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My Best Friend’s Girlfriend Ch. 02

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When friend's become your worst enemies.
12.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/14/2022
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We both slept in on Sunday, it was almost lunchtime before we were both up and showered. I made some bacon and eggs for us both, along with a fresh cup of coffee. We sat there largely in silence as we began eating, I'm sure we were both wondering if the other was going to bring up last night. I figured I'd be the one to break the ice.

"So, do you have any other secrets you want to share with me this morning?"

"Oh, God. I was so drunk last night."

"Are you saying you didn't mean what you said then?"

"No, Yes. I mean, I did mean what I said. Not sure I should've said it though."

"Maybe it's better it's out in the open. We don't have to pretend we don't feel the way we do."

"Yeah, but what now?"

"What do you mean?" As I kept eating my bacon.

"You said last night that we should take it slow. What does that mean exactly?"

"That we shouldn't rush into being back together again. You just broke up with Dan only two days ago. You need some time to get over that, I don't want to be anyone's rebound guy."

"Believe it or not, I think he was my rebound guy for you. Granted, it was two years later, but that's kind of how it felt."

I nodded at Leah while continuing with my meal.

"I just think we should try being friends first and see how we go." I told her.

"Are you friend-zoning me? Seriously? Do you even really want to get back together at all?"

"Yes I do, and I'm not friend-zoning you. I just want to make sure we do it right, when it's right. I know you're hurting and angry with Dan right now, that's not the time I want us to be getting together. I don't want you thinking about him at all when we do."

Leah went back to eating her meal without responding. It might be easier for her to jump straight into a new relationship to help forget the old one, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted us to start again with a clean slate.

On the Monday after work, Leah took her first load of stuff to her parent's place in Newport before returning for the night.

"Are you hungry, did you have anything to eat at your parent's place?"

"Yeah, Mom fed me, I'm fine."

"Do you want a drink then?"

"Another hot chocolate would be really nice."

"Coming up."

As we sat back down in the lounge room with our drinks, I looked over at Leah, she appeared to be in deep thought.

"A penny for your thoughts."

Leah looked up at me and smiled.

"I was just thinking about the fact that I'm going to be living with my parent's again, like I was back in high school, like I did after we split up. That I've gone to college, I have a successful career, and yet I'm going to be living with my parents back in Newport again."

"It's only temporary, until you find a place here. It's not the end of the world."

"Yeah I know, I just like being independent. I don't like that any bump in the road and I end up running back to them every time."

"Just be thankful that we both have parents we can run back to."

"I do appreciate that, believe me. And they didn't ask too many questions about my breakup either, although that might have to do with the fact that they know I'm staying here tonight."

"Why would that make a difference?"

"Are you kidding me? I think my Mom would've married you if I didn't. She wanted me to go to London with you too, you know. Dad kept out of that discussion, but Mom thought I made the wrong decision. Maybe they think that if I might get back with you, they won't care about what happened with Dan."

"They didn't like Dan?"

"Mom was pretty cold towards him once we got together, she was a lot nicer to him before when he was just our friend. I don't think Dad trusted him at all, and he's a pretty good judge of character."

"It would appear so."

"Anyway, I'm going to have to look for an apartment this Saturday. Care to help me?"

"For sure, after you helped me with my apartment, how could I refuse."

"I was hoping you'd help me to find something close by. Walking distance. By the way, when are you going to get yourself a car?"

"Not sure, I'm used to not having one now. Besides, I get to use the company car sometimes as well, but not really for personal use."

"Well, if you help find me something close by, then I can always drive you around if you need me to."

"Yeah, that'd be nice. You know Bianca lives pretty close to here, did you think about sharing with her?"

"I didn't want to ask, we just made up after two years and she lives with David. I'd feel like I'd be intruding."

"How about if I float the idea with her? Maybe they could do with a roommate. Who knows, maybe it won't be for that long anyway."

"Alright, go ahead and ask her, but don't tell her that I asked you to, okay?"

I nodded back to Leah before we finished our hot chocolates. She then made her way to the bedroom to get some sleep while I watched a bit of TV before getting some sleep on the couch myself.

The next evening Leah came back to my apartment after work to collect the rest of her stuff and I helped load them into her car. We were standing out on the footpath, Leah needed to get going soon as it was looking like a storm was coming.

"Thanks Jack, for being there for me for the last few days. I won't forget it."

"Come on, this isn't a farewell you know. I do love you. I'm going to be seeing you a lot, and I mean a lot, okay?"

"I'm going to hold you to that promise. Do you want to have drinks this Friday? Same bar again?"

"Yeah, it's a date."

"Is it really, a date?"

"Yep, for sure."

"What happened to taking it slow?"

"We are, I didn't say anything about us not dating in taking it slow. I want to make sure you don't meet someone else."

"You don't have to worry about that. Okay, I better get going before the storm hits."

"Bye Leah."

"Goodbye Jack."

On Thursday morning I texted Bianca to see if she had time to catch up for a coffee during the morning, and we agreed to meet at my favorite café that we met at when I first got home.

"Hi Jack, I actually like this place, maybe it might become my new workplace café from now on."

"Well, if you make it your regular, you can have coffee or lunch with me more often."

"So, Leah's back at her parent's, she seemed to be settling in fine when I spoke to her last night. How about you, do you miss her not being at your place now?"

"I have to admit it was nice having her there, but frustrating at the same time."

"What, did you find it hard to not tell her you still love her or something?"

"No, I told her that already. I just want us to take it slow, but that's the frustrating part because I also want to just rip her clothes off."

"I'm glad you told her though, how did she handle it, you telling her that you love her?"

"She'd already told me she was still in love with me too, although that was meant to be our drunk secret."

"You two are way too sweet. What's with the whole 'taking it slow' thing anyway?"

I started to laugh at Bianca's question.

"That's exactly what Leah asked me. I just don't want to jump straight in right after her breaking up with Dan. I don't want it to look like I'm stealing her from him. That's not what I'm doing."

"I don't know why you give a damn about what Dan might think, seriously. You're in love with Leah, and he treated her like shit. At some point you're going to have to determine what's more important to you, your relationship with Leah or your friendship with Dan, and I don't think you'll be able to have both."

"Why not?"

"Well, you won't be able to spend time with him around either Leah or myself. Also, Leah probably won't want you having anything to do with him, she might not tell you that, but you can be damn sure she'll be thinking it."

"Okay, maybe you have some good points, but he's been my best friend for most of my life, I can't just ditch on him that easy."

"Jack, how many times did he call you when you where in London? Did he bother to tell you that he was sleeping with the girl you had planned to marry? I know that when he was with me, he never mentioned you at all once you left, not once. It wouldn't have bothered him if you never came home at all, so why do you care about him now?"

"Alright, let's drop it please."

Bianca sat there shaking her head at me, she knew I'd probably still reach out to Dan sooner or later.

"Hey, speaking of best friends, Leah and I are going for drinks tomorrow night, care to join us?"

"Of course, same place?"

"Yeah. We're also going apartment hunting for her on Saturday, but I was wondering something. You do have a spare bedroom in your apartment, right?"

"Yes we do, what are you thinking? That Leah should move in with David and me when you have a perfectly good bed that you can share with her?"

"It'd only be for a little while, until she moves back in with me."

"For fuck's sake Jack, I don't understand why you just didn't get her to stay with you. Yes, I know, taking it slow bullshit, but that's just so that you can feel like you're not doing the dirty on Dan. You're forgetting he fucked around on her, it shouldn't matter what he thinks."

"Can she move in with you guys or not?"

Bianca looked at me with that cold stare of hers, then shook her head at me again.

"Alright, I need to check with David first though. So, wait until I text you later before you say anything to her."

"You're a champ. Maybe you can bring it up with Leah tomorrow night? You two can decide the rest from there."

"Alright. I need to get back to work, do you want to have coffee here the same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Jack."


When I was leaving work to go home, I got a text from Katrina asking me if I was up for some fun tonight. I'd forgotten all about her since the weekend. I was going to have to end it with her, but I didn't want to do it by text. So, I asked her if she could meet me at Tom's bar shortly, and she agreed.

When I got there, I said hello to Tom and got myself a beer. Shortly after Katrina sat down to join me at my table.

"Hey Jack, how's your week been?"

"Hi Kat, it's been eventful to say the least."

"Anything interesting?"

"Well, Leah found out about Dan and Claire, so now they've broken up."

"Really? Claire didn't mention anything, and Dan was here last night with her too. In fact, she's supposed to be meeting him here tonight shortly as well."

"Yeah well, that's Dan I guess."

"So, Leah was the girl you were going to marry, right?"

"That's right."

"Do you still care for her?"

"I do, very much."

Kat sat back in her chair, eyebrows raised.

"So, I'm assuming you're here to tell me that we're not going to be having any more fun then?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to text you that, I needed to speak to you in person."

"Thanks Jack, for being honest about it, and for not being an asshole."

"It's the least I could do, you've been great with me."

"Well, this has been the nicest 'I don't want to fuck you anymore' talk I've ever had."

I started to laugh before standing up from the table.

"Well, this is goodbye then Kat. I hope you enjoy New York."

Kat stood up and hugged me, before giving me a quick kiss on my lips.

"Goodbye Jack, it's been fun. If things don't work out with Leah, you know where to find me, okay?"

"For sure. Bye Katrina."

I said goodbye to Tom on my way out of the bar and headed home.

On Friday night we all enjoyed dinner and drinks together, after dinner I noticed Bianca and Leah talking off to the side before smiling and hugging each other. I think Leah has just found a new place to live.

Saturday became move day instead of apartment hunting day, the four of us helped to move Leah in with Bianca and David. We celebrated the move with drinks on Saturday night at their place, I was glad they were only a few blocks from my apartment so that my drunk walk home wasn't too bad.

The next few weeks I took Leah out on several dates, usually dinner or to watch a movie. For our last date, I cooked her dinner at my place, then we snuggled together on the couch with a glass of wine. It quickly turned into a make-out session, but that's as far as it went.

I still hadn't heard from Dan at this point, and I hadn't reached out to him either. I was in two minds about seeing how he was, I knew he was still seeing Claire after Leah left him, so I wasn't worried about him being heartbroken over his break-up. I wasn't sure I wanted to give up on almost twenty years of friendship though.

So, I texted Dan, asking how he was and if he was ready to have a beer and talk about things yet. I got no response from him, so I figured I would leave it with him if he wanted to get together sometime.

This weekend was the date that would've been the fourth anniversary of my marriage to Leah, the marriage that never happened. It was playing on my mind, I needed to decide if Leah and I could start to have a real relationship together again, not just courting like we have been. It's been over three months since she left Dan. Yeah, it was time.

I booked a table for Saturday night at the restaurant where I clumsily proposed to Leah five years ago to the day, but this was going to be a different kind of proposal, one that would hopefully end up back in my bedroom.

As I walked up the stairs leading to their front door, I saw Leah standing in the doorway already. She looked fantastic, her hair was done up in a fancy braid and she wore an absolutely stunning dress, one that showed off her bust-line and sexy legs to great effect.

"Hi handsome, you look nice."

"My god Leah, you look stunning."

"Thanks, Bianca has been helping me to get ready for the last two hours, I hope you appreciate all the work she put in."

"Absolutely." As I leaned in and kissed Leah on her lips.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I'll just grab my keys, I won't be a moment."

"Leah, grab an overnight bag too, with a change of clothes."

Leah looked back at me, a little puzzled, then smiled, before she walked off towards her bedroom.

As I stood in the doorway of the apartment, Bianca walked out of the kitchen, seeing me standing there all dressed up for the night.

"Well, well, well. You do scrub up nicely."

"Thanks Bianca, and thanks for helping with Leah, she looks amazing."

Bianca came over and hugged me before speaking quietly to me.

"You do know what today's date is, don't you?"

"Our anniversary date, if we'd got married."

"I'm glad you remembered, Leah wanted to look special for you tonight because of that. I hope you're taking her somewhere nice Jack?"

"I am, the same restaurant that I proposed to her at five years ago now. Then I'm hoping we're going to spend the night together back at my place."

"That sounds fantastic. Can I ask if you're planning on, you know?"

"Yeah, although I can't believe I'm telling you that."

Bianca smiled at my answer and hugged me again. Leah then came back out carrying an overnight bag and we said our good-nights to Bianca and went out to Leah's car.

"So, where are we going?"

"Do you remember where we went this day five years ago?

Leah looked over at me with a little smile.

"You're not planning on proposing to me again, are you?"

"Well, not that kind of proposal, not yet anyway."

We enjoyed our meal, we then sat back enjoying our conversation with a glass of wine afterwards.

"Jack, you said you had some kind of proposal for me, and you asked me to bring a change of clothes. Am I assuming too much right now?"

"No, I don't think so. After our wine, I'd like to take you back to my place, and then spend the rest of the night fucking the hell out of you. That's my proposal."

Leah raised her eyebrows and gave me a gentle nod before waiving at the waiter.

"I don't think we need to finish the wine. I'd say we go home right now if you're ready."

I smiled at her, I was looking forward to this way more than I was letting on.

The moment we got inside my apartment, I embraced her and we kissed deeply, my hands wandering all over her body. Leah began to unbutton my shirt as we slowly began taking little steps towards my bedroom.

"Hold on a moment Jack, let me undo my dress, It's a bit tricky."

I continued to kiss Leah while she took her dress off, I'm assuming she was worried I would damage it being too hasty to get it off. I stood back to look at her, she was left wearing a sexy set of black lingerie. My god did I miss her, all of her. I slipped my shoes off and started on my pants as we entered my bedroom, Leah removed her lingerie as I removed my boxers. We were both standing naked in front of each other for the first time in four and half years.

"My god you're even hotter now than I remember."

"You're not so bad yourself, Jack. I'm glad to see you can still get hard just as quickly as always." As Leah stepped forward to grab my cock while planting a passionate kiss on my mouth.

I pushed her backwards onto the bed, moving in between her legs, again kissing her deeply as I pushed my hard cock inside of her. The feeling was sensational, Leah was right, it is different when it's with someone you love.

I had planned on taking it slow when I began to fuck her, I had imagined the whole scene playing out in my head a number of times already. But that's not how it went, I was fucking her as hard and as fast as I could. The passion of the moment, the build up to this point, the longing I had for her, it was overwhelming. We managed to keep our mouths locked together somehow while I fucked her as frantically as possible.

Within minutes I could feel myself ready to burst, it was pointless trying to stop it. It was one of the most intense orgasms I can ever remember, it felt like it went on for a good thirty seconds of total bliss. I laid down beside her when I was done, with Leah resting her head on my chest.

"You were excited for this weren't you? I can't remember you ever cumming this quick before."

"Yeah, I couldn't help that. Way too much build-up to this moment, and you're way too sexy as well."

"I'm glad you still find me that attractive."

"Are you kidding? You're the hottest, prettiest, sexiest woman I've ever known."

Leah smiled at that compliment and leaned over to kiss me.

"You're still the best fuck I've ever known. Although, I'm hoping for round two so you can remind me of how good you really are."

"Don't worry, give me a few minutes and there will be a round two and a round three, and possibly a round four."

That got a giggle out of Leah as she looked up at me with a loving smile across her face. We did then enjoy rounds two and three, although round four had to wait until the morning.

As we showered after our morning fuck, Leah was getting playful smacking my ass and giving me quick kisses all over. I continued to soap up her body, pretending to ignore her exploits, until she grabbed my cock and balls with both hands and demanded that she be kissed.

That kiss must have gone on for minutes, I didn't want it to stop. When we did finally break the kiss, we stood there under the warm water in a tight embrace for a great deal longer, it really did feel like this was us truly reconnecting as two people in love once again.

As I lay out on the couch after our shower enjoying a lazy Sunday morning, Leah walked back in carrying our coffees and placing them on the coffee table next to the couch.

"So, you better not tell me last night was a once off, that you still want to take it slow."

"Nah, I'm going to be fucking you every day from now until I'm too old to fuck anymore, and even then, I'll take pills to help me."

"I think that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." Leah replied in a mocking tone.

"Come here you." As I grabbed Leah and pulled her onto the couch with me.

"Be careful, don't knock the table!" Leah cried out in fake concern.

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