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My Brother's Best Friend


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Returning to Sydney was bittersweet as I'd rarely been home after I'd left for basic training. I'd been based on the opposite side of the country, and getting home for things like holidays and birthdays simply wasn't possible all the time.

Walking off the plane with my bag and the few things I'd taken with me after handing in my papers, my little brother was waiting for me in the Arrivals Hall. Given I wasn't anywhere else in the world, I'd taken a domestic civilian flight from Darwin to Sydney. Strolling out into the hall, I didn't miss the glances in my way. Ten years of service had given me a toned, firm body and that look of confidence that only comes from the service.

"James!" my brother called out, seeing him walking towards me. No handshake for his big brother, feeling him collide with me as I wrapped my arms around him. I was still six-one though a little broader than I once was. He was barely five-seven, rather slim, and definitely what they called a twink.

"Hey, Samuel," I replied, hugging him back. He'd insisted on his full name being used since he started his career.

Tom was there with him, shaking his hand after I'd hugged my brother. The two young men lived together but were not technically a couple as they learned rather quickly that they were both bottoms, and though they enjoyed giving and receiving oral sex, they both desired to be fucked. From how my brother explained it, they were in an open relationship in that they had other men fuck them, but they'd bought a house together and were partners in every other way possible.

They'd bought a house together in the western suburbs as both men wanted to remain close to the family. Our mother had sold the old family home once my brother moved out and lived in a lovely little apartment not too far away. Samuel told me that we'd go visit her once I'd dumped my things at home and had a chance to shower and relax.

Given it was a home owned by two gay men, they fit the stereotype as it was lovingly decorated while there were little hints that two gay men lived there. My bedroom had a comfortable bed and some new furniture within, dumping my luggage on the floor and immediately grabbed the towel on the bed.

"Want some company?" Tom teased.

I met his eyes and gave him a look that made him gulp, grinning at me nervously. "Never been with a man, Tom, but you keep this shit up, and you're going to find yourself fucked."

Samuel burst into laughter. "You'll just be giving him what he wants, James," he exclaimed.

"I bet your big brother looks fantastic naked though," Tom stated, looking me up and down hungrily, "I've had a couple of boys from the army fuck me before."

"Trust me, some of the shit I've seen over the years would have people thinking the entire armed services is gay. Anyway, I'm going for a shower, then we can go see Mum."

Though I hadn't seen Mum too often, we talked on the phone at least once a week, and we kept in touch by email at the same time. She cried when opening the door to see me standing before her. I hadn't seen her in over two years by this point. Mum hugged me tightly, my t-shirt quickly wet with her tears as she sobbed. I returned her hug, savouring the moment of seeing my mother again.

She knew how much I'd missed her, but at least Samuel had always remained close by, so she hadn't been alone.

We spent the night catching up as Mum cooked one of my favourite dishes. Even though I'd kept her up to date with things, she still wanted to hear some old stories of things I'd been up to for the past ten years. I loved making my mother laugh and made sure she spent most of the night doing just that. There were no tears when saying goodnight later, the smile on her face one of happiness and contentment now that she had both her boys back home.

Settling into living with my brother and also the return to civilian life didn't take too much adjustment. I kept my life somewhat regimented. I still rose quite early, and made sure my bedroom was ship-shape after I'd showered and dressed for the day. I had a job lined up for when I left the service, finding a job as a mechanic who serviced the ferries that ran across Sydney Harbour.

It was probably a month after I'd moved in with Samuel that we were sitting home on Wednesday night that he looked over at me from his position on the couch as I relaxed on one of the two armchairs.

"We haven't really been out much since you got back," he stated, "I know you've been catching up with some friends since getting home, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me, Tom and some other friends on Saturday night?"

"Sure. We haven't really done that much over the years, have we?"

"James... Would you like to meet a girl now?"

"Sure. I haven't been shy in telling you what I've been up to for the past ten years anyway."

"Whatever happened to April?" Tom wondered.

"We kept in touch, and we still talk every so often."

"Ever wondered if you wanted to get together again?" Samuel asked.

"She's married now. Found a nice man who was just what she wanted."

"I know you've been having fun, but have you... um... I guess you don't really talk about your sex life much..."

"I'll be honest, Samuel. Most of my partners in bed have been of the variety that were born with a pussy. However, I won't deny that I haven't also enjoyed the occasional partner that had a girlcock instead."

Samuel knew all about my night and then subsequent time with April after that first time. He'd arrived home the next day ever so excited at losing his virginity. He'd lost it at the same time, on the same bed as Tom, as they'd been picked up by a couple of guys. They ended up dating them for a few months while they were starting their time at university. Then they realised that their campus was a treasure trove of hot gay guys, and my little brother spent three years being pounded constantly.

He was still living his best life and given what I'd been up to for the past ten years, I certainly wasn't going to judge. I hadn't been blind to the men who would arrive home with him after a night out, and walking out into the kitchen to find more than one stranger did prove amusing, particularly when I would then introduce myself as the older brother.

"I have a BFF that I'd really like you to meet, James. You've heard me mention Summer before?"

"The woman you co-own your business with. You've mentioned her more than a few times, Samuel."

"And I've mentioned you more than once in return. She really wants to finally meet you."

"Why haven't I met her before?"

Samuel paused before replying. "She worried about meeting you, instantly falling in love with you, then having to do a long-distance relationship." He paused and added, "I've really talked you up and she's been eager to meet you for a long time, but she's understandably nervous about it."


"She's seen your photos. As I said, I've talked you up quite a bit, and I know you're going to really like her in return too."

"She'll be there on Saturday night?"

"In addition to being business partners, she's easily one of my best friends. I really love her."

"Well, if you feel that way about her... Anything you can tell me about her?"

"She's a couple of years older than you. It's one of the reasons why we went into business together. She recognised my skills, but I needed someone with experience in the business. We were eager to work together and setting up the business wasn't too difficult in the end. She had enough contacts to get us started."

Getting ready on Saturday night, I knew we would be heading to one of their favourite clubs though would be starting the evening at a nearby restaurant and hitting a couple of bars before we finally wandered down the road towards the club. My little brother and his best friend certainly had style for occasions, but seemed to have a certain style for when it came to going out for an evening in the hope or even expectation of picking up a man or two.

"Summer is meeting us for dinner," Samuel explained during our ride into the city, "As are a couple of other friends."

"And what happens when we hit the club?"

"We're all making ourselves scarce so you can spend time with Summer."

"We know you're really going to like her," Tom added.

Getting out of the taxi, there was no missing the statuesque woman waiting near the door to the restaurant. Her face lit up seeing James and Tom, walking over to give each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek before Samuel turned to me.

"And this is my big brother, James. James, this is Summer."

A couple of words flowed through my mind as I met her eyes. Gorgeous and goddess were the words and I found myself speechless for a few seconds. Long, flowing strawberry blonde hair. Green eyes that positively sparkled. A pair of lips that looked just right for kissing, and the way they glistened suggested the application of pink lip gloss.

She wore a light jacket that barely hid the toned body as she wore a simple crop top underneath that showed off a toned torso, and a jewelled stud in her navel. The crop top was busy keeping what could only be considered a considerable bust within. Long legs that only stopped at the hem of a positively scandalous short skirt, reckoning you'd see most of her thighs once sitting down. And she was tall while wearing flat shoes and her eyes were level with mine.

I was smitten with her without us exchanging a single word. Samuel laughed at my reaction, cleared his throat, and that knocked me out of my reverie. Offering my hand, Summer ignored that and stepped closer, wanting to hug me as she didn't hesitate to leave a soft kiss on my lips.

"I've heard so much about you, James," she stated softly, her eyes not averting from mine as she leaned back.

"I probably haven't heard as much about you though I've only been back a month."

"We should head inside and eat," Samuel stated.

There ended up being ten of us in total. Mostly guys except for Summer and two other girls. Both of them were lesbians though they were not dating each other. Summer sat next to me, to my right, as I sat at the end corner of the table, Samuel at the head of the table to my left with Tom opposite me. It was obvious that Summer spent the entire meal ensuring my attention was on her.

She was thirty-five to my thirty-two. She'd attended university for three years, then completed her masters, before starting her own company. Though successful, she had been impressed by my brother's work, and the pair agreed to form their own business. Since then, it has proven incredibly successful, and both have become both financially and professionally secure.

The conversation remained light and not too personal during the meal, Samuel taking his chance to talk Summer up whenever the opportunity presented itself. There was no doubt that I had immediately found her immensely attractive, but physical attraction was one thing. I'd left the army intent on settling down. And I also knew that I needed to find the right woman. Someone I wanted to spend every day of my life with.

It was at the first bar we visited a little later that Summer and I had the chance to talk in some privacy, buying us each a cocktail before finding a small table where we could sit opposite each other. She seemed to blush, curling some hair behind her ear, and she smiled shyly at me as I tried not to stare. She'd shaken off her jacket, leaving her long arms completely bare, and the top she wore covered her breasts and that was about it.

"I like to keep fit," she explained, "I try and eat well. My only two real vices are alcohol and sex."

"How much of the latter do you get?" I had to ask.

"Not enough though I'm sure plenty of people say that. What about you?"

"To be honest, I haven't really been in a relationship for the past ten years. Plenty of guys in the service needed a partner and family as some sort of anchor. But I found that I was spending far more time away from base doing other things that I would barely see them for months on end. I went with the plan that I'd focus on finding that someone special once I'd ended my service."

"But you still enjoyed yourself?"

I smirked before sipping at my drink. "I did enjoy myself from time to time."

"A girl in every port?"

"Having an accent and wearing a uniform does help gain interest from local women whenever I was sent overseas."

"Samuel has suggested that you like different types of women."

Meeting her eyes, she returned another shy smile. I'd had an inkling about her since I'd seen her for the first time though I was polite enough not to ask a particular question too soon. Taking her hand earned another smile, her hands incredibly soft.

"I don't think we need to exchange numbers of partners or anything. I'll be honest and admit I don't really know. Never kept count. What I can tell you is that I've enjoyed the company of women over the years. Most of those women were born female. However, from time to time, I have enjoyed the company of women who were AMAB."

"Samuel mentioned you've enjoyed the company of women like me before," Summer whispered, "But even though I trust Samuel, I still don't really know you and it's always a little nerve-wracking admitting the truth to someone new."

"Summer..." I made sure she met my eyes. "We can take this as fast or as slow as you want. I'll tell you right now though. I'm interested if you are."

"I'm very interested," she replied, squeezing my hand, "I've been asking questions about you for years. I've been hoping to meet you, but as you just explained, I wouldn't have liked the long absences."

"What's your past like?" I had to ask.

"A few lovers here and there. I've fallen in love just once."

"I've loved but never fallen in love. What happened with the one you fell in love with?"

She glanced away, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I fell in love with him. He was using me in return. I had no idea until the day his wife turned up on my doorstep. Thankfully, she seemed to realise that I had no idea that he was married. I sat her down in my living room as we had a cup of coffee. Once I'd explained everything, and she realised I was being honest, she video-called her husband to show we were sitting together. I've never seen a man's face lose colour so quickly."

"Damn... I'm sorry..."

"I was sorry that I'd been such a fool and hurt a genuinely nice woman. Unintentionally, but I still felt guilty about it. However, the best thing that came out of it was that we did become friends. What really helped her understand me was the fact she had become rather involved with LGBT concerns during her time at university. One of her best friends had come out of the closet as a lesbian as a teenager. One of her colleagues at work was a female-to-male transperson."

"And the husband?"

"She divorced him. None of that 'taking him the cleaners' bollocks you read about. Everything was split evenly except she did get primary custody of their two kids. The idiot thought I'd still be interested in him afterwards. I told him to fuck off."

"Have you dated much since then?"

"Not much, to be honest. I found it difficult to trust men after that."

"I guess Samuel talking me up..."

"You have an honest face too. Handsome face, but also honest."

"Well, the word that passed through my mind upon seeing you the first time was gorgeous."

"I'm glad you approve, James. I wore this wanting to show myself off for only one person. Everyone else with us is gay and wouldn't be interested in a girl like me anyway."

"I'm very interested in girls like you, Summer."

After visiting another couple of bars along the main street, and continuing to chat away with Summer at any opportunity, Samuel suggested towards midnight that we should hit the club as that's when the place would really be pumping. Summer handed in her jacket after we managed to get inside, loving how much skin was exposed as she walked in front of me. There was no missing that she kept herself incredibly fit. I'd always loved athletic women.

She purchased us each a drink, finding space nearby to stand and drink them. The music was really pumping so enjoying a conversation was nearly impossible. I wasn't blind to the fact she was standing incredibly close, meeting her eyes as she sipped at her drink. Placing them down, she didn't hesitate when leaning in and kissing me for the first time, and when she slid her tongue into my mouth as her hands moved down to my arse.

For a first kiss, it was a humdinger, and a real signal of our desire for each other physically. Leaning away once we were satisfied, she took my hand and led me onto the dancefloor. The music played in clubs wasn't to my taste, but I didn't have two left feet. Moving together, she enjoyed my hands exploring her body, not surprised her skin ended up a little damp as it was rather warm in the club.

Taking my right hand, she made sure my fingers ran through her strawberry-blonde hair. "From a bottle," she admitted, before moving my hand down to her breasts, which felt very firm. "These are obviously fake, but I wanted a big pair of tits after I'd gone through some treatments," she added, before moving my hand down over her toned tummy to go underneath her very short skirt, feeling something very warm and quite large within the thin fabric of her panties. "That is very real, baby," she whispered, leaning into my ear, "And it's been a long time since I've had anyone else play with it." When I gave it a gentle squeeze before I slowly stroked it above her panties, she kissed me again.

"You feel like a big girl, Summer. Are you a big girl?"

"Do you like big girls?"

"I've grown to understand why some men like them big."

"What's the biggest you've had?"

Gesturing with my head, we returned to the bar so I could buy more drinks before I found a staircase leading up to another level, armchairs and lounges dotted around the room. The soundproofing must have been excellent as we could only feel the faint bass from downstairs through the floor. Taking a seat on one of the couches, we made sure we were turned to face each other.

"Sure you want to know?" I asked.

"James... I'd love to take you home tonight, but I can't have sex too quickly. Lesson learned after what happened. But I won't make you wait too long either. I definitely love hearing stories about men who have enjoyed their time with girls like me."

"Okay... The first big girl was in the United States. No, she wasn't a black girl. She was of Mexican heritage. She had a big girlcock and definitely knew how to use it."

"You like to bottom?" Summer asked, a smile on her face and I could hear the excitement and longing in her tone.

"To be honest, after my first time with April, I found that I thoroughly enjoyed it. And with that Mexican woman, it was a short, very intense affair as I was only in the United States for a few weeks. While I was busy at work, it didn't stop me from getting fucked whenever the opportunity presented itself. Man, I loved feeling her cum in me every single time."

Summer shuffled and I knew she was aroused by the idea. "You suck her off all the time too?"

"It was how things would usually start. I'd be on my knees, happily sucking her off, always earning a creamy load, before I'd end up being fucked hard the rest of the night. When I'm with a female, using that term for women with a pussy, I'm usually the one in charge. When I'm with a transwoman, I find that I like leaving her in charge."

"And the other girl?" Summer asked softly, moving as close to me as possible. Her eyes spoke of her desire to do many naughty things together.

"Brazilian. And man... She was hung to fuck, absolutely gorgeous, and loved to fuck men into submission."

"How'd you meet her?"

"She was living in the United Kingdom at the time. Online dating. That sort of thing. She liked my profile, and asked to meet up. There was just that spark and she had her girlcock buried in my arse within a couple of hours. I was only in the country for a month, but that didn't stop me from enjoying her company as often as possible."

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