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My Big Titty Goth Roommate Ch. 05

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Alice lets her holes do the apologizing.
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"Wake up. Come on, wake up."

I groaned in protest, cracking one eye to peek at the alarm clock on Alice's nightstand. 6:17am.

"Go to sleep," I grumbled. My mouth felt like a desert, and my breath smelled worse.

Alice's hand shook me by the shoulder. "I want your cock, dummy. Wake the fuck up!"

"Too sleepy," I groaned, unwilling to roll towards her. I wasn't given the choice for much longer.

"Just...fucking...Here we go, come on big guy."

I moaned like a beached whale as Alice bodily pried me from the mattress, rolling me over onto my back in the pre-dawn half-light of another Spring morning. We'd given up the charade of sleeping in separate rooms for the last two or three weeks, pretending it was easier to fulfill her freeuse needs if I was already in the bed when I wanted her.

How the tables had turned. Like, immediately.

"Oh shut up," my older roommate insisted in a harsh whisper as she scrambled on top of me under the covers. "You don't even have to do anything except get - oh!" she exclaimed, reaching down between my legs. "You're already hard! Well, that's...that's a good boy."

I fought the urge to smile. Of course I was hard. You would be too in my shoes; a gorgeous Amazonian woman, 10 years your senior, nuzzling up against you first thing in the morning, buck ass naked, begging for your dick? You'd never stand a chance.

"I thought I'd have to stroke you just a little bit at least," she mused, guiding my cock up against her furry lips as I struggled to clear the cobwebs of deep slumber from my mind.

"You're more than welcome to," I joked, running my hands down her long, broad back and over her wide hips.

She laughed softly. "Shut up," she gasped, settling down onto me slowly.

"Oh God," I groaned. The snuggly comforting warmth of being right where I belonged washed over me, battering my grogginess aside in an instant. "How do you always feel so fucking good."

I finally managed to open my eyes. Alice's smile beamed at me from above as she slowly worked her hips under the covers; it was the kind she'd only just started treating me to recently. It was warm. Affectionate. Almost tender, for her anyway. She'd always been all of those things, almost since the word 'Go', but in her own way. Not openly, but reflected in the blunt, demanding way she tackled everything she did. Her affection was a sledgehammer blow between the eyes, forced onto you whether you looked for it or not. It was possessive in the strictest sense, and entirely uncompromising.

Only lately had her feelings felt like, well...feelings.

"It's- oh! It's because you're," she leaned in for a kiss, unafraid of my horrendous morning breath, "really fucking big, and I'm...Fuck!.. I'm really fucking tight."

I grinned at her, watching her pendulous tits bobbing in and out of peripheral view at the edge of my vision. "You definitely are!" I conceded, slapping her fat, tattooed ass lazily.

With a girlish squeal that nearly didn't suit her, Alice leaned in close against me, feasting on my neck, jaw, ears, and cheeks. I felt her feet curl under my calves as her arms hooked up under my shoulders. The merest rocking of her hips milked me gently while she made every effort to meld our bodies together.

Her sibilant whisper in my ear sent an involuntary shiver down my spine. "I'm so sorry I woke you up," she breathed, "I just had to have my fucking cock. I needed it. I woke up so wet for you, and I couldn't stop thinking about what you did to me last night." Her little side-to-side hip wiggle suggested that she'd enjoyed being bent over and completely broken all weekend, which I already knew. I wondered if I'd managed to leave a handprint, as she requested around the toy in her mouth last night.

"Such a good girl," I moaned, running my fingertips ever so lightly up and down her sides, across her back, over her shoulders, and down her thighs.

"That tickles," she muttered. I could hear the smile in her voice. This was so cozy.

Squeezing against me and nuzzling into my shoulder, Alice made it clear that she meant to rock herself back and forth slowly, quietly, and comfortably until somebody came. The soft squelches of her wet hole, hardly muted by the heavy cover, and her hot breath into my neck were the only sounds for long minutes. I stroked her hair softly and rubbed her back as she grunted against me.

It was entirely possible I might have loved her.

"Baby," she panted quietly, "I have to cum."

"What?" I asked, lost in the floaty daydream of doing this every morning, forever.

"I need to cum," she insisted. Something wet was already running down the crack of my ass and very likely making a little mess of her bedsheets. "Can I?"

She only asked when she was feeling subby, but I'd never say no to her. "What do you say?" I asked.

"Please..." she moaned urgently, crunching her forehead against me, hissing inwardly through clenched teeth as she took a painful handful of my hair.

I palmed the back of her head and wrapped my free arm around her, holding her fast, desperate to feel her whole body tremble against me when I finally granted her release. "Please what?"

"Please can I fucking CUM?" she begged.

"Of course you can."

"Unf!" she grunted, stomach clenching against me as her leglock tightened under my knees. Alice's wet vice grip palpated my cock rhythmically as her asshole puckered and relaxed in time. "Fuuuuuuuck," she moaned, bearing down through the entire thing. I scratched her little head with an extremely self-satisfied grin on my face.

I liked making her cum. I liked it a lot. "That's my good girl," I cooed. "That's my very, very good girl."

"Ugh," she panted. "So...fucking...good..."

Alice lay still against me, her back rising and falling with each quiet breath as her orgasm numbed to a fuzzy, contented afterglow. I tensed the muscles between my legs, twitching my cock inside of her to remind her that I was still there. I felt her grin against my neck.

"Sorry, baby boy," she mused. "You'll have to wait today." She leaned up, bare face radiant with the flush that only thorough release could provide. "I've gotta get to work, after all."

I was shocked, utterly. Alice had been out of work for weeks and weeks, with no viable opportunities in sight. What did a middle-aged goth with half a college diploma and nothing but a decade of bartending experience leverage herself into? Failing that, the real shock was that she'd played it so casually for so long; her joblessness had become a focal point of her daily routine. "Work?" I asked excitedly. Her face lit up at the excitement in my voice, giving way to embarrassed pride that she failed to mask.

"Shut up," she laughed, sliding off me and standing up at the edge of the bed while she fixed a ponytail into her short black hair. "It's kind of lame, but I gave in and called a temp agency. It's like a shitty little secretary thing. Office work, like you do."

"Alice," I said, "This is so good!" I flopped across the bed to kiss the tribal pattern tattooed across her womb, reaching out to pull her close before she could wiggle away. She reeked of sex.

"Don't get too excited," she said sternly, still failing to act like she wasn't proud of herself for keeping the secret. "You'll make me feel dumb; it's really just a shitty little thing to hold me over. I can't keep letting you buy the groceries around here."

I let her go, beaming at her like an idiot as she plopped herself down at her vanity to paint today's face on. Blueballs be damned, my Alice was okay again.

"When do you start?" I asked.

"They said to be there at 9:00; it's downtown but I don't have to leave here until after you're gone, so you'll beat me out of here."

"And when will you be home, young lady?"

She turned to face me with a wipe of some sort poised to scrub away whatever was left of last night's mess. "Why all the questions?" she joked.

"So I know when to order some celebratory dinner for; there's no way in hell you're working all day and then coming home to cook for me again."

"Awh, what's the matter; can't stand the thought of your little Stepfordized whore making an honest living AND taking care of you at the same time anymore?"

"Shut up," I laughed. I got to my feet and made for the bathroom, kissing her head on the way by. "I'm gonna grab a shower."

Alice looked at me with her devilish gleam. "Actually," she said, "I don't think you are. I'll clean you off after work if you're good."

"Al, I smell like pussy and dried cum!"

"Good," she mused, poking around in a mug full of makeup brushes. "Should keep the skanks you work with off my cock."


There were no skanks that I worked with. It was a real bone of contention for most of the guys in the office.

Which is entirely why word of the new temp spread like wildfire.

"Bro, did you see the new girl? Jesus fucking Christ on a fixed-gear bike, I'd kill a man just to sniff her chair."

"Get in line, dude, I already called my mom about her; the wedding's next year. You fucks aren't invited. I'm taking her last name."

"Shut up you goofy fuck; not one of you jackoffs even deserves to be in the same room as that ass, not to mention the rest of her."

"Do you think she'd peg me? I'd let her peg me. I'd let her split me open and thank her while she did it. I'd thank her dad for his service to this country."

"You'd let your own sister peg you just to feel a woman's touch, you absolute fucking weapon, simmer down!"

I laughed as I poured my coffee in the breakroom, listening to the rookies rib each other endlessly. "What're you chucklefucks all getting bent about now?"

Jeter turned to respond. "Dan, listen. You have to see this girl. Built solid, like a brick fucking shithouse, and tall too, like six foot at least. Real gloomy looking chick, all black everything with these giant holes in her ears that Pete could fit his pencil dick through." Pete pulled a face but knew better than to reply after revealing that he did, in fact, have a bit of a pencil dick at the Christmas party. "And tats too, fuckin' just...all over," he finished, running his hands all over himself in demonstration.

"Oh, damn," I said absently as I poured my creamer. "Sounds like a real..."

You had to be fucking kidding.

"Real hottie. Where's she at?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Sorry dude, she's already mine," Jeter quipped. "No eyeing the merchandise."

I faked my way along with their chuckles until someone obliged me. "She's over at the front desk. You should see the way her tits bounce when she gets up to make a copy. Just about ruined my slacks."

I pulled a convincing look of curious interest off and broke off from the crowd of dickheads. One of us would need to quit. "Your slacks were already ruined when you plucked them off the sale rack at fucking Wal-Mart, you goon. I'll see you guys later."

I said nothing when I reached Alice's desk, opting to wait until she noticed me. She was a bit of a shit receptionist; I chewed through a dozen jelly beans from the jar beside her telephone before she looked up.

Wide-eyed, Alice bit both lips together in a flat attempt at hiding her shock. Eventually, she tried to speak.

"No," I whispered, cutting her off. "Uh uh. Nope. Not a word. Listen to me. You don't know me. I don't know you. We cannot be here together, got it?"

Alice nodded, fighting a particularly ignorant, shit-eating grin. Of course she'd enjoy this.

"Good. Because if my boss finds out that I know you, live with you, or fuck you, then we'll have to sign a form saying we're dating. It's an insurance thing."

She nodded cartoonishly, flashing an 'ok' sign with her thumb and forefinger. "Right, oh yeah, insurance, for suuuuure."

"Al," I plead. "This is a good fucking job, and I'm lucky to have it, so unless you want the fucking sieve in HR to tell all the co-op kids that we're fucking, we need to be cool here."

She peeked around me and twiddled her fingers at a gaggle of ogling idiots halfway across the bullpen. One of them dribbled coffee out of his mouth when he smiled back at her, which she found endlessly amusing. "Oh, come on. They're harmless," she chuckled.

"They're idiots, but I'll be their boss in six months if things go well, and I need them to respect me for my work if I want that to happen. I can't afford to be the boss who fucks secretaries."

She pulled an indignant face and tapped the sign on her desktop. "Receptionist, thank you. And I better be the only one you're fucking."

I rolled my eyes so hard that little stars swam in my vision. At least Alice laughed.

"Don't worry," she said. "I'll be good."

"Thank you," I replied, turning to leave.

"Though," she called me back, "I might need some help in the storage closet later. There's a box that I need you to beat up for me." I shot her a warning look. "Sorry," she grinned, "lift up for me. It's real heavy."

"I'll see you at home," I threatened.

"Later, boss."


I did see her at home. I saw all of her at home. She was waiting for me when I got there.

"Jesus, Alice!"

Face down, ass all the way up, the woman's decorated butt faced the front door from our sectional sofa when I walked in. I pushed the thing shut quickly before a neighbor saw her on full display.

"Did you...is that oil on your ass?"

She turned her head, stretching her arms out and crossing them at the wrists in front of her, wiggling her toes at me. "How was work, honey bun?"

I dropped my bag and kicked off my shoes, undoing my belt in the same rush of activity. The glossy shine of whatever she'd greased herself up with caught the light of our open balcony door enticingly.

God, she had such a perfect ass.

My cock was hard before my trousers hit the floor. I couldn't wait long enough to lose the shirt, so it stayed on with my tie as I took my rightful place behind her.

Penance. This was penance. She'd pushed her luck, and was going to let her pussy do the work of making amends.

I nestled my cock between her lips, sliding the thing back and forth against her in an indulgent tease that was more for me than her. Tapping it against her twice, I withdrew and pressed my head against her; it's polite to knock, after all.

"Gonna fuck me, or stand there all night?" Alice teased.

I clapped a hand over the portrait of Frankenstein on her left hip, and my other over a cluster of roses on her right, slipping my cock into her with a huff.

"Mmmmm," she moaned. "That's what I thought."

"As if I'd come home with you laid out like this and not fuck you," I said, starting to draw long, slow thrusts in and out of her. Her only response was to cross her ankles between my knees and draw her arms in to use as a pillow. I couldn't see her face well enough through her mess of black hair, but I knew exactly what kind of self-satisfied grin she wore.

If she wanted to pay for being a brat, then I'd gladly oblige her.

"Fuck, Dan!" she moaned as I tested the limits of her hungry hole. "That's fucking deep!"

My thighs made a satisfying PLAP PLAP PLAP against her shiny ass while we fucked, with Alice throwing her oily butt back at me in perfect unison. The claps were surely audible to anyone who might walk past our door.

Her butt. Her big, round, dimply butt. So dense, so pale.

So naked.

I spread her cheeks wide while she moaned endlessly about the size of my cock, my balls slapping her clit, the way I stretched her out, and how much she loved being stuffed full of me.

I tuned it all out, pumping robotically and drinking in the sight of her scrumptious body wiggling and jiggling, her breathy moans piquing in little exasperated squeaks each time I bottomed out in her repentant pussy. I spat on her asshole.

"Baby! That's...OH!"

I hooked a thumb into her rear and made a show of hauling her back against my cock, plunging her pretty little asshole with the help of my own spit. I still patiently waited on the day she'd let me bury my cock in there, but she had no qualms about fingers and tongues.

"Dirty little thing, aren't you, hey? Getting fucked like this, with your ass stretching out for me? Is this what you wanted?"

Alice nodded her head, eyes screwed tightly shut as her hands scratched for purchase at the sofa cushion.

"Tell me."


"Yes, what?"

"I fucking love it, okay? I love feeling you so fucking deep inside me, pounding me with your fingers in my asshole. Now fucking give me!" She finished with a petulant moan, burying her face in a throw pillow.

Her vulnerable presentation, the greasy sheen of fragrant oil on her ass, the almost whiny demands, and the raw grip of her immaculate pussy were more than I was going to hold back from any longer.

"In you or on you?" I asked.

"IN ME!" she demanded, sounding genuinely upset that I was taking so long.

So I filled her up.

"FUuuUUuuCK!" she wailed, feeling herself mounted and stuffed all the more desperately as I tugged her back onto myself, basting her with the day's pent-up load as I grunted like an ape. "Give me give me give me!"

Spent, breathless, and exhausted, I let her fall forward off of me, hardly finding it in myself to care that she was leaking cum all over the sofa. She was too beautiful to disturb. I leaned in to plant an exaggerated kiss on her bare ass.

"I'll never complain about having to make you a copy again, boss, honest."

I laughed, plodding off for a towel.


"God, I wanna just let her step on me. Just right on my balls. I don't care, I'm in love."

I blinked, looking slowly from my monitor. "Good morning to you too, Brent."

Brent wasn't listening. The ogre continued to click his pen furiously as he leaned against my cubicle, eyeing Alice up across the office floor.

"Should I ask her out? I should, right?"

I shook my head in disbelief at his optimism, returning to my spreadsheet. "Go for it dude, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you're right. I think I'll do it. I'm gonna do it. Thanks, Dan, you're the best."

I grinned, knowing she'd politely turn the fool down and we'd have a good little chuckle about this at home, probably after I finished hosing her tits down with cum or something.

What I didn't expect was to hear from Jeter that she'd agreed to dinner with him later that afternoon.


I stormed through the apartment's front door that evening.


No answer.


In hindsight, I should have known she was just trying to get a rise out of me.

"In here," she called out softly.

It was obviously bait, but the sight of her laying naked on the bed, head hanging off the edge, and the ruby red lipstick on her normally blackened lips made this a trap well worth springing.

The little bulge in her throat as my cock head plowed well past her lips made her silent swallow almost unnerving; Alice was a devoted cock sucker, and hardly winced at all even as my balls made contact with her face.

I grunted, groping a cobwebbed tit to steady myself. Alice's core muscles tightened, contracting in flashes of concentration that set her soft tummy dancing as she fought the urge to cough my cock up, but she held fast until I withdrew out of near-guilt. She managed to make her ragged, phlemy gasp sound more like a compliment than a complaint. I plunged in again.

"Grrgg," came the wet sound of her throat's protest when I risked a slight buck of my hips, thrusting once to test the waters. I almost gave up going further until Alice reached her hands over her head to gently pull at my hips. Trusting her to let me know if she needed air, I took her head in my palms and pumped at her throat slowly, ropey strands of slimy spit starting to coat her upside-down face.

Her gentle pat on my ass came half a minute later, signaling her need for air. "Ahh, fuck," she cooed, sitting a gobbet of drool out noisily. "I forgot how much you love to fuck my throat! I really thought you'd be a little rougher though," she said with a devilish grin as she wiped her nose and stared up at me through gloopy eyelashes.


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