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Mrs. Ferguson

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The boss mistreated her employees, and deserved a punishment.
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I was excited. I got accepted to work in one of the most lucrative graphic design places in New York. Since high school, I was determined to be a designer; the best-known firms were in New York City.

I grew up in Miami and completed my MGD at North Carolina State University. After finishing, I returned home and got two offers from firms in Miami, but the Big Apple attracted me more.

My parents tried to convince me to stay in town - 'Miami is beautiful, the weather is much better here, and we have the right connections.' I appreciated their love and wanting me to be around. However, I wished to do it on my own.

Monday morning, I flew to New York and experienced for the first time the traffic jams, the curses, and the lack of respect for pedestrians. Well, there was much to learn.

I took a taxi to my new workplace and met a short, chubby, young guy by the door. I introduced myself, "Hi, I am the new hire, Juan. Do you know who I need to talk to?"

He smiled, "Nice to meet you, Juan. My name is John. I heard you were arriving today. Unfortunately, several people are out. You, Chuck, who is sick today, and I will work on specific projects as a team. I want you to meet Tess, who serves as a secretary, an assistant, and a communicator with the higher-ups on the food chain."

Next, I met a lovely young girl. I introduced myself, and she whistled. I laughed, "Is this the New York way of welcoming a new guy?"

She blushed, "Well... Not always."

John broke the silence, "Let me show you the room where we do most of our designs."

It was a medium-sized area with four desks, comfortable swivel chairs, pencils, colored pens, and top-of-the-line laptop computers with sophisticated software, some of which I never heard about before. The walls were covered with works that made this place famous - Logotypes, toy covers, food wraps, beer cans... I was impressed.

John let me explore the working area for ten minutes, then grabbed my arm, "Hey, buddy, today you are here to get a first impression. Now tell me, do you have a place to live?"

"I paid three months in advance for a room I saw only virtually. I planned to go there after I was done and introduce myself. My stuff will arrive in two days."

John smiled, "You are new here. Let's go together and check your room. Here in town, people 'forget' to mention what is wrong with the room and the extra expenses you'll be asked to pay for services."

"John, you are very nice, but I am sure you have better things to do than waste your time accompanying me."

"Juan, if we are a team, that's like the Musketeers in France; 'All for one and one for all.' If you start working with us and your landlord will make your life miserable, the team's work will suffer. Let's go."

The room was in a nice area of Brooklyn - In the west part of Williamsburg. The house was newly renovated. The landlord lived in the adjacent building. He was around 50 years old and a smooth talker. The room was one of three in the same apartment.

John asked, "Sir, what are the expenses my friend here has to pay?"

"Not much, really. His share of the weekly work by the gardener, security of the building, storage fee, city taxes, and then the usual - Electricity, water - You know..."

John looked at me. I said nothing. He turned to the landlord, "Sir, if I understood correctly, he paid three months in advance. Some of the fees you mentioned pertain to people renting for a shorter time. Juan, let me show you a better room two blocks from here."

The guy jumped, "OK, you look like a nice person. I'll cut the extra expenses by half, but I do not want to see violence or drugs around here."

I smiled, "Of course not."

We left the landlord and entered my room. John asked if I had everything I needed until my luggage arrived. The room had a flat-screen TV, a queen-sized bed, new sheets, a blanket, a pillow, and two towels. "John, I'll go to the nearest supermarket and buy something to eat and drink, otherwise I am fine. Thank you very much for your help today."

He chuckled, "Oh, shut up. I'll see you tomorrow around 8:30 am."


The following morning, I woke up early. I ate cereal and drank coffee. Despite the crowded subway, the ride was OK, and more importantly, it took less time than I thought.

When I entered, Tess grinned, "Juan, it's your first official day. I brought donuts. Do you want coffee? Tea? Anything more personal?..."

I laughed, "Tess, you are very nice, but not now."

I saw John with another guy at one of the desks. He introduced me to Chuck, "This is Juan, he is an illegal alien, but don't tell anybody... And this is Chuck. He is a total jerk that I must tolerate too many hours daily!"

I stared at Chuck, "Is John ever serious?"

He sighed, "Unfortunately not. Since he was appointed the team captain, 15 minutes ago by Tess, he thinks he is a genius."

In the next 10 minutes, the two buddies roasted each other nonstop. I liked them. Neither one took himself too seriously. And Tess, too. She was busier at her desk, answering the phones and typing documents, but when she was free, she joined us.

I asked, "I see we have time to chat and laugh. What about work?"

John turned to Chuck, "Look at the workaholic we hired..." Then he chortled, "Last week, we finished a large, successful project, so we got three days to enjoy. We have two additional projects that are in the planning mode. I'll tell you about them in the afternoon. Take your time, and enjoy a donut with coffee. Once the enslaver returned from vacation, you can forget about free time."

I wasn't sure what John was talking about, but I trusted him to explain once the time was right.

Chuck showed me the new projects. The first was requested by a fast food restaurant for their newly created sandwiches. The other was intended for a car shop to promote their recent sale. He led me to a drawer, where several draft designs were done with a pencil.

I gazed at him, "I think you have good ideas. I am surprised you are not doing it on your computer."

He answered embarrassingly, "I should. I studied in a small place in Kenya, and they started using computers for our profession later. So I got used to starting with pencil and put it on the computer in the more advanced stages."

The whole day, we discussed Miami, why I should hate New York City, and Tess's new blue lipstick... It was fun, and I bonded quickly with all three of them. Early afternoon, I got a text that my luggage would arrive later today.

I was back home at 5 pm. My stuff came an hour later. It took me half an hour to arrange my clothes, extra sheets, and towels. I was grateful to Mom. She suggested sending only a little - If anything else was needed, she could send other stuff later, or I could buy them here.

On Wednesday, we began thinking about the two new assignments. At first, each one worked separately. We wanted to come up with different ideas and later focus on the more appealing ones. In the afternoon, we convened together. The best designs were John's.

Chuck smiled, "Juan, it proves a point; Even a moron can rarely come up with great suggestions!"

John grinned, "Chuck, admit it. I am a genius, and your real job here was supposed to be shining my shoes..."

We all laughed. Later, we copied John's designs, and each one tried to improve them with different backgrounds, letter placement, and minor adjustments.

Ultimately, we came up with two designs for the fast food place and three for the car shop.

Before I left home, Chuck reminded John to talk to me about Mrs. Ferguson. John looked at me up and down and back up. He sighed, "Chuck is right. Tomorrow morning, I'll update you about our manager."


The following morning, after the coffee, the four of us sat to discuss Mrs. Ferguson. I had no idea what they were talking about, although I knew Mr. Ferguson was the head honcho.

John glanced at me, "Juan, there are things they neglect to mention when you apply for a new job. In our company, the boss is Mr. Ferguson, but his office is in another building. He is a savvy 62-year-old businessman. His second wife, Sherry, Mrs. Ferguson, is a 38-year-old bimbo. She underwent breast enhancement surgery, lip augment surgery, and botox treatments. He loves her, and she loves his money. She was put as our manager. Mrs. Ferguson treats us like slaves. She counts the minutes we spend eating and in the bathroom, complains about our clothes, and is very bitchy all the time. She refused to celebrate our last successful project because she promised the company it would be ready in two weeks, and we were three days late. The customers didn't care about the extra time and gave us a bonus, which she took to herself. We all hate her. Mrs. Ferguson's Achilles heel is handsome, dark-skinned guys. During the years I have worked here, three guys fit the description. She bedded two. The third one refused her advances and was fired a week later. Now I get to the fun part: You are dark-skinned and handsome."

Tess cut him off, "And you forgot to mention the deep-blue eyes!..."

We, the guys, laughed, and Tess blushed.

I knew well what they were talking about. I inherited my dark skin from my Cuban father and the blue eyes from my Mom, who had Norwegian parents. Girls went gaga over me in Miami, and I dated many of them. My last girlfriend was the prettiest cheerleader at North Carolina State University. She cried when I left, but I didn't love her enough to marry her, and we were too far apart.

I stared at my three buddies, "What do you recommend I do?"

"In the first few days, treat her as a manager. Be nice and prove to her you deserve to be on our team. Next, observe how she treats us. My hunch is that she will treat you much better, and soon, she will try to seduce you."

"I don't get it - She works here and is married to the big boss. How come he never found out about her escapades? Isn't she embarrassed doing it with other company employees knowing her secret?"

Chuck blurted, "Juan, you are too naive. She knows we'll never tell him. The company pays well above average salaries compared to similar companies, and she is the REAL boss around here. As long as the company is doing well financially and he does not know about her shenanigans, he lets her run the show. She whips us and gets results. He sees the results."

I looked at my new friends, "Guys, you helped me in my first few days, and I'll never forget it. If what you are saying about Mrs. Ferguson trying to jump my bones, I'll devise a plan, but let's ensure that our assignments are accomplished."


Mrs. Ferguson showed up to work Friday at 10 am. Tess offered her coffee. She took it without saying a word. And then she saw me.

She approached me with a smile, "Are you Juan, the new designer."

"Yes, ma'am. Nice to meet you. I started four days ago. The team of John, Chuck, and Tess is excellent. I like every one of them."

Her smile disappeared, "They are not bad, but they can be better. I need to make some phone calls and talk to you later."

As she walked to the nearby room, I gazed at her. She was in her late thirties. Every plastic surgery and enhancement was supposed to make her look younger and sexier. I was not impressed. I never liked fake tits. At most, they look good when the woman is dressed, but touching it... Her lips were too full. I didn't notice a single wrinkle on her face. The long hair was blondish-white. Definitely bleached. I wondered how she looked before she made the changes.

We sat in front of a board, and each tried to improve the car's commercial design. At one point, John went to the bathroom. I noticed Mrs. Ferguson approach him, pointing to her watch. He came back 10 minutes later. She glanced at him and scribbled something.

I went to the toilet a short time later. Mrs. Ferguson smiled broadly, "It's nice to see a new face around here. Tell me if you get any trouble from anyone, and I'll handle it."

I grinned, "There is no need. All three of them are nice and helpful. They seem to like each other and work together as a great team."

"Listen, later, before you leave, come to my office. There is something I want to tell you."

"I'll be there."

Everybody left at 5. I waited for them to leave and went to Mrs. Ferguson's office.

She smiled, "Juan, I watched you. You bonded well with our team. That is good news. We need highly motivated employees here. When we hire a new employee, my husband and I take him to a restaurant to discuss our goals and determine the employees' expectations. Can we do it tomorrow evening, let's say 7 pm?"

"I didn't know about this tradition, but I'll be happy to."

"Give me your phone number, and I'll text you the details later."

"OK, and thank you. I'll also be happy to meet your husband."

I left. Her text with the place and time arrived when I opened my door.


Saturday, I dressed nicely, adding a jacket and a tie to my regular clothes, hoping to make a good impression on the boss. Because of the traffic, I arrived 10 minutes later. I saw HER sitting at a corner table for two.

"Mrs. Ferguson, where is your husband?"

"He had a mild stomach flu, so he elected to stay home and asked me to apologize and represent him."

Her game became apparent, and I decided to play it. For now.

"Juan, tell me about yourself. You look Latin, but your eyes are blue. It's a very unusual combination. I am sure girls find you very attractive. Are you married?"

"Not yet."

"Did you bring your girlfriend with you?"

Her efforts to discover if I was married or had a girlfriend were transparent. It amazed me she didn't try to be more subtle about it.

"No, Mrs. Ferguson, we terminated our relationship once I moved to New York. She is In North Carolina, and bringing her here would have been impractical."

Her eyes lighted, "Listen, your application and watching you work today convinced me that you'll be a good asset to our company. My husband always accepts my recommendations. So your future with us is secure. By the way, Harry, Mr. Ferguson, and I plan to go to a bar next weekend. Since he didn't feel well this evening, it will be your opportunity to meet him there. He is always in a good mood after drinking a couple of beers."

"Mrs. Ferguson..."

"Please, call me Sherry when we are not at work."

"Mrs Ferg... Sherry, I hate to bother you two when you are out on a date."

"Don't be silly; it will be fun."

"OK, but if your husband won't be happy about it, you'd tell him it was your idea?"

She laughed, "Sure."

I gave up, "Let me know when and where. I'll try to be on time."


Mrs. Ferguson's behavior in the following days verified what John told me about her. While she went out of her way to be extra nice to me, all three others on my team were scared to death when she was around. She deducted pay from Chuck for spilling several drops of coffee on the floor, even though he cleaned it immediately. She told Tess to leave early and removed 3 hours of pay for having two minor grammatical mistakes on a letter she typed. And she was even worse with John; he drew a woman who looked slightly like her on one of his car proposals. She got a fit and removed him from this assignment, telling him his salary would be cut by half because he was doing half the team assignments.

After she left the room, the two Musketeers started laughing nervously, and Tess complained, "We don't know if we like you or hate you. You are nice and helpful, but watching the bitch taking everything on us and sparing you begins to hurt..."

We sat silently for a few minutes, and I suggested, "Let's relax. After work, we can go to a bar, get drunk, and vent. I hate the dragon lady, Just like you. I am still thinking of a plan for a payback. In the bar, after having alcohol, we'll have a better chance of finding a way to make her a better person or even submit to us."

Chuck laughed bitterly, "I doubt it. She is immune to everything. Her husband gives her a free hand, and she uses it to get the best of us and humiliate us!"

"Guys, stop being defitists. In the worst-case scenario, we come up with nothing. Simply being in a bar with friends is fun anyway..."


We were heavily under the influence an hour after arriving at the bar.

I turned to John, "The drawing of a woman who looked like Mrs. Ferguson - Was it intentional?"

He smirked, "Of course not! I'd rather see Mrs. Ferguson like that." He grabbed a napkin, and five minutes later, we saw a drawing of a naked Mrs. Ferguson riding a horse. "In my worst nightmares, I see her as Lady Godiva, riding a horse while naked."

I chuckled, "Would you like to see her naked?"

"Yes, I would. I am curious to explore what kind of body she has after spending Mr. Ferguson's money on plastic surgeries..."

"And what will you do once you see her silicon-supported tits and botox-filled lips before you?"

"I'll probably pinch her nipples hard and make her suck my fat cock."

I glanced at Chuck, "Chucky, you don't talk much, but you hate her too. What would you like to do if she stayed naked right here?"

"She can start by blowing me, and then I'll fuck her doggy style."

"Tess, you have the last word. Mrs. Ferguson is naked. What's next?"

"I agree the bitch's humongous lips are perfect for sucking, so she can start by working on my cunt. After I cum, she can use the same lips to kiss my ass..."

We laughed, and John mumbled, "It's nice to fantasize..."


Saturday afternoon, I dressed nicely, curious to see our boss. More importantly, the guy who married Lilith...

I arrived at the bar and waited for 10 minutes. A limo opened by the entrance, and a chauffeur opened the door for Mrs. Ferguson. Then he closed the door and drove away. I approached her, "Ma'am, where is your husband?"

"He had an urgent long-distance phone call to make. He said he'd join us soon."

We entered the noisy place. A big guy led us to a table for two in a dark corner."

"Mrs. Ferguson, Sherry, what would you drink?"

"Bring me a Southern Comfort Old Fashioned."

After ordering, I looked at her. From afar, she looked like a blond sex doll. Every curve in her body was exaggerated - Her chest too protruding, her ass too large and voluptuous, her lips too full...

The barman interrupted my thoughts, "Sir, here are your Southern Comfort and the two Heinekens."

I went back to the table.

She chugged from her glass and smiled, "I saw you ogle me. Did you like what you saw?"

I thought quickly of the correct answer, "Sherry, you look fantastic. I was thinking you could get anyone you wanted. Mr. Ferguson may be slightly too old for you. Is your love for him that strong?"

She grinned, "You are young and innocent. Love is a big word. Attraction has nothing to do with age. For example, I find YOU very handsome and younger than me."

I stayed quiet, and she continued, "The way you stared at me from the bar suggested you find me... interesting. Don't you?"

Another land mine I had to bypass the right way.

"Sherry, you look good if that's what you ask me."

I noticed her glass was empty. I jumped on the opportunity, "Shall I bring you another glass of the same or something else?"

"Ask the barman if he can make me a cocktail with a combination of whiskey or bourbon with rum."

I went to the bar the second time and noticed a middle-aged guy sitting in my seat, trying to talk to her. She said something, and he ran away as if bit by a snake. She saw me watching them and smiled sweetly.

I arrived with a mysterious cocktail. She tasted and liked it.

Her eyes became glazed. She bent in my direction, and her tits almost fell off her generous cleavage, "Juan, the guy asked if he could sit here. I told him you are my date, and I intend to seduce you for an intimate encounter. If he interfered, I'd tell the barman he tried to rape me... Will you be my date?"

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