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My Canid Wife

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My wife thinks she’s a canine.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/06/2022
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My Canid Wife.

AKA: My wife Thinks She's a Canine.

I love my wife dearly. I would do anything for my Luna. But I have to admit it can be trying at times.

She's the most loyal, affectionate, agreeable wife a guy could ask for. She's always there to greet me when I get home from work. Never gets tired of my company. And she's willing to have sex whenever I'm feeling randy.

Physically she turns me on like no other. She's petite but muscular. A lithe and willowy brunette with long straight raven hair all the way down her back.

She's got smaller boobs than any other woman I've dated but I don't care because she's twice as mysterious. And her nipples are so responsive to my touch, changing from little nubs to pointy titty-boners magically at my touch.

She's meticulously clean but also never uses any soaps with any artificial scents, doesn't shave her cunny, or for that matter, her armpits or legs either. Some guys, not many it seems, like that, but I've come to like it now. The naturalness of it has become sexy. I don't even mind the little trail of hair reaching up to her naval, or even the more than a hint on her upper lip.

When she lays back on the bed displaying all her beautiful hirsuteness, saying, "Come fuck me stud." Well, that is amazingly sexual!

Up until this story started my only complaint would have been that she gets pretty nervous when I'm out.

Now though, I think she has a mental illness. We've gone to see a shrink, and at first he agreed with me. But now he's taken her side.

I first noticed something was up when she started to only ever wanted to have sex doggy style. Don't get me wrong - I like it that way. Just not only that way.

I didn't connect the dots for months, but one day we were doing 'it' and her slow moans morphed into low howls.

I suppose a person could howl in appreciation but it was just darn odd.

The next day at breakfast we were talking and she decided to answer me with a "woof."

At first I thought she was joking, but she started doing it more and more. One bark for yes, and two for no. Not being able to take it, I just went for a drive.

Then one night we were watching TV and I turned to her, "Would you like to try that new sitcom with the girl from the other show we like so much?" I knew she would know exactly what I meant - just like any married couple we were so often synced like that.

In answer she said, "Woof."

Which is when I got annoyed and blurted out, "What? Do you think you're a dog now?"

To which she replied enigmatically, "Rruu-uuff."

After ten minutes of talking about it I started to doubt that she wasn't just pulling my leg. It wasn't that she couldn't speak. It was just that she often chose to yelp, or whine, or howl and it started to border on the crazy.

The next week I came home to be greeted with a very normal hug and a kiss. But when I went to fix myself a drink I found her following me, bent low and trying to smell my bum.

I was struck by a tense memory just then, and I went to retrieve her family photo album.

Within those pages my fears were redoubled: her three year old Halloween costume was her dressed as Pluto. And every year after that she was some rendition of a cartoon canine.

Her childhood bed was a big round mattress that was kept on the floor. Every poster in her room was dog or wolf themed. She had a zillion stuffed animals - all of them were our four legged friends. It never struck me as strange before, but it sure did now.

Then I thought about her mom...she had some quirky cat-like habits. And her husband always called her by cat nicknames.

I called him right away, "Franklin," I started, "is Kitten a cat?" He answered that she was. Still I didn't believe the answer. "No. I mean, not is her nickname Kitten. Is she really, does she truly think she's a cat?" Again he told me she did.

A half hour later I hung up wondering if it was genetic... except that Luna was adopted.

After a fretful evening my sexy wife eased my troubled mind with a sexual diversion. It was great until halfway through a world class blowjob she sniffed my bare asshole.

I freaked out, but with a raging hard-on I needed to blast my seed, so I tried to ignore it.

Later when she LICKED my ass I freaked out more - but I also found I liked it. It felt really good! Franklin had hinted there were 'benefits' and I had to admit he was right.

The next evening she didn't greet me as usual. I found her curled up on the couch naked and shivering. "Luna, why don't you put on some clothes?"

"But Oakley, we don't wear clothes." I wrapped a blanket around her, turned up the heat, and tried to talk some sense into her.

After a steak dinner we watched TV and she cuddled up next to me naked all night. I did like the feel of her bare skin which was ready for my caresses all evening.

She took to always being naked in the house. She got herself a collar too.

And at least once a day she knelt down with her chest to the floor and her ass up in the air, inviting me to fuck her. I found it hard to complain.

I put my foot down when she ate a can of dog food. I couldn't dissuade her from acting like a dog, but I did manage to get her to eat hamburger instead.

It was then that we saw the psychiatrist I mentioned earlier. He gave her some medicine but when it didn't work he actually handed me a bill for a thousand dollars and told me that she actually was what she was. Crackpot! More details on that later.

The next time we had sex I actually got into the howling. Man! It had become sooo sexy - so raw and animalistic. What better way to show your enthusiasm?

Afterwards I lay down to go to sleep but when I peeked to see what Luna was doing, she was licking her pussy clean. When did she get that flexible? It weirded me out, but what could I do about it?

The following weekend we had a party to go to. I'm not big on parties, never really fitting in, but I was looking forward to going and seeing all the neighbors - except for Vito Pasquale. If I ever had a nemesis it would be Vito.

He was one of those guys who always shook your hand too hard: just to see you wince. If you were walking past him in a hallway, rather than turn sideways he would bump his shoulder into yours. Basically a jerk.

Luna wore her slinky black dress and was looking really hot. She always makes me proud like that, I just hoped she didn't do anything too dog-like.

She did choose to wear a ribbon around her neck, like a choker. It was much better than her collar. And it had dog on it, but I doubt people would know to read anything into that.

The party was uneventful until it was time to leave. Luna and I were in the spare bedroom digging around on the bed for our coats when Vito came in.

He started looking for his coat too and just nudged me off to the side. Luna hugged me reassuringly from behind, but I also spied her hand reach over impulsively to squeeze his bicep.

I was so jealous that I shot her a nasty look. She just shrugged her shoulders, "He's the Alpha." As if that excused it.

Now I was even more upset. She'd said that out loud in front of Vito. "He is not! There is no Alpha!"

"Of course he is. Don't you see all the dominance displays?"

"But we're not dogs, baby. That's not it at all."

"I'll prove it to you honey. He can't help himself." Saying that, she pushed us each a few inches this way and that so he was behind me. Speaking to Vito, she told him, "Mount him Vito. It's all about hierarchy."

He humped at my backside pushing his cock at my ass through our clothes. I felt the big soft lump there and knew his must be bigger than mine.

Humiliated, I tried to twist away, but he grabbed my hips holding me to his groin. I didn't want to make a scene.

When he growled crudely, yet still very human-like, Luna sat on the bed next to me. "Ooooh that noise." She exclaimed. "It's so primal!"

Then to me she said, "And you can't help yourself either. It's nature." She always thought 'nature' was paramount. She could justify anything by claiming 'nature'.

I thought it didn't matter if his was bigger than mine; he was still a jerk and that's all that mattered. Vito laid his weight on top of me, crushing me between his stocky body and the bed. Still grinding on my ass he started grunting with each motion.

Luna's eyes were as wide as saucers. I knew she was captivated by the sheer animal power play. But when she said, "Vito you're so big and brutish." he got the wrong impression.

Quickly, and before I could react, he deftly yanked down, first his pants, then mine. His cock was hard and it bounced out, landing squarely between the cheeks of my ass.

Luna's eyes kept darting between his face and mine. She was so wrapped up in the dominance and submission of the moment that I doubted she even noticed our partial nudity.

And that's the way I wanted it. If she could fail to see what he was doing then I could walk out of there with my dignity intact.

Next I worried about the door. Was it open? Could anyone walk in and discover us?

Vito pushed hard on my shoulder blades as he kneeled upright, no longer pressing his weight on me. Now with all of his weight coming through his hands right over my lungs I had trouble breathing.

I felt his big knob brush up against my hole which made me squirm, and I hissed clandestinely, lest anyone outside hear me, "No! You gotta stop this."

Luna whispered in my ear, "It makes me so happy you're taking on your animal personna with me. I thought you'd fight to be alpha, or at least the beta, and not the bitch - but it's better than nothing." She kissed my cheek then continued, "But baby, bitches don't whine. You can fight to be alpha or tuck your tail between your legs - but no whining"

I knew I could never take him in a fight. And in a sick way, joining in her delusion made me happy.

Vito sucked up a big luigi and spit it on the juncture of his cock and my asshole. I don't think he heard what she said. And if he did, he certainly wouldn't understand. Maybe he heard the word 'bitch' because he called out then, "I'm gonna make you my bitch!"

And as he said it, I was more worried others would hear, than I was that I was about to be plugged.

Furthermore, when he called me 'bitch' I took consolation that he was using canine terminology so Luna's fantasy wouldn't be broken. If she snapped back to reality, she might pity me. I couldn't live with her pitying me.

The slimy mucus coated his glans, allowing him to work the mushroom head into my virgin bung, despite my holding it shut with all my might.

I gritted my teeth, waiting for the greater intrusion. Luna looked me square in the eyes, "That's right honey. You accept and bear the dominant stance and when he's done humping your leg it'll be over with the social structure firmly established and no real aggression."

She may have thought there was no real aggression but that's not what it felt like to me. At least she was still miraculously oblivious to the sex.

The large fleshy appendage squeezed its way into my rectum, inching along uncomfortably. The invasion was very real and when it didn't hurt because it was stretching my assring, it hurt because he was dislodging my bowels.

Vito laid his weight back down on me again, which was a blessing in disguise since he couldn't penetrate as deeply. It was still hard and thick but I got used to the girth.

He changed from hard thrusts to slow jabs - still grunting.

When the pain subsided I added my own noises of relief with each outstroke. Luna kept up with a low mewling howl.

The more obviously canine her sounds became, the more I feared the world would find out she thought herself a dog. Grabbing her head I forced her lips to mine, kissing her to shut her up.

Above me Vito declared, "You two are a crazy kinky couple but I don't mind one fucking bit."

I could feel every inch of this other man's cock gliding through my sphincter. First it slid in, then out: I pictured the white skin of his foreskin revealing, then covering his crown. When he pulled out he went until the wide flared head of his cock caught on my anal ring, then he would resume fucking me.

Things seemed a lot slicker now, and just like I had learned to feel pleasure when Luna licked my hole, I now felt a degree of pleasure from Vito's cock sawing in my ass. Though it wasn't good enough to give me a hard on.

Jabbing faster and faster, his efforts grew in intensity until with a final scream of lust I felt streams of cum jet into my abused anus. I imagined the white lava filling me up. It seemed like there were gallons of the slimy goo.

When he gave a loud sexual groan, Luna disengaged from my lips, singing with Vito in a harmonious lupine chorus. I wanted her to sing with me instead.

Compared to hers, his vocalizations seemed very normal.

I was sure he would laugh out loud at her beastly show, or worse, that all the remaining party goers would come to see what was happening.

I hung my head, embarrassed to be outed - but none of that happened.

Vito was gone in a flash. I didn't even see him pull up his pants, and apparently neither did Luna.

Seeing a shocked look of confusion on her face when she saw that my pants were down, I became sure that she never knew what really happened. So thinking quickly I proclaimed in explanation, "I need to assert myself now!"

Reaching up her dress I yanked her panties off fiercely with a slight ripping sound and mounted her forcibly.

Squishy wetness oozed from my ass as I climbed into a preferred hetero position.

I topped my woman in the missionary position. So ardent was my need that she never even complained that we weren't doing it doggy style. As my cock entered her cunt I was biting her neck while she gasped, "That's right stud. Fuck me hard. I'm in heat so we just might make cubbies tonight."

It was the best screw we'd had in a long time. Especially with how raw it was.

Driving home I was sitting in a puddle of cum leaking from my gaped hole. I didn't know a man could come that much. Even later, I sat on the john, farting out enormous gobs of the foul stuff.

Later I keyed Vito's car - every panel. I'm not proud of it, but I felt better.

The next day was our weekly appointment at the shrink's. Luna told him all about our 'adventure' in excited tones. I could only nod in shame. She never mentioned the fucking but he knew, and I know inside he was sneering at me.

In the end, and couched in a lot of psychobabble, he said that since I'd joined in her thinking it proved she wasn't psychotic. With phrases like 'when the transgender conversion becomes a species conversion the formation becomes complete' he dismissed us, declaring her normal.

In a daze, I led my darling to our car on a short leash. I couldn't believe the psychiatrist was so stupid and blind.

But not being willing to raise a litter of cubs I knew I would need to find help somewhere else.

Author's note:

If you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you'll see all my stuff.

I try but don't always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I'm doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I'll answer your friendly comments.

I often attempt to create tension in the main character's motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.

I really appreciate polite comments!

I think there might be a part two, or three.

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MVP6MVP6about 1 year agoAuthor

To Michrik1. I aim to make every single one of my stories include male to male sexual activities. Most of them also include male/female activities. I would label them bi, but that is not an option when putting a story in a category. Since there is gay activity in the story I called it gay. Recently I have started putting a “(bi)” in all my descriptions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like your story. I do not know or understand why I like a story like this. Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wrong f-ing category… WHORE!

Michrick1Michrick1over 2 years ago

I think gay male is the wrong category for this story

sirhugssirhugsover 2 years ago
Not my cuppa tea

I read it because over on the Story Ideas Forum we had recently discussed "person like a god" sex


so I found your take interesting. It was playful and well-written, just not my particular perversion.

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