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My First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 06

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John learns a new way to reach an orgasm with Rebecca’s help.
2.3k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/24/2024
Created 04/11/2024
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The next few weeks were tough. I was getting used to the chastity cage--really didn't notice it much--but Rebecca hadn't let me cum that entire time. I didn't have another wet dream but felt very close one night - I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in pre-cum, but no orgasm. She had me go down in her several times during the weeks, but to my disappointment did not release me. I asked once and she said she only wanted to cuddle. Finally, after about 3 weeks, I received some good news. We had plans for me to have dinner with a few of her friends and she said "definitely plan to stay after, I have a treat for you." I couldn't stop thinking about what was to come for several nights. Not cumming was torture.

The night finally came. I met her at her apartment and we walked out from there. A few blocks away was a pub with outside seating. It was a warm night, so we sat outside. These friends were new to me. They were three colleagues of hers from a former law firm. I wondered why she still kept in touch with them, but apparently they had all been pretty close together in law school. There were 3 of them: Rachel, Tom, and Mike. Rachel was pretty cute, a petite blonde girl with a slim body. Tom was pretty average looking, and Mike was a tall muscular guy. He looked more like an MMA fighter than an attorney. All were very friendly, though. Maybe a little more than friendly.

After some appetizers we all started to drink a little more heavily. Lots of laughs and things were normal except I noticed that Mike and Rebecca seemed to make eye contact very frequently. And he would casually touch her arm or shoulder a little more than I liked. At one point, I was coming back from grabbing a round of drinks and I saw Rachel leaning against Tom (sort of like a couple, although it hadn't been clear to me that they were together) and Mike had his arm around Rebecca's waist. He removed it when I arrived, but seemingly only because he was grabbing his drink. I quickly moved over to Rebecca and shot her a look of confusion. She whispered "what??" but I ignored her.

We finished up our final drink, said our goodbyes and Rebecca and I walked back to her apartment. It had truly been a fun night but I was angry about this guy that had his hands all over Rebecca, and annoyed that she didn't seem to mind. It must have been obvious on our walk back.

She wrapped her arms around me. "Are you mad at me?" She said.

"Why would I be mad?"

"John, come on. I know why you're mad." She was smiling.

"Well, I just didn't think that was very cool. I mean, what the hell. And you didn't seem to mind."

She giggled and then stopped. I turned to face her and she gave me a big hug. Her hand then went down to my caged dick and squeezed. "Don't worry little one. You're my love, not Mike. Let's go inside so I can give you your treat."

We walked into her apartment, or stumbled rather, and grabbed some water in the kitchen. As we stood there trying to hydrate, I could tell that Rebecca was drunk. It occurred to me that I hadn't seen her this drunk before.

"Mike is an ex boyfriend. We dated in law school for a year or so." Suddenly, it all made sense. I got mad.

"That doesn't give him the right to have his hands all over you."

She giggled again and looked down. Then back up at me. "You're so cute, little one. Go to the bedroom and strip. I'll be in soon." At that moment, all my anger subsided. I was so horny.

I did as was told. She came into the bedroom and undressed. Her tight, toned body was so gorgeous. I was standing facing her with only my cage on. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts. I rubbed them slowly and nearly moaned - I couldn't handle how horny I was.

"Mmm that feels good, baby boy. I love your hands on me. Come here on the bed and put your head on my lap." Once we situated our selves she told me to suck her nipple. She cupped her left breast and pushed the nipple into my mouth. I started to lick it furiously and she said "no. Suck." I sucked softly. "Mmm yes just like that, little one. Suck nicely for me." She rubbed my head as she held her breast in my mouth. Her eyes were closed. I could tell she was enjoying this. I found it very relaxing, too, but I was worried she was going to fall asleep. She switched breasts and gave me her right one. I couldn't tell if this was sexual for her or just relaxing. Either way, my dick was hurting badly. It wanted to be erect but was nearly bursting the cage open.

She finally and told me to get on all fours, facing the wall. She walked over at the side of the bed. She grabbed the cage and started to rub it. I moaned.

"Oh John. You have so much leakage don't you? You've been a good boy staying in your cage for me. Do you want me to let you get those cummies out tonight?" I moaned a very loud yes. And she laughed pretty loudly.

She walked over to her laundry basket and grabbed her workout socks from that day. She brought them to my nose. "Smell these John. I want you VERY turned on." They smelled musty and felt still a little wet from her sweat. I couldn't believe how turned on I was. If my cage was off I think I would have cum instantly.

She then put the socks back and told me to wait there. Then she came out with something that immediately made me cringe. She had on a belt and it had a dildo attached to it.

She saw my reaction and leaned into my ear. I could smell the tequila on her breath. She whispered, "I think we're ready for this John. I really want to make love to you." The dildo was bigger than the one she had used on me, but I couldn't tell how much. I hadn't said anything.

"Do you want to cum thought John?"

"Yes. Please. "

"Please what?"

"Please ma'am."

"Good boy. Now stay on all fours and move closer to the wall." She then got on her knees behind me. I was expecting her to take off my cage, but instead I felt a lubed dildo at the opening of my hole.

"Your ass is still just as tight as ever John. Mmmmm. I love it." I could tell this was our regular dildo. I have to admit: it felt so amazing as it entered me. I lost my breath when she pushed it all the way in. "That's if John. Doesn't that feel so good"? I let out a loud moan.

As she moved the dildo in and out I continued to moan. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of me in buckets. Then she pulled out. I wanted to look back. I turned my head slightly and could see she was applying more lube. This was it. I could tell she was planning to use her strap on dildo.

"Turn around! Face forward." I did. I could tell she now was up on her knees. Her hands rubbed my ass cheeks. "Oh ok John. I'll go slow. do you want to cum?" I said yes. But she still had my cage on which was very annoying. I don't know how she expected me to cum. I figured she'd take it off in a minute or two.

"Ahhh!" I yelled. The tip of this dildo felt much bigger. I was breathing very heavily and I looked back instinctively.

"Face forward John. This is a little bigger but you can do this little one. I'll go slow baby. Come on now. Open up for me."

She slowly rocked back and forth as the tip of her strap on cock dildo slid into me. It felt very very large. I knew that it wasn't enormous from seeing it, but I guess even the slightly larger size made a huge difference. Each time she rocked into me it pushed in a little more.

"That's it baby. Take my cock." That was new. I hadn't heard her refer to a dildo as her cock. It hurt, to be honest. My face was squished from my concern that it would start go hurt more.

"It's ok little one." She rubbed my ass more as she pushed into me. "Come on baby. You can do this." She suddenly thrusted into me. Not too hard but just hard enough to push her dildo cock past that tight barrier I had mentioned a few times back. I screamed out the instant she did it. It hurt badly but approximately one second after it felt like ecstasy. My scream turned to a hard man. After she got the dildo fully in she stopped rocking and stayed in place.

"THATS it baby! Yes! Ohhhhh yes that feels good doesn't it? You're doing such a good job, John." I felt strangely proud for making her happy. She seemed genuinely happy that I could take it. She slowly started rocking back and forth. Every time she pushed into me I felt a wave of strong sensations. Precum was drenching the sheets.

Her hands grabbed at my hips. "You're being such a good boy John. Now I want those cummies out." She then got up on her feet and with her hands grabbing hips she started thrusting into me. Much harder than I expected. It hurt.

"Ahhh!" I yelled. Followed by a moan. This happened with each thrust. It hurt and then felt amazing. I felt her hands grab my hips harder.

"Yes baby!" She said. "Take my cock now John. I know you love it don't you?" I moaned yes. "Bigger is better isn't it, baby?" Again I moaned yes. As she thrusted again and again into me I felt something building up in my groin. I was heading toward an orgasm. I couldn't believe it. Her hands weren't even touching me. My dick was swollen against the cage but wasn't able to be erect. But suddenly every movement in the cage, every point of pressure was felt. I felt dizzy. But good.

"Take this big cock John." She kept thrusting. I was getting close, I could feel it building more and more. And then she said something that pushed me over the edge.

With one hand on my hip she reached the other hand down and grabbed the cage and squeezed. More building. She brought her hand back up and I felt a hard slap against me ass as she thrusted into me again and again. More building. I moaned over and over. Then she said, "now I know we both like big cocks John. That's what Mike gave to me, John. A big dick. He used to pound me with it. We both like big cocks don't we John?" I moaned so loudly! "Ah, ooooohhhh!!" Cum came rushing out of me. It hurt because my dick was scrunched in my cage but the overwhelming orgasmic sensations overpowered any pain. Rebecca stopped thrusting. It was coming out so hard that we could hear it.

"Oh baby, I can hear your squirts!" I'm not exaggerating that we could hear cum squirting out of me. I think the pressure from the tight cage and the fact that my penis opening was pressed against the plastic made for noise. I made about 5-6 squirts and then collapsed. It felt amazing. I will say it didn't feel as good as when the cage was off, but this was at the top of list for orgasms. I nearly passed out.

Rebecca slowly pulled the dildo out of me and laid down next to me. We both passed out and slept the rest of the night.

I woke up before her and had to use the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet to pee, I looked down at my cage. I grinned a little. I was still shocked that I had managed an orgasm without even touching myself. I guessed it was sort of what happened with my wet dream. But then my grin changed to a frown. I remembered the exact instant I exploded into orgasm. Rebecca had talked about fucking Mike or something. It was all

a little hazy but I know she mentioned Mike. And his big cock. I suddenly had a pit in my stomach. Major jealousy. Well, it wasn't exactly jealousy. It was more of a concern. Was I not good enough? did she want Mike again? I just didn't want to lose her.

These feelings, on top of my hangover anxiety, made me feel pretty badly for the next hour. But after Rebecca woke up I felt better. She gave me a hug and told me how proud she was of me, and then had me go down on her before making breakfast. I made pancakes with blueberries.

As we started to clean up after breakfast we agreed to go to the movies. It was pouring outside and we were both trying to get past our hangovers. As we were putting the food away, I grabbed a large blueberry that had fallen out of the package and put it to Rebecca's lips.

"Blueberry? This is a big one!" She opened her lips and ate it with a smile. Then she kissed me on the lips and her hand squeezed my ass. And she said "we both like big ones, don't we?" And then gave my ass a little slap and giggled and turned to take a shower. Apparently she had remembered all of it.

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PrettyInPanties69PrettyInPanties6916 days ago

I stumbled onto this story and I am so glad I that did. I couldn’t tear myself away and read all 6 chapters today. I found the whole story very erotically stimulating. The slow build up was very well played out. I can’t wait for the next chapter to unfold.

reader796reader79617 days ago

This is so great, loving it! The humiliation is getting more intense and more and more outside the bedroom, seems like is a cuckold as well now!

journeyofselfjourneyofself18 days ago

Oh my, my first time getting fucked by a Real Man, my wife just watched and degraded me for being such a slutty whore. But i loved it.

nypumpernypumper18 days ago

this story keeps getting better and better so hotCant wait for more chapters

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