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My Crazy... Ch. 06

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Thanksgiving Day! pt 1
8.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/26/2021
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Chapter 6- Thanksgiving Day! pt 1 -edit

Waking up, it took me a few seconds to remember where I was, and how I came to be here in the large master bedroom. Staring up at the ceiling, it was at least twelve feet high. Four feet from each wall the ceiling was coffered rising up another two feet higher and mirrored. In the center was a chandelier that was dark at present.

Turning my head from left to right, I found Birgitte's mouth was only inches from mine on one side and Abigail's mouth actually brushed my lips on the other. Suddenly feeling sandwiched in between both women, almost claustrophobic from arms thrown across me, breasts pressed against me and draped across my chest, two pregnant bellies pressed in against me from each side, and legs crossed over mine; I felt like I was slowly being smothered. To add unpleasantness to claustrophobia, I also needed to urinate. Panic struck suddenly and hard!

Wondering how I was going to get out of this tangle of hair, breasts, bellies, limbs, and sheets before I had an accident; Brigitte mumbled and Abigail started to awaken when I moved. They weren't moving fast enough! In a rush I cast off blankets, kicking them down to the bottom of the bed roughly, and then very nearly pushed Birgitte and Abigail away in a scramble to reach the bottom of the bed and dashed for the bathroom before suddenly slamming to the floor!

My feet were tangled in the sheets and coverlets. Heating up with a blush for falling on my face, I hopped up, fully awake now, and found four women staring at me. They were all haloed by wild, bedraggled hair in four different shades ranging from red to brown, but all curly. Half lidded eyes ranging in coloring from blue to green and brown all blinked at me sleepily.

"Sorry!" I whispered sheepishly.

Seeing that I was unharmed they all laid back down in unison. It sounded like a flounce, or a flop. If they weren't different women I would've thought them all the same woman. Maybe, in their hearts they were. After all, Birgitte was the oldest and the mother of the other three women. Within seconds I heard the soft sounds of sleep coming from the lot of them.

Turning, careful not to tangle my feet again, I hurried on to the bathroom and wasted no time in relieving myself. It didn't take long. Once done, I walked out, glanced at the bed and four women sleeping before turning and leaving the bedroom. Trudging down the hallway to the kitchen, I opened a cabinet and pulled out a glass. Crossing the kitchen to the sink, I turned on the water and filled it. Once full I turned the water off and heard a noise. It sounded like... splashing... and laughter. Quiet giggling from a woman that sounded like she was right next to me. Then it hit me, I hadn't woken up because of claustrophobia, or the need to urinate. I had heard something. A noise. A commotion outside when there should have been only silence.

Setting the glass down, I walked out of the kitchen as silently as I could manage. I was greeted by new sounds. Different from the first that I hadn't heard earlier. Not coming from the pool that was surrounded on three sides by the house. These sounds came from the study, or was it the library?

Silent as a shadow I followed what I heard. The closer I came the louder they grew. Soft moaning became a woman's mewling. In... ecstasy! Stopping beside wide open french doors, just outside the room, I saw them. Two figures in the dim light of a single lamp.

Jael was bent over the only desk in the room. Her olive skin glistening with perspiration causing the light to shine off her body accentuating the curves of pendulous breasts, the curves and angles of shoulders and shoulder blades, and the valley of her vertical column that wasn't so vertical at the moment all the way to her sacrum before accentuating the rise and sweep of her hips and buttocks. A magnificent ass, though a bit small for my tastes, that her husband, Virgil, was currently slamming with mighty thrusts. Jael's ass and thighs rippled with every collision. Her large breasts swung only to slap the desk with loud 'whacks' as she crooned in delight.

Backing away, I decided to leave them be. I distinctly remembered doing something very similar with Andrea once when we were dating. Only Andrea had been flipped around so that her legs were high in the air. A capital-V while I hammered myself home between her goal posts.

Walking to the living room, I found the slider leading to the pool left open. Thinking I must have left it open when I came inside earlier, crossing the room to close the glass door, laughing and splashing water startled me into retreating back a step to make sure I wasn't seen. I was naked after all.

No lights were on outside save the pool light that lit up the water and made it glow pale blue. At the far side of the pool I saw Carter, my sister's husband. Both his hands were on the edge of the pool deck while a woman's arms were wrapped around his neck. Her body was mostly beneath the water making it look like wavy shadows silhouetted by the pool light. I could make out that her legs were wrapped around Carter's waist, and her buttocks bobbed off of his rapidly thrusting hips as he sawed in and out of her. Expecting any moment to both see and hear June orgasm, embarrassed that I was watching my sister fucking, I turned away and nearly bowled over June!

"What the fuck?" I hissed, throwing my arms around her as we staggered around the room.

June didn't cry out, she hardly even gasped as she threw her arms around me. Dancing around the room, trying to keep our balance, in the middle of our staggering surprising things occurred to me. Like the fact that I had walked out to the kitchen completely buck ass naked. June's dark cherry red hair was up in a clip. My rock hard dick stabbed hard into her lower belly. She smelled like rose petals and soap. My dick was sliding up to her navel, smearing precum all the way up to her navel. Her ivory skin seemed to nearly glow in the pale moonlight that lit the room. My dick moved sideways, pressing into June's abdomen and then hip flare. Her big grey-green eyes were wide open in surprise, flashing with anger, and glistened with unshed tears. My dickhead hit the seam where June's thigh muscles met her hip and lower abdominal muscles and it slit down still streaking precum. Her usually full, smiling mouth was wide open in an exclamation that never passed by her plump lips. Suddenly my dick flowed into the valley between June's thighs and I felt her smooth outer labia open revealing her moist vulva and inner labia. Her skin was so... soft! My dick throbbed against June's pussy-lips. I could feel the soft inner curves of her ass cheeks catching the head, holding it in place as we danced around. Her pussy-lips opened and closed as she shifted from leg to leg, and deeper and deeper my dick sank into the soft smooth folds of her flesh wet with her arousal and my precum. The diaphanous burgundy teddy she wore was soft too, and slid across her skin exposing June's small, perky breasts.

In the middle of it all I tried to right her garment when the coffee table caught the back of my leg. Off balance and truly falling now, I stumbled around. June inhaled to scream but didn't, and looking for a place to fall I managed to guide us toward the couch. I tried to land first to absorb the impact, I wanted to, but we were so tangled that June's weight shifted and she landed with an "Umph" that was quickly muffled by my landing on top of her!

"Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm sorry June," I whispered fiercely, "I thought that was you out there... with..."

"Shh," She replied as she patted my chest with one hand and put her hand over my mouth with the other.

I thought she was patting me to pull back. Our faces were nose to nose. Her plump mouth and mine were nearly touching when she moved her hand away. I could feel her breath on my lips and in my nose. She smelled like peppermint toothpaste.

I started to push myself up, pulling away, but she grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back down with a breathless, "Don't! Don't leave me!"

"I... I won't," I whispered as I lowered myself back down, but kept my head up enough so that our gazes met.

Apparently no one heard us staggering around the room. From outside I could hear splashing and grunting, and a husky Latin accented woman moaning, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck me! Harder!"

As Carter growled, "I'm cumming! I am cumming inside you! Yasmina! I'm cumming inside you Yasmina!"

"Oh fuck yes!" She exhaled lasciviously, "Fuck me baby! Fucking shoot all you cum inside me!"

"I'm sorry June. I'm so sorry," I apologized though I wasn't sure if it was for throwing her onto the couch, falling on top of her, my witnessing Virgil's cheating on her, or June's finding her husband cheating on her. All I did know was that I could see all of that hurt in her face as tears hovered on her eyelashes making her eyes sparkle, the crinkle of her nose as she sniffled to hold back the flood gates, and the tremble of her chin and almost too plump bottom lip.

"Well," June hiccuped a small cry as her bottom lip turned down pitifully, "As you can see, Yasmina and my husband are fucking in the pool!"

That was all she was able to say before she bent her head and hissed as she cried into my chest. Her body shuddered beneath mine, and I became very very aware of her breasts pressing against me. Her belly heaved with her crying against mine, but it was lower that everything felt... weird.

June's legs were sprawled to each side of me with one leg up on the back cushions while the other hung off the couch. I was securely in between her legs. My ass and penile muscles constricted and I realized that I was as hard as an old oak root, and strangely warm. With every shuddering cry June's velvety soft vagina tightened around my dick! Right to the base. I was completely. Fully. Buried. Inside June!

Inside my own sister's womb!

"Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I started apologizing all over again as I started to push myself up, but as I did I thrust hard pushing my length and girth even deeper than I was before!

In a wonder, June's eyes widened in such a look of shock that I have never seen before. Her mouth opened and closed wordlessly, and as I felt my head press hard into the uppermost reaches of her vagina, I watched her wide open eyes, fearful and sparkling with tears and framed by long wet lashes, cross and roll upwards as her mouth opened in a single diminutive keen!

My ass tightened, my dick throbbed, and it swelled up and stretched June's insides out in decided delight for me and for her, if her expression was any benchmark of consideration. Her thighs quivered. Her chest expanded in a deep inhalation, and as I reversed to withdraw before I assaulted my sister any further, she dug her nails into my shoulders and she pulled me back in. Before I could object, her hands moved to the back of my neck and both hands grabbed my hair as she pulled me in for a deep sultry kiss that took my breath away!

When she finally let me pull away, she smiled almost shyly even while her feet shifted and her thighs opened wider inviting me deeper. Tears still rolled from the sides of her eyes down to her temples and disappeared into her hair as she purred, "My husband is fucking another woman. Been married for seven years. Well, I guess he got the itch. Fuck him! If he is going to fuck around then so am I!"

"June!" I hissed softly, almost squeaking, quietly so that no one would hear from the library where more, ever louder, wailing was coming from. Or the pool where a quick sidelong glance revealed Yasmina on the intricate paver stone deck ringing the pool, the covered porch, and most of the space between the U-shaped house and the pool house, "June, we can't do this! I'm... I'm your brother!"

"So what!" June retorted bitterly as she cut her eyes sideways towards the pool, "Who fucking cares if you are? I don't! Mom certainly doesn't, the way she's been making calf eyes at you all night. And Charlie! Ha! She's been hot and horny for you, for well... since forever!"

She finished in a hiss, her voice rising until I had to put a finger on her lips to quiet her, but as soon as I took my finger away she continued, "The way Charlie came back after going to the restroom, I'm pretty sure you two fucked! And pretty damn good too if the flush of her face was any indicator!"

Then she looked down her body and I felt her abdomen tighten, then her thighs and buttocks, and then her vagina. It was all very purposeful, and she was grinning as she rocked and rotated her hips, whisking my dick inside her before she said, "Besides, it seems that somehow, in our fall, we've crossed that threshold of taboo already. We shouldn't waste an opportunity. Especially since you have been wanting to fuck me since we were teenagers and you used to peep on me..."

She left the last hanging. She had known all that time? She had never said a thing, or even let on that she knew!

My mouth fell open and I closed it with a click of my teeth. Gazing into her eyes I could see her self-esteem teetering on the precipice. If I rejected her after her own husband was caught so blatantly cheating on her, she would be heartbroken. True she would rally eventually. She might take Carter back or she might divorce his ass, but the trauma would cut deep and it would take a while for her to even want to think about pursuing another relationship, if ever. Either way, whether she did or not, she would never forget my rejection, my betrayal, and our relationship would never be the same.

So, all things considered in the heat of the moment, I leaned in and kissed her as deeply as she had kissed me only moments earlier as I started moving slowly inside my sister's pussy. Her fingers combed through my hair intimately. Her body relaxed, muscles softening I hadn't even realized were tense, and she started rocking her pelvis turning her pussy up to meet my every thrust. The bottoms of her ass cheeks felt cool, and soft, and round, as my balls slapped at them. Her abdomen heaved like ocean swells, but now it was in an effort to heighten her sexual gratification instead of shuddering lamentation.

June kissed like a long time lover, a sensual partner. She was a woman making love to her lover, a husband for so many years that she knew everything he wanted, how I wanted it, and she was a wife that was very very good at giving it. She moved beneath me, and we were one. Like two people desperately intent on becoming one amalgamous being of pure sexual pleasure. Both given and received.

I wasn't sure how long we made love there on the couch, me completely buck ass naked and her nearly so. Time seemed to stop and the world just fell away. I heard orgasmic wailing come from the pool and from the study, but it didn't register in the slightest. June's mouth was pressed against mine in a kiss and then she was opening wide and gasping as she exhaled. Her eyes fluttered open and our gazes locked as her jaw dropped and her mouth opened wide. Not a sound came out of her though as her back arched, thrusting her small perky breasts high into my chest. Her abdominals tightened up, her legs wrapped around my thighs and squeezed shut, and her pussy seemed to tighten around my dick like a vice!

If I hadn't been close to cumming, the clamping down of her vagina around my dick certainly would have thrown me into it. But, I didn't need any help at all. I slammed in as deep as I could, as fast and hard as I could, and as June's pussy turned up to meet my collisions I felt the buzz in my balls reach a crescendo I could no longer hold back. Then euphoria was lifting my skull off my head and cum surged through my pipes like hot steam to blast into June with a force, I thought proudly, that must of shot clear up to her ovaries, and then my breath caught!

"June, are you on birth-control?" I asked, my tone betraying my sudden panic.

"No," She answered in a self-satisfied sigh, "Carter usually wears condoms. Not that he will ever need them now."

"Shit! June, I'm not wearing a condom!" I exclaimed, "I just shot my seed directly into your womb!"

She giggled at me, and then bit her bottom lip before saying, "That... isn't exactly the way it works Ryan."

"Shit June, I know that," I retorted, "The point is I just came inside you. You might get pregnant!"

She shrugged, "If I do, I do. I don't care anymore. As a matter of fact, all I want is for you to cum inside me some more."

Then she looked over at the sliding door and listened. It was quieter now. Carter and Yasmina were back in the pool. Swimming about and playing around. Turning back to me she said, "I don't want to stay in my room tonight. I don't want to be there like the good little wife that doesn't know her husband is out fucking other women. Is there anywhere else I can sleep?"

I looked into her eyes for a long few seconds. June was not going to take Carter back. Good. If he was going to cheat then he deserved whatever he got. Nodding, I pushed myself up and withdrew from June. Looking down at her, her legs spread apart, I got my first really good look at her pussy. She had a long thin line of dark cherry red pubes only a half inch wide and nearly three inches long. It ended at the tip of her pussy slit, and everything else was denuded, soft, ivory skin that looked like she had never grown another hair besides that single thin strip. White cum glistened in the moonlight at the mouth of her vagina, bulging to roll over her perineum and roll down between her ass cheeks, and then June was closing her thighs and standing up as I gave her a hand.

A pretty burgundy teddy fell into place barely covering her pussy and stopping three inches in the back showing the bottoms of her ass cheeks. She looked devastatingly intoxicating in the sheer lingerie. Offering my hand, June took it and I started to lead her back to the room Andrea, Devon, and I were supposed to sleep in. We went two steps before June stopped.

"Wait," She whispered before pulling me back into the living room.

Walking to the sliding door she looked out one last time at Carter and Yasmina, and then she pulled the teddy up and off. Standing there in nothing but her skin, she hung the garment on the outside handle of the slider and then turned back to me.

"Okay, let's go," She said in a firm whisper as she took my hand with an expectation of me leading her back to my room. Glancing at the teddy and then back at me, she explained, "I bought that teddy for our first anniversary. Carter will know that he is caught and that we are done."

Nodding, I led her away. We weren't even halfway back to the rooms when sounds of raucous laughter drew us instead down the hallway leading to the guest bedrooms where June's room had been. The noise wasn't coming from her room though, it was as quiet as a tomb. No, whatever was happening came from further down the hallway.

"Which room is mom and dad's," I asked in a whisper.

June answered by pointing a finger to a door at the end of the hallway.

Nodding my head we continued toward the sounds. Approaching the door where there was a woman mewling loudly behind, I asked, "Who's room is this?"

"Beck and Cheyanne's, I think," She whispered, then shook her head and continued bitterly, "At least her husband is fucking her brains out of her head!"

I looked back at her with what I hoped was empathy. Inside I roiled with misgivings. I understood her bitterness, but I hoped I had satisfied her. I knew personally that all men were different just as all women were different. After making love to seven different women I knew definitely that they were all different, and I tried to never judge. They were each individual and unique, but were they the same way? Was June the same way? Or, were they all judging my performances by the best they had gotten from their other men?

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