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My Idol Ch. 01

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I moved to stay with my older brother.
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They say most children growing up idolize somebody. It may be 1 or more, a woman or a man. Among the most famous female idols are Marie Curie, Emilia Erhardt, Aretha Franklin, and Marylin Monroe. Among the males are Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Martin Luther King Junior, General Patton, and many others. My idol was my older brother, Devin. He was everything I wished to be - 6'3", 200 pounds of pure muscle, a good student, liked by his teammates, and ogled by the girls. Unlike him, at 18, I was 5'7", 155 pounds of a wimp, with barely any body hair, except on my head.

I was a good student with an average score of almost A, but no girl had ever approached me for help with her homework or to prepare her for an exam. I bet my brother, whose average was a B+, could have had a C- and females would ask him for help. Homework was a common excuse, although I heard girls asking him for help carrying their 'heavy' purses, taking their pictures in seductive poses, and accompanying them through a dark alley. In my estimate, more than 90% of these requests were intended to grab his attention by any means possible.

At 20 years old, Devin attended UCLA, majoring in biomedicine. Our parents were wealthy and rented for Devin a small apartment near the university.

I was about to finish my senior year in high school and wished to go to UCLA too, although I preferred to major in computer sciences. I filled out all the necessary forms and registered with 5 different universities, including UCLA. I got accepted into 4 of them, including UCLA. I rushed to my parents, told them the news, and announced my wish to go to UCLA.

The same weekend, we had a family discussion about my future. Everybody agreed UCLA was a good choice. Then Dad asked Devin if I could stay in his apartment. Devin smiled, "I think so. Terry will have his own room, and we'll share the bathroom, kitchen, and living room. He is a quiet guy and won't bother me. However, it's up to him because, sometimes, I invite people for a small party, watch a game on TV, or... a girl. So, if he is ready for the occasional noisy atmosphere, sure."

He stared at me, "Little brother, what do you say? Interested?"

I blushed, "Yes..."

Dad gazed at Mom and said, "It's settled then."


A week after graduating, I moved to Devin's apartment. My room was smaller than his, but enough for my modest needs. I had my own single bed, a simple wooden desk, a plastic chair, a small dresser with a lamp on top, and a tiny closet with a couple of drawers. I liked it.

After checking my room, I explored the rest of the apartment. Devin's room was a big mess; His king size bed was unarranged, the large closet door open, clean and dirty clothes spread all over, his chair was upside down, and empty beer bottles everywhere. The stink was overwhelming. I had the urge to clean and organize the room but didn't dare doing it without talking to Devin first. The living room, kitchen, and bathroom were messy as well, but less.

After making my room look more presentable, I left everything else the way it was. I watched TV and waited for my big brother to show up. Devin arrived an hour later, sweaty, smelly, but smiling, "Hi Terry, I completely forgot you'd come today. How do you like your room?"

"My room is perfect. Look, I'll try my best not to interfere with your life. However, I have a suggestion: At least in the beginning, I do not expect to have a life outside this place, so I'll have extra time on my hands. As a thank you for agreeing to let me stay here with you, I would gladly take some chores off your shoulders. I'll clean the apartment, ensure there are the necessary foods and drinks in the kitchen, and if you want, do all the laundry." I glanced at him.

He chuckled, "Terry, that will be perfect! It's like being married but without the drawbacks of a nagging woman telling me how I screwed up and what she expected from me."

"Do you want me to arrange stuff in your room too? The door was open. I noticed you were in a hurry, and didn't have time to organize it better..."

He laughed, "Terry, you are so nice. You know quite well I never bother putting things in the right place, yet you try to be politically correct. If your sense of order is so strong, go ahead, and... thank you."

I still had several days before starting the school year. In the next 2 days, I organized the apartment to look more livable - I got rid of all the beer bottles, swept the dirty floor, dusted everything, did the laundry, and took care of Devin's room. I knew Devin would appreciate what I did but he'd continue to mess up the place. He had other priorities in life...

For once, I felt needed. My brother needed my constant help to make his apartment a home. And he was right; As his helper, I was doing in his apartment what a devoted wife would do for him. I giggled to myself - Well, not EVERYTHING... but almost everything.

When the apartment was ready, I sat down in my room with the door open and checked the news on my computer. Ten minutes later, Devin barged through the door and, without acknowledging my presence, rushed to the bathroom. He left the door open, undressed, and entered the hot shower.

He closed his eyes and let the hot water pour on his glistening body. I stood by the door and admired this Greek god. His square jaw gave him a tough, manly face. The broad shoulders with developed pectorals hinted at his immense strength. The muscular quads just enforced that impression. His deflated long penis and the large sack were something I could only dream of having. As I ogled his body, he turned around, and I saw his rear. The triangular back, the firm ass cheeks, and his long hairy legs... He was what every man would kill to look like!

As I was watching, I felt a tingle in my groin and my lips became dry. I licked my lips and moved away as fast as I could to my room. Trying to assess what happened was difficult - It was like watching the subject of my admiration being exposed to me in all his glory, expecting me to bow to his power over me! I felt helplessly attracted to his magic presence. What frightened me the most - I loved the feeling, and was ready to obey all his demands...

I lay on my bed, deep in my thoughts, when Devin knocked on my door and, without waiting for my answer, opened the door, naked, with a towel in his hand. "Terry, can you help me? I was playing ball, and a guy from the other team crashed into me from behind, hitting my lower back and left chest. It hurts like hell. Can you rub these areas for 5 minutes?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Let's go to my room. I'll bring a special oil for a massage."

He lay naked on his mattress face down. I took the oil and poured it on my palms. I began gingerly massaging the middle part of his lower back. My lack of experience was apparent.

"Terry, you are not supposed to caress my back. Rub it harder!"

I pushed harder, admiring his fantastic figure, this time up close. The ripped muscles and his strong musky smell woke something in me. It was a strange feeling of temptation. I had no clue where it came from. Yes, I admired my big brother, but being allured by him? The urge to touch other parts of his body? The mere thought caused me to tremble.

Devin felt it and asked, "Terry, are you OK? Do you want a break and continue later?"

"No, it's OK now." I tried to focus my eyes on his back and began rubbing the sides.

"Do me a favor; this moron hit also my left ass cheek. Do it too."

I poured some oil on top of the cheek and it slid into his crack before I could stop it. I didn't dare going there, and soon, a few drops moved down onto his sack. He moaned softly and spread his legs slightly. His butt cheek was firm and somewhat hairy. He obviously enjoyed my touch, as I heard him occasionally groan.

After 10 minutes, Devin mumbled, "That was great. I'll turn around and you do the left side of my chest."

Without waiting, he turned on his back, closed his eyes, and waited for my palms to do their job. I spread oil on the area with the red markings on his left chest and worked my way more gently than before, knowing it was a sensitive area. Noticing his eyes were shut, I looked at his cock. It was longer and more engorged than before, although not fully erect. Was it the result of the oil leak onto his genitals? Was my massage arousing? I wished I knew the answer.

As my hands continued doing his left lower chest, my eyes concentrated on his beautiful pecker. The mushroomed head, which rested comfortably on his right thigh, was larger than the rest of his dick. The shaft was veiny. And expanding? The sack was very hairy with 2 distinct bulges of his big testicles.

Suddenly, I heard him say, "Terry, I see you are curious about my cock. You can touch it, it won't bite..."

WTF?... I blushed. I continued massaging his chest muscles as if I didn't hear him.

He smiled, "Don't be shy. I am aware of the fact you ogle my body every time you have an opportunity. If we are going to stay under the same roof, there shouldn't be any barrier to feeling comfortable here. I am quite often naked in my apartment and have no intention of changing my habits. So if you wish to investigate it, don't be bashful."

My mildly reddish face turned ruby-red. I still didn't dare to do it, despite my strong urge to caress it.

Devin laughed, "Terry, when I want something, I go for it. You are such a chicken." Next, he grabbed my oily palm and placed it on his phallus. I moved lightly on the shaft, feeling the velvety skin. The protruding veins looked ominous.

I wrapped my palm around his girth and bobbed it gently. The cock was MUCH longer and wider than mine. Then my fingers touched the soft head. It jolted up and Devin giggled, "Brother, it feels real good. You have a soft hand."

Recognizing Devin enjoyed my touch, I increased the speed and noticed immediately his prick started extending and hardening. I stared at his eyes. He smiled at me, and whispered, "Good boy. Continue. It feels fantastic."

I was watching his pole growing in my hand and soon I could not cover the whole circumference. The magic wand was beautiful! It was pointing straight up like a missile ready to be launched. A small drop began forming on the tip. A precum. I looked at it and instinctively licked my dry lips.

Devin watched my reaction and whispered, "Yes, Terry. Do it..."

I looked at him pleadingly. His eyes were firm, alternating between my eyes and the drop on his cock."

I sighed. I wanted to lick it but didn't dare...

"Here, boy, let me help you," and then he placed his big hand behind my neck and slowly pulled my head down. Seconds later, my lips met the transparent drop. I licked it. The taste was mild and indistinct. The head jerked, touching my spread lips.

Devin removed his hand and gazed at me. With my lips still on the spongy head, I glanced at him. For a long moment, no words were said. We both knew a limit was crossed, and the question was what was to come.

He just lay there waiting for my decision. I was dying to play with his treasure, suck it and satisfy him with my mouth. However, everything was so new, weird, and unexpected, that I was unable to think clearly.

Devin recognized my dilemma and muttered, "Terry, you are too weak to make up your mind, so I'll do it for you." Subsequently, his palm pushed my head downward on his cock, forcing me to open my lips and let the large head in.

Strangely, now that the decision was made for me, it was easier to proceed. I kissed the head and licked it. My mouth opened wider to accept his massive cock into my small oral space. I was scared of his huge size but knowing HE wanted me to do it, gave me the necessary courage to go ahead.

Devin lay on his back, his hands folded behind his head, and watched me gradually taking him in. Once about 1/2 of his organ was in my mouth, I felt I was choking. I coughed a little, pulled him out, and seconds later was determined to try again. On my second try, I was able to accommodate about 2/3 before beginning to gag. I pulled it out again, having a large amount of saliva being dragged with it.

On my third attempt, I did it slowly, hugging the giant cock between my tongue and palate. When he was about 3/4 inside, I started bobbing on it at a slow, steady pace.

I concentrated on the large, smooth, hard organ in my mouth and could hear his moans. The clear signs of his pleasure were my aphrodisiac - My own dick began stirring, and I intensified my blow job.

Gradually, I felt my oral cavity open further, and eventually, my chin touched the tickly hairs on his sack. He was so deep, the tip must have been in my pharynx by now!

Next, I felt his muscles start to spasm, as he was about to cum. I was scared of his ejaculation but reluctant to pull out, knowing that as a man was cumming, he loved feeling his spunk being adored and... swallowed.

I didn't have much time to think before the first jet hit the back of my throat. I held my breath to keep me from choking. I had an urge to gag but tried my best to hold it and massage the lower part of his prick with my tongue. At one point the amount of seed exceeded my ability to keep it in my mouth, and I swallowed it. New spunk kept cumming, until the river of slimy fluid diminished to a trickle.

I left him in my mouth and felt his stiff cock begin to shrivel. It still filled my mouth to the rim, but at least now my jaws did not have to stretch to the limit...

I waited for the last drops, then gave the head one last gentle suck and removed my mouth from his member.

He looked at me lovingly, "Little brother, you were terrific! It is clear you've never done it before, but your mouth was doing it like a pro. Are you OK?"

I waited, trying to digest the taste of his seed. It didn't feel bad at all! It reminded me of uncooked oysters - Slimy, slightly tangy, oily, and mildly bitter. I smiled at Devin, "It tasted OK. I never imagined I'd ever do such a thing, but it felt good in my mouth, and more importantly, I loved to know it made you feel better."

He laughed, "Terry, it is an unusual day. I found out you cleaned the place, organized everything perfectly, and you even gave me head. Why would I need a girlfriend?..."

I giggled, "Devin, I always looked up to you. We are going to live together for 2 more years, until you graduate. You were gracious to welcome me into your private space. I'll be happy to be of help any way I can..."

He chortled, "Be careful what you're saying. I may ask you to do it again."

I looked him in the eye and mumbled, "Think about it this way - As long as you are nice to me, I'll do ANYTHING you want."

His eyes followed me as I left him. I went to my room and rested on my bed, thinking. Today we established our relationship. Devin knew I was ready to serve his needs. ALL his needs. What would he wish me to do for him next time?!...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
GybbsGybbs5 months ago

I guess I missed something in life by being an Only Child LOL. In my next life, I hope the Fates are kinder to me ;-)

Exluke1Exluke15 months ago

Why would he need a girlfriend? Terry looks like he is setting up for a very good college start! This is an interesting beginning.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer5 months ago

Hot! Brotherly love, it's my favorite kind of incest. Looking forward to chapter #2.

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