23 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2014
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This letter was stuck in the bundle unopened when I acquired the desk and letters. I was loath to open it at first, but eventually succumbed to temptation. Due to the historical relevance of these documents and their fragile nature I labored to unseal this letter with assistance from my local historical society in order to prevent damaging the contents. However, the wax seal over time bonded with the paper fibers rendering portions unreadable. Additionally, this document appears to have gotten wet at some time causing the ink to run making other parts illegible. Still, the remaining parts reveal Constance's love for Thomas and her desperation to be restored to him in spite of the obvious contradiction caused by her immoral choices.

The Editor


1472 Virginia Ave SW

Washington D.C.

(Address unreadable)

...feint toward Richmond. Your former unit suffered terribly for which I give thanks that you are no longer amongst their number.

Contrarily, I weep at our separation and the vile deceit practiced on you that turned your heart from me. My heart feels as rent as the bodies of our dear boys on the battlefield from your hateful words. How can two souls nit together as once ours were believe such horrible betrayal of the other. Once again I proclaim my innocence in this matter. As the Lady of Hazel Park I did no more than provide the barest comforts to the wounded and dying that Christian conscious demanded. And as a true daughter of the South I gave my utmost for the effort in support of our brave soldiers. How could I do otherwise with your brave example set before my eyes?

Had my honor been taken by low villains would you have forsaken me then? Surely not. Would you not be ashamed of me if in their hour of need I had withheld whatever comfort it was in my poor power to grant to our brave lads? How could a soft word kindly spoken or a gentle hand upon an anxious brow be deemed too familiar? Too often our boys came to Hazel Park fresh from the battlefield the terrors of combat heavy upon them. And so I opened my home, my hearth and my arms to them. And if some few of them required more tender affection or took liberties unknown to polite society who was I to say them nay.

...did not resist as he speared my tender parts with his rampant manhood. I counted it a national service to be of use. And what could I do? His need drove him so that I feared to resist lest he do me some unrecoverable harm. And there was my need. You had gone to serve nearly before we could consummate our lov[e]...


...All that I have done was with you uppermost in my mind and heart. In the months that I have been Mistress of Hazel Park I have trebled the value of both our and Gertrude's estates. Industry flourishes under my hand that will sustain us long after the hostilities have ended. Hazel Park still stands while many of our neighbors watched theirs burn. All this I accomplished from my back.

Thomas I do not flatter myself to think that you have not taken comfort where you may. I am glad that you have. I praise the generosity of my sister at arms for her tender mercy toward you in my absence. In some way I felt as I kneeled at some officer's feet gorging on his manhood that likewise you stood over some willing daughter of the South feeding her yours. In that moment I imagined how we traded places and it was I receiving your mighty length. As I sensed our connection I would open wider to accept all of you. With joy I allowed my throat to serve as the receptacle of, by proxy, your semen. This and more I was and am willing to do for you, my Darling Thomas.

And in my willingness to serve the greater good I have secured for us an heir. I grow heavy with child. Thomas, my love, your name wi[ll]...


...Though my way has become lost and my honor tarnished I confess that I would not have done other than I did. I truly enjoy the use my body is put to. I revel in the pleasure of fornication. I have learned so much. I long for that day when I can teach you, too. My Darling, forgive me.

I am thoroughly lost without you. The sun sheds no light upon my path during the day and my bed is cold at night. Everything I have done was to draw nearer to you. Instead it has driven you away. Please, I pray, do not forsake or foreswear me. I cannot bear the thought of living a single minute without your love.

Forgive Me,



1472 Virginia Avenue SW

Washington D.C.


August 5, 1863

Mrs. Annabelle K...

118 King William's Road

R..., Virginia

Dear Sister,

With deep gratitude I write to you. In my anguish I asked for you to willing undertake the separation that I unwilling did. Through so many trials and tribulations we have come to this point. Our undertaking has born much fruit and prosperity follows wherever I go as if to mock me. An observer would count me favored of the gods and would be wrong. I would anything that Thomas had never left for war.

Despite all our nation's assurances of a swift resolution to this conflict the conflagration still rages, the battles still wage, the men still die. I am so sick of war. And by war I prosper. And by war I am divided from him whom I most love. He will not respond to my letters.

Men are a mystery to me. Through you and the others I make men of power dance like marionettes to my tune. They are ready to sacrifice honor, reputation and hearth for a taste of my honey, to frolic in my fields and sow among my flowers. Even Thomas demonstrated by his own hand in that hateful letter and by the testimony of that slut Millie his willingness in this regard. Shall I call it a weakness in men's character that none have shown themselves above illicit dalliance? And despite this defect they continue to thwart my desire. Thomas condemns me; punishes me with rejection and silence.

After the baby is born I will go to him in London and plead my case, beg his forgiveness at his feet. Because I will throw all I have built upon the wind; I will not demand of you what I am unwilling to pay myself. Sarah is on her way to you from Hazel Park when she arrives you are to return to Atlanta and your true husband. God bless you both. When you arrive send Bernice to take your place. I feel that she will be aptly suited to the role I have in mind there in Richmond.

And on Capitol Hill these knaves will sell country and soul to line their pockets with a bit of silver and slake their lust upon any maid unwary enough to fall into their hands willingly or naught. Yet they will not stay bought. A blight upon their family trees!

In order to secure these men of fay conscious to my purpose in addition to selling what we have obtained from our sources I have established a practice of flattery. Rather than compete with the established bauds for the attention of our marks I host balls and evening parties by invitation only. With a sprinkling of luminaries on the guest list my targets eagerly expose themselves to my tender interrogations. This method has proven to be a grand success as the weak willed and inconstant tumble over themselves to offer all that I require in order to secure an invitation. And they keep their assurances afterward rather than risk social ostracization.

Annabelle, their appetites are perverse. I had thought to turn the labor over to Anne and her peers but the more gravid I become the more in demand my company becomes. The Senator from Maine literally suckled at my teat like a babe! And he paid generously for the privilege. Others have passed on the charms of my ladies for an opportunity to grasp and stroke my rounded stomach while embracing me from behind. Without the fear of conception they are eager to plow with me. If possible I have fornicated more than ever I did at Hazel Park.

On one occasion the evening festivities moved to upper floors. Four or five committee members and bureaucrats repaired with me to my receiving room. With privacy for their proclivities they proceeded to remove my choice gown. Within moments I was bare to my shoes. Two of them latched onto my enlarged breasts. Their tongues flashing over my sensitive areolae stoked a fire between my legs. Jolts shot through me with each bite on my stiffened nubs.

I was drawn down to the fainting couch where a statesman mingled his whiskers with my own pubic growth. The combination of the three tongues to my womanly parts became overpowering and I cried out as pleasure flaring from my crotch left me trembling. Fluid coursed from my opening and the gentleman drank deeply using his tongue to probe deeply and release more of the sticky sweet nectar.

The first two caressed my naked flesh paying particular attention to my bottom as it hung half off the cushion and my distended belly. Fingers pushed and probed at my foul opening making me grateful that I had washed and perfumed all my parts. I reveled in their attentions receiving another release in short order.

With the throws of passion still upon me yet another of my paramours pushed his thick member to my lips. I opened wide as I could but his girth was such that I barely encompassed his un-cut head. With my jaw wedged open by his fat penis I could only gag as he used my mouth like a vagina forcing himself farther in until he touched the back of my throat. The experience left me cold as spittle ran from my lips and down his shaft to collect in his pubic hair. The musky scent of his scrotum filled my nostrils.

I had hardly any time to consider my awkward position as the continuing ministrations to my private parts had me flush with excitement. Soon I felt my hand guided around the throbbing shaft of another erection. I did what comes naturally and stroked the silky staff vigorously. I could not see clearly who was where and doing what to me. In moments I convulsed as more waves of sexual release rolled through my heaving body.

They took charge of my body and moved me where they willed. I found myself turned and kneeling over the lounge. One of them took my place and reclined bare from the waist down. He held upright a prodigious penis. I went to work on it at once with my mouth. I slurped and sucked up and down its length circling the crown with my tongue. Both my hands were filled with cocks. A finger pushed its way into my rectum and I bucked as a jolt of electricity shot through my fanny.

From behind the tongue was replaced by an engorged penis. By then I was sopping wet and ready to be plowed. The feeling was indescribable as his length filled me up. I felt hips press against mine. Hands squeezed my breasts and fingers twisted viciously at my nipples. The stimulation coupled with the thrusting invasion between my legs brought about another powerful orgasm.

The invader withdrew and I was lifted onto the reclining gentleman's chest. He guided the staff I lately worked in my mouth to my dripping and anxious vagina. They lowered me onto it. Riding a long erection is truly a joy. I could do that all night if given the chance. That night though I was pushed forward and he stroked his meaty rod rapidly into me. My breast bounced in his face and he latched a tongue to one while controlling me with hands to my hips. From over his shoulder a fresh cock presented itself for my oral pleasure. I took it greedily.

I knew when the finger working my anus was removed that a much larger prod would soon probe my arse. That has happened only once before but the orgasm I experienced was so intense that I eagerly anticipated this second rectal impaling. I was not disappointed. The prick entering my arse felt like it was splitting me open. My screams were muffled by the cock pushed into my mouth. With a sudden rush my ring closed about his crown as his cock penetrated my un-natural opening and he began stroking the mighty prick in and out loosening me further. I groaned again as an orgasm ignited in my stretched loins.

They ravaged me. I felt a very strumpet as these men of substance penetrated my defenseless body at their pleasure. Climaxes erupted in me with such frequency that I became dazed by the unending sexual gratification until I lost all sense of time and place. For me there became only the driving and thrusting, the sucking and licking, the pinching and biting.

When the cock I sucked on erupted I gobbled the thick white goo like a sweet confection. I continued to service his manhood. In my rear I felt the urgency of that man's near release and pushed back hard to force him deeper still. He delivered a pulsing stream deep in my bowels hot and heavy. He pulled out only to be replaced by another prodigious prick. One after another these fine upstanding gentlemen ravaged my arse depositing their seed within until the sticky fluid oozed from my stretched sphincter. The man underneath poured his own essence into my occupied womb near the end.

When at last their thirst for debauchery had been slaked they redressed and left joking amongst themselves. I lay a twisted heap upon the divan fluid streaking my cheek and leaking from my orifices completely exhausted and satisfied.

I do not suggest for you or any of our ladies that they should submit to such an extreme usage. Nor was I able to garner any useful intelligence from the encounter. Rather I say only that men of power and prestige have greater lusts to match their greater prominence. It behooves us to indulge those predilections in order to gain acceptance into their presence and in so doing gain access to what they know. An evening's dalliance followed by a personal visit to the said gentleman's office will prove both pleasurable and profitable. Imagine what can be overheard from beneath a desk while servicing his cock.

Dear sister run to your home and never let your husband doubt your heart. Win him daily with tender entreaties and soft kisses. Though you lay with scoundrels and statesmen ever let him know you are his to command and they are merely a service for your nation.

I love you Annabelle,


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