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My Girlfriend the Goblin Ch. 03

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It's time for a chill date night at home with a goblin girl!
6.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/17/2021
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Author's Note: Bit of a longer delay from the first two chapters but that's because I didn't have any part of this one already written! This one involves a bit more setup than the previous chapters, but I had fun writing it so I hope you'll enjoy reading it!

Chapter 3: Back to My Place, Take Two

The next few weeks with Kaz'na were like dating in reverse. We had started our relationship, if you could call it that, with mind blowing sex and now we were casually going out to get to know each other. It had been a while since my last date that had turned into anything more than just a hookup and I had forgotten how nice it was to have someone to text you good morning or to chat with while on the train to work. We met up in the evenings whenever we could, either to grab dinner or just wander more of the city together. One weekend we even took a trip to the Griffins Port Zoo, which was the first time for Kaz'na and the first time in a few years for me. It was a mostly chill time save for when I had to half-escort half-drag Kaz'na past the carnavex enclosure. The sight of the massive reptilian predator triggered her goblin flight response, causing her to cling to my arm and attempt to take cover behind me in a way that she had to admit was a little hilarious in hindsight.

"Ok, sure! There was 6 inches of glass between us! I get it! But they all wanted to eat me and you know it! You would have freaked out too," she huffed. If any of the carnavexes in the tank had taken any notice of us, I couldn't tell. They all seemed content to bask in the sun but I wasn't about to correct her.

All the time spent not fucking was also an opportunity to learn more about Kaz'na's background. She had immigrated to Empiria with her mother and siblings when she was 4. Gohlmia was going through some political upheaval that was threatening to become a full blown civil war and they took the chance to flee when they could. Her dad had stayed behind to run the small chain of convenience stores he owned. Fortunately, things had settled down within a few years before the country was completely torn apart but they had adjusted to Empiria and Kaz'na considered it her home.

She had liked art ever since she was a kid. After getting a degree in fine art and finding that it was untenable to try to make a living through painting, she had gotten a job as a graphic designer at a soul sucking marketing company. It wasn't the most fulfilling work, but she appreciated the stability.

And through all of this, the clothes stayed on. Besides hand holding and goodnight kisses, we didn't get up to anything dirty. I know, I'm lame as hell. But it was nice.

"Dude, that's lame as hell!" Danny exclaimed, a little too loudly for the ambience of the bar that we were in. "You go from doing it in a bathroom to not making it past first base? How am I supposed to live vicariously through this!"

Mac, another friend of mine on a rare night off from the restaurant he cooked at, took a sip of his beer and chimed in with his two cents. "Yeah man, if you're not going to cut this goblin chick off you might as well get a steady supply of pussy out of her."

"But it's nice! It's nice just spending time with her. And she's not going anywhere. Like there's no expiration date on pussy." I could tell I sounded defensive but that's because I was.

"More like she's got no shortage of dick," Mac said conspiratorially.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It's supposed to mean that she can always get it elsewhere. For goblins, sex is like saying hello. Just cause she did it with you don't mean nothing," Mac explained.

"Kaz'na's not like that. Trust me." I hoped I had masked my doubts effectively.

"Whatever you say, man. I only know one other human who "dated" a goblin. It was back in college. He thought things were going good, too. Thought they was exclusive and all that. Then she stopped returning his texts, wouldn't answer calls, nothing. Turns out he wasn't her only guy. He wasn't even a first-stringer. He was like a side-side-side-side piece." Mac punctuated his delightful anecdote by draining the rest of his beer. Mac wasn't always such an asshole. He had gone through a brutal breakup of his own a couple months ago and he still carried some scars. A part of me wanted to point out how his ex had been a human and it didn't stop her from cheating on him but I knocked that devil off my shoulder and changed the subject.

"Alright, I think that's enough on my love life. How's it going with you and that orc from the gym?"

"Oh yeah!" Danny said between handfuls of the cheese fries he was demolishing. "I talked to her the other day! She had noticed me checking her out and I get the vibe that she's into it. Her name is Grashti."

"Nice, man. So did you get her number or anything?" I was intrigued that I might not be the only one with a cross species thing going on.

"Not yet. But I have patience! I just have to give it some time and I know I will wear her down."

"From what I know of orc history and physiology, "wearing her down" will be easier said than done but good luck!"


I was in the middle of my third round of house cleaning that day when Kaz'na texted to tell me she had just gotten off the train and was only a few minutes away. This was going to be the first time that she had been to my place since our first night together and I was in moderate anxiety mode. I knew she had already seen it in its "casual' form, as I had not imagined she would end up coming back with me and had neglected to prepare my home to be suitable for anyone other than myself. But this time she would be witnessing it both sober and not under the influence of crazy goblin sex hormones (the latter part being something that I was unaware of at the time). The sobriety wouldn't last long, though, if I and the bottle of dwarven mead (which I had picked up after she had made an offhand remark about liking it) had anything to say about it! But until the distinctively strong drink had a chance to do its thing, I had to spare Kaz'na from any evidence of my typical bachelor way of life.

I had just finished lighting some frostcedar scented candles and checking my hair for the dozenth time when I heard her knock at the door. I run-walked to the door and opened it not-to-eagerly. My face reflexively lit up when I saw her. She always looked so beautiful, even when she was "dressed down" like she was now in an unzipped burgundy hoodie over a low-cut white tank top and a pair of black leggings. An overnight bag was slung over one shoulder. I didn't know what her usual style was, but I was starting to suspect that she enjoyed accentuating her ample verdant cleavage for my benefit.

"Hey Kaz'na! Come in. I'm sorry I can't carry you across the threshold this time." I theatrically waved her on in.

Kaz'na laughed as she walked past me. "I'll forgive you, just this once! But I expect to be treated like a princess for the rest of the night."

It was my turn to laugh. I knelt down to embrace her and kissed her, lingering for just a moment to savor the feeling of her plush lips. It had been an uncomfortable maneuver to get to her level the first time but I'd had a good deal of practice since then and it now came naturally to me.

"So, want the grand tour? I know you've seen my place before but..."

"We had other things on our minds," Kaz'na helpfully completed my thought with a smirk.


"But yes, I would love a tour."

It wasn't a long tour. My townhouse was more than enough for me, but it wasn't exactly a mansion. The lower floor contained my living/dining room, the kitchen and the guest bathroom. The upper floor was my bedroom, with an ensuite bathroom, and the guest room, which served as my office. Satisfied that I had done my duty as a host by showing her the full layout of my residence, dropping off her bag and hoodie in my room, and answering her questions regarding the decor ("My sister said it would look good that way."), we returned to the living room.

"I really needed this, Jesse," Kaz'na said as she sat on my couch and rubbed her now bare feet. "Work has been an extra special flavor of shitty lately and I just need to..." she collapsed back on the couch and sighed, "decompress!" I had grown accustomed to the horror stories from her job and I knew the toll it took on her mentally. I slid onto the couch beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Well then it's good that it's the weekend and work doesn't exist again until Monday." I pulled her in closer to me and she rested her head on my chest.

"Amen to that. Now, on to the gorefest!" It had been her idea to do a movie night. To my delight, Kaz'na was a fellow fan of trashy horror movies. We had curated a list of movies to watch tonight that would drown out our worries with simulated violence.

I poured each of us a glass of mead, pressed play on the first movie and we settled in for a relaxing night. The movie, about a team of researchers in the Northern Wastes getting picked off by a monster awoken from the ice, had barely started before Kaz'na started nuzzling even closer to me. Before long, she was sitting on my lap. Kaz'na placed her hand on mine and pulled it up toward her breast. I picked up on the hint and grasped it. I massaged it tenderly, moving it around it in a slow orbit with my palm. The low purring moan that escaped her throat signaled that I interpreted her instructions correctly. She leaned back against me and rested her head on my chest.

Then she tapped the elbow of my other arm, which was currently holding my glass, and parted her lips, her head tilted back like a baby bird. This gesture wasn't quite as obvious as "grab my tit" but I deduced that she wanted a drink. I held my glass to her lips and tilted it, giving her a generous drink of the sweet nectar.

"I like it when you spoil me." Kaz'na wiggled her hips against me.

"And I like spoiling you." I ran the tip of my thumb over her cotton covered nipple.

"Mmm...then-if you really want to spoil me-do you know what I want right now?"

"I have no idea. What do you want?" Just between you and me, I did have some idea.

"I want to fuck." I could feel her heartbeat speed up and I'm sure she could feel mine.

"Oh, is it...that time of the month?"

"Not for a few days. This is just me speaking, not hormones. I want to have sex. With you. Now." Kaz'na turned herself around to face me. She was straddling my lap. The look in her eye was definitely horny, but it was also resolute. Composed. I could tell she wanted me, but she didn't need me. It wasn't some involuntary compulsion that was driving her. Without speaking, I helped her out of her leggings and tank top. I wondered if she had chosen her outfit based not only on comfort but also on the ease of removal. Kaz'na tugged off my pants and underwear as I threw off my shirt.

I was already hard by the time we finished with our frantic mutual disrobing. Kaz'na mounted my lap and started sliding her slit along my shaft. I could feel her slit gradually dampening.

"Mm...Sorry that I'm not just good to go. It takes a bit more effort when I'm off my cycle." She determinedly rolled her hips against me.

"Hey, no complaints here." I was currently experiencing the sensation of a goblin gash being ground against me, knowing it was only a prelude to penetration. I could already feel the heat radiating from between her thighs. This was the life.

"Good. Cause I wouldn't listen anyway. If you don't mind, I want to be in control tonight. You got to take the lead before but now I'm not just some thing you can fuck. I'm the girl who is feeling generous enough to fuck you. You'll let me have my fun, right?" Her eyes were locked onto mine. She was looking at me like I was her prey. I felt a chill run up my spine. I wanted to say something cool so I nodded like a dork. "Good boy." She kissed my chest.

Kaz'na raised herself off of me and took hold of my dick, angling it up toward her pussy. "And good boys get rewarded." She slid the head of my cock against her opening. The sensation of her wet gash was enough to make me shiver. "Now...say please."

"What?" Hearing this dominant tone from her was a shock to my system.

"You heard me," she teased. "If you want me to grant you the gift that is my spectacular vagina then you will ask for it nicely."

I wasn't sure if I was just playing along with her or if I was acting on my genuine impulse, but I asked nicely. "Please. Please let me fuck you."

"Aww, you are a very, very good boy!" She kissed my chest again, licking me as she pulled her mouth away. "And since you asked so nicely..." Kaz'na lowered her hips, graciously impaling herself on my rod. The sensation of her wet folds enveloping me was as mind melting as ever. I felt like I would never get used to the raw heat of her body. "Mmm...I missed this feeling. You fill me up so good."

"Ngh! Glad I could...be of service."

Kaz'na placed her hands on my shoulders to brace herself and began slowly riding me. "Service...that's a good word for it. I'm going to take my time tonight. There's no rush. No voice in my head telling me I need to get dicked right fucking now. No chance of someone walking in on us. It's just you and me." I was mesmerized by her deep purple eyes. Not even the anxiety inducing strings of the now thoroughly ignored movie playing in the background could break the spell she had me under.

I grabbed her right ass cheek to support her. Kaz'na was squatting over me, her legs spread wide, expertly perched on the balls of her feet and controlling every stroke of her hips. I was continually impressed by the strength she had in her tiny body and her absolute mastery over my dick. Right now I was hers to use.

Kaz'na sunk down onto me and started rotating her hips in a slow circle. She hugged me, pressing her body against mine. I reveled in the feeling of her full breasts rubbing against me. "Mmm..." The reverberation of her satisfied humming ran across my chest. "You even smell good." I made a mental note to thank Danny on his cologne recommendation.

I rested the hand that wasn't occupied with kneading Kaz'na's thick ass on the back of her head. I ran my fingers through her hair. "Ohhh...fuck," I growled. "I've been going crazy without this. I don't know how I managed to go so long without this pussy." It was the truth. At the end of every "clothes stay on" date from the past couple weeks, I was practically drooling for another round of goblin pussy. I could have sworn it was addictive.

Kaz'na giggled. "I like that. I want you to want me." She flexed her vagina as she continued to swivel her hips. It was the best kind of torment. "I'll admit I haven't gone ten minutes without thinking about your dick since the last time it was in me," She said coyly.

It was already taking most of my concentration to not pound Kaz'na into a green puddle. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you take a cock like a slut while also being the sweetest little thing?" I caressed her face and she nuzzled my palm affectionately.

"Hahaha, it's a gift." The slick grip of her pussy as she carefully maneuvered herself on top of me kept my pleasure in perfect equilibrium-not so much that I would blow my load and not so little that there was any chance of softening up. "So...there hasn't been too much communication between us when we have our clothes off. We've left it up to instinct. And it's been great! But I'm curious...is there anything else you're into that you'd like to do with me?"

A thousand visuals flashed through my mind so rapidly that I was surprised it didn't trigger some heretofore unknown eplilectic condition to leave me shaking on the floor. I weighed the risk of spoiling the mood (which, due to the sultry goblin lass currently gyrating on my dick, was excellent) against the reward of getting her to do something extra dirty for me. After approximately a full second of thought, I said the first thing that came to mind without any conscious consideration.

"Iliketobebit!" I uttered, as though it was one uncomfortable word.

"What?" Kaz'na was surprised or confused enough to momentarily stop riding my dick.

I blushed. "I like...to be bit," I said in a way that would be parsable by another person's ears.

"Oh...Like, with teeth?" Kaz'na cocked her head to the side as though that would help her to better understand me.

"If there's any other way you know how, I would love to see it but...yeah, with teeth."

"Wooow..." She recovered from her shock enough to start bouncing on my dick again. I groaned softly from the sensation of her velvety folds stroking me. "I didn't know you had that side to you." Kaz'na smirked at me, looking awfully smug for a goblin full of cock.

"What side?"

"The side that likes to be bullied. You've taken the initiative up to now but I like that you can be on the bottom too."

"It's not like that...well, maybe it's a little like that. The pain and the pressure of it...it makes me feel wild."

"Mmm...you do make it sound appealing. But are you sure you want these on you?" Kaz'na pulled down her lower lip with her index finger to reveal her fairly intimidating set of teeth. Goblin teeth all tapered off into rounded points, with the canines being especially pronounced compared to humans'. It was true that up until that point, I had only ever been chomped on by humans. If Kaz'na had wanted to, she could do some serious damage with teeth that had evolved to crack the carapaces of the giant bugs that lived in their native lands. But as fucked up as that was, it only made me want it more.

"Oh yeah. I really do." I put my hand under her chin and slipped my thumb into her mouth. Kaz'na playfully nipped at it, baring her full set of teeth at me.

"Well...if you're sure. Where do you like it?"

I grabbed the muscle of my shoulder. "Here is the best."

"Oh really? Yeah it makes sense. It looks tasty enough to eat." Kaz'na was getting into it. I was thoroughly enjoying this domme side of her.

I leaned forward to give her easier access and placed my hand on Kaz'na's upper back to guide her. She stretched her neck and gave my shoulder a few gentle kisses, like the cotton swab before the injection.

"Oh gods, I just don't want to hurt you!" The amount of concern in her voice made my heart melt. I laughed.

"Don't worry, you won't. Well, at least not too badly."

"If you say so..." I could tell her doubts weren't fully assuaged. "But if I do it too hard, promise me you'll tell me to stop!"

"Promise." I rubbed the back of her neck before gently pulling her head to my shoulder. With one more preparatory kiss, Kaz'na opened her mouth and sunk in.

She was tentative at first. It was more of a nibble than a bite. But it was already enough to get that animalistic instinct in me revved up. With all of Kaz'na's focus currently on gnawing my shoulder, her lower body had stopped the vital task of grinding on my member. I decided to graciously help her pick up the slack by gingerly thrusting into her sopping wet goblin slit.

I ran my fingers through her hair to reassure her. "Ungh...that's good. But you can go harder..." I had seen Kaz'na pick a rack of barbecue ribs clean. I knew what her teeth could do.

"Mmm..." Kaz'na hummed her assent before increasing the pressure by the slightest degree. It was adorable how resistant she was to using real physical force with me, but it also left me unsatisfied. I decided I couldn't be so kind.

"Nngh...Is that really all you've got? So used to just lying back, spreading your legs, and getting railed that you can't use any muscle when you need to?" Kaz'na tensed up against me and I worried for a moment that I might have gone too far.

"Grrrrh..." her response after this further bit of motivation could only be described as a growl. That was the only warning she gave before clamping her jaw on my shoulder like she was a dog playing tug-of-war. That was more like it! A jolt of pain coursed from my shoulder down the side of my body. It felt like the most aggressive massage imaginable.


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