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Devil's Night

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Taylor Swift makes Halloween more sinful.
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All of the following is complete and total fiction.. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Devil's Night starring Taylor Swift

It was something that wasn't publicized too much, but Taylor Swift absolutely adored Halloween. It was always a night fun no matter how old she was. The entire season just made those lovely lips of hers smile.

Why? Because it was the only holiday she could think of that was all about fun. It was THE indulgence holiday. There was no real pressure to do anything but have fun. No pressure for the perfect gift to be given, no disappointment for a dud, no avoiding the wrong thing to say around a certain family member, none of that kind of garbage. It was just about fun. Cutting loose. And it was for all ages... though as she grew up she did notice a sugar rush didn't hold the same appeal to her as other kinds of treats.

She loved adult Halloween treats. Bourbon, scotch... and maybe her favorite, cock. Sure, she could have herself some casual sex whenever she wanted. And she did. But Halloween just gave Taylor something fresh to play with that no other time of year could give her. There was a sure fire naughtiness to it. And that all boiled down to costumes in her eyes. Not even so much on the men she chose. For Taylor the magic was always in the costume she chose to wear.

It wasn't an egotistical take, not to her at least. She just took note that some costumes unleashed a sexual beast inside partners more than other. A sexy maid, the slutty cowgirl, the naughty nurse... all brought out a certain something in the men they drew in. For the past few years she'd always had a very happy Halloween. Tonight would be no different.

Taylor was sashaying around a friend's party all done up as a sexy little devil. Red horns, red body suit, red lipstick... Taylor just couldn't escape the color. And why would she when it looked so flattering on her?

Taylor wasn't the only one who liked how her red number looked either. She saw and felt how the men were undressing her with their eyes. It was already making her wet. All it came down to was a selection. She could take her time with it as well. She had a room in the hotel the party was being held in. No need to rush in. She could take her time in finding her lover... or lovers.

She headed to the bar and ordered something quick and simple. Jack clean. No need to splurge on anything but the tip. Besides, sometimes the cheap stuff hits a spot that no expensive liquor could ever hope to.

It didn't take log for a brave soul to approach her. Taylor loved the brave ones. They were always a bit more daring.

"What are you drinking?" he asked. He was dressed very proper. A slick throwback of a tuxedo, complete with a white dinner jacket and a red rose in the lapel. His hair was dark and slicked back. She wasn't exactly a huge movie buff but Taylor knew a Connery James Bond when she saw him.

"Just whiskey," Taylor said. "Nothing fancy. Nothing to be shaken or stirred."

"Mind if I take a seat?" the cosplay secret agent asked.

"I certainly won't stop you." He nodded and sat on the stool next to Taylor. "Name's Henry."

"Taylor." she replied with a smile. "Something tells me you already knew that though."

"Yeah, well I didn't want to play that card."

"Smart play."

"I thought so."

"So what are you drinking?" she asked. "Is it gonna match your costume?"

"Honestly I was going to go for a Bourbon," he said. "Hope it doesn't clash."

"Well it matches with me," said Taylor. "I think that's a good thing. I tend to keep matching sets around."

"Lucky me."

"You don't know the half of it."

"How about you show me the whole thing?" he asked, placing his hand on her thigh. Confidence. Smooth. But not pushy. She had her first winner.

Taylor gave Henry a smiled and reach into the small red sequin purse she had with her and took out a hotel keycard.

"Room 1713," she said, sliding the key over to him. "One hour. Not a second sooner than that. Am I understood?"

"Completely." Henry replied.

"Good. Ciao for now." Henry nodded, watching as Taylor drank the last of the brown liquor from her own glass and getting up after picking up the one he had gotten her. She gave a little extra sashay to her walk before she blended in with the other party guests. Treat number one had been selected. But once piece of candy just wasn't going to do tonight. Time for treat number two.

Taylor had found her straitlaced, straight forward lover of the night. Now she wanted something a bit more... rugged. Not that James Bond didn't fit the bill but... someone with more of a five o'clock shadow. She didn't walk too far away from the bar when she saw just what she was looking for.

First she saw him from the back, a sexy silhouette in a bomber jacket and a fedora, a whip and toy six shooter at his side. This costume was someone she was abit ore familiar with than James Bond. When he turned around, there she saw a wonderful Indiana Jones, complete with that layer of whiskers she found herself craving.

Indy was leaning against a wall, sipping a beer and people watching. Taylor slipped in right beside him. "See anything interesting?" she asked.

"Not until now, honey," he said.

"Thanks. I'm Taylor."

"I know. I'm Jim."

"Jim?" she asked. "As in short for James?"

"That's how it usually goes." The irony of his name made Taylor chuckle a bit. It was cute and sexy, but it still left Jim with a question. "What's the joke?"

"You'll find out later." She sipped from her drink. "I like your costume. Looks good. The whips nice too."

"I'd say the same about your tail," Jim said. "The costume one is nice too."

"Thanks on both counts," Taylor said with a wink. "You come here with a Marion or you flying solo Dr. Jones?"

"You certainly know your Indy."

"I know a lot of things," Taylor teased.

"Like what?"

"You hungry for knowledge?" Taylor asked.

"Well I am an archaeologist... for the night."

Taylor smiled at him and reached for another key, placing it in the palm of his hand. "Despite what you may have heard, there's plenty of time for love Dr. Jones." She winked at him and then closed his fingers around the key. "Room 1713. Forty-five minutes. Not a moment sooner. Understood, Jim?"

"100% percent."

"Good. See you soon."

Taylor walked away, giving Jim a view of her booty just as she gave Henry before melting back into the crowd. From there it was just a few more minutes of mingling with friend and acquaintances before she went back to her room before her treats of the night. She had to get ready. That boiled down to getting comfortable and pouring three drinks. Again, she kept it simple with the Jack Daniels. It worked and had it's own unique taste. It's what she was in the mood for. Just like her men.

Drinks were poured and placed on the coffee table in front of of the big, comfy chair in her room. The room itself was rather modest for Taylor. it was a one night only affair so there was no need for a great deal of opulence. It was still a suite. Spacious and luxurious. Just not the kind of insane indulgence she usually had. It still had the only needs she had for the night: a mini bar and a big, comfy king-size bed.

Taylor sat back, her eyes on the clock. The time was almost upon her. While Taylor was confident both Jim and Henry were going to be there, though not 100%. Some men weren't real big fans of sharing and the moment they both were waiting outside her door the two men were guaranteed to know that they wouldn't be having Taylor all to themselves. Still, she hoped they knew the golden rule: sharing is caring.

There was a knock at the door and those beautiful read lips upturned into a smile. Taylor took a quick sip of her whiskey and walked to the door. The chain lock was removed, the deabolt undone and the door opened all the way.

"Hi boys," Taylor said, her posture as open and seductive as her tone. "Glad you could both make it."

"Looks like you're planning a real party Taylor," Jim said.

"Well of course," she said smiling. "A private party though. I hope both of you are taking the invite."

"I'm definitely accepting it," said Henry. Taylor's blue eyes shifted to Jim, who simply tipped his fedora. Another yes.

"In that case," Taylor said, moving aside to let the men in. "Please, come in."

The men brushed past her, Jim taking a quick grasp of her ass. He was going to be extra fun.

The door shut with a click and the mean stood on either side of the coffee table.

"These for us?" Henry asked, being every bit the man he was dressed as; hungry for sex and thirsty for liquor.

"Feel free." Taylor replied. She walked over to the head of the table, with Henry on one side and Jim on the other. The trio clinked their glasses and down the whiskey. After that there was an awkward silence. Taylor knew the look in both men's eyes. Eager, but hesitant. That's when she knew that of the three people in the room, she was the only one with any threesome experience.

"So... how do we start this?" asked Jim. "Not quite sure of the etiquette."

"Well my dear, it's very simple," said Taylor. "You start it with a kiss." Taylor moved for Jim's lips, wanting to feel those whiskers against her skin. Her soft hands guided his lips to hers in a hungry kiss while Henry began to plant his kisses on her neck and shoulder.

When Taylor shifted her attention to Henry, moving her face and hands to his clean shaven face Henry began to kiss her neck and move down, kissing her chest and fondling her tits through her costume.

Soon Taylor's lips found themselves without another pair to press against hers while Jim and Henry mouths were working on her neck. Henry's hand snuck to Taylor's back, grabbing the zipper of her costume and beginning pull it down. Once there was enough slack, Jim lended a helping hand and pulled the costume down just enough to expose Taylor's breasts to the room.

"Ooohh yes Henry," Taylor cooed. Henry's mouth went to her tit the moment they were free, followed soon after by Jim on the other tit. Taylor was in heaven while her men performed a bit of sinful worship on her tits. They took their time, licking and tasting every bit of those mounds of flesh as Taylor began to work her Halloween threads further down her body.

Soon her Halloween skin was shed, leaving Taylor in little more than red boots and her sexy little devil horns. She gently got the two men to pause at their wonderful work at her breasts to give them the full view, just in case they weren't aware.

As the took her in, Taylor decided to bring things a bit further along. "Well boys, I don't think my costume should be the only thing going down," she said. Taylor gave each man a tender kiss that packed the heat of a Scotch bonnet before descending to her knees.

She stared up at Jim and Henry, a lusty glee in her eyes as she free their cocks and pull their pants down. Both men moaned loudly as Taylor's soft hands began to pump their cocks. Softly at first for both, stopping for a few unbearably wonderful moment as she ran her thumb in circles on the glans of their dicks.

While Taylor did enjoy giving handjobs, they were always just a lead up. Rarely would she think of finishing off anyone with one. No, she had something else in mind and her mouth watering at the thought.

Henry moaned as Taylor took his cock in her mouth. It wasn't a conscious choice or one of preference. Both pistols looked delightful to Taylor. It was just the one she went to first.

"Oh god damn it yes... " Henry groaned. He put his hands behind his back, gladly letting Taylor take the steering wheel in full. That was how he like d his suckjobs. Let the woman do the work while he received all the benefits. It wasn't selfish. Oral sex was always about the pleasure you could give the other person. He'd just be interfering in all the good work Taylor was doing.

And that work was nothing less than oral mastery. One the first pass Taylor had taken Henry all the way into her throat, holding him there for a few moments of ecstasy before pulling off him completely. Taylor extended her tongue onto Henry engorged cockhead and licked all the way down to the base. She looked up at him and released a confident laugh as she moved down to his balls.

Henry hissed, breathing in hard through his teeth as Taylor licked his balls, giving him a hot little tongue bath before completely sucking on his balls. All the while her hand was still pumping Jim's cock expertly, never missing a beat. While he's much rather have her mouth he couldn't deny that she knew how to handle a cock.

When Taylor was done with Henry's balls she licked back up his stalk until she once more reached that throbbing crown and wrapped her red lips around hit sucked hard and twirling her otherworldly tongue around it before beginning to bob her head back and forth on his dick.

Henry was in paradise. Taylor was in full control of her suckjob and Henry was reaping every last benefit of that. There wasn't a movement she was doing that was wasted. Her tongue was a live wire, send shock and sparks of pure pleasure to every nerve ending on his pole.

Henry and Taylor weren't the only people in the room however, so Taylor departed Henry's cock for a short while, giving the mushroom tip a quick kiss goodbye before she turned her attention to Jim, who was very ready and willing.

Jim was a very different lover than Henry, Taylor could sense it. She could just tell. That was what drew her to him. It was never that much fun to have two of the exact same type of lovers at the same time. Variety was too much fun. Where Henry was more than willing to let Taylor completely take the lead in sucking his cock Jim was a horse of a different color.

The moment her felt Taylor's lips on his cock, Jim's hands dart down to her head. He ran his fingers through those luscious golden locks and knocking her devil horn headband off of her head. Taylor didn't mind. The costume had done its job.

Jim groaned, urging Taylor on as he guided her up and down his cock. "Fuck yeah baby... suck it just like that," he said. He wasn't exactly fucking her face, just giving her a full map on where he wanted her to go. Taylor was very game. It was all part of the fun. She loved being in control but she didn't mind giving it up as long as the guy wasn't an asshole. Jim was passing that test. He wasn't using her. He was working with her to get off.

It wasn't like Taylor was being completely passive though. While Jim guided her up and down his cock her hands played the role of back-up. She caressed his legs then teased his balls, lightly running her red nails on them before softly tugging. It was the perfect compliment to how Jim wanted to be sucked.

Taylor went back and forth between her men. Whenever one wasn't being sucked he got a wonderful show along with an expert handjob. It was all building to a crescendo, though not an explosive one. That would be later.

Taylor stuffed both cocks in her mouth for a few moments before drawing them both out. She looked at them both, her tongue curling up over her teeth.

"Pick a number," she said, pumping their hard cocks. "Between one and twenty."

"Seven," Jim said.

"Thirteen," said Henry.

"Spot on Mr. Bond," Taylor said with a wink. She got to her feet and stepped out of her costume completely. "You get me first. But don't worry Jim. I have something to keep you busy as well." Taylor licked her lips, letting him know he was going to be out in the cold.

She led them to the bed room and laid back on the bed. She leaned on her elbows, looking at Henry directly. Her legs were open and inviting, showing off her glistening slit. She was very ready.

"Strip," she said. "Both of you. And come here." Jim and Henry shed their clothes in what had to be a record-breaking amount of time. Then Henry made his way to his destination, slithering up Taylor's body, his hard cock rubbing against her thighs.

"Oh yesss baby," Taylor moaned. She licked her lips, eyes on Henry's as his cock filled her hot and wet cunt. "Feels so fucking good in me... fuck me... fuck me now Henry!"

Taylor locked her legs around his waist, pulling him nice and close as Henry began to take her pussy. Taylor moaned into his mouth when he kissed her, sucking his tongue as she had his cock until the kiss broke.

Unlike when she sucked him, Henry was taking a lot more charge of the actual sex, Setting the pace with deep, medium strokes into Taylor's perfect pussy, working his hips with every thrust to feel every delightful inch of her velvet crevice.

"Just like that... right there," she panted. She loving this. But this wasn't a two-person dance. Taylor's eyes drifted up and to her side to a waiting and kneeling Jim, hard cock in hand and ready for some kind of attention. "Bring it here," Taylor said. Once Jim's cock was in the orbit of Taylor mouth, she sucked her head in/ It wasn't near the tier it was before, but it wasn't meant to be. It was meant to be just enough to keep his juices flowing while Taylor was fucked by Henry.

Taylor removed her mouth from Jim's cock to give Henry some verbal encouragement. "Harder now," she said. "COme on baby... give it to me... fuck me... everything you got... keep going..just like that!"

Henry sped up, his words reduced to growls as he drove into Taylor just as she had asked. Harder, hungrier, deeper. Every inch, every last bit of desire he could muster went into every thrust. His lips went all over from her lips to her tits leaving her skin coated in a mix of sweat and saliva. They could both feel the heat, tingling just beneath the surface for them both. That was how Taylor knew it was time for Jim to get a little more love.

"Pull out baby," she said. "I think Jimmy here deserves some love." Henry nodded, kissing Taylor before pulled out of her well fucked slit. Jim began to get into position himself, but was paused by Taylor. "Not quite baby. Lay down."

Jim grinned and laid himself down on the bed. Henry rolled off the bed, taking a seat in a nearby chair facing it. He liked to watch. That was no problem for Taylor. She liked being watched.

Taylor lowered herself on to Jim's waiting cock, the pair giving a low sensual moan as Taylor was filled. "Mmmm Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy," Taylor said. "Your cock feels so good baby. So nice inside my pussy. How does it feel? My tight cunt covering your dick?"

"SO fucking good," he said. "Better than I could have imagined."

"Imagined?" Taylor asked. "You fantasized about me? Play with your cock, thinking about fucking me?" Taylor began to move on his cock as she teased him with these questions. "Stroking yourself imagining it was my pussy? Now you've got the real thing... enjoy it."

Jim was doing just that, running his hands up and down Taylor hips while she took the reigns. Much like Henry, his attitude during the blowjob much different than during the full on act of sex. He was more than ready to let Taylor take control, sit back and let this blonde goddess do what she clearly knew how to do so well.

ANd that's exactly what Taylor did. She worked and grooved her pussy on his dick, riding it slow and sweet but not neglecting just the right amount of spice and show.

Taylor's hands ran up and down her body. They glided over her stomach, fondled her tits and ran through her own blonde locks. She was giving Jim a show as she road him, though Henry was enjoying it as well, stroking himself off as Taylor fucked the other man. The occasional flashes of her sapphire gaze to him giving him an extra charge.

"Mmmm Jimmy... oh baby... I love this cock baby... love using it... " Taylor moans had a wonderful melody to them. Her voice was soft and sweet as her pace increased. Jim's hands began to grip her hips, thrusting up and meeting Taylor movement for movement.


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