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My Husband’s Birthday


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"Yes Mistress" was all he said.

I knew the walk to the bathroom would embarrass him but it would be nothing compared to his humiliation on the walk back after he saw just how clearly the bra showed thru his shirt and how visible was his make-up.

As he started to stand up I stopped him with some final instructions "You are to keep your hands at your sides the entire time and I want you to smile and make eye contact with everyone that looks at you. No averting your eyes and pretending no one can see you. By smiling and making eye contact you'll let everyone know that you're not embarrassed."

He stood up and quickly walked to the bathroom. I followed the path he took with my eyes but really was looking to see people's reaction to him. A lot of customers stopped what they were doing to watch him and to my delight pointed him out to those at their tables that didn't see him initially. I bet every eye would be on him when he walked back to our table.

My husband took forever in the bathroom. As I suspected and he confirmed when he returned that seeing just how visible the bra was and how much make-up he was wearing that there was no way he was walking back through the bar and restaurant looking like he did. But after several minutes he knew he couldn't remain in the bathroom all night and if he wanted to get back to the hotel he'd have to return. Of course it helped that a couple of men also entered the bathroom and seeing the bra under his shirt and his make-up actually asked him for blowjobs!

From what I could tell just about every person along his path back to our table stopped eating or drinking and watched him. I was so proud of my submissive hubby. I knew he was dying of humiliation but he kept his hands at his sides and smiled the entire walk back and looked from side to side making eye contact with everyone.

All I could think was if he was actually doing this, then I needed to up the ante for the rest of the evening. I was determined to push him to his limits and well beyond. I've always called him a slut when he gets submissive but tonight I was going to see just how slutty he was willing to be!

I knew my husband wanted to leave the restaurant immediately upon returning to the table but we still had dessert coming. I ordered him to sit at the table and tell me all about his trip to and from the bathroom. When he was done with the facts, I asked questions about how he felt doing it. Like how humiliated was he? Did he think the bra showed through his shirt enough or should I buy him a sheer blouse to wear next time and add some stuffing? Would he prefer red lipstick vs. pink lip gloss? And how could I make it more embarrassing for him next time?

This conversation went on through dessert but the best part was when the waiter first brought the dessert and because I had too much wine and had no more inhibitions, I asked him "Since you can see Cynthia's red bra clearly under his shirt and don't seem offended, would you like to know what Cynthia is wearing under his pants?"

He either really wanted to know or just was just playing along for a big tip because he smiled and said "Yes I would." I didn't care what his motive was I just wanted another opportunity to humiliate my husband.

I said "Cynthia, tell the waiter what you are wearing under your pants." I didn't think it was possible for my husband's face to get redder but it did.

He looked down at the table and whispered "A thong, garterbelt and stockings."

I lost my temper that he didn't make eye contact and whispered his answer. I glared at him and said "Cynthia you will tell our waiter in great detail what you are wearing and how much you enjoy wearing it or you'll be taking off your pants and showing him. And if you make me order you to take off your pants I'm going to have the waiter take them away and throw them in the trash and you can walk out of the restaurant without pants."

My husband knew I was pissed and wasn't going to cross me again for fear of what I'd make him do. He looked the waiter directly in the eyes and said "I'm wearing a very lacy red thong that made me hard as soon as I put it on. I'm also wearing a matching red garterbelt with white fishnet stockings which turns me on to wear because it makes me feel and look like a slut."

The waiter had a look of interest but told me he had to work till midnight or he just might test my husband's slutiness with my permission of course. I told him not to worry and handed him a business card. He read the card and got a shit eating grin before he walked away.

My husband was dying of curiosity and asked what the business card said since I don't have any of my own for work. I told him "I had some cards made up for your birthday to hand out that has your name, phone number and website."

My husband said "What are you talking about?"

I went into more detail. "I had some business cards made with your fem name Cynthia that say Crossdressing Slut and No Sexual Fantasy Denied along with my cell phone number then added the URL to a photo sharing website where I have been posting pictures of you all dressed up and will post all of this year's birthday photos."

My husband looked panicked but sounded like a broken record when he repeated himself "What are you talking about?"

"For your birthday I'm giving anyone that shows any interest in your crossdressing a card that entitles them to having you dress as a woman and satisfy their fantasies. Of course they'll have to call me on my cell phone to work through the details because I don't want them calling you and you turning them down. And the pictures I've posted on the website will give them a good feel for how much you enjoy dressing in lingerie and going out in public. I even added a hard core page of photos where you're sucking on a dildo and then take it up your ass. I'm sure after they look at all your photos the fantasies will go beyond just a few activities dressed as a woman. What do you think? Do you think they'll want to replace the dildo in the pictures with their cocks?"

My husband has never touched another man's cock much less suck or been fucked by a cock and he was speechless. The humiliation was priceless.

It was time to leave the restaurant, however, before we did I handed my husband a Viagra and told him to swallow it. I would need to make sure he got some relief and lost his hard-on within 4 hours but for the next couple of hours I wanted to humiliate my husband a few more times and having him walk around with a guaranteed raging hard-on was just going to be one of the ways.

As we stood up to leave I came over and kissed my husband very sensuously. With one hand I rubbed his cock so he would walk out with a visible hard-on and with the other hand I unbuttoned his shirt down below his bra and pulled the two sides apart. I wasn't trying to show off his muscular chest or six pack abs, no I was ensuring his red lacy bra was going to be seen by everyone without being covered by his shirt. Hell we'd most likely never see any of these people again so who cares?

I told my husband clasp his hands behind his back and walk in front of me on the way out of the restaurant so I could see people's reaction. At first no one was paying attention so I very loudly asked "So Cynthia, how does it feel to show everyone your bra?" I practically shouted the word "bra" and it worked. There wasn't a customer or employee that wasn't looking at my husband's red bra!

Yes, I was humiliating him beyond his wildest dreams but I knew he was probably more turned on than he ever was before in his life. I couldn't wait to up the ante for the rest of the evening.

We retrieved our coats from the coat check and my husband helped me into mine. When he started to put his coat on I took it from him and told him he wasn't going to need it for the rest of the night.

In front of the restaurant was the taxi I had ordered earlier with the driver standing next to the passenger door waiting for us. He gave my husband a long look as we got in his taxi.

Before dinner when I called and ordered the taxi to pick us up at the restaurant I also made a request for the driver to make a stop at the hotel and pick up the duffel bag for me. The driver got in and handed me the duffel bag that was on the front seat and asked "Where to?"

I replied "I want you to drive around for awhile. And I'll give you an extra fifty dollars if you allow me to have some fun with my husband while you drive. However, I must warn you I'm helping my husband explore his gay side and it will be kinky." Why did I say gay and not crossdressing? I really don't know but it seemed the right thing to say and based on the look of horror on my husband's I knew I just added another layer of humiliation.

The driver looked at us in the rear view mirror for a few seconds then finally said "For fifty bucks you can do anything you want as long as it's not illegal."

I turned to my husband and told him to take his shirt off and hand it to me. He sat there frozen and gave me a look that was pleading me not to make him do it.

"Cynthia, give me your shirt right now and I'll go easy on your punishment. If I have to tell you again you will be very sorry." Needless to say my husband took off his shirt immediately and handed it to me.

My husband was now sitting in a cab topless but for his red bra and was looking very embarrassed. I told my husband to close his eyes and put his head back. Then I started playing with his very sensitive nipples through the bra. He squirmed a little at first then started getting into what I was doing. His moans of pleasure were the giveaway.

I looked in the mirror and saw the cab driver was watching us intently. He probably didn't know what to think. But I did. I stopped playing with my husband's nipples and he let out one more moan as if to say don't stop.

"Cynthia, take off your shoes and pants and give them to me." There was no hesitation this time which meant my husband was hornier than hell and would do anything I told him to.

I reached forward and put my husband's shirt, pants and shoes on the front seat next to the taxi driver and said "The next time you stop would you please be kind enough to put these clothes in the trunk of your car as my husband won't need them till we get back to the hotel."

The driver pulled over almost immediately and with a big grin got out of the taxi put all my husband's clothes in the trunk. I think the driver was actually enjoying this kinky scene and was wondering where it would go next.

When Leon (the taxi driver's name) got back in the driver's seat he didn't just look in the rearview mirror. He turned around and stared at my husband. I could tell my husband was dying of embarrassment and wanted to cover up and hide but I wouldn't let him. I told him to sit there with his hands at his sides and his legs spread. Then I started playing with his nipples again. Pulling and twisting just hard enough that he started groaning again. His cock remained rock hard without me even touching it. I wonder what he thought of Leon seeing his hard-on under his thong.

I finally said to Leon "Cynthia will do anything you tell him to get his clothes back when we get to our hotel. But in the meantime I think Cynthia is too sexy not to show off. What do you think?"

Leon actually started laughing and said "Yes, I think Cynthia should be seen."

My husband's eyes got real big at that and I knew why. I said "show off" which has always meant to us an activity in a public location where someone might see him but most likely not vs. the driver saying "seen" which has always meant a guarantee he'd be seen by numerous people. Was the driver using the same definitions? With his male clothes in the trunk and the taxi driver involved he didn't know what to think. In his fantasies a third party was always a sexy woman not a big black man with tattoos that looked like a body builder.

I reached into the bag I previously packed with goodies that Leon picked up at the hotel and took out my husband's 5 inch stiletto heels with locking cuffs. I told him to put the heels on and lock the ankle cuffs with the locks I handed him. These heels were not coming off till I gave him the keys. Too bad for him that the keys were "accidently" left at home in my nightstand. No use spoiling the surprise. I'll tell him later.

"Leon, if Cynthia were your submissive slut, where would you take him so he would be seen but not arrested?"

Leon thought for a minute then started saying "I'd take him to..." and I cut him off.

"Please don't say where and ruin the surprise. Just drive us there."

Leon drove for about 10 minutes to a sleazier part of town then pulled into a parking lot and stopped in front of an Adult Book Store. Oh my God, I thought. I wouldn't have come up with this in a million years but it was perfect. The parking lot had about twenty cars in it so I knew the store would be filled with mostly if not all men and they would all have sex on their minds. I couldn't predict their reaction to how my husband was dressed but I was thinking it couldn't be too negative, because after all they were in an Adult Book Store.

I reached in the bag and pulled out my husband's 40DD breast forms and put them in the cups of his bra. Then I took some bright red lipstick that matched the lingerie and applied it to his lips. I couldn't think of anything else to add to make this more humiliating except to rub his cock to ensure it was hard as it could get. And now with the Viagra kicking in it wasn't going to get soft anytime soon.

Leon got out of the taxi and opened the rear door on my husband's side of the car. My husband didn't get out of the car so I grabbed his balls and started squeezing them.

I said 'Cynthia you have no choice in this matter. Your male clothes are locked in the trunk and you won't get them back until you do everything Leon or I tell you to. You're hours from home without ID, credit cards or money. Not that they'd do you much good dressed the way you are. I'm your Mistress and you're my sub for this entire trip and looking at the muscles on Leon, I'll bet he can make you do anything he or I want. Now you either go into the Adult Book Store and walk up and down every aisle while Leon and I watch or I'm going to have Leon drag you from the car and take you to the glory hole and make you give blowjobs to every customer."

I would never do that to my husband but the way this evening had gone so far he probably thought I was serious. He slowly got out of the car and looked around the parking lot to see if anyone was looking. How stupid was that? Why would he care who might see him in the dimly lit parking lot when he was about to walk into a brightly lit Adult Book Store and walk up and down every aisle in his garterbelt, stockings, thong, bra and 5 inch stiletto heels.

I walked into the store first. I figured a woman walking into an adult book store by herself would attract every man's attention and I was right. All eyes were on me as I stood just inside and to the left of the door. Then when my husband walked in a minute later all eyes immediately went to him. My back was to the door so I was facing all the customers and their reactions to my husband were priceless. Leon followed right after.

I heard cat calls, "What the fuck is that?", "Tonight's my lucky night" among other things. I'd already told my husband he was not to acknowledge he knew us. He was to act as if he was in the store of his own free will and was having fun walking around in just his lingerie.

I think my husband has the cutest little butt and I was hoping as he walked the store that there were at least a few guys that were either gay or bi-sexual that would appreciate the show he was putting on. It would even be better if my husband's ass framed by the garterbelt convinced a few straight guys to admire it.

As Leon and I stood there watching everyone check out my husband, Leon interrupted me to introduce me to the man behind the counter that happened to be his brother and who also owned the store. Leon explained to his brother Marcus that I was dominating my husband and wanted to show him off in public just wearing lingerie to explore his gay side and Leon was helping. Marcus offered to help in any way possible and said I could keep my husband in the store as long as I wanted.

Meantime my husband was walking down the 1st aisle till he realized there were two men in the aisle and he would have to pass within inches of them. He stopped and I could tell he was trying to think of a way out but came to the realization he had no options. There wasn't a sound in the store as everyone stood still and had their eyes were glued to my husband. He started walking again and the sound of his stiletto heels clicking on the floor was unbelievably loud.

When he got to the end of the aisle he realized there was a wall so he'd have to walk back out the aisle he was in vs. going around the end and out aisle two. I quickly did the math. Ten aisles and it took him 30 seconds to walk from one end to the other and 30 seconds back. He'd be done walking all the aisles in about 10 minutes. I actually wondered if it was safe for his face to be such a bright red from embarrassment for those ten minutes.

I sure wish Michele was here to photograph this but since she wasn't I took out my camera phone and started taking pictures. I knew these were not going to be anywhere the quality of photographs she would take but thought she still might enjoy a copy of them.

I swear by the fourth aisle my husband was starting to enjoy himself. He was now holding his head up and making eye contact with the men instead of looking at the ground like when he first started. By the sixth aisle his face was no longer red and by the eighth aisle he was smiling. I knew the slut would get off being seen! I also noticed Cynthia was walking much slower and his hard-on was sticking out the top of his thong. It was almost as if he didn't want this experience to end and was dragging it out.

He actually stopped and talked with some of the customers and I'm guessing that by how close they were standing to each other that either the men were feeling up my husband or he was rubbing their cocks. How kinky is that? Damn I wish I could have seen that action!

Done with his walk, my husband was heading for the store's exit when I held up my hand and stopped him. I then handed him a stack of the business cards I had told him about earlier and told him to back through the store and hand every customer a card.

It would have been bad enough if I just made him leave a stack of business cards on the counter. But by ordering him to walk the entire store handing out the cards it gave the customers time to read Crossdressing Slut and No Sexual Fantasy Denied and react while he was still walking around. Needless to say there was a very positive and enthusiastic reaction to the business cards. And a few of the customers were sporting boners in their pants. I briefly thought of having Cynthia suck off a few but decided this wasn't the right time or place to give his 1st blowjob.

When we finally got back in the taxi I asked my husband "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I was totally humiliated." was his response.

"Cynthia, that's not what I asked. Did you enjoy yourself?" Calling my husband Cynthia was to remind him of his place.


"Yes, what?" I demanded

"Yes, Mistress"

"So what did you enjoy most? Walking around the store in just lingerie the 1st time or going back and giving your business card to every customer knowing that some if not all will be calling and requesting you to fulfill their sexual fantasies?"

He blushed with embarrassment and whispered "I enjoyed being forced to do both of them. Each activity was completely different and totally humiliating and they both turned me on. But I don't think I ever want to do them again."


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