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My Girlfriend Fucks Her Father

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My highschool girlfriend cums on her father's cock.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/09/2020
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Teresa was 18 and I was almost 19. I had already graduated high school and was sacking groceries at Tom Thumb while still living at home in the summer of 1988.

Teresa and her family, which consisted of her, her mom, dad and younger brother, lived about 8 or 9 blocks from me in Sherman, Tx. We met before I'd graduated the year before and we hit it off, fucking everytime we got the chance.

Teresa was built to fuck, all thighs, ass and tits, topped off with long brown curly hair and a pretty high school face. I couldn't wait to get off work, drive by and pick her up in my maroon Camaro, then head out somewhere secluded and crawl between her thighs.

Teresa loved to fuck as much, if not more, than me. To know her, she was just a normal all American next-door type of girl, actually kind of reserved and laid back...but within seconds of me touching her pussy, she would get that look in her eyes that let me know I better not start something I don't plan to finish. It was like she couldn't control her body when she got horny. All I had to do was get my fingers on her pussy, and it would soon be dripping like a faucet. Her soaked pussy would always make me horny, and we'd end up fucking just about anywhere we happened to be. Damn, I loved that girl.

One particular day, I'd walked over to Teresa's house because my mom had taken my car to work as hers needed brakes and my old man had planned on doing it when he got in that evening.

It was just Teresa and her little brother there when I showed up. I explained my car situation and mentioned we could walk a few blocks over to Hawn park which, at the time, had some cool secluded places at the back and almost never any people. She told me she couldn't leave till her parents returned as she was watching her brother.

We were in her room while her brother was in the living room. I kept messing with her, kissing her and trying to rub her pussy through her shorts. She kept playfully resisting, stating that we couldn't do 'that' while she was supposed to be watching her brother.

Teresa told me she'd just bought a new skirt, and wanted to know what I thought about it. I told her to put it on and I'd be happy to check it out.

She left her room, then returned a few minutes later wearing a tartan skirt, and white button down shirt.

With her sexy thighs pouring out from under that skirt, and that shirt seemingly tailored around her big tits...I was ready to see what, or what not, she had on under that skirt. I grabbed her hips, pulling her against me as I started kissing her. She was resisting, no doubt thinking of her brother out in the living room, and parents due back soon.

I kept going and she was only half heartedly responding, just enough to keep me wanting her. After a few minutes of kissing that was mostly blocking me, with my hard dick grinding into her skirt covered sex, I heard her moan and then her mouth opened up and instantly my mouth was filled with her tongue, her lips smashing against mine and her tongue damn near touching the back of my throat. Fuck, Teresa knew how to put it on a guy, and right then, I was that guy. Everytime it got to that point, my dick would be throbbing hard and I'd be ready to sink it into her horny, wet pussy.

By now my hands had found their way under that skirt and were cupped around her ass which, to my dismay, was wrapped in panties. I was pulling her against me, grinding and hoping she could feel how hard she'd made me.

Teresa was getting into it and starting to grind back, making my cock throb even more...damn, I was ready to fuck her right then and there.

I ran my right hand around between us, and pushed it down the front of her skirt. It was a tight squeeze with how hard we were grinding into each other. I palmed Teresa's pussy with her skirt and panties keeping a little mystery to my ministrations. I could feel the warmth from her pussy right through her clothes. I knew without a doubt by the way she was forcibly kissing me that she had crossed the line of reserve, and was just as horny and ready as I was.

My fingers found the bottom, front hem of Teresa's new skirt, and I wasted no time in finding panties that were hot and wet.

She was busy herself with her hands on the back of my head and her tongue filling my mouth as she was a very dominant kisser when she got turned on.

As soon as my fingers had found those hot, wet panties, Teresa moaned into my mouth and hunched against my hand, I knew that as soon as I got those panties off, my cock would be in her...and that's exactly what I was trying to do.

My hands went to the waistband of her panties and a second later they were falling down to her ankles. Teresa never took her tongue out of my mouth, it was like she was going to completely use me, and I was more than game for it.

My right hand instinctively went right to her horny pussy. Fuck! the whole front of her pussy was wet! My fingers mashed into it while she was busy unbuttoning my pants. I pulled my hand out to help finish the task of losing my pants and we both noticed my fingers looked as if they were coverd in clear syrup.

Teresa looked at me almost apologetically, like she was sorry for being so horny. Dammit! If she only knew how fucking turned on that made me...I had never been so ready to fuck in my whole life.

We managed to get my pants undone, and in a rushed state of affairs, Teresa grabbed my stiff dick as soon as it popped out into the daylight. She was instantly jacking my cock and trying to rub the head against her pussy, but due to how hard I was, and her being a few inches shorter than me, standing as we were was not going to get the job done.

Teresa began back-stepping towards her bed behind her, pulling me along with her. I had to take short, quick steps to keep up as my pants were around my ankles...and she definitely wasn't concerned with stopping to remedy that.

She pulled me right between her thighs as she layed back on her bed, her feet falling into place on my ass, squeezing and prodding me to fuck her. I no sooner got my purple headed dick lined up with her slick pussy and, just like that, I was balls deep and Teresa held me there, her hands on my back, grinding around in circles below me.

I was going to cum without even getting an actual stroke in (I can't count that initial penetration because it wasn't necessarily my doing).

It was right as I felt like I was going explode, that we heard the front door...and her mom's voice!

Oh fuck, we're busted! Teresa's dad was going to find me in here about to cum in his daughter, and all hell was going to break loose. We both freaked out as I pulled the hardest cock I've ever had out of the wettest pussy I'm sure Teresa's ever had.

I scrambled pulling my underwear and pants back up as I tried to think of an escape plan, and coming up with nothing but panic. Teresa was already off the bed and snatching her wet panties off the floor as she opened her closet and whispered to me to get in.

I really wanted a way out, being trapped in a closet in that situation did not appeal to me, but it was the only thing that was going to work at the moment.

Teresa moved a few things around and helped me to get in as quietly as possible. I did my best to get as far to the back as I could without causing anymore noise than was absolutely necessary. She whispered to me she would get me out when the coast was clear, before she closed me into the darkest thing I could ever remember being in.

I listened intently to the sounds of her family. Their house was a normal size three bedroom, and it seemed like I could hear every movement from anywhere inside.

I'm assuming they were bringing in groceries as I heard Teresa's dad tell her brother to go help his mom, and there were lots of kitchen noises.

It was awkward as hell hiding out in the darkness of that closet, all the while thinking any minute an angry father was going to jerk the door open and put an end to the guy that has been fucking his daughter.

I had no idea where Teresa had gone as I didn't hear her voice anywhere. I was just about to try to open the door a fraction of an inch, to maybe get a lay of the surroundings, when I heard Teresa's bedroom door open and her dad's voice say, "Thought I might find you in here, what've you been up to?"

Well, that answers my question on her whereabouts. Her dad's close proximity had my heart beating so hard I thought they might hear it through the door, as I heard Teresa answer him saying, "Nothing, just hanging out."

At this point there was silence, neither saying anything for what seemed like an eternity. Then I heard the door close, and thinking the worst was over, almost opened the closet door when I heard her father's voice again, this time a little lower and a little more forceful ask, "Why does it smell like pussy in here?"

Oh fuck, this is it, I was about to be dragged out of that closet and god only knows what will happen to me. Will my body be found, or will I just disappear under some floorboards?

I was physically shaking and had come to the conclusion that the best way out of this was to just fess up, come out of the closet (so to speak), and admit what I'd done, make my apologies...and with any luck, make my way down the road.

Teresa didn't answer before the next words out of her father's mouth completely altered my perception of this situation.

"Have you been playing with your pussy again?" he asked in a stern whisper.

What? Did I just hear that? Surely he only said something that sounded like that. There's no way Teresa's father just asked her that.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard her answer reluctantly, "I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know," her father replied, still keeping his voice low. At this point, I'm literally holding my breath.

"I don't know, maybe," she answers in a breathy whisper.

Ok, where the hell is this line of questions and answers leading to...and why does it have my full attention?

"You know what that does to me young lady, don't you?" her father replies, suggesting that this is NOT the first time they've had this conversation.

"I don't know, maybe," Teresa whispers so low I could barely hear.

This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. I don't know exactly what's going on, but this whole scenario is going in a completely different direction than I had originally thought when I first climbed in here.

I had my hearing on eleven as I listened to whatever was transpiring on the other side of that closet door. Again, there was nothing but silence until I heard Teresa's dad commandingly whisper, "Are you wearing panties?" The location of his voice suggested that he had moved further into her room.

"I don't know," Teresa replied, which seemed to be her go-to answer for her father's questions of this type of nature.

"Show me," I heard Teresa's dad ask with a hint of dominance in his whisper now.

I simply could not believe what I was hearing, my whole being hung on what was going to be the next course of action...or the next question in that room, outside of my dark hiding spot.

I heard movement; the bed springs? clothes?...it was hard to decipher.

This was something I'd never encountered before, a completely strange, new world that I didn't understand or have a clue about. But one thing I did know...for whatever reason this was turning me on, I could feel my cock getting hard again.

"Show me young lady," I heard her father say.

I'm down on my knees in this closet with clothes draped over my head, wondering if indeed she will show him her pussy. It will have to be just pussy because I knew she didn't have time to get her panties back on. A small twinge of my jealousy wanted her to tell him to go to hell...but a big part of my libido wanted her to show him. I couldn't help rubbing the front of my pants as I waited for what was going to happen next.

The next sounds to radiate through that closet door were kissing sounds, sloppy and wet.

Holy shit, were they kissing? I just had to know. Sitting in here in complete darkness while those kinda sounds were coming through the door, ESPECIALLY knowing who was involved with those sounds...was almost torture. I just had to see for myself.

I feel around for the doorknob, careful not to make a sound. Upon finding it, I methodically get myself into position to take advantage of my viewpoint as I knew I could only open that door just the smallest of a millionth of an inch.

Those kissing sounds, now mixed with heavy breathing, were still going on as I turned the doorknob. I could literally 'feel' the mechanicals working inside that doorknob as I was turning it so slow.

The knob, finally turning as far as it would go, signaled my success with that part of the process. Now it was just a matter of pushing the door open to god-only-knows what was happening on the other side.

With my breathe held, and my dick throbbing in my pants at the anticipation of what I was going to see. I ever so delicately began opening that door with a level of precision that a brain surgeon would have been proud of.

Before I could even see a glimmer of light, I heard a moan followed by a very hushed 'Ssshhhh'.

I felt like I was going to pass out my heart was beating so hard. I had to see what was happening.

My brain surgeon skills with the door had, one millimeter at a time, opened up a sliver of Teresa's bedroom to me. From what little I had of the door open, and the angle at which the door was in relation to the rest of the room, I could only see the front of her dresser, I was going to have to open that door up a little farther.

Continuing with 'project closet door', more of the room was coming into view a paper slice at a time as I had my head wedged against the door and door frame, with my left eye practically poking through that microscopic opening.

I could just see the edge of Teresa's night stand beside her bed when I heard a zipper. My head was buzzing with the thought of what that zipper might mean.

A few more millimeters with the door and the side of the bed comes into focus in front of me. Still, a little more, and now I'm looking at the side of Teresa, sitting on her bed, leaned back on her elbows looking straight forward. I pause for a moment, just looking at her, knowing she was part of the sounds I've been listening to for the last couple of minutes.

Even though I'm sure of what I've heard, I was still having a hard time really, actually believing it. I was highly intrigued, nothing in my life ever had my attention like this, but I was the kind of person that needed proof, especially on something of this level.

A little farther still with the door and I almost gasped out loud. There stood Teresa's father at the foot of her bed between her spread thighs, stroking his cock right in front of her!

Oh my god. I'd seen porn, it was 1988, every guy had a porn tape or two...but I'd never actually seen something like this in real life.

Teresa's father was stroking his shiny hard cock right over her, and from the looks of things, she didn't seem to mind it one bit.

This guy had what appeared to be one big dick. He's got one hand around the base of it making it stand out from his body in a very lewd display of sexuality, while his other hand is gliding up and down it, with more than enough left over for a third hand...and he doesn't have small hands. Hell, I wished my dick was that big.

I see Teresa is looking at his 'offering'. More precisely, she's staring right at her dad's cock while he's stroking it. She doesn't even glance in the direction of her closet, I wonder if she's forgotten I'm in here.

Her father turns to look back at her bedroom door, his eyes casting right across this door as he does. I'm guessing he's satisfied with his surroundings, and oblivious to the boyfriend hiding in the closet (I had that door open maybe an inch), as he looks back to what he's got going on in front of him.

"Do you want this?" Teresa's father asks, shaking his swollen cock at her.

"I don't know," she replies, watching him shake it.

He begins stroking it again, occasionally swirling his fist around the mushroom head.

At this point, Im so turned on knowing how she gets when she's horny, all I can think about is what will happen next. I know this is wrong. I know I-the girl in questions literal boyfriend-should not be excited about any of this. But I am. It's just so goddam nasty, so primal, so animalistic. This whole series of events is awakening something inside me that I didn't know was there. I feel like I could cum from just wondering what will happen next.

Teresa takes all the wonder out of it when she sits up and kisses the head of her father's big, shiny, hard cockhead. Motherfucker, are you kidding me?! She is kissing her father's cock!

Looking at this, I see her tongue pop out and lick around the head of his cock while she's kissing it. Without missing a beat, her lips slide over halfway down her father's dick making his head tilt back in the process.

I didn't even know she could do that. In all the times we fucked, it was just that...fucking. Teresa has never once had her mouth on my cock. A lot of high school girls were like that, and we young guys weren't bothered as long as we were getting pussy. But now I see a whole other side of this girl. Not only will she suck a cock, she seems to know damn well what she's doing.

I can't help myself as I unbutton my pants and wrap my hand around my own cock while I watch Teresa suck her dad's dick like she really wanted to, not like it was against her will, but like she wanted that big cock in her mouth.

Her head was going up and down a great distance. It got to the point where she was pushing her mouth down until she bottomed out, no doubt his thick, daddy cockhead getting physically wedged into her teenage throat .Every few strokes or so, she would push her mouth down with a little less force and, when it seemed she had reached her limit, her tongue would slide out underneath his cock, and she would push her lips to his balls and hold it there for a second, then pull completely off his cock with strings of saliva drooping down between them.

Goddam! I wasn't even stroking my cock, only had my hand around it and had actually let it go, but seeing Teresa deep throat her father's thick cock like that, I couldn't prolong the inevitable any longer. I quietly came on her closet floor while I sat in disbelief and total awe at her obvious sexual experience. No way is this the first time for these two. It's no doubt he has taught her how to do this, probably for a while now. I just wonder what else they have been doing.

I heard movement on the bed again and another moan, so I leaned forward, putting my head back up by the edge of the door. What I saw was without a doubt the nastiest thing I think I'll ever see...and why, again I can't explain, my dick was right back up again.

Teresa was all the way on her back, with her father over her, his weight resting on his elbows to either side of her. I could see his naked ass going up and down between her spread thighs...her new skirt flipped up on her stomach. He was obviously in her pussy! Teresa and her father were fucking! Oh my god...I feel like I'm floating as I watch this. Seeing my teenage girlfriend and her grown father FUCK. I'm attracted to it in a way that I never would've known had I not seen it. If you would've asked me yesterday what I thought about 'this'...I would've likely said I wasn't interested. But SEEING 'this' has opened a Pandora's box.

This is so fucking nasty and pushing a button inside me that I had no idea even existed. Without conscious thought or knowledge of even doing so, my hand is right back on my cock.

Just like with me earlier (and in the exact same position and location), she has her feet on his ass and her hands grabbing at his back.


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