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My Girlfriend's Roommate


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"I'm gonna be your good cuck boyfriend for you," I said obediently.

"Mmmm," she moaned, sucking his dick some more. "Jake's cock tastes so good," she told me, swirling her tongue around the head, then sucking it some more.

Jake had been making out with Rachel as Stephanie sucked his dick, but now he turned to look down at me and said, "Your girlfriend sucks dick so good, dude. Too bad you'll never know what it feels like to slide your dick down a slut's throat like this."

I watched as he held the back of Stephanie's head in place and slid his whole penis in her mouth until her nose was pressed up against his pubic hair. I let out a whiny little whimper, feeling a little resentful at the way Jake was making fun of me. It reminded me of my bullies in high school.

"Aw, buddy, come on," Jake said. As he spoke, he nudged Rachel's head down toward his hard-on, and she quickly joined Stephanie. The two girls began sharing Jake's dick, taking turns sucking on it. "I don't want you to be all mad at us for this. I mean, you don't have to think of this like your girlfriend is cheating on you, right in front of you, while you sit there and watch like a total loser. You can think of it like you're just letting your girlfriend get what she needs from a guy like me who can actually give it to her. Right?" He flashed me a charming grin.

I thought about this for a second. I knew he was teasing me a little, but he did have a point. I supposed this wasn't all that different from watching her use the dildo. "I mean...yeah, I guess so," I said.

"Right," Jake said as both girls ran their tongues up and down his shaft. "I mean, you're smart, I don't have to spell it out for you. A little hottie like Stephanie needs a real man, right? Ya know, somebody who actually goes to the gym? Somebody who doesn't spend all his time with his nose in a book? Somebody with a dick that can actually fill her up?"

I stared up at him, his big muscular body laid back against the couch, his feet propped up casually on the coffee table next to me, his big, thick cock sticking straight up in the air as two incredibly hot girls worshiped it with their mouths. I licked my lips and nodded. "...yeah," I said softly.

He laughed a little. "Yeah. She's just not gonna get what she needs from a skinny little dork with a tiny dick he has to hold between two fingers, right?"

I felt my cheeks burning, but I nodded. My hands covered my crotch again, even though I knew Rachel had been right when she'd said there was no way they could see it.

"Dude, don't be shy about it," Jake said. "Stephanie's already told us all about that pathetic little thing. Go ahead, we all know you want to take it out and start stroking it anyway. Let's see it."

The girls both paused and looked at me, smiling encouragingly. I sighed. "Do I have to?" I asked.

Jake smirked. "This is something you're gonna have to learn if you want to be a good cuck for us," he said. "If a real man like me tells you to do something, then yes, you have to do it."

"Oh...okay," I said. I unzipped my pants, then pulled down my briefs. My three-inch hard-on popped out, slippery with precum.

The three of them burst out laughing. "Oh my god, I've never seen one that small in my life," Rachel said.

"Dude, that's, um...wow. I mean, she said it was tiny, but...that's pretty hilarious," Jake said.

"And look at how turned on he is!" Stephanie said, giggling. "You like seeing your girlfriend suck her stud roommate's cock, huh, baby?"

I let out an embarrassed whimper, my hard-on twitching.

Jake smirked. "Dude, she asked you a question," he said. "Answer her."

"Yes, I like seeing you suck Jake's big dick, sweetie," I admitted.

They laughed again. "Go ahead, start stroking it to me using your girlfriend's mouth," Jake said, sliding his dick between Stephanie's lips. "Show us exactly how much of a fucking loser you are."

He was being so mean, but it was making my dick leak so much precum. I quickly took my tiny erection between my finger and thumb and started stroking it.

Jake began laughing. "Oh my god, dude. I'm sorry, that's just...so funny. What a total fucking beta. You realize this is as good as your sex life is gonna get, isn't it?"

I let out a whimper. "It is?" I whined.

Rachel giggled and sat up while Stephanie made herself gag on Jake's cock. "I mean, I sort of feel like you should be thanking us," Rachel said. "I mean, I would normally never let a little wimp like you see my tits in a million years, but since Jake is here..." She peeled her crop top off, revealing her bare, bouncy breasts.

"Oh, wow," I said, stroking furiously.

"I think he likes them," Rachel said to Jake with a giggle as she squeezed them and put them in Jake's face so he could suck on them.

Stephanie took Jake's dick from her mouth. "Um, honey?"

"Hm?" I said.

"Rachel just said you should be thanking us, didn't she?" Stephanie said.

"Oh, yeah," I said. "Thank you so much for letting me watch. This is so hot."

"Good boy," Rachel said, then leaned down and took Jake's dick in her mouth.

Stephanie laughed and sat up next to Jake. "Oh my god, baby, you're gonna be so good at this!" she said. "I can't wait for you to see Jake make me cum. I bet you can't wait to see that, right?"

I nodded. "Ohh, yes, sweetie," I said.

Jake pulled Stephanie's body to his mouth so he could kiss all over it. "Yeah? You want to see him fuck us?" she asked.

"Oh god, yes, please," I said, nodding.

Jake reached down and slipped his hand into Stephanie's panties, rubbing her pussy. She let out a sexy moan. "Oh yeah, your girlfriend's nice and ready for me," Jake said. "Let's take this to my bedroom, what do you say?"

I nodded as the girls squealed in delight. The three of them, stripping off whatever clothes they had left, hurried down the hall to Jake's room, while I fumbled to get my pants off and stumbled after them. When I got there, Stephanie was on her back on Jake's bed, spreading her legs for him. Rachel was on the bed next to her, kissing her and feeling up her breasts. Jake stood at the edge of the bed, his big penis pointed at Stephanie's pussy.

"Hey, buddy, come over here," Jake said to me.

Nervously, I took a few steps into the room, my hands covering my hard-on.

Jake waved his hand impatiently at me. "I said, over here," he repeated more sternly.

I quickly stepped closer to him, and he slapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, buddy," he said. "I want to make absolutely sure there are really no hard feelings and that you're totally on board with this whole beta cuck thing."

"I am, I promise!" I said eagerly, completely willing to admit it now. "This is so hot, I want to watch you fuck Stephanie so bad! I'll do anything you want!"

He smirked. "Well...you're gonna have to prove that to us," he said.

"How?" I asked.

"I want you to take my dick in your hand and slide it into your girlfriend's pussy for me," he said.

The girls burst out laughing.

"Wait, what?" I said, shocked.

"You heard me," Jake said with a grin.

"Come on, sweetie," Stephanie said. "If you're gonna be my cuck boyfriend, you have to show us you know your role."

I looked down at her. Her pussy was glistening, and she looked so sexy presenting herself to Jake. Still, I hesitated. "My role?" I asked.

"Yes, your role," Rachel said, a little impatiently. "You know, as a beta? A wimp? A sissy?"

"Oh," I said softly.

Rachel smiled at me and reached over to take Jake's dick in her hand. "I promise, Lucas, it's gonna feel sooooo good to hold a big hard cock like this."

I nodded, staring, licking my lips.

"Yeah?" she continued. "You ready?"

Nervously, I reached out and took Jake's erection in my hand. It was so thick and warm and hard. I pulled it toward Stephanie's pussy, rubbing the head against her opening.

"Whoa," I said softly.

Stephanie giggled. "How does it feel to have a real man's dick in your hand for once, sweetie?" she asked me.

I swallowed nervously. "It feels so...powerful," I said finally, then pressed the tip of Jake's cock inside Stephanie's pussy.

They laughed. "Mmmmm, it really does, doesn't it?" Stephanie said. "You're doing such a good job, baby, keep going."

I looked at Jake, who was smirking at me and nodding. I pulled his dick further into Stephanie's pussy, until finally he nudged me aside. "Thanks, loser, I'll take over from here," he said, then slid all the way inside her.

"Ohhhhhhhh god, soooo deep," Stephanie moaned.

Rachel giggled and leaned down to suck on Stephanie's nipples while Jake fucked her. I just stood there and stared, amazed by how hot this was. Finally, Rachel glanced up at me and smiled. "Okay, you're done now, cuck," she said. "Go sit over in that corner and watch like a good boy."

"Oh, um, yeah, okay, I'm sorry," I said. I moved into the corner of the bedroom and got on my knees. It was at this point that I finally had a minute to myself to really absorb the situation, as the three of them quickly focused on each other. I couldn't believe what had happened. When I had arrived, I had thought I had a faithful, innocent girlfriend. Now I realized she was a cheating slut for her big-dicked stud roommate, and she had been plotting to turn me into a submissive loser cuck who would do her classwork for her and spend lots of money on her but would never get to have sex with her.

And yet...here I was, my tiny hard-on between my fingers, stroking myself furiously, my tongue hanging out of my mouth as I watched in awe as this muscular stud pounded my girlfriend's pussy. I was so incredibly turned on, and I was completely ready to do whatever they told me to do.

Sure, I felt humiliated and ashamed, but I was also so grateful to them for showing me what I had always wanted without even knowing it. The one time Stephanie had let me have sex with her, I immediately knew I wasn't cut out to please a girl like her. As I watched Jake flip her over on the bed and start fucking her from behind as she cried out in pleasure, I felt thankful that he was taking care of her for me, and even more thankful that he was letting me watch. If all I had to do was put up with them teasing and mocking me to get to see something as hot as this, I was perfectly willing to do it. Oh, who was I kidding? I loved their teasing and mockery; it made my pathetic little dick twitch and leak every time they made fun of me.

After Jake had fucked Stephanie for a while, Rachel begged for a turn. Jake happily pounded her wet pussy, all three of them continuing to completely ignore me as I stroked myself in the corner.

Then Jake pulled out and lay on the bed, telling Stephanie to climb on top of him and ride him reverse-cowgirl. She eagerly hopped on top of him and began bouncing up and down on his cock. For the first time since Rachel had sent me to the corner, Stephanie noticed me and giggled as I stared up at them in awe.

"Enjoying the show, baby?" she asked me.

"Mmhmmm," I said, nodding vigorously.

"Oh good," she said. "Come here, I wanna see you lick Jake's balls while I ride his fat cock."

I was only momentarily surprised, but I was quickly getting used to their demeaning treatment of me. In fact, Stephanie's command almost made me start squirting my load onto the floor. I scurried over to the bed. Rachel grabbed the back of my head and pressed it into Jake's balls, which I started licking, hesitantly at first, but then lapping at them hungrily, moaning and rubbing my leaking hard-on against the bedsheets as I inhaled his masculine scent. His balls were tight, and I thought about how full they were of a load he might end up pumping inside Stephanie's pussy.

"Oh my god, that's so hot," Stephanie moaned as she looked down at me.

I looked up at her riding his cock and smiled. "Am I doing a good job, baby?" I asked her.

"Such a good job," she said. "Hey, do you remember when you came over and I let you eat my pussy before using the dildo on me?"

"Mmmhmmm," I said, still lapping at Jake's balls.

Stephanie giggled. "Well, there's something you should know," she said. "Right before you came over, Jake fucked a big hot load into me."

I looked up at her, stunned. "Really?" I asked. "So I was...?"

"Eating his cum out of me? Mmhmm," Stephanie said.

"Oh, wow," I said. "That's...kinda hot. No wonder it tasted so good!"

They all laughed. "Don't worry, cuck, there's plenty more where that came from," Jake said.

"Really?" I said. "You'll let me eat more of your loads out of her?"

"Out of her pussy, off her tits, hell, if you're a really good boy, I might even blow my load straight onto your pathetic fucking loser face," Jake said.

"Oh, wow, yes please!" I said, smiling, then stuck my tongue out to lap at his balls some more.

They all laughed. "Oh my god, I think I need to find a cuck boyfriend too! Wouldn't it be so much fun to have two?" Rachel said.

"Ohhhh my god, ohhhh god," Stephanie moaned. I looked up at her, and saw her face contorting with pleasure. "Ohhhhh, baby, that's it, watch me cum on Jake's dick while you lick his balls like a little fucking sissy! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh goddddddddd!!!"

I slurped on Jake's balls eagerly as I stared up at Stephanie. She looked so hot as she came, bouncing up and down on Jake's cock. Rachel then quickly pulled my head off Jake's balls. "Okay, that's enough for you. Get back in your corner."

A little disappointed, I went back to the corner and continued stroking myself, as much as I could without cumming. It felt incredible, like I had been on the edge of an orgasm ever since Stephanie had told me she was training me to be their beta cuck.

Rachel now took a turn riding Jake's dick, facing forward. She leaned down and made out with him, while I watched her round butt moving up and down on his cock. It was so sexy. Jake told Rachel and Stephanie to make out for him, which they happily did. Stephanie squeezed Rachel's breasts, then sucked on them. I didn't have a very good view of this, but I didn't dare move out of my corner. I knew by now that girls like this put on that kind of show for studs like Jake, not little-dicked cucks like me.

"Ohhh, fuck yeah," Jake groaned. He slapped Rachel's ass, then said, "Okay, sluts, both of you get on your knees."

Both girls squealed in delight. I watched in awe at how excited they were to take Jake's load. I thought about how when I had squirted my load for Stephanie, all she had done was giggle. Now, both girls were moaning and squeezing their tits together as they looked up at Jake's big, hard dick, worshiping it.

"Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, here it comes, you fucking sluts," Jake groaned as he started shooting big ropes of cum onto their breasts. They moaned and let it drip all over them. I could hardly believe how much he came, not the little dribbles of cum that I usually produced.

When he was done, they all looked over at me to see me licking my lips hungrily, then laughed. "Oh my god, look how much he wants to lick your load off of us," Stephanie said. "What do you say, Jake? Can he?"

I stared at the cum messily dripping down their bodies, then up at Jake with pleading eyes. He smirked confidently down at me. "Hmm, I dunno," he said.

"Oh, please, please let me lick up your cum," I said, jumping at the opportunity to beg this superior man for permission to eat his load. "I wanna taste a real man's load, I want to feel every drop sliding down my throat, please, Jake, pleeease!"

This had the girls cackling with laughter. "Okay, go ahead, cuck," Jake said finally. "Clean up my mess."

I didn't need to be told twice. I dove in, starting with Rachel, hungrily licking the big globs of cum that were about to drip off of her breasts. "Oh my god, gross!" she squealed. "I can't believe I'm letting a dork like this suck on my tits."

"Oh, thank you so much," I said submissively. "I'll be quick, I promise, please just let me get all of it."

I continued lapping at her tits, then licking the long drips of cum that had dribbled down her flat stomach. The girls continued laughing at me. Finally, I turned to Stephanie.

"You're doing so good, baby," she said. "You can go ahead and shoot your little load while you lick Jake's jizz off me, okay?"

"Okay, honey," I said, then went to work. "Mmmm, mmmm, mmmmmmm, so good," I moaned, my dick in my hand as I licked my girlfriend clean.

"Oh my god, I think he loves your cum even more than we do," Stephanie said to Jake.

"Fuck yeah, sure looks like it," Jake said. "You did a great job picking him out, Steph. He's gonna be such a good little bitch for us."

"Ohhh, ohhhhhh, nnnnngggghhh," I whimpered. I began shooting my load onto the floor as I licked up the last few drops of Jake's load off my girlfriend's body.

"Okay, that's enough," Stephanie said, pushing my head off of her.

I sat there in a puddle of my own cum as the girls got into the bed with Jake. They all looked so hot, their bodies glistening with sweat.

"Damn, that was fun," Jake said. "I think we should go for round 2 in a little while."

"Mmmmm, really?" Stephanie said, clearly excited by the prospect.

"Definitely," Jake said. "I'm just gonna need somebody to suck me hard again."

There was a brief pause as they considered this, then they all turned and looked at me at the same time. I looked back up at them, my mouth half open.

"Come here, sweetie," Stephanie said, smiling.

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Hot as fuck. I really hoped he'd get to suck that big cock

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

It would have been so nice if, when she suggested the handjob, he refused saying he didn't want anything done on a rush, so she didn't embarass herself or regret anything later!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hot as hell! The story captures the best of this kind of pleasure. Lucas, you are my favorite writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing as always!

Eze325Eze325over 1 year ago

I love all your stories!

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