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My Miracle Mistress

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Miracle Mistress Meetups! She won't keep you waiting...
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/12/2017
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A.N. Commission for anonymous

Hey again everybody, this story is gonna be a little different from what I normally do. Mainly because it contains a fetish that I personally am not too much of a fan of but the commissioner was cool enough to work with me, so with that this story was born!

The Following Contains: MUUUCH bigger dominant BBW dickgirl on submissive smaller male. We're talking like, half height size difference here lol. If you are not a fan of bigger woman, (something akin to the herohero tom hentai comics) then this story is not for you.

For those of you who are cool with that, I hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 1: First Date With Mistress


Sam nervously tapped his fingers against the half full shot glass. Typically you're supposed to drink a shot with one swig, but his alcohol tolerance wasn't exactly the best and the bourbon in the cup was really just serving more as liquid courage at this point. It had been YEARS since he'd been on a date, let alone with someone he had never actually met.

About a week ago, Sam woke up one morning and realized that he was miserable. He'd been single practically all his life, only going on a few 'dates' in high school. If you could call going out with multiple friends, one of them being a girl he asked to come that he had a crush on, a date. He had yet to experience that...spark! With anyone, and with college classes plus working his job as a cashier in a run of the mill gas station, he never had time to actively seek a relationship.

That didn't stop him from being lonely.

So that morning he hopped on the computer, double checked to make sure his anti-virus software was working and googled dating sites. Now we all know internet relationships didn't exactly have a great reputation, but when you're as desperate as Sam was, you'll take what you can get.

After sifting through the cavalcade of 'No credit card! Sign up today! Fuck tonight!' and 'Hot horny singles in your area waiting to fuck!' sites, he stumbled upon this one called: Miracle Mistress Meetups. The tagline of said site was, 'She won't keep you waiting...' Now initially Sam was going to simply gloss over this site as just another quick sex one, but the posted reviews on its home page told quite a different story. Apparently, it was receiving user submitted rave reviews all from men stating that it was exactly what they needed.

They consisted of, 'I was a lonely bastard till I found this site, now I've been with my one and only for three years and counting. Highly recommend! 5 stars!' 'Using this dating site was the best decision of my life. I've never felt so right. 5 stars' and 'I would do anything to please my Miracle mistress, I'd be lost without her, thank you Miracle Mistress Meetups! 10 out of 5 stars!'

Nearly perfect ratings all across the board, user-friendly, and completely free. Sam couldn't deny his curiosity was peaked, plus on the home page it showed close up pictures of absolutely gorgeous women not scantily clad or anything. But actually with their boyfriends whom they met on the site, with the date of how long they had been together. Four years, five years, eight years, ten years, it seemed too good to be true. But since he had nothing to lose, Sam decided to take a chance and made a profile.

He filled out the form, "Name, Samuel Mercado. Age 21, ethnicity Puerto Rican, hair color, black chin length..." Clearly he would post a picture of himself too, but he wanted to make sure he was an open book on the site. Even though the next fact he'd have to fill out was a bit embarrassing. "Height...five foot two..." Sam was subconsciously hanging his head in shame as he typed that, he was far below average height for males. Even below average height for females! That was probably a contributing factor in the severe lack of girls interested in him.

Fighting through the slight apprehension, he filled out the rest of the details for his profile, interests, body type, hobbies, etc. And with only a single thought of backing out, he watched his finger click down the mouse button over the 'Finish' icon on the screen.

Within a second his full page popped up in front of him ready to go. His high school graduation photo set as his profile picture staring back at him with a big smile. He blew air out from between his lips, "And now we wait."

Now the first few days went by with no bites, his lonely page just remained in the 'seeking my Miracle' status despite him frequently checking it. According to the rules of the site, the men were supposed to just make a profile, and wait for the women to select their 'prey'. Sam briefly wondered why the men were called prey at first but brushed it off as a simple flirty term used by the website.

That's when it finally happened, after coming home from class Friday night. Sam went about his usual ritual of dropping his book bag in the corner of the tiny studio apartment then flipping his laptop open to check his email. And there it was.

A tiny little red dot notification beside an email with a picture file attached. 'A Miracle Mistress has selected you!' Sam felt his heart instantly skip a beat, although he made the profile in hopes of maybe meeting someone new and possibly starting a relationship. He never really believed that he would get any actual people interested in him and be reaching out to make contact.

He then thought it might be a bot just updating him, or a prank of some kind. Some guy trying to catfish him for the fun of it. But upon opening up the email, he was greeted by one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

It read, 'Hello there Sam. I've read over your profile and seen that you are close by and you're quite the cutie. I'd like to get to know you more, and possibly meet up if you're interested?' Write me back, -M. Alicia.'

Sam must've re-read the email a thousand times, not believing his own eyes. This Alicia was gorgeous! She had long black hair, tied into a ponytail, with piercing brown eyes behind a pair of black rimmed glasses and a pearly white smile. The rest of her body was hidden as the photo appeared to be just a standard selfie, but man was she beautiful. Plus something about that stare she was giving him through his computer, like she was staring right through him, made his heart skip a beat.

That was how it started, he quickly messaged her back ignoring the possibility of it being some type of ruse or prank, telling her that he thought she was beautiful and he was indeed interested in getting to know her more. Within an hour she replied and the two started exchanging information about each other, she was the one asking most of the questions though. Some seemed like typical getting to know you small talk type like, what his favorite color was, or his favorite meal. But then she asked some odd ones too, like what he thought his pain tolerance was, how flexible was he, and how long he could hold his breath. These should've sent up red flags in Sam's mind, but he was too intrigued. Too interested in learning more about this mystery woman to question her.

Eventually, the suggestion of actually meeting up was brought forward again. And Sam was far too excited to re-think the situation at all, everything she said to him made him want to learn more about her. They messaged back and forth that whole night until Alicia told him 'Ok that's enough foreplay, I want to meet you now. Tomorrow night, Bridge's Bar, Ten. It's been far too long since I've had a boy like you in my grasp. I'm not letting you get away.' Her tone shifted from questioning to demanding, and he was taken aback for a second reading that. But being the oblivious boy he was, he again completely missed what would've been a red flag to anyone more aware than himself, and instead he felt almost a slight twinge of excitement from her statement. Since she seemed so eager for the two of them to meet, he replied to her agreeing to go.

And now here he sat, Bridge's, 9:58 P.M. on the clock as he nervously sipped down the rest of his bourbon.

"Can I have another shot please?" The bar was a quiet place, wooden furnishings in old casual style with a karaoke box in the back corner playing some distant tune that he wasn't paying attention to. His bartender refilled his glass with a deadpan expression and shunted it over to him. Sam idly toyed with it again, the weight of what he exactly agreed to starting to finally hit him.

He had agreed to meet a total stranger, sure it was a dating site and meeting strangers was how they worked, but what if it was a prank? He might be sitting here wasting money on alcohol for no reason. Or even worse, what if some greasy grotesque guy showed up and was about to roofie him. Then take him back to his medieval dungeon of torture where he would spend the rest of his days flogged while tied to a radiator in perpetual darkness.

The thought caused a half-hearted snicker to come out of his lips, but as he further pondered it, it made him quickly toss back his third shot, now needing it more than ever before. If worse came to worse and she didn't show up, well at least he could drink his loneliness away for a while.

However, just as he was about to order another shot, fully prepared to just get smashed in preparation for disappointment. He heard a candy sweet voice speak up from behind him.

"Samuel?" He swiveled in his stool to look for the source of the sound. His eyes found her belly first, big, round and creamy white flesh with her belly button exposed beneath a button up white shirt. Then his gaze traveled up, and up, and up, and up, and up, pass two massive breasts, unlike any size he had seen before until he finally found the same face he had looked at through a computer.

"Holy..." The boy thought finally seeing Alicia in person. Now because of his small stature, Sam was used to having to look up at girls. But he was definitely not used to having to crane his neck in order to see them. She was huge! The top of her head nearly reached the ceiling fan she was so tall, she had mentioned in her emails that she was a little on the big side, but Samuel had certainly never expected it to this degree.

Thinking back, he probably should've read over her profile page a bit more. "Alicia?"

The woman nodded at his guess, "You're here early." She smiled, the gawking boy was just as cute as she hoped, then moved beside him to sit down. "I'm glad to see that you're punctual." She spoke so smoothly, like caramel candy cascading through his ears.

Even sitting down she towered over him, Sam had to take this moment to scan her over. She was definitely bigger than himself, both in mass and height. Using his own height for reference in his head he guessed that she had to be about maybe 6'10, plus the black stiletto heels she wore added another three or four inches to her total height, making her literally two feet taller than him! She wore a black dress coat open over her button up and a black mini skirt showing off her thick thighs and black fishnet stocking clad legs.

Sam had never really considered himself interested in bigger girls, he preferred them closer to his own size due to obvious feelings of emasculation. But something about Alicia, how she was SO much bigger than him, dwarfing his entire body like this. Something about it was...exciting. He couldn't explain why, but it was there. His heart was already picking up just looking at her now. Never had he seen a woman of her stature before.

"Uhh..." He stammered a bit before finally getting some words out of his mouth. "Y-yeah, I wanted to...make sure I was here on time for you."

His 'Miracle Mistress' used one finger to push her glasses down and peeked over them at him. Again with the same stare she used in her profile, it gave him goosebumps. She then leaned over closing the small distance between bar stools, Sam immediately felt like he was shrinking the closer she got. "You nervous Sammy?" It suddenly became very hard for him to breathe, why did she get this close to him? Less than an inch away from his face, lips so teasingly near. He felt his face getting hot as he quickly nodded. "Is this your first time meeting someone like this? Like me?" Again he nodded earning another sweet sounding giggle from her, "Don't worry sweetie." She suddenly ran her finger down the front of his own white shirt, tracing a line from the collar down to his belly. "You're gonna have fun tonight, I promise." She then backed up enough to give him back some of his personal bubble but didn't completely leave it. Sam felt his cheeks possibly turning pink, unsure if it was from the liquor he consumed finally working into his system or from the sudden closeness, but was happy he could at least breathe again. Alicia stayed leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees. From this angle, Sam accidentally stole a glance down her tightly fitting blouse and into her cleavage. He had no idea what size her breasts were but they were big. Triple D? Maybe bigger? He wasn't sure, but just that single glance was enough to make him want to drool. "Are you looking at my tits Sammy?" Her voice again came out of nowhere snapping him out of his trance. "I don't recall giving you permission."

Sam's eyes shot back up to her own, they were giving him a knowing look. "Uh! I...I'm sorry I-I just...I...I didn't mean..." He stammered like a child who had been caught with his hand stuck in the cookie jar.

Alicia pursed her lips, "Shhh...bad boy." Sam wasn't used to all this, and again he was unsure if the bourbon was making him tipsy or if it was the pet names that were causing his head to swim. "Looking at things you shouldn't be...I think I'll have to punish you for that."

Sam's eyes widened, "Wh...what?"

"You heard me." Her voice suddenly hushed as she leaned down to him again. And before Sam could blink, he felt her larger hand cupping his crotch. His mouth went agape as she squeezed his flaccid boyhood almost painfully. Just her hand alone was enough to cover his entire length and his balls encased in his blue jeans. Both his arms froze in midair, unsure if they should flail and try to slap her hand away or not. No one had ever grabbed him like this. No one. "Listen up Sammie sweetie." Her voice came out as a whisper which made Sam realize that they were in a bar filled with other patrons, his eyes quickly searched around looking to see if anyone was watching. Oddly enough, even though the bar was reasonably stocked with customers, no one seemed to be even sparing a glance in this direction.

A loud snap of her fingers in front of him drew his gaze back to her. "Don't look at anyone else, just me. Now I'm not gonna beat around the bush Sammy. I've been waiting waaaay too long for a cute little boy like you." He could smell her minty breath as she spoke, she was so close. "I'm not here to take you on a date, I'm here because I want to fuck you..." Another hard squeeze to his now quickly getting rigid dick made him wince. It hurt a little with her immensely strong grip, but it was also very intense. This was definitely not how he expected this night to be going.

"Y-you..." Words were getting harder to form out his mouth, "You w-want to...f...fuck me? B-but...I...I've never..."

She shushed him this time placing her lips onto his, not kissing him but close enough so he could just barely feel their glossy texture on his own.

"Yes." She said, "I've been so horny ever since I saw your face on the site." Her free hand came up to twirl with a lock of his long hair. "I've been wanting to make you mine for days." She bit her lip, "Mmm, just thinking about it now. I can't wait anymore. So no more talking. Either yes or no, would you like me to be your Miracle Mistress baby? If yes, then let's go into the bathroom right now, and I'll fuck you till you can't remember your fucking name. Or, say no. And maybe I made a mistake choosing you, but I'll walk out of this bar and you'll never see me again. Yes or no?" His mind was going a million miles a second, this was all happening so fast, she kept squeezing him through his pants and his cock was now at full mass. Eager to come out to play. He wasn't lying when he was saying he was a virgin, this was the most sexual he had ever gotten with a girl. And he was too becoming horny as hell. Her fresh smelling perfume, her tight grip, her flirty voice. It was driving him mad with desire, but he barely knew her! He had to think of something to say, something to object with. But his brain wasn't working, all it could think about was being taken by this sexy Goddess before him. Never did he think he would lose it to someone so much larger than him, but then again life never did go the way we planned it to. "Yes...or no..." She repeated, seeming to grow impatient with his awestruck silence.

Well, you only live once right?

Feeling his head rock back and forth he breathed out, "...Yes."

Her eyebrows raised for a second, almost as if she was surprised he had actually agreed to do it. But then her lips pulled up into a teasingly wicked grin, "Correct answer sweetie." Her hand then sadly left it's spot between his thighs and moved to grab his hand, "Come on now. Jimmy put his drinks on my tab." She nodded to the bartender who simply raised and lowered a shoulder as she pulled Samuel from his chair.

"She knows the bartender by his first name?" He thought for a moment but was broken out of it as he now saw the true height difference between them both. He barely came up to the underside of her gigantic breasts.

Alicia guided the clueless boy away from the bar counter and around the side towards the restroom. In addition to the boy/girl sign nailed to the center, there was also a sign on the door that said, 'rear exit.' Sam was hardly able to pay it any mind however as he was pulled through it and into the dirty bathroom. There was, in fact, a second door on the far wall with a glowing 'Exit' sign above it. Beside that a single mirror with a sink in front of it, just two bathroom stalls to his right, and one lone urinal. The floor was a bit dirty, not disgusting but it appeared as if it had been cleaned just enough to pass a health inspection with a C-.

Rather roughly, Alicia pulled Sam into the room shutting the door behind them, then into the closest stall. Once more closing the door behind them and latching it, she definitely dominated most of the room in the cramped space the stall offered, further cornering the young boy in her grasp. "Alone at last." She said before cupping his face and leaning down to capture his lips with hers.

"Mmm!" Sam tried to speak but her hungry mouth very easily silenced his. Her tongue darting into his cavern, eagerly exploring its new home. He had to stand on his tip toes despite her leaning down in order to reach her. She started moaning into the kiss, her hands practically enrapturing his head while she molested his mouth. The boy felt his eyes drift shut, his first full kiss, stolen by this mysterious, Miracle Mistress.

The way her warm appendage darted around felt as if she was raping his mouth. But before long she broke their contact with a wet smacking sound, then turned their bodies so Sam's back was facing the door and she was in front of the toilet. "Now boy..." She purred, moving her hands from his face down to his shoulders. "It's time for you to get a good look at what you've gotten yourself into." She finished with a sultry giggle. Then began applying pressure to the tinier of the two, sending him down onto his knees before his Mistress.

He looked up at her confused, "Wh...what do you mean?"

Her perfect white teeth shined as she bared a delicious grin, "I can't wait to see his face..." She thought moving her hands to unclip the side of her skirt. " see Sammy sweetie..." One clip came undone, followed by another, each one making a tantalizing 'click' sound. "There's a reason the website was called, Miracle Mistress Meetups. Cause you see...there aren't many girls out there like me. I was gifted with quite the miracle growing up."

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