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My Favorite Aunt

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Ryan discovers his aunt has needs.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 05/31/2023
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My name's Ryan. I've thought about telling my story for quite some time now. I know most guys love to brag about their conquests. Especially when it involves an older woman. My reluctance to this point has been for two reasons. First, it involves my aunt, my mom's sister. I know how some would react to such an incestuous relationship. All the words of judgment and condemnation. I assure you. You can't call it anything I haven't called it myself at times; disgusting, perverted, immoral, vile, dirty, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I've thought them all. But when that ladies mouth is wrapped around my cock, or she's obediently kneeling in front of me ready to service my every lascivious desire, all those thoughts quickly vanish.

The second reason I've been reluctant to talk about it is I don't want to jeopardize what my aunt and I have. I've got a great thing going here, and I don't want to do anything to ruin it. But after talking with her about it, I've decided to tell our story. She thinks it would be a real turn-on to know other young guys are out there reading her story.

Let me give some background first. I'm a senior in college at a Midwest school. At the end of my junior year I started looking for a summer job back home. Mom told me on one of our phone conversations to be expecting a call from my Aunt Jean. She and my mom had been talking. My uncle Bob had suddenly passed away a few months before and Aunt Jean was having difficulty keeping the house maintained. So she called and offered me a job for the summer at my mom's prodding. I have to admit, my libido went into overdrive as I thought about being around my aunt for the entire summer.

Aunt Jean is my mom's younger sister. Her and Uncle Bob never had kids. So at the age of forty Aunt Jean still had a nice body. She had a few extra pounds on her. But that was offset by the enormity of her chest. But big tits were a family trait. My mom had big tits, as did her mom. I lost count of how many times the women in my family caught me staring at their chests when I was younger. Usually they just smiled about it, and pushed those sweet jugs out further for my lustful stare. I would later discover not only how big Aunt Jean's tits were, but also my mom's and grandmother's.

Jean also has long black hair. She usually kept it pulled back in a ponytail. But when I saw her at my Uncle Bob's funeral, it was hanging down around her face and over her shoulders. Wow!

The day I drove to my aunt's house straight from school was a day I'll never forget. My stomach was churning the whole trip. I pulled in the driveway and sat in the entrance to their property for several minutes as I took in the view of the house that lay several hundred yards ahead of me. She did have a huge piece of property to maintain, not to mention the two story house.

Jean stepped out on the front porch as I pulled to a stop in front of the house. Her smile was almost enough to make me shoot a load in my pants. She stood on the bottom step wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse that clung to her body, accentuating her assets. Did she know what she was doing to me? She held out her arms as she stood at the bottom of the steps and I climbed out of my car.

She wrapped those loving arms around me when I stepped in front of her. "It is so good to see you Ry." She squeezed my body into hers. I could feel those magnificent breasts being crushed against my body. "How was your drive?"

I pulled away from her to look at her. My eyes naturally dropped to her chest. "It was good. Boring. Nothing worth talking about."

"Good." Jean said smiling up at me. Then she touched the side of my face and caressed it tenderly. "I can't tell you how good it is to see a familiar face. I'm so looking forward to our summer together."

Without thinking I pulled her into my body a little tighter as I smiled at her. "Me too." We held each other for a few seconds, staring at each other. "Let me unpack my stuff. Just point me to my room."

I followed her into the house carrying my suitcase and backpack. I couldn't take my eyes off her swaying hips as she walked ahead of me and then climbed the stairs to the second floor. I kept kicking myself with every lustful thought. I wasn't doing myself any good by thinking these thoughts with my summer just starting with Aunt Jean.

Aunt Jean opened the door to my bedroom and led me inside. It was basically a master suite with a huge TV on the wall and its own bathroom "This is your room. You've got your own bathroom," she told me as she pointed to a door on the other side of the room. "Are you hungry?"

I threw my bags on the bed. "Now that you mention it, I guess I am. I just realized I haven't eaten since breakfast. And that was just sausage biscuit from McDonald's."

"Good. Get unpacked. I was thinking about hamburgers for dinner. That sound good?"

"That sounds great."

"How are you at working a grill? Your uncle was always the one who worked the grill. I've always loved the flavor of a grilled burger over a pan fried one."

I smiled at my aunt. "I can hold my own with a grill. And I agree. Grilled is always better."

Jean smiled back at me for a few seconds as we stood there in silence. "Good." She turned to leave then looked at me. "You unpack while I start getting dinner ready. When you're ready come down and start the grill. If there's anything you need, let me know." She paused. "Anything at all."

I watched her leave the room and walk back down the hallway. My heart was pounding so hard. I didn't realize I was shaking till I started to unpack my suitcase. I held my hand out in front of me and watched it shake. "Screw this!" I chastised myself. "Get control asshole." I had always prided myself with maintaining a level of control over my emotions and reactions. This response was taking me off guard. I used the bathroom to take a piss, then decided to just head downstairs and get the grill started. I didn't realize how hungry I was till Aunt Jean had asked me.

"Point me to the grill." I said as I walked into the kitchen. "You just mentioning hamburgers reminded me how hungry I am." I said smiling.

Aunt Jean pointed at the back door. "Grills on the back porch. How many hamburgers do you want? Two or three?"

I patted my stomach as I responded. "Two. I'm trying to watch my figure." I said teasingly. I walked towards the back door. Feeling my aunt's eyes following me.

"I think your figure is just fine. You don't need to worry about anything."

I looked over my shoulder at her as I opened the door. I decided two could play at this game. I let my eyes roam up and down her body. "Yours is looking really good too." Before she could respond I stepped out onto the porch.

Ten minutes later, as I was still brushing the grill down, Aunt Jean came out with a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. She handed the bottle to me. "Your mother told me this was your favorite. I bought a case of it. So you'll always have something to drink."

I took it from her and took a long drink. "Damn that's good. Thank you."

"Thank you for helping me out this summer. I know you were looking for a job. I'll pay you well for this summer."

I held up my hand. "Stop! Yeah, I was looking for a job this summer. But you're family. Pay me what you can. I'm not worried about it."

"Your uncle left me very well off. I can afford to pay you for this summer. But thank you for the kind offer. You know, your uncle was really fond of you. I think he liked you the most of all his nephews and nieces."

I smiled as I remembered some of my interactions with him. "I really liked Uncle Bob. He was always kind to me. And always had an encouraging word." For the next two hours we reminisced about him. Through dinner prep, and then through dinner.

After Aunt Jean's second glass of wine she began to loosen up and tell me more about their relationship. The more she talked, the more I understood how deep their relationship was. "He was my foundation. He gave me the control and direction I needed." She stared into her glass as she remembered what Uncle Bob had meant to her. "The more he took control, the more I realized how much I needed that." She looked up at me with tears welling up in her eyes. "What am I going to do now? I feel so lost. So empty. So alone."

The more Aunt Jean talked, the more I felt protective of her. I now understood what mom had meant when she told me that Aunt Jean was in a vulnerable place. I could sense her vulnerability as she bared her soul to me. I leaned across the table and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. "You're not alone." I paused. "I know I can't fill Uncle Bob's shoes. I won't even pretend to try. But I am going to take care of you as best I can."

Jean smiled as she reached across the table and caressed his face again. "Your mother told me you were wise beyond your years. She was right."

I just chuckled. "Mom's are suppose to say things like that." I hesitated asking the question that was screaming in my head as Aunt Jean told me of her relationship with Uncle Bob. But then I thought, 'fuck it! I'm not going to ignore this damn elephant in the room.'

"Can I ask a personal question?" I asked.

Jean composed herself. "Of course Ry."

"You and Uncle Bob were more than just husband and wife, weren't you? He was your Dom and you were his sub."

Aunt Jean's eyes widened like a deer mesmerized by headlights. "Yes! But how do you know about that?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not a virgin, you know. I had a girl friend a couple semesters ago who expressed all the needs you just confessed to. I began reading up on the lifestyle so I could better understand her and her needs."

"What happened?" Jean asked wondering just how much her nephew understood of her needs.

"We were good together for a few months. Then it became apparent that she had some real daddy issues. She ended up hooking up with a guy twice my age."

Aunt Jean grabbed my hand as she responded. "I'm sorry Ry. I know that had to hurt."

I just shrugged. "Thank you. But I was ok with it. I figured if I wasn't what she needed, then I'm glad she found that person that met her needs."

"So what did you learn from your short time with her?" Jean needed to know what this young man sitting in front of her understood about her needs.

I took her hands in mine knowing we were at a crossroads. "The most important lesson I learned from my time with her was that a sub needs to be able to trust their Dom completely. Trust is everything."

Jean sat back in her chair as she saw me in a new light.

"Let me help you clean up this mess before I take a shower."

Aunt Jean just smiled at me. "Nonsense. Go take your shower. I can get this."

An hour later I walked downstairs. I was unpacked and showered. The hot shower had relaxed me to the degree that I decided I was going to go to bed and watch some baseball on the TV in my room. Aunt Jean was in the living room watching one of her shows. I was wearing a pair of baggy gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I sat down next to her on the couch. "That shower really relaxed me. I think I'm just going to head to bed and watch some baseball."

Aunt Jean gave a pouting face. "You can watch baseball down here. I was looking forward to spending time with you."

I smiled at her. "We have all summer together. I plan on spending a lot of time with you." I got up and headed toward the stairs. A wave of boldness swept over me. "I'll be watching baseball if you want to join me."

The game was in the fifth inning when I heard this soft rapping on my bedroom door. "Come on in." I smiled at Aunt Jean as she stuck her head inside the door.

"I didn't know if you'd be sleeping yet." She said as she stepped inside the room. She was wearing a lacy robe. I didn't know if there was anything under it.

My smile got bigger. "Nope. Just watching the game." I knew where this was heading. I just needed to put the ball in her court. I was sitting up in the bed with my back against the headboard.

Jean walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, beside me, facing me with one leg curled under the other hanging over the edge. "Can I get you anything? I just wanted to make sure you have everything you need."

I sat as I looked at her and smiled. "I'm good. But thank you." Then I thought for a minute with all that we had talked about during dinner, all the innuendos that had me wondering what she was trying to say. I reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. "On second thought, there is something I need from you." I paused, wanting her to ask before saying it.

She placed her other hand on mine as she leaned forward. "What is it Ry? What do you need?" There was an unmistakable longing in her voice.

I leaned closer to her as I took her face in my hand, stroking her cheek with my thumb. "I need you to tell me what it is that you need. I need to know what it is that you need so I can take better care of you this summer."

She immediately became flustered, not knowing how to answer. She stammered until she finally said, "Oh Ry. I need you to help me with this place this summer."

I cut her off, knowing that's not what she really needed. I wanted her to say it. I had felt a boldness come over me as I'd thought about our conversation during dinner. "Is that all you need Aunt Jean?" I asked again as my hand slid down her face. I began to caress her neck and collar bone. "Is that really all you need?" I let me fingertips glide over her skin. She whimpered softly. I knew her defenses were slowly crumbling. "I want to meet your needs. But I can't do that if you don't tell me what those needs are."

The need in her took control. She leaned forward into my hand, allowing me to slide it down the opening in her robe to the valley between those luscious tits of hers. A calm resolve came over her as she looked at me. "I need you to take control Ry. I need you to tell me what to do."

She had said what I wanted to hear, without really saying it. I explored her chest with my hand as we stared at each other. She reached in her lap and untied the knot holding her robe together, never taking her eyes off me. She slid it off her shoulders, revealing a blue satin teddy.

I couldn't help myself. "Damn! You really are one gorgeous lady!"

Her reaction surprised me. She blushed and lowered her eyes at the compliment. "Thank you kind sir."

I laid my hands on her shoulders, slipped my fingers under the straps holding the teddy up and slid them down her arms. Her tits slowly became bared to my gaze and inspection. I cupped them in my hands and lifted them, feeling their weight and firmness. I listened to her groan her approval as I took control.

I sat back as I thought about how I should proceed. "Stand up!" I said softly but firmly. She obeyed without hesitation. "Take it all off!"

She let out a soft moan of resignation as she responded to my command. She began to shake as she let the robe drop to the floor. Then she slid the teddy down her body, standing there only in her panties.

"All of it." I was so turned on by this point I almost shot a load in my gym shorts. I'm no porn star when it comes to the size of my cock. I'm a respectable 6-7 inches. But when I get hard, I really get hard. You could hang a coat on it.

Aunt Jean bent over as she slid her panties down her legs, then stepped out of them. She then stood there trembling as she awaited my next command.

I had become so caught up in the eroticism of the moment, I'd lost sight of the magnitude of what was about to happen. I don't know if it was the fear of taking the next step, or a genuine concern for my aunt. But I swung my legs off the bed and stood in front of her. I took her in my arms and held her tight. "Is this really what you need and want?" I asked her softly.

She cupped my face with her hands looking up at me. "Yes." She said almost crying. "You have no idea how badly I need this."

"Why me? You could have so many men. You're a gorgeous, sensuous woman that any man would be lucky to have."

"I don't want just any man. I need a man that I know I can trust. A man that I know cares about me, and isn't just here because of what he knows he can get out of me." She looked at me intently. "Please tell me you're that man Ry." There was almost a pleading in her voice.

At that moment I felt a tenderness towards her I'd never felt for anyone else before. I kissed her tenderly as I held her tight. "I'm that man!" I almost called her 'Aunt Jean', but somehow it didn't feel right at this point. We'd figure that out later. "I'm going to love you and take care of you. Understood?"

She smiled at me as the tears streamed down her cheeks. "I've been so lost since your uncle..." She stopped herself.

"You're not lost anymore. I know we're both going to have to learn a lot about each other. But as far as I'm concerned, you belong to me now."

She just smiled at me as she slowly dropped to her knees. Grabbing my gym shorts, she pulled them down. My cock was as hard as it's ever been, staring her in the face. She lovingly and slowly examined the full length of my shaft, caressing it with her hands as she did. She then cupped my balls with one hand as she slid her lips over the head, and then down the length of the shaft.

My knees almost buckled as she buried my shaft in her mouth. I had been given plenty of blowjobs at school. And I enjoyed everyone of them. But there was just something about this one that made them all pale in comparison. Maybe it was the eroticism of the incestuous relationship we were about to consummate that made it so much more intense. I didn't care. All I knew was that I was about to blow my first load, and all the self-control in the world wasn't going to stop it.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned as I grabbed her head with both hands. I heard her squeal as I began to pump her head back and forth. "Oh fuck! This isn't going to take long!" I warned her. I knew once I got this first load out of the way, I'd last a lot longer the next times around. I filled my hands with two fistfuls of her hair as I pumped her head back and forth.

I looked down briefly. We made eye contact as her mouth was stuffed full of my cock. That image sent me over the edge. My hands gripped her head tighter as my cock erupted in her mouth. The eagerness of her sucking and swallowing only added to the pleasure. Never had I experienced the pleasures of a partner as eager to please as Aunt Jean. My body continued to spasm and convulse as she drained me in a way I'd never experienced before.

It wasn't till after my orgasm began to subside that I realized she'd wrapped her arms around my body, and was holding her mouth on me. She didn't need my hands holding her head in place. She was willingly and gladly servicing me. That was the first time I truly knew what it meant to be loved by a woman. She continued to suckle and lick my cock, looking up at me, as my orgasm waned. I wasn't sure who was enjoying this more, her or me.

After several minutes I pulled her head off my cock and stood her up. I kissed her passionately with one arm around her waist pulling her into my body, while my other hand explored her chest, kneading her tits and playing with her nipples. I could still taste my cum as my tongue explored her mouth. She moaned softly as my hand played with her tits. "I take it your tits are sensitive?" I asked smiling at her.

She gasped as I pinched one of her nipples. "Extremely! I can climax with just having them played with."

"Good to know." I slid my hand down her stomach and cupped her pussy. The heat emanating from her was incredible. I slipped my middle finger between the folds of her pussy and found her swollen clit. I felt her body shudder as she groaned. She began to whimper with need as she leaned into my body when I slipped my finger inside her pussy. I felt her body building towards the first orgasm I'd be giving her.


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