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My Dearest Zoo

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A letter of seduction, desire, and love.
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The following letter for the Letters of Love 2022 Story Event is written by Donna to myself immediately following our adventures in my story entitled 'A Rocking Hot NND 2021'. On National Nude Day, I discovered I had the ever so temporary ability to unclothe anyone simply by looking into their eyes. Donna, a neighbor of Bonnie and myself came along for the fun at a mall with our good friends, then joined us at home to further enjoy her nudity.

Read it here.

This is the first letter of several she wrote, and all I can say is the past year has been one incredible ride.

Thank you to Sister Jezabel for organizing this challenge.


My Dearest Zoo,

As I lay here next to your naked wife, myself also naked, I write to expose the inner desires you have awakened within me. Please know I am writing this as a non-binding request; I have no expectations for you to honor my desires. If anything, today was so incredibly exciting, I'm just unable to leave this recliner next to your pool until I get all my feelings onto paper.

That you're reading this means not that I am crazy, but that I can fully trust you and Bonnie to do right by me.

So, here goes....

I recently broke up with my long distance boyfriend. We tried several ways to keep our sex life going by sexting and naked video calls. However, the cost of travel grew too burdensome for us see each other in person. Finally, he just stopped calling and texting. I made one last attempt to call him and our conversation turned awkward when he confessed to dating several other women. My decision was a no-brainer.

That said, I really enjoyed performing for him, even over the phone. The feeling of my body as I exposed it to my boyfriend is one which never gets old. I love the feeling of clothes leaving my body. The total freedom which accompanies the removal of any garment is what I desire every single day.

So, you can imagine the level of excitement and satisfaction when you undressed me this morning. Once inside my house, I was disappointed I ran in so quickly. Happily for me, I found you and Bonnie and had the ultimate sexy adventure of a lifetime.

I don't want to stop this journey quite yet. I'm ready for more, and I hope you and Bonnie will help. If not, I understand.

To start, I would like a key to your house. I need access to your pool. I will show my respect to your place by being inside it naked at all times. I'll leave any clothes I wear at the front door. I fully anticipate and hope to eventually not wear anything at all when I travel between our homes.

To pay you for the use of your pool, I would like to cook for you and Bonnie twice a week. The days and meals will be of your choosing. Nothing would mean more than to cook and serve you a meal while completely nude. As I sit here poolside, I can feel myself getting wet just thinking about weekly meals.

While cooking for the two of you will meet so many of my fantasies, there is one ultimate experience I want. I'll cook and serve a meal at your house for as many guests as you want to have over. Judging by your friends at the mall today, I won't be the only one naked by the end of any such meal.

Now, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to fuck you.


I'm looking to maximize the thrill I feel when I get naked. There will undoubtedly be some mutual benefits though. I can definitely see myself masturbating for you and Bonnie. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to spread my legs, open myself to your eyes, and well, achieve some sort of mind blowing orgasm I can only imagine right now.

To do the same for the two of you at your request would undoubtedly be similarly unbelievable. I may stop this letter for just a moment to get into the water to cool off my throbbing pussy and daydream this fantasy into existence.

But, it's really not a fantasy, is it? This is going to really happen, isn't it? I know Bonnie and yourself are trustworthy. Just putting this to paper is the only convincing I need to know this letter will never be read by anyone other than its addressees.

Let me tell you what I just saw as I sat in the pool with the recirculating jets hitting my cunt just right. I watched your perfect cock harden into Bonnie's mouth. As your hips moved up and down over her face, Bonnie spread her pussy wide open for your mouth to consume. I simply could see nothing more than your rock hard dick plunge into Bonnie over and over. Simply mesmerizing.

Judging by her lack of tanlines, Bonnie has been out here a lot. Her incredible breasts, topped by amazing nipples that always seem hard beckon for attention. I can't believe I've never been over here. We would have gotten into lots of trouble.

But, do I want more? A taste of Bonnie's sweetness? Your cum inside my mouth?

As the water jets brought me to several orgasms, I realized I may have to have both.

Will you let me suck the side of your cock as you fuck Bonnie? Can I suck your dick while Bonnie eats me out? Will you fuck me while I eat Bonnie?

As I exited the water, my pussy, still filled with blood, is betraying my mind. I know I should not write this, but I can truly see some incredible sex coming our way if I will only surrender to you and Bonnie.

Will you help me do so?

Now that I'm out of the water, I'm hoping you notice my wide open legs. I hope you and Bonnie can see the water on my body dry in the late afternoon sun. I hope you notice my hard nipples as they betray my innermost desires. Are the folds surrounding my pussy still engorged with blood? I hope you see how fast I dry due to the heat emanating from my body.

If your friends from today at the mall were to show up right now, I would close my eyes, and finger myself to more orgasms. Just having the eyes of friends and strangers upon me is all I need to let my body do the talking for my mind.

As I watch the sun slowly disappear, I realize my thoughts will likewise end with the day. I just can't get the thought of performing for a large group out of my mind.

It's hard to believe this letter has taken me from simply sunning nude poolside here, to cooking in the nude for you and Bonnie, to having sex with the both of you, to masturbating for a large crowd. What's next? OnlyFans? Damn!

These are not the thoughts of a madwoman or a nympho. These are the musings of a normal human woman with real world desires. I'm not sure if I'll do all these crazy things, and this is certainly a road less travelled by people. But, I'm about to start down it, and I hope you and Bonnie will walk alongside me.

As much as I want both of you with me, I also need you to protect me. If any of us question something, I'll need you to stop me to ensure safety.

For example, I can see the three of us going shopping for clothes. I'll be anxious to explore public exhibitionism, but not to the point of putting myself in danger. Perhaps we'll find that perfect store where I can shop in the nude. How fun would that be?

It would not be fun if I was to be arrested.

As you walk toward Bonnie and myself, your glorious cock swinging ever so slightly, I'll need to stop myself from asking you to dive into my pussy. I'll need to put my legs back together before I plunge my fingers into myself because I desperately need you to watch me. As you stand next to Bonnie, I can see your cock against my willing mouth, eager to suck you to hardness so you can fuck your amazing wife.

As Bonnie gets up to go into the house, we find ourselves alone. I try not to stare, but you make it impossible to do so. As I fall back into my daydream, you sit down next to me, your legs wide open, and I reach down to furiously rub myself to...

Zoo? Bonnie? Will you allow me to join you for some incredible adventures?

Seductively with love,

I am yours,


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SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 1 year ago

Hi, zoo, here from the Letters of Love event. Not sure if there's any potential for love for Donna but there's definitely some desire for those new adventures, the possibility of some good loving, and the potentiall for a whole lot of fun! 5*

Photomaker59Photomaker59over 1 year ago

Hot as fuck! Great job!

SisterJezabelSisterJezabelover 1 year ago

What a prospect! Thanks for your contribution to the event :)

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