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My Favorite Pizza

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A sexy wife meets a hot pizza delivery guy.
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It was one of those sultry late July evenings when the air feels almost like a living being, gently caressing every bit of exposed skin. I've always liked hot weather and it tends to put me in a sensual state of mind. Maybe that explains the way things developed that day... or maybe I shouldn't blame it all on the weather.

It was Saturday and my husband Adam and I were at our neighborhood pool with some friends. We'd been out of the water for a while. I was drinking Shotgun Betty, one of my favorite local beers, which has the commendable attributes of being a perfect summer wheat beer and having a rather shapely cowgirl on the label. It always makes me feel a little naughty- like I might throw on some cowboy boots, a low-cut shirt and a cowboy hat and ride off to cause some trouble. We were starting to get a little hungry so I called our favorite pizza place and asked to have it delivered to the pool. When I got the call that the pizza was on its way, I leaped to my feet with remarkable agility for someone who had so recently been on a first name basis with Ms. Betty (if I do say so myself).

Adam said, "I wonder why you're in such a hurry," as gave me a mischievous smile and a little pat on the ass. I just smiled over my shoulder as I walked to the pool entrance. You see, Adam knows that there are several reasons why this pizza place is my favorite. It does have excellent pizza with a thin, crisp crust and fresh, not too sweet sauce. However, it also has the added attraction of a particularly cute delivery guy. Ben has thick brown hair, big brown eyes, a sweet, shy smile and a very nice, athletic body. We'd chatted a little in the past. I'd noticed that he held my gaze just a little longer than expected and I thought I'd caught a few appreciative glances at parts of me other than my eyes. I've been told that I'm pretty attractive, with a slender, but curvy figure, curly hair and blue-green eyes. I'm used to some attention from guys, but there was something about Ben's sweetness and sincerity that really stood out... not to mention that he was totally hot.

Today, he was going to get a pretty good look at me. Normally I have a little dress or cover up for when I'm out of the pool. Today, though, I had only a very small towel tied around my hips over a pretty minimal yellow and gold string bikini. I was a little nervous, but also kind of excited about meeting Ben in such a revealing outfit.

As Ben pulled up, he looked a little surprised, but not displeased by what I was (or more to the point wasn't) wearing. As he got out of the car, it was clear that he was putting a lot of effort into keeping his gaze at my eye level. He took the pizza out and we chatted a little. From our previous conversations, I knew that he was in grad school studying ancient Roman history, but still helped out in his family's restaurant most evenings. I asked him how school was going. As he described some trouble he'd been having writing his dissertation proposal, I briefly wondered if he had gotten his strong hands and muscular arms from hours of kneading pizza dough. I was a bit lost in that image and noticed that Ben took advantage of my momentary distraction to take a nice long look up and down my body. He hadn't quite made his way back up to my eyes when I looked over at him. When he did meet my gaze, he looked a little sheepish. I gave him my most encouraging smile and turned to sign the credit card slip.

I'm not quite sure what made me feel bold enough to do what I did next. Maybe it was my friend Betty, the sultry weather or just the heat of Ben's gaze. Whatever it was, I quickly scribbled my phone number on the receipt and wrote "In case you need a study break." A bit shocked by my boldness, I handed it back to Ben, quickly picked up the pizza and said, "See you later," over my shoulder.

I didn't think my cheeks could get any brighter, but I'm pretty sure they achieved a new shade of crimson when, about halfway to the pool entrance, my towel fell off. Since my hands were full of pizza, there was nothing I could do except continue to our table.

When I came back to collect my towel, Ben was gone. Feeling a little foolish, I returned to our table. I walked up behind Adam and whispered, "So, I may have given Ben my number."

He turned around with a big smile and said, "Oh, really?" He gave me a big kiss and pulled me tight against his body.

"What's all that about?" asked one of our friends.

"Adam was just thanking me for getting the pizza," I replied with a grin. Adam and I are usually pretty affectionate, so I don't think our friends suspected anything. However, I could tell that Adam was just about bursting with curiosity. He managed to wait until we were on our way home and out of earshot of our friends before asking, "So, what happened??!!"

I told him the story in detail as we walked home, including my little wardrobe malfunction. I was pretty sure that he was enjoying it, but was concerned about whether he was completely comfortable with the situation. I was reassured when I 'accidentally' brushed the front of his swimming suit with my hand and felt quite an impressive bulge. My remaining fears were put to rest when, as soon as we closed our front door, Adam pressed me against the wall while one hand pulled my mouth to his and the other grabbed my ass. I love the feeling of being caught between a strong body and another hard surface. Adam certainly knew how turned on I was as soon as he slipped his fingers under my bikini bottom and into my extremely wet pussy.

Mere seconds later, we had stripped off what little we were wearing and were fucking like mad on the living room floor. We started with me on my back and my legs resting on Adam's shoulders, then flipped over so that I was on top riding his very hard cock. I love that position- Adam's long, thick cock inside me felt so amazing and I was already so turned on that I came almost instantly. Adam showed remarkable restraint and I managed to have two more earth shattering orgasms before I felt him thrust into me as he filled my pussy with cum.

We both collapsed on the floor, sticky with sweat and chlorine and totally spent. After some time to recover, we went into our oversized shower and gently rinsed each other's bodies with cool water before going to bed. The soft sheets felt amazing on my newly cooled skin and I felt completely relaxed as Adam stroked my hair.

"So, do you think you'll hear from Ben?"

"Probably not. To be honest, I feel a little silly for having given him my number, completely unsolicited."

"I don't think you should feel bad at all. And if he passes up a chance to get to see a bit more of a hottie like you, he must not be as smart as you think he is."

I smiled at Adam. "So, how would you feel if he did get in touch with me?"

"I think that would be totally hot!"

"And if he wants to do more than just chat?"

"Anything you're comfortable with is fine with me, you know that," he said with a grin.

Adam had frequently talked about his fantasies of me with another guy. I had assumed it was just talk until a few months ago, when he encouraged me to play around with a very attractive man at a party (for more on that story, see "The Photo"). We had both really enjoyed that experience and relived it frequently when we were in bed (or on the living room floor) together. However, no other opportunities had presented themselves since then. Until tonight, I had thought that it was probably just going to be a one time thing, although I had sensed that Adam was a little disappointed about that.

"You're sure you're ok with this?" I asked.

"Completely. After all, I know you'll be coming home to me, right?"

"Of course! How could I ever stay away from a man who is so fucking sexy and so great in bed?"

We slept in a little later than usual the next morning, but wanted to get up and about before the day got too hot. We decided to walk to our favorite bakery for breakfast. Outside, it was a somewhat overcast and humid, but still comfortable for a casual stroll. I was pleased to find a free table in a shady corner of the courtyard. I waited at the table while Adam went in to get our food. As I sat listening to the gurgle of a fountain and the gentle murmur of conversations around me, my mind wandered and I found myself thinking about Ben. It was a nice fantasy, even if I was pretty sure nothing would come of it. Soon, Adam returned carrying a large, extra hot café mocha and chocolate croissant for him and an iced tea and ham and gruyere pastry for me. We read the New York Times and chatted about our dinner plans with friends that night. It was almost noon when Adam went in to buy some bread to take home.

Just as the door closed behind him, I heard the text chime from my phone. Thinking it was our friends wanting to discuss plans for the evening, I picked it up. I was surprised to see that it was from a number I didn't recognize.

"How was the pizza?"

I felt my cheeks flush and my heart beat a little faster. I took a few seconds to compose an appropriate response- flirty, but not overly so.

"It was delicious. Just what I wanted."

I waited a few seconds, then asked, "How's the writing?"

"Pretty terrible, actually. I've been trying to write all morning, but haven't made any progress."

"Maybe you need a study break."

"Yeah, I was thinking about heading over to Café Luna in a little while. Maybe a change of scenery would help."

Café Luna is a cozy little coffee shop not too far away. I wasn't sure if this was meant to be a hint, but figured, what the hell.

"Would you like company?"

It took a few seconds for him to text back and while I was waiting, I started to think that maybe I had completely misunderstood his intentions. I was very pleased and relieved when he wrote:

"If that company is of the cute, female variety, then absolutely!"

"I have some cute friends, I could see if they're free"

"I find it hard to believe they're as cute as you."

My cheeks burning even brighter, I wrote:

"When were you thinking of going there?"

After a few more exchanges, we decided that we would meet at the café in about an hour.

I was lost in thought when Adam reemerged from the bakery. I think he could tell from the expression on my face that I was thinking of something a little naughty, because he came up behind me, kissed me on the neck and asked, "What exactly are you thinking about, young lady?" with a wicked grin.

I smiled and said, "Well, I seem to have made a date for this afternoon."

"Really? Did Ben call you?!?"

I told him what had happened and showed him the texts. I was reassured when he squeezed my leg, gave me a big kiss and said, "I love you, my sexy wife!"

"I love you too, sexy husband!" I replied.

As Adam and I walked home, we discussed what might happen that afternoon. I really wasn't sure what to expect. My brief exchange with Ben had been flirty, but not at all explicit and I really wasn't sure how far things would go. Adam said once again that whatever I wanted to do was fine with him... and that he couldn't wait to hear the story, even if it was just some 'friendly' chatting and maybe some brushing of legs under the table.

We were both pretty excited by the time we got home. After Adam helped me pick out an outfit for my date (a short, sleeveless red dress that shows off some nice cleavage and some strappy black sandals with a bit of a heel), we made out on the couch for a while. I have to say that I still love long sessions of kissing, rubbing and touching. All that anticipation really turns me on. Maybe it reminds me of high school.

Soon, it was time for me to go meet Ben. I kissed Adam one last time. He said, "Have fun!" as I walked out the door. I gave him a smile and a wink over my shoulder. As I closed the car door, I was surprised to see Adam walking over to me. I unrolled the window and asked, "What's up?"

He leaned in close and said, "I just had to tell you that your legs look fantastic in that dress!"

"Thanks, baby!" I replied. I blew him a kiss as I pulled out of the driveway.

I was grateful that the drive to Café Luna was short because I was almost bursting with nervousness, curiosity and anticipation. I parked in the gravel lot and walked toward the café. I didn't see Ben right away and I briefly wondered whether he'd changed his mind. Soon enough, I spotted him sitting at a table for two in a shady spot under a large Japanese maple. I walked over and said, "Hi there."

He smiled a little as he glanced down at my legs and I thought that his assessment may have been similar to Adam's. "Well, hello," he replied, "I'm glad you could come."

"So am I."

I rested my hand gently on Ben's upper arm as I told him I would be right back after I got something to drink. The feeling of his taut bicep through his fitted t-shirt sent a little shiver through my whole body. As I reached the door to the café, I looked back toward the table and saw that Ben had been watching me. I smiled to myself, glad that he was enjoying the view.

I returned with my iced tea (herbal this time- I was already nervous enough without caffeine) and sat down opposite Ben. We smiled nervously at each other for a few seconds, neither of us sure what to say. Then, I asked him how the writing was going and we chatted a bit about his work. During a pause in the conversation, he glanced at my left hand and asked, "So, you're married, right?"

"Yes, very happily married," I said, fingering my wedding ring, "My husband is very open-minded, though. He knows I'm here. Actually, he encouraged me to come."

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't generally make dates with married women."

He paused for a moment, "What about you? Do you meet guys for 'study breaks' a lot?" he asked with a half-smile.

"No, this is pretty new for me too... I felt a little silly after giving you my number last night. I was afraid it might make you uncomfortable"

"Are you kidding? It was incredibly flattering to have a sexy woman like you slip me her number."

Looking into his gorgeous brown eyes, I said, "This can't have been the first time a woman's given you her number."

He blushed adorably and looked down before replying, "Well, no. But it is the first time I've actually used that number."

Now it was my turn to blush. "I'm so glad you did," I said with a smile.

"Actually, I have a confession to make."

I looked back at Ben expectantly.

"Well," he went on "I've had a little crush on you for a while now. I'd seen your wedding ring, so I never thought anything would come of it, but I was always pleased when I was working and one of your orders came in."

He looked a bit bashful, as if he wasn't sure if he should have said that.

Wanting to set his mind at ease, I leaned in a little closer and gave that delicious bicep a little squeeze as I said, "I'm very, very pleased to hear that."

I guess that initial physical contact broke the ice, because even as the conversation moved on to less intimate things, I felt his bare legs brush against mine several times. Then, in a moment of excitement during a discussion of our shared obsession with Weeds, he squeezed my hand. The sensation was so intense that I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it for a second. I think he was afraid he'd gone too far, because he let go and asked if everything was ok. I smiled, squeezed his hand in return and said "Much more than ok."

By this time, we'd both finished our drinks and, even in the shade, it was getting really warm. I felt like we'd reached a critical moment. Would things end here or would we move on to something more? I knew what I wanted. Even though we'd only had minimal contact up to this point, I was really turned on. I was dying to know how his full lips would feel and taste and I had an almost overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss him right there. I wasn't sure how he'd feel about such a public display, though, so I managed to restrain myself, just barely.

"So, it's getting kind of hot out here," I started. A momentary look of disappointment on his face changed to a big smile as I continued, "Would you like to show me some of what you've been working on... maybe back at your place?"

"I'd like that very much."

We got up and walked to our cars. I think we were both feeling a little too shy to make eye contact but our fingers did brush against each other a few times. We reached my car first. "Shall I follow you?" I asked.

As he turned to leave, my resistance faltered and I gave him a hug and a quick kiss. My cheeks burning, I said, "See you soon," as I jumped in the car. I really enjoyed the surprised, but happy look on Ben's face as he walked to his car.

The drive to his apartment was short, only about 10 minutes. I spent just about all of it contemplating my brief encounter with his lips. They were gentle, but firm and I couldn't wait to feel them again, preferably for a much more extended period of time.

When we were stopped at a light, I texted Adam:

"So, things went pretty well at Luna... we're on our way back to his place (!)"

He responded very quickly:

"Wow!!! So hot!! Have fun!"

"Ps I'm kinda jealous of Ben getting to see your gorgeous naked bod for the first time ;)"

I just had time for a quick "I love you!!!" before the light changed.

Ben and I parked next to each other and walked up the exterior steps to his apartment. I could feel my heart pounding as we stopped in front of his door and he fumbled with his key for a moment before opening the door and ushering me in ahead of him.

"Make yourself at home," Ben said, "Would you like something to drink?"

I told him that a glass of water would be great. I took off my shoes and looked around briefly as Ben walked into the kitchen. The apartment was small, but bright and comfortable. I smiled when I noticed a few issues of the American Journal of Ancient History on his end table.

A few moments later, I followed him into the kitchen. He turned around with two glasses of ice water in his hand. I hopped up onto the countertop and smiled as he walked over to me. He stopped directly in front of me and handed me one of the glasses. I thanked him and rubbed his outer thigh with my foot to encourage him to stay right next to me. After getting lost in his eyes for a long, rather intense moment, I took a long drink. With my mouth still cool from the icy water, I took Ben's face in my hands, leaned over and kissed him. Despite my high expectations, I was not disappointed. He was an amazing kisser- passionate, but not pushy, with strong lips and a very skillful tongue (which may have given me some other ideas...) And I loved the way his fingers felt as they stroked the bare skin on my back and wrapped themselves around my small waist.

To pull him closer, I wrapped my legs around him. Judging by the very impressive hard-on I felt pressed against my throbbing pussy, I guessed he must be enjoying my kisses too. He pulled away for a second and buried his hands in my hair as he looked at me with a gaze so intense, I could hardly bear it. He gently tilted my head back as he began caressing my neck with his mouth. Despite the heat, chills ran up and down my body and I felt my nipples strain against the material of my dress. Perhaps Ben sensed my desperate need to feel his lips and tongue on my nipples. He kissed his way down my neck and lingered briefly in the cleft between my breasts. Then, he slowly, gently slid the straps of my dress over my shoulders, exposing my round, firm breasts and perky pink nipples. I had just enough time to see him smile in appreciation before he closed his lips around my right nipple. All I could do at that point was close my eyes and moan with pleasure.

I was teetering on the edge of orgasm from the nipple stimulation alone, when he slid a hand under my dress and inside my little black lacy thong. "Oh God," I whispered as I felt his fingers glide across my clit and gently part my lips.


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