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My Buddy Brendan Ch. 02

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My mouth betray me...
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/06/2023
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I woke up early in the morning. The room felt hot.

I went to check the thermostat - It showed 76 degrees.

This temperature was much higher than I was used to. I liked it to be 68 - 70 degrees.

I readjusted the thermostat and decided to relax in bed, having on my briefs only.

Last night's events crossed my mind...

I played with another guy's body... But I am happily married... Am I gay now?...

I looked to my side.

During the night Brendan kicked off his blanket and was stretched naked on his back sleeping soundly.

His magnificent body looked great with the morning sun shining on it.

He looked like a Greek god...

His perfect pectoral muscles hardly changed since his football days...

Brendan sac was fully exposed, being large, full and hairy.

And his cock... It was limp, pointing to the right and still... a beauty!

I moved to the other side of the bed to examine it up close...

Deflated it was much less threatening than being fully erect.

It looked like a pacifier. In fact, it was tempting to feel it's softness in my mouth...

My watch showed 7:05 am.

Our first talk starts at 9 o'clock, which meant that we needed to go to breakfast at 8 am.

We still had some time...

I went to the bathroom peed and brushed my teeth.

When I came back I saw that Brendan changed his position.

He was now on his side, with his front toward the window.

I moved toward the window and stared at Brendan again. His dick was now almost at full mast!

Was he having a wet dream?...

My own cock began stirring.

Was he dreaming about our last night sexual encounter?

The situation became too tempting...

I placed my palm on his engorged shaft and slowly caressed it.

Initially his body stayed in the same position, while his pole... seemed to enlarge further.

I bobbed my hand somewhat faster.

He sighed and his body shifted. He was now supine with his legs spread widely.

His hard wood was proudly leaning on his tummy with the head slightly north of his navel.

I knelt by his side and began rubbing his marvelous fully distended tool, with both my hands wrapped around him.

Brendan's eyes remained closed, but his pelvis started moving up and down to counter my hands.

His hand found my thighs and then slowly went up to meet the rest of my body.

He reached my chest and tweaked my nipple.

I never considered my chest to be one of my erogenous zones, but it felt good.

His large palm climbed up more, meeting my unshaved face.

Brendan opened his eyes and looked me in the eye.

My eyes were alternating between his smiley face and his gorgeous smooth member, that felt so good in my hands.

The pacifier became huge...

My mouth felt dry. I licked my lips.

As I was doing it, the actual meaning of my action hit me like a hammer...

Brendan must have understood it too.

He smiled at me again.

His hand grabbed the back of my head and gently pulled it down.

He let go once my face was an inch from his cock.

Then his organ twitched, hitting my chin lightly, begging for my attention...

My lips enveloped his amazing cock and my tongue licked the head.

Brendan moaned, "Tommy, your warm mouth feels so good on my cock...

You woke me up as I was actually having a dream about the two of us making it in the pool. I was close to cumming when I felt your hands around my shaft...

And to see that you really are trying to play with my body was a pleasant treat..."

I temporarily removed his giant tool from my mouth, "Until yesterday I would have never guessed how much I'd like to suck your impressive cock...

It feels so natural to have it in my mouth! I am afraid to become addicted...

I also think that with more experience I'd be able to let you have your happy ending more successfully than yesterday...

You caught me by surprise and I wasn't ready, but once I can predict your peak arousal, I'll be able to swallow everything you give..."

I resumed sucking his engorged phallus, gradually taking more and more of him into my hungry mouth.

It tasted good, but more than anything I felt the urge of pleasing Brendan with my mouth...

I was determined to prove to him that I can make him happy!

As Brendan's penis moved from my mouth into my throat, I felt this nagging barrier again.

I gagged slightly and his large prick crossed it, hitting my back palate.

His pecker was now all in!!!

Brendan breathing accelerated, hinting that my playing time with his amazing member was going to be short...

I started slow sucking while my head was dutifully performing the needed up and down action.

Brendan grabbed both my hands. He placed one around his sac to massage it lightly. The other one he put around my own small dick... that was was hard too...

He wanted me to masturbate myself while giving him head...

Did he wish for both of us to cum at the same time?...

I wasn't aware how horny I was, but touching my own penis reminded me that I was close as well...

Brendan groans became louder.

My mouth taking it in and out were no longer enough for him and he began gentle fucking of my face.

My right hand was now furiously rubbing my own member and my left squeezing somewhat harder his testicles.

He whispered, "Yes baby... take it you wonderful cocksucker! Swallow it like a good slut!..."

For some reason, at the time of my extreme arousal level, it felt great to be his dump slut.

In fact, just hearing him saying it pushed me over the edge and my dick spewed it's content into my palm...

Brendan's cock began erupting shortly after.

My tongue was ready this time...

The first jet hit my palate and went directly down from my pharynx into my stomach.

The second jet found my tongue and the goo poured in a more manageable way to my throat.

After the 5th jet the rest of his seed was emptying at a slower rate and I was actively milking it for him.

Following his orgasm I let his retreating cock stay between my lips, making sure to capture his last treasured drop.

Then I kissed his clean pee hole and moved by Brendan's side.

He hugged me lovingly, "Tommy, your mouth is accomplishing miracles for me! I'd like to keep you with me forever!"

I looked at his rugged manly face and whispered, "Yes Brendan, I'd like that too..."

The wall clock showed 15 minutes to eight.

It was time to get ready for breakfast and our first day of the conference.

It was a buffet breakfast. A lot of variety. We both pigged out...

At the symposium the first 4 talks were interesting, but the rest of them appeared to be less relevant for Brendan and me.

I suggested to skip the afternoon sessions and enjoy the welcoming vibrant city.

We walked in the garden district.

The old unique houses were surrounded by trees, with the purple magnolias being the most noticeable.

We stopped at Commander's palace for a savory lunch and then returned to the more familiar French quarter.

As the orange sunset colors appeared in the horizon, we grabbed a drink and went to listen to jazz music in Preservation Hall. I loved it!

The room was filled with people of all ages. Some were having cigarettes and the smoke filled the room.

The air was too heavy for me. I went out to get some air. Ten minutes later returned.

Brendan was tapping his leg to the tune of the music and he seemed to focus on a young black player.

"Isn't he a great saxophonist?" He asked me.

I listened intently, but the guy's instrument was barely heard among the other players...

"I guess he is, but I am no expert..." I tried to agree with him.

We sat in this crowded choky place for another 15 minutes.

Then the black guy went on a break. Brendan pulled my sleeve, "Let's go."

We returned to our hotel around 9 pm. It was still early to go to sleep.

Brendan wanted to go to the pool for a swim. I joined him.

We put our swimsuits in the room, wrapped ourselves with robes and went to the pool area.

As expected, nobody but us were there.

Brendan jumped right in and began rapid butterfly style swim.

I entered the pool more gingerly, trying to get used to the cool water before going all in.

"Chicken!" I was able to hear as Brendan pulled my waist down. I fell backwards on his chest.

"Are you OK buddy?..." He asked and hugged me.

"I am OK now..." I smiled at him, thinking that Brendan was just a grown up child... A 10 years old mind in a perfect adult male body, that was hard to resist...

He swam 2 more laps and then sat up on the ledge. He smiled happily.

His hair was disheveled and the body was wet. His cock was easily traceable in the tight suit...

I said, "I am going to the jacuzzi."

"I'll be right there with you."

I entered it and sat down, enjoying the soothing hot bubbly water.

A minute later Brendan approached the jacuzzi.

Before entering, he performed some yoga poses and exercise stretches in front of the jacuzzi.

His wet muscles glistened and... his dick bulged nicely...

'Geez, I thought, I am really becoming too obsessed with Brendan's manhood...'

He entered slowly into the water and sat by me.

He hugged me, "Tommy, I like it when you ogle me! It makes me feel good..."

I blushed and stayed quiet.

"You don't have to be shy about it! It's only us in the whole area. Here, let me make it even better for you,"

and then he stood up and removed his swimsuit.

His beautiful organ seemed somewhat fuller than before...

'Was it because he saw my eyes on his genitals?...'

"Tommy, by now we both know that you are attracted to my cock...

I am going to lean back and relax, but feel free to play with it if you want to..."

My brain was whispering to me, 'If I want to?!... I'd love to...'

For like 5 minutes his body was leaning backwards with his eyes shut.

His cock was gently swaying with it's head peeking above water, as if calling my name...

My hand ignored my cerebrum and seemed to move by itself toward Brendan's dick.

It became hard almost instantly...

"Tommy, I was dozing off, thinking about your exceptional oral skills... It made me horny.

At the same time your hand enveloped my pole... What a coincidence..."

As he was talking, another guy, about 45 years old was approaching the jacuzzi, "Do you guys mind if I join you?..."

Brendan and I sat very close to each other, with my hand on his prick under water.

I wanted to move my hand, but Brendan placed his hand on mine and didn't let go.

Brendan gazed at the guy, "Where are you from?"

"I live in Utah, but I am here for a conference."

"Really... what kind of a conference?"

"There is the annual meeting of the psychiatric society..."

We both stared at him. We didn't see him before in the conference room or elsewhere. Lucky us...

I tried again to pull my hand, but Brendan's hand locked it on his erect shaft!

The guy saw Brendan's spongy head above water and chuckled, "This place is really isolated. I think that I'll do just like you. Let's call this area 'clothing optional'..."

He stood up, removed his swimsuit and threw it on the nearest chair...

His cock was uncircumcised and bent downward. It was skinnier than Brendan's and fairly long.

He sat in front of me, shut his eyes and leaned back against the wall.

His one hand was holding the back wall while the other one was in the water.

Brendan noticed this guy's closed eyes.

He turned his head to me and his hand forced mine to resume bobbing his dick.

I glanced at our guest a couple of times. His eyes were never open.

My palm wrapped around Brendan's large girth and began moving up and down, making sure not to go above the surface...

Brendan's cock expanded further and more of the head was visible above water...

I peeked at the guy one more time.

His eyes were shut all right, but his dick appeared above water too...

It was obvious that his underwater hand was very active...

Was he also watching us with his eyes not completely closed?!...

As if to answer my nonverbal question, he opened his eyes, smiled at me and gazed at Brendan's cockhead that was swaying back and forth with my moving palm...

"Guys, I concur. It's much better to have a partner around..."

Brendan chuckled, "Well sir, you seem to be doing quite well by yourself..."

"Yes, but it's much more fun to feel somebody else's hand doing it..."


The guy looked at me, "Would you be interested using both your hands instead of only one? I got several tickets to a tennis game between Federer and David Goffin. They will be playing tomorrow evening..."

Brendan looked at me, but didn't say a word.

I stared at him knowing exactly what he was thinking...

He wanted very much to see the match, but he would never dream of asking me to do this guy...

I was conflicted too. I didn't know the guy and I was not attracted to him at all...

On the other hand, masturbating him with my hand in the water wasn't a very big price for such a once in a blue moon game... A game that Brendan was VERY interested in also...

"How do we know that you even have the tickets?..."

The guy climbed out of the water. His long stiff dick was now pointing straight forward.

He grabbed his cellphone from his pants pocket and dialed a number.

Once there was an answer he asked, "Dan, how many extra tickets to tomorrow's tennis game we have?" And then he put the phone to my ear.

I heard Dan say, "We still have 4 extra tickets, why do you ask?"

I gave the guy his phone, nodded my head 'yes' to Brendan.

He smiled, hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I'll make it up to you, I promise!..."

I told the guy to join our side and sit closer to me.

He came over and turned slightly toward me.

While continuing to massage Brendan with my left, my right hand found the guy's slim member and explored it.

The head was much larger than the shaft and less spongy. His sac was less hairy than Brendan's and the testicles bigger...

My palm easily encompassed his girth and it began an up and down motion, gradually accelerating.

Just like Brendan he leaned back, closed his eyes and I heard him moaning quietly.

As his prick became more engorged, he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

I continued playing with both my hands, trying to synchronize my movements between the 2 growing cocks.

The guy's hand was slowly trailing up on my thigh until it reached my groin. My smallish dick was now hard too...

His hand grabbed my penis and he squeezed it hard. I gasped.

He smiled at me and his hand massaged my puny member, while his thigh leaned heavily on mine.

His long cock was protruding now almost 3" above water and his groans became louder.

A minute later his body shuddered and his cock started erupting above water. His jets reached 2 feet in height.

I continued stroking his oozing organ until it stopped completely.

I washed it in the bubbly water and then looked at his face.

He whispered, "Thank you. I know where you guys stay. I'll leave 2 tickets under your door before I go to sleep."

He stood up, put his pants on and left.

Brendan's cock was massive comparing to the other guy. And I mean his girth...

He was about to reach his climax soon enough as well. I rubbed it faster and more powerfully.

Short time later his body stretched up and he exploded in my palm with a loud grunt.

I caressed it lovingly for few moments, feeling it slowly shrinking.

Then he looked at me and blurted, "You give a good hand, but your mouth is so much better at it..."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
RobJasperRobJasper7 months ago

Love it! Hope it continues and the sax player joins them....

cynthia0920cynthia09208 months ago

Good story - wish he would have played up the "little buddy" aspect in their past

PrincedesboisPrincedesbois9 months ago

Belle histoire sexy, mais je reste sur ma faim. A quand la suite. J ai hâte de la lire

TYWhore4LifeTYWhore4Lifeover 1 year ago

Wonderful story! As I read, I could mentally see the action taking place.

dnsontndnsontnover 1 year ago

Perfect illustration of why I don’t use hotel hot tubs, lol! Wonder if the saxophonist makes another appearance? If Tommy’s mouth is good then what might feel even better? Five Stars and a fun read!

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