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My Girlfriend's Roommate


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"Oh god, oh god, thanks, baby, you're the best!" she moaned. "You just go ahead and take care of yourself while you slide this big dildo into me! Can you go faster though?"

"Of course, sweetie. Like this?" I said, sliding the dildo in and out of her faster and harder. It was really impressive how well she was taking something so big for the very first time.

"Mmmm, yesss, just like that!" she cried. "Ohhhh god, this must be what Rachel feels like when she has sex with Jake!"

"Ohhh, uhh, yeah, that's true," I groaned, images of Jake fucking Rachel flashing through my mind and almost making me cum.

"Keep going, keep going, don't stop!" she moaned. Then she looked over at me. "Um, do you mind if I say some, like, naughty things? Like the things I hear Rachel saying through the wall?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure," I said, kind of eager to hear her talk dirty.

"Mmmm, okay," she said. I continued sliding the dildo in and out of her. "Ohhhh, yeah, baby, just like that! Fuck my pussy hard with that nice big dick!"

My mouth dropped open. It was a little shocking but so hot to hear her say stuff like this. I almost squirted into my hand hearing it!

She picked her head up and looked down at my hand thrusting the dildo in and out of her. Her body was starting to glisten with sweat. She began moving her hips up and down on the dildo. "Oh my god, baby, I can't believe how good it feels, it's going soooo deep inside me!" she moaned.

"Yeah?" I said, stroking myself. "I'm so glad you like it, honey."

"Oh god, I fucking love it!" she moaned. "Stretch my pussy out with that thick cock!"

This must have been something else she had heard Rachel say. Again, I almost came from hearing it.

She looked over at me. "Look at it, baby. Do you see the way it's stretching my pussy out?"

"Yes, I see, baby, it's so hot," I said, staring at the dildo going in and out of her.

She smiled at me. "It's too bad your tiny little dick can't do this, huh?" she asked.

"Oh god," I groaned, a little caught off guard by this comment but still really turned on. "It's okay, sweetie, this is still really fun for me."

"Yeah?" she asked. "You really don't mind just lying there stroking your little thing while you watch this big, thick cock slide in and out of me?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't mind at all, baby," I said, moaning and stroking myself faster.

"Oh good," she said. "Because it feels soooo much better than you."

"Oh god," I whimpered, letting my penis go so I didn't start cumming. "It does?"

"Ohhhh fuck yessss, of course it does!" she moaned. "Can't you tell? I could, like, barely feel you inside me. But's going sooooo deep!"

"Nnngh," I moaned. She was clearly getting a little carried away. I don't think she was fully aware of what she was saying or how it might make me feel inadequate, but it was so hot seeing her get so into it. "It's okay, baby, I just want you to feel good," I said encouragingly.

"Ohhhh, thank you, sweetie," she moaned. "Is it okay if this is what we do all the time?"

"" I hesitated.

She looked at me. "You said you want me to feel good, right?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course," I said.

"Okay, can see this is what I need to feel good, right? A nice, big, thick cock like this one?" she asked.

I nodded, staring at her as she slowly lifted her body up and down on the dildo, making sure she took it as deep inside her as she could. "Ya I can actually feel inside me? Fucking me nice and hard?" she continued.

"Oh god," I groaned and began thrusting the dildo even harder and faster into her as I stroked myself faster. "I see, baby. You're right. It's okay, I promise."

"Oh fuck! That's it! That's it! Oh my god, you're being such a good boyfriend, even if you do have a tiny little dick that can't get me off!"

"Oh god, oh god," I groaned.

"Do you want to see me cum on this nice big dick?" she moaned.

"Oh god, yes, baby," I whimpered. "Please let me see you cum."

She pushed my hand off the dildo and took it herself, then really started thrusting it in and out of her hard, her body writhing on it. I was left just lying there, watching and stroking myself. "Oh god! Oh god! Ohhhhh yessssss! Lie there and watch me take this big dick! This is what I need, okay? A nice big fucking cock...just like Jake's!"

"Oh Jesus," I whispered, getting really close now.

"Oh my god! You love this, don't you, baby? That's so hot! Jerk your useless little dick and watch me get fucked like a good boy! Yess! Yesss! Yesssss!" she cried deliriously. Her body began trembling and her face contorted in absolute pleasure.

"Nnnnnngggggghhhhh," I whimpered, shooting my load into my hand as I watched Stephanie give herself an orgasm on the dildo.

Finally, she began catching her breath, and she slid the dildo out of her. She looked over at me and smiled shyly. "," she said.

"Uh...yeah," I said, grinning.

"Sorry if I got a little...carried away there," she said.

"It's okay," I said. "That was...incredible."

She leaned over and kissed me. "I'm so glad you liked it," she said. "I can't wait for next time."


After that night, I was overjoyed. Sure, Stephanie had said some weird stuff when she had gotten really into things, and sure, I hadn't technically put my penis inside her. And okay, yes, it sounded like maybe Stephanie was never going to let me put my penis inside her again. But that was okay! I understood why she wouldn't be interested in my little penis when she had the big dildo I'd gotten her, and it had been so hot watching her take it that I really didn't mind!

Even if I didn't fully realize it quite yet, my true cuckold nature was starting to become clear to me.

That week, Stephanie asked me to come over to her place to write another paper for her. I was quietly hoping that she might let me spend the night and use the dildo on her again. When she answered the door, my mouth dropped open and I broke into a grin, feeling good about where things were heading.

She was only wearing a pair of cotton panties and a skimpy white cotton tank top. The bottom of the tank top was torn off just below her breasts. You could actually see her boobs poking out the bottom, and the cotton was so thin that you could see her nipples through the fabric. She'd worn a lot of revealing outfits here, but this one was about as close to being naked as you could get! I immediately got hard just looking at her. "Hi, Lucas," she said. "Come on in. My computer's on the coffee table."

She quickly turned around and walked back to the couch, her round butt swaying back and forth in her skimpy little panties. I stepped inside and was a little surprised to see Jake and Rachel sitting there. I knew Stephanie regularly dressed revealingly in front of them, but I would have thought this outfit was something she would save just for her boyfriend. But apparently I had misjudged things. Not only that, Jake was in just his boxers yet again, and Rachel was in a tight-fitting crop top with no bra and a pair of boyshorts.

"Oh, uh, hey," I said hesitantly to them as I watched Stephanie plop down on the couch next to Jake, cuddling up on his other side.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" Jake said. He certainly didn't seem disturbed by Stephanie's outfit. In fact, he was already starting to pitch a tent in his boxers. Jake's arm casually slid around Stephanie's bare waist, resting his hand on her smooth upper thigh.

"Hi, Lucas, good to see you again," Rachel said, smiling up at me as she cuddled against Jake's muscular chest.

"Um, yeah, you too," I said, trying to avoid staring at Jake's growing erection.

The three of them looked up at me and smiled as I just stood there. "Well?" Stephanie said as she rubbed Jake's six-pack abs, her pinkie actually rubbing against the hem of his boxers. "You can go ahead and get started, Lucas."

Even though I'd seen all this before, something about the way they were acting seemed different to me. But I just shrugged it off and sat down at the coffee table in front of them, starting to type up Stephanie's paper for her.

"So, Lucas, Stephanie was just telling us how good your relationship is going," Jake said.

"Oh, yeah?" I said. This made me feel a little better, despite the weird tension I felt in the room. "Um, yeah, it's going pretty great!"

"Yeah, so she said," Rachel said. "Jake and I were so happy to hear about it."

"Oh, gee, thanks," I said, still working on the paper.

Stephanie giggled. "Yeah. I told them everything has been going according to our plan, and now we've got you right where we want you," she said.

I paused my typing. What did that mean? And why did she have that strange tone in her voice? I looked over my shoulder at them. Stephanie and Rachel's fingers were now both playing with Jake's six-pack abs, really close to the massive hard-on that was bouncing up and down right in front of them.

"Um...what do you mean?" I asked, confused, staring at the tent in Jake's shorts.

Now they all laughed a little bit. "Oh, Lucas," Stephanie said. "You are such a sweetheart. You really haven't suspected a thing, have you?"

I turned to face them. "What's going on?" I asked.

Jake and Rachel both looked at Stephanie with smiles on their faces. Stephanie let out a long sigh. "'s the thing, honey," she said, her fingers creeping over Jake's boxers to rest on his upper thigh, very close to his crotch. "I haven't been entirely honest with you."

I swallowed nervously. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Just then, Jake put his feet up on the coffee table. His feet were so in my face that I had to scoot back a little bit. "Sorry, just getting comfortable," he said with a smirk. I saw his hand inch a little higher up Stephanie's body until he was firmly squeezing her butt right over her thin, snug cotton panties.

Stephanie and Rachel both giggled. "Okay, so, don't, like, freak out, okay?" Stephanie said. "But when I said that my relationship with Jake was completely platonic, that, um, wasn't entirely true."

I could only stare at Jake's hand on my girlfriend's butt. This definitely looked like more than just cozy, friendly cuddling. " wasn't?" I asked, stunned.

"No, sweetie," Stephanie said. "And when I said I was a virgin? Ummm, yeah, that was kind of a lie too."

"A huge lie," Rachel said with a laugh.

My mouth fell open. "I...I don't understand."

"Oh, you poor thing," Rachel said, but she was smiling.

"Look, let me spell it out for you," Jake said simply. "I've been fucking your girlfriend's brains out since we were in high school."

Stephanie giggled, then looked at my stunned face with sympathy and said, "Um, I was trying to explain it a little more nicely than that, but...yeah. Sorry, baby."

"But...but...I thought he was with...Rachel?" I asked, trying to process this.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly a one woman kind of guy," Jake said with a grin, pulling both girls closer to him.

"What...what is happening?" I asked, completely bewildered.

"Oh, sweetie," Stephanie said. "It's really okay. Here's the thing. The three of us like to, um, have fun together, ya know? But we like to keep things interesting. So when we got to college, we started looking for the perfect guy to, um...I guess 'train' would be the right word?"

"Train?" I repeated. "Train for what?"

"Train to be a good little beta cuck for us," Jake said cockily.

The girls giggled.

"What? What does that mean?" I asked, totally confused. This was the first time I'd ever heard the term.

"Don't worry, it's not bad or anything," Stephanie said. "You've actually been doing a really good job already at it."

"Yeah, you've been such a good cuck!" Rachel added. "Like, you don't complain when your girlfriend cuddles with Jake right in front of you, even when he has a huge boner in his shorts."

Jake made his erection bounce up and down in his boxers, making the girls laugh again.

"Exactly," Stephanie said. "You write my papers for me while I stroke Jake's big dick up and down right behind you. Rachel too, if she's here."

"'ve been...?" I asked.

"Oh, sure," Stephanie said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "One time I even jerked him off until he blew a big load all over himself, but you were being such a good boy you didn't even notice!"

I thought back to the time I had forced myself to stay super-focused on Stephanie's paper so that I made sure to do a good job for her. I remembered her grabbing tissues off the table. Had she really been using them to wipe up Jake's cum?

As I thought about this, she continued. "And you pay for all the fancy dinners and movies and shopping that I want, then drop me off back here with Jake so I can ride his nice, big dick! All while you go back to your apartment alone to jerk your pathetic little dick off thinking about me."

My mouth fell open. I felt myself blushing, knowing that she wasn't wrong about the fact that I had furiously jerked myself off after every night I'd spent with Stephanie. "You've been having sex with Jake...even while we've been together?" I asked.

"Oh, of course, sweetie," Stephanie said. "Jake fucks me at least once a day."

"I...I can't believe this," I said, stunned and heartbroken.

"I know, it's probably a lot for you to hear. You poor thing," Stephanie said, pouting at me apologetically. "I'm sorry we weren't totally honest with you. But think about it. We needed to, like, ease you into things first, right?"

"Yeah," Rachel said. "Honestly, we thought it would take a lot longer than it did, but you really got into it."

"I...I did?" I asked.

"Yeah, sweetie, you've been great!" Stephanie said. "Like, when I gave you a handjob and a blowjob, the way you immediately blew your load whenever I mentioned Jake's big dick? That was perfect. We really knew you were gonna be a good little cuck for us after that."

My face was burning as they all laughed.

"Or when you got a dildo for her after the very first time you had sex?" Rachel added, still laughing. "It only took you one time to know your useless little dick was never gonna satisfy her, right?"

"" was all I could say. The more I thought about it, I supposed they were right.

As Jake's laughing subsided, he said, "Um, look, you all can keep talking, but I'm just gonna go ahead and get started..." And with that, he leaned over and began kissing Stephanie's neck, sliding his hand up and down her body.

Stephanie giggled and moaned, looking over at me as my mouth fell open in shock. "Aw, it's okay, baby, just relax," she said. "We wouldn't be doing this now if we didn't think you were ready for it."

"Ready? Ready for what?" I said, staring, mouth agape, as Jake continued kissing Stephanie's neck. Then his hand under her tank top and started squeezing her bare breasts! "Oh...whoa..." I said softly. I became aware that my penis was rock hard, throbbing and twitching in my briefs.

Rachel giggled, then her hand reached down to grip Jake's erection through his boxers. "Yeah, you're starting to get it, aren't you?" she said. "You're gonna be a good little beta cuck."

I continued staring as Jake pulled Stephanie's tank top over her head and began sucking on her nipples. I couldn't believe this was happening. Even though my hard-on was starting to leak pre-cum, I was still struggling with what was going on. "But...but what if I don't want to be a...a beta cuck?" I whimpered.

"Ohhhh," Stephanie moaned as Jake slurped on her pointy nipples. "But you do, sweetie. I mean, you basically admitted it when you used the dildo on me, remember?"

"" I said. Rachel now pulled Jake's dick out of the slit in his boxers, revealing a massive, thick erection. "Oh, wow," I blurted out.

Rachel and Stephanie giggled. "I know, right? It's so perfect," Stephanie said, wrapping her hand around Jake's penis alongside Rachel's. It was long enough to easily accommodate both of their small hands. "Anyway, you remember. You told me that you liked seeing my pussy get stretched by a nice big dick."

"Oh, um...yeah...I guess I did say that," I said slowly, watching Stephanie and Rachel stroking Jake's penis up and down.

"Well...this is a nice big dick, isn't it?" Stephanie asked.

I swallowed nervously. "Um...yeah," I had to admit.

"This is the kind of dick I told you I needed to make me feel good, right?" she asked.

" is," I said, staring and licking my lips. Jake smirked at me before turning his attention to Rachel, making out with her.

"Remember? I said I couldn't even feel your tiny little thing inside me, so I needed a big dick from now on?" she asked.

"Oh god," I said, nodding, feeling myself descending into a thick haze of lust. "Yes, I remember now."

She smiled. "You kinda liked it when I said things like that, didn't you? Ya know, about how you have a tiny useless dick?"

"Um...I don't...maybe..." I said, feeling my hard-on throbbing and leaking in my pants. Embarrassed, I put my hands in front of my crotch to hide it.

Rachel laughed as Jake kissed her neck. "Oh, Lucas, you don't have to try to hide it. There's no way we could see that tiny little hard-on in your pants anyway."

"Ohhhh," I groaned, making it obvious how turned on I was.

Stephanie giggled. "You're so funny," she said, continuing to stroke Jake's erection. "I mean, look at this big fucking cock. This was waving around right in front of your face pretty much every time you came over, wasn't it?"

I just stared at Jake's dick in her hand, open mouthed, then nodded.

"And you really thought I wasn't taking this inside me every chance I could get? You actually believed me when I said he wasn't my type? You thought a girl like me could live with a big-dicked stud like Jake and not be a total fucking slut for him?"

I couldn't say anything. I felt my three-inch hard-on oozing precum into my briefs.

"You have no idea, baby," she continued. "The first time you came over? When I left to 'watch a TV show' with him in his room? You wanna hear what we were really doing?"

I nodded.

"He was pounding my tight little pussy while we laughed about how you were sitting out here writing my paper."

"Nngghh," I whimpered, feeling my dick twitching.

They all laughed. "See, baby?" Stephanie said. "We knew you'd love this!"

"I...uh..." I stammered, still a little scared to admit it.

Now she brought her head down, close to Jake's dick. "Well, I mean, no one's forcing you, of course," she said. "You could leave right now."

I licked my lips, staring.

"Or you could stay and watch me suck this big beautiful dick."

I tried to resist, knowing I was humiliating myself. "But...but..." I stammered.

Rachel let out an impatient sigh as Jake slid his hand into her shorts and sucked on her tits. "Oh my god, Lucas, don't you realize how lucky you are?" she said, sounding a little frustrated at me. "Girls like us don't fuck shrimp-dicked nerds like you. But at least we're gonna let you watch us get fucked by a real man like Jake. You should be thanking us!"

I just sat there in stunned silence.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Wow, well, maybe you're not the good little cuck we thought," she said. "Look. Stephanie's about to suck Jake's dick. You can sit there and watch like a good boy, or you can get the fuck out. What's it gonna be?"

Stephanie brought her mouth closer to Jake's dick. Jake stopped sucking on Rachel's tits for a second to smirk down at me confidently. I was so turned on. I knew there was no way I was ever gonna turn down this opportunity. "Okay, okay, I'll stay, I'll be good!" I said quickly.

They all looked at each other for a second, then burst out laughing at how willingly I had debased myself. "Oh my god, this is even more fun than I thought it was going to be," Stephanie said. Then she looked back at me. "I knew you could handle it, honey," she said sweetly, then wrapped her lips around Jake's cock, sucking it eagerly. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. After a few seconds, she popped it out of her mouth and said, "Okay, now say it. Say you're gonna be my good cuck boyfriend for me."

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