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My First Double Header Ch. 02

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Conclusion: he's picked up by a couple who rock his world.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 10/09/2006
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I promised someone that I would write about my first bi experience so if that subject turns you off, stop here. If you're underage, why are you reading this? Also, safe sex is not illustrated in this story but in real life, it's a good idea. Do you know where it was last? Wrap that rascal!


In Part 1, Patty and Roger picked me up at a "locals" bar in East Hampton. They were tourists and renting an oceanfront home for a month. They asked if I, about twenty years older, would give them a tour. After cruising around the hot and high spots, We ended up at their place and proceeded to drink, loosen up and then skinny-dip in the dune-front infinity pool. During our play, I felt Roger feeling me up. This was new territory for me but I was curious. Finally, in their bed, a threeway ensued and the adventure began to really heat up. Your humble narrator continues with his true (but enhanced due to countlessly replaying it his head) story...

All sorts of things ran through my brain. Was I going to lick his cum off her hand? "In for a penny, in for a pound," I uttered these words, stuck out my tongue and licked her palm dry. I thought that his cum was not as salty as my own, kind of creamy, very gooey but not at all bad. Now that I was feeling so daring, I decided to go for it and so I leaned across Patty and put my lips over the head of Roger's cock. It was strange but not alarming. The spongy meatus slid over my tongue and I sucked on it. Some residual dribbles added lubrication as I rolled this dick around.

Patty was right next to me, whispering in my ear, "Beautiful...so beautiful...you like it, don't you." I had to admit to myself that, indeed, I did.

Patty then pushed me onto my back and pulled Roger to my head. As he began to feed me his semi-soft penis, Patty drew herself over my groin and with one hand, she fed my dick into her sweet pussy. I was motionless with a pussy sliding up and down my dick and a dick sliding in and out of my lips. My mind ran around the scene. I seemed to be a spectator more than a participant. How did I get into this? But I was digging it. Go with the flow, all the flows, I decided, centered myself and turned my attention back into the moment.

As she rode down on me, I arched up pushing myself deeper. This elicited a satisfied grown from Patty. Reaching over my head, I played with Roger's balls while the other hand stroked his stiffening cock. I felt it grow in my mouth. As he pushed it further, I swallowed more, surprised that the gag reflex had not kicked in. Patty pace was becoming quicker and she pushed further down on me. I felt that singular feeling when an orgasm approaches. She could feel it too. I pulled Roger's cock away and gasped, "I'm cumming...I'm going to cum...uh...uh...oooooo." Patty vagina began to squeeze as I exploded into her. Roger leaned over and began to lick her clit and my root and she began to shake with a vibrating sort of effect.

"Oh, oh...yes,yes,yes,yes...don't stop, lick it, lick it....oh, oh...uhhhhh." She began to cum and cum hard. I felt my cock suddenly swimming in her orgasmic fluid and my own jizz. She fell forward onto me and I held her as she panted and groaned. I felt utterly limp but very, very satisfied. I had some kind of very deep orgasm. Roger lay down alongside us and for a little while, we slumbered.

I have no idea what the time was when I roused myself. Roger was lightly snoring next to me but Patty was no where to be seen. I got up and hit the john. I was woozy as I stood in front of the bowl and emptied my bladder. I gazed around the bathroom was quite impressed. The room was clearly larger than my bedroom, which is not small as it hosts a king-size bed. There was a large glassed-in shower stall, big enough for a few hearty souls. There were multiple shower heads on three walls. The bath was a large round Jacuzzi, also large enough for multiples. His and her sinks lined one wall, a bidet and a sit-down vanity completed the dark blue tiled room.

Stepping into the shower, the multiple heads caught every cranny on my body. The warm spray soothed and relaxed me and I felt wonderful. My bliss was interrupted by Patty's voice, "You're not leaving, are you?"

"No...not yet. I just couldn't resist this shower."

"I know what you mean. Roger and I are going to convert our shower at home to a setup like this." She was standing in front of me offering me a glass of deep maroon wine. I stepped out of the spray and placed it to my lips. Patty was nude and I could take her body in. I had to bless my luck because she was fine. Her long legs perfectly curved in a flat hairless belly, her vertical smile beckoned me. Her breasts are small, perhaps a 32B cup and perfectly round. My cock twitched and she giggled.

"I love that." She reached out and rubbed it. Getting to her knees, she held it and dipped it into her wine glass.

"Mmmm," she moaned as she licked the tip off. "It's a very good vintage." We laughed.

Taking the glasses and setting them down, she then joined me in the shower. We soaped and played with each other. My fingers probed her sugar walls and as she rubbed my dick between her ass cheeks. I got down on my knees and, as the water sprinkled down on me, I began to run my tongue up and down her crack. Reaching down to her sphincter, I pushed my tongue in and began little jabbing strokes. She pushed back against me.

"Ahem.!" Roger cleared his throat alerting us to his presence. "If you two don't mind, I'd like to shower, too. Would you make some room, please?"

We began to soap him down, missing nothing. "Well, we're hard again!" he smiled.

"And I'm soaked again!" added Patty. We laughed.

Stepping out, we played with each other as we dried off. Patty handed me my glass and said, "OK boys, follow me."

We followed her into the bedroom where she handed Roger a glass. Grabbing an ashtray, she sat down on the bed and lit a joint. Roger and I sat around the ashtray and we passed the weed back and forth. It was very good with a rich perfume and a tickle in the throat. As the buzz crept up, I was enjoying the view of three nudes sitting Indian-style around an ashtray.

We giggled and joked around for a while. Roger and I was soft and our little penises looked done for the night. "Ok. It's time for Round Two. I'm not done yet," announced Patty. With that, she propped up the pillows and sat back spreading her legs wide so her long wet lips revealed her red gash. Pulling her lips apart, she pulled at her clit and shuddered with each pull. Roger and I lay in front of her in rapt attention.

"Let me see you two jerk off while you watch me," she said as we rearranged ourselves.

Roger has hard and slowly pulling at himself. I was not hard and it kept flopping around my hand.

"Here, let me help you, Stew." Roger leaned over and began inhaling me soft little thing into his mouth. Within a few moments, I began to stiffen and grow to my six and a half.

"Oh, that is soooo good...sooo good." I leaned into Patty and we began to French each other.

"Suck him," she whispered to me, "I want to see you suck him. Do it for me. It's good...it's all good."

I rolled onto my side and Roger and I began to suck each other in a sixty-nine. My mind wasn't racing, it was speeding. I recall thinking, "Will this make me a bad person? Why am I doing this?" I also recall the direction in which my thoughts traveled. I remember a lesbian who also once told me, "It's all good." I remember thinking that I wanted this, I really did. I would think about the ramifications later. I stopped thinking, centered myself again and got right into it.

I was amazed by the sensations of having my lips around his hard, throbbing penis but his glans was different, it was soft and spongy. His scent was freshly-bathed clean and masculine. I licked around the crown and then sucked him in. The tip of my tongue stabbed at the opening and then sucked him in again. I wanted him deeper and I began to slide up and back, up and back. His precum dribbled around my tongue adding a little lube. With one hand jiggling his sac and feeling his large oval balls roll around, my other hand was on his butt alternating between pulling him deeper and dancing around his anus.

I had forgotten about my own cock getting a workout. When I felt his nose buried in my pubes, I remembered it. My ass arched and then ground my pubes back into his nose. He was softly humming causing my whole groin to vibrate. I began to hum, too and was rewarded by a groan.

Patty, oh yes, I remember her. I opened my eyes and looked toward the pillows. Patty was strumming her clit. Her eyes were on me and she was smiling.

"Will you let Rog cum in your mouth? Yes...Yes...Feeling his cum. Make him cum..." Her fingers picked up speed.

I picked up my speed, too. I began to stroke him on the upstroke as I sucked him deeply on the downstroke. It hit my gullet and I thought I'd choke so I backed off and continued but not as deep.

"You're making me cum, Stew...cum...ah, ah, ah."

His cock seemed to add another inch as it began to throb and shoot spurts of warm, salty fluid.

"Don't swallow...hold it in...save it...taste it," Patty was now by my head and fondling Roger's balls.

His cock didn't stop. Three or four bursts shot into me, then a pause and then a massive blast. Roger groaned and bucked his ass several times. He was done. I was not. I wanted this. I wanted this to last. I liked this. However, Roger could take no more and slowly withdrew. Patty face replaced it and we began to share his spew.

My dick was still hard and pulsing. It needed a happy ending. Roger rolled onto his hands and knees. "Come on, Stew, fuck me." My mind spoke up, "Hmmm...another crossing ahead.." Patty took my dick and rolled down a lubed condom. Positioning myself behind him, I fed it into his hole and it slid in easily. It certainly was a snug fit.

"Oh yeah...alright...you sure are a natural, Stew...yeah, fuck me good...you sure can suck, man...fucking good..oh yeah, you're a natural...fuck, fuck me."

Patty wiggled her fingers into her pussy and then fed them to me. I was rocking back and forth and I knew my orgasm was nearing. Patty wiggled her fingers into her pussy again and then rubbed them around my nostrils. The strong scent sent me way over the edge and I began to grunt and buck and about to shoot.

"Pull out. I want to see you cum. Now." I pulled out and whipped off the rubber as two blasts of cum shot ropes onto his back. Patty grabbed it and milked it as cum dribbled around her hand. She rubbed her dripping palm over my nose, around my lips, all over my face. I just fell over and, very satisfied, collapsed.

"That was great, man...just great."

"Yes, that was fun, too. Did you like it, Stew?" I kissed Patty's pussy and smiled. "Yeah...okay...one more."

Roger and I began to lick and suck her again and she came quickly indicted by her short pants, groans and squeals. We all then cuddled up and fell into a very good sleep.

It was some time deep into the night when I awoke. They were sleeping coiled together. I slipped out of bed and ever so quietly got dressed. I reeked of sex and just loved the smell, wallowing in it.

I crept out of the room and made my way out. I stopped in the kitchen and wrote a short note thanking them. I made sure I added my phone number.

My ride home was not unusual except for the exhilaration I was feeling. I wasn't a bad person and I liked it. I was okay. Nobody knew. I liked the playing, uninhibited sensation of making love without a script, without a net and without a care. I felt different. I drove slowly trying to concentrate on the road and all the frisky deer. I got home and crashed on my bed. I fell asleep deep into the next day.

I saw Roger and Patty three more times during their stay. One night, they invited me over for cocktail party with about twenty guests. It was quite boring with most of the conversation centering around investments and money. As the party was concluding, Patty asked me to stick around. When the last guests made their way out, a lovely young woman came over to me and asked if I, too, was leaving. "No, I'm going to hang for a little while...and you?"

"Me too!" She told me that she met Patty and Roger while jogging along the morning surf. "We just hit it off, if you know what I mean." Soon, we were all smoking joints and skinny-dipping. That's another story.

Another time, they invited me for dinner and I turned out to be part appetizer, part entrée and part dessert. That's another story.

Our last time together was with another couple, Stan and Rhoda, and the five of us developed all sorts of interesting combinations. I recall that Stanley had a massive cock that I could hardly wrap my lips around. It was also uncut, a distinctly new sensation. That, too, is another story.

One Sunday, they were gone, back home to their business world. I never saw them again but they rocked my world and took me to a whole new place. I often jerk-off to the memories of our time together, rubbing my dripping palm around my face.


Thank you for all the great comments on my other stories. I hope Ladyhawk100 is dripping. Email me with your comments.

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SummoreSummorealmost 3 years ago

A great conclusion to this story with good pace and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

A delish story. Once you try a cock, there is no stopping.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Once again I love your stories.

Than you so much Paul

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Hmm, love delish friends like that. Nothing like a mouthful of fun.

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