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My Naga King Ch. 07

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Passion at it's hottest and drama at its best.
7.2k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/21/2013
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(*Insert evil chuckle* I honestly am sorry, but it seemed like one of those spots that a cliffhanger should be placed. I'm glad the chapter was enjoyed. If it makes it better I had some problems with chapter six mostly because I needed to go back and cover my bases so that the chapter would work. Anyways I hope you enjoy this update.:D)


I stared at the phone silently, then the voice spoke again.

"Don't tell me you don't remember me."

"Of course I remember you...hard to forget a man crazy enough to abduct a person and force them into creepy bondage games."

He chuckled.

"Oh you do remember me love that's great, your mother was worried about you after all, she wanted me to check on you." Patrick said.

"Leave me alone Patrick this isn't the time, why don't you go hang out with your girlfriend?"

"Oh my, are you jealous? Don't be, I only have eyes for you."

I frowned and ignored him.

"Patrick I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now and one of them is wondering why and how you got out the mental ward."

"Easy, good behaviour and I wanted to see you I'll let you go, you do sound tired, good bye love."

He hung up and I frowned then looked at Tobias.

"Who is Patrick?" he asked.

"A weirdo that I want you to stay away from."

He nodded then stood up and held out his hand, I knew what he wanted and shook my head.

"No, I already guessed that her body wasn't in there."

"But you're still in denial, come on."

I bit my lip and sighed then grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, we walked to the center of the field. He waved his hand and several of the flowers died in the shape of the coffin. He waved his hand again and the dirt shook and bounced until the coffin was uncovered. I peeked over at it when he jumped in the grave to open the lid, inside there was a beautiful powder blue evening dress from long ago that looked as if it was untouched by time. A single blue rose was resting were the evening gloves were placed, Tobias reached by the pillow and pulled out a simple black string that held a pink tear shaped gem.

He tossed it to me and when I touched it I felt woozy.....

{{"My dearest Serenity, it is always a pleasure to be in your company." Zeos said.

I....or rather Serenity laughed.

"My lord you say that every time we're together." she said.

Zeos did look a little younger, his hair was shorter but still he was the same handsome man I was use to.

"It is true though."

She smiled.

"I have brought you a little something."

"A gift? Whatever for?"

"I just felt like giving you a token of my affection." he said.

She sighed.

"I suppose just one would be alright."

He slipped the necklace around her neck and she stroked the gem.

"Oh it's beautiful....thank you."

He smiled.

"Anything for you."}}

I rubbed my head as the scene faded and my eyes began to focus on Tobias, he cocked his head.

"Remembering something?"

"Just....when Zeos gave this to Serenity."

"He gave it to you."

"Oh no he didn't, that wasn't me, I don't speak anywhere near as proper as she did."

"Well in that time you were raised as a proper old fashioned princess, the humans that live in this realm have not moved forward like those that you grew up around. In fact none of the humans that live here even know that there is another part of the world, they never did."

I frowned.


"If I was lying to you, you know you would be able to smell it." he said.

"I know......oh my head."

He helped me stand and we walked back to the horses I glanced behind us and the flowers quickly grew back to recover the grave...well what was left of it anyways.


When we returned to the stables Zeos was waiting for us, my head throbbed but I carefully got off the horse.

"Where did you go?" he asked.

Tobias only looked at him and he sighed.


"Her memory is coming back." was all he said before he walked passed us.

Zeos pulled me against him.

"What do you remember?"

I held up the necklace he took it from me and put it on for me before we walked inside.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I asked.

I rubbed my head as it pounded more.

"I wanted to avoid the pain you're in now you wouldn't have headaches if you remembered on your own, I'll have Livia bring you some medicine."

We walked upstairs and toward our bedroom.

"That's it?"

"That's it." he said.

"Zeos....wait does everyone know?"

"They do now, some of them thought I was an exception and had two mates, then your appearance changed."

When I sat in bed he left the room to talk to Livia I glanced at my phone and decided to try to call my mother once again I was surprised when she picked up.



"What do you want? I'm busy."

"Mom stop being difficult I want to talk to you."

"About? Because if it's about that bastard child of yours I'm not interested."

"He isn't a bastard child." I snapped.

"It's a boy?"

I made a face and shook my head, I had to remember she didn't know about the son I apparently already had.

"I don't know, you know those old wives tales....if you're on top its a girl on bottom it's a boy I was on bottom."

"You know it could just as easily be a girl."

"Yeah I know."

"Well if that's it..."

"Mom, are you really going to turn on me like Juniper did? I'm your daughter too."

"No currently you're my problem, how embarrassing to have a whore for a child spreading your legs before you have a ring."

Ouch, that hurt.

"You don't know the whole story..."

"Don't need to."

She hung up and I sighed I looked up as Livia came in with medicine.

"Livia....where is our son?" I asked.

"You don't remember yet?" she asked in confusion.


"Then I won't tell you."

"But Livia."

"He is safe, just rest it'll all come back to you in time."

I sighed and took the medicine then downed a glass of water to wash the horrid taste out of my mouth. She patted my arm gently and left the room, I laid down as I started to feel exhausted, talk about a fast acting sleep aid. My migraine was gone sometime before or after I fell asleep I'm not really sure.


{{ I rolled over and over and glanced at Zeos I moved to sit up and stared at him, it was just like earlier. Well it was sort of like earlier, everything was dark blue and he still looked how he did just before he brought me inside. I turned and stared, there was a woman standing next to the bed, the woman looked like me.

However her hair was unbelievably curly and her skin was nice and rosy but in a way that she had been pampered her entire life. She wore a simple white sleeping gown, I turned toward Zeos and watched him shift but he didn't move to wake up. I looked back at the woman.


She smiled.

"But of course."

When I heard her voice her lips didn't move, but mine did, I frowned.

"OK I get it....I'm denial and this is your way of showing me that I am a modern version of you."

She giggled, again the noise came from me, she backed up and I finally noticed that she was transparent. I got out of bed and slipped on the slippers waiting on the floor.

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in a bad 'Twilight Zone' episode? This is too weird."

She cocked her head.

"You are mated to and expecting the child of a naga king, you have you're own powers that are slowly getting stronger, and the face you have known for your entire life just reverted back to it's original state. Yet, you think this is weird?"

I made a face as she laughed, she did have a point I sighed.

"OK fair enough, I'm assuming you have a memory to show me?"

She shook her head.

"If it was a memory, you would be looking out of your eyes and I wouldn't be here, I'm here as a guide that your subconscious came up with to help you remember who you are. When you are at the point that you will remember something, you won't see me and the color will return to normal just like earlier."

I sighed and nodded.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded again and followed her out of the room, everything was cold, but it wasn't too bad. I glanced around as we walked toward the grand staircase, we went downstairs and toward the kitchen. I whimpered as my head throbbed just as she said, she faded and the colors changed. Nevia was sitting on the counter, she looked different her hair was shorter but she was still wearing one of her flashy dresses. I wish I knew when this happened exactly, but it's just a memory not like I can ask her.

She glanced at me.

"Morning Serenity." she said cheerfully.

"Good morning."

"You look a little pale, why don't we have some tea?"

"I'd love to."

It was weird hearing my voice come out so proper, I turned and we walked into the living room. I remembered I was wearing my pajamas and looked down, I paused, I was wearing a pale green dress as if I stepped right out of fairy tale. I sat down and remembered how Tobias had told me that the humans in this realm never moved forward I wondered if somewhere among the well dressed demon royalty if there were still small human kingdoms, I guess I would have to find out.

I reached up to stroke the gem, Nevia smiled.

"You know, Zeos agonized over what to pick out for you, I'll make sure to tell him how much you like the necklace."

I smiled at her.

"He's always so sweet, my mother is looking forward to the wedding."

I knew she couldn't see it, but I frowned, this is just before the wedding, maybe I should be trying to remember something else. My head throbbed and the scene faded, I looked up as Serenity reappeared.

"Is that all I get to see?"

"For now, we were dead about fifteen years, it's hard to unearth all those memories in one sitting, a lot of them should come back on their own without you having to go to sleep."

"Fifteen years? Really?....Do you know who our son is?"

I suppose it was weird to refer to her and myself as two different people but right now it felt like we were from different planets.

"If you go back to the bedroom you'll be able to see that."

I got up and followed her back upstairs, I felt dizzy as I got closer and closed my eyes to focus, when I opened them again I was laying in bed. Zeos walked in and was holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket. He sat down next to me , he looked so happy I smiled as he handed the baby to me.

"He's beautiful." he said.

"He has your eyes." I said.

"Thankfully he doesn't have my personality, mother says I cried a lot and it was as if each cry was trying to destroy the castle, he's fairly quiet."

I laughed.

"What should we name him?" I asked.

"Anything you want."

"How about....."

I groaned as the scene faded.}}


I sat up and rubbed my head, the sun was shining brightly, Camilla had just opened the curtains she wheeled the breakfast cart to the bed and smiled at me.

"You slept well Lady Cass." it was more of a statement.

"I suppose so...."

She handed me a cup of coffee and I noticed Zeos wasn't in bed.

"What time is it?"


I sighed.

"I understand you are beginning to remember things." she said.

"Hardly...I remember being friends with Nevia, and meeting my son."

"That's still a lot."

I glanced at her.

"Is that why Nevia kind of gave me hard time? Because she thought I was replacing her friend?"

Camilla nodded.

"You two were very close, I'm not sure how you met, but she was always very fond of you."

That explained her personality shift, but I would still send Alexen some candy for keeping her busy.

"Camilla I woke up just before I heard my son's name, who is he?"

She cocked her head.

"You weren't told?"

"No Livia said it would come back to me...Zeos didn't want to make my headache worse."

"Uh well."

"I was gone for fifteen years, our son was already three so if he's still alive he was eighteen when I was born again I guess...."

"And do you remember what the baby looked like?"

"Yeah....just like his father..."

I grimaced as my head throbbed again well I suppose that should have been obvious.

"Tobias is our son isn't he?......that's why he sounds so uncomfortable when he uses Zeos's name....he must hate me for forgetting him."

Camilla set the tray on my lap patted my shoulder.

"That couldn't be further from the truth, but I suppose he would be upset if he was the only one you forgot."

I picked at my food, I felt terrible, but it just didn't click as soon as it should have.

"Don't be upset sweetie, as you work on your powers your memories should come back in time. Just take it easy."

I sighed.

"Can you go get him?"

"He's rather protective of you, he won't come if you haven't eaten yet and trust me he'll know because I'll tell him."

"Why is that?"

"He's just like his father." she said simply.

She bowed and left me alone with my thoughts.


When I was done eating I heard a knock and Tobias let himself in, I set the tray on the night stand and patted the spot on the bed next to me. He walked over and I pulled him close for a hug and stroked his hair gently.

"Your mother is sorry she forgot you son."

He smiled slightly.

"It's OK.... but just this once so don't make it into a habit."

I laughed and kissed the top of his head.

"You tried to spare me the migraines." I said softly.

"Tried and failed but at least you don't have to live them."

"Why were you so shy when I first came here?"

"I was trying not to call you mom, I didn't want you to think I disliked grandmother and was replacing her with know?"

"That makes that why Lilly hates me so much? She's just mad that I forgot everyone?"

Tobias shrugged.

"Actually I'm not sure about that, she's half my age remember? She doesn't know as much as I do."

I sighed.

"Well alright."

"What's the matter?" he asked.

I glanced at him.

"Nothing I suppose, my mother just refuses to accept Zeos and the new baby and I know she won't accept you. Is there going to be sibling rivalry between you and the baby? You know, like jealousy over who was here first."

He frowned.

"Why would I be jealous of the baby? Are human children like that?"

"A lot of them are.....and you are half human."

"Not anymore I'm not, grandpa gave me some of his venom when I was a baby, dad wanted me to grow up exactly as a demon child would."

I nodded, I still felt bad it must be hard to be the child of someone with amnesia.

"Why won't she accept us?"

"Because you're not human."

"So? We will still be part of the family...."

I ruffled his hair.

"My dear, some humans just never grow up."

He rolled his eyes at the thought and smiled at me, Zeos walked in, he held a similar smile to the one he had when Tobias was born. Zeos hugged his...our son before Tobias left the room. I wondered if all demon children had a sixth sense for when their parents wanted to be alone. He stroked my cheek.

"I knew it wouldn't take long for you to remember him, you were such a good mother."

"For the time I had with him you mean, I feel cheated I would love for Matilda to come back so I could catch her by surprise and could snap her skinny little neck."

He smirked.

"Now you're thinking like a lamia queen."

I winked and moved on my knees.

"I think we should plan some family time....for just the four of us later in the week."

"And for today?"

"Today I want to spend some quality time with you."

I sat in his lap he slid his arms around my waist.

"You know, I could impregnate you more than's sort of how naga work."

I kissed his cheek and thought of our son.

"The more the merrier."

He laid back on the bed and we kissed passionately.

"Wait a minute why did we only have one child then?"

"I was afraid to sleep with you again, I was already worried about having our first."


A couple of hours later we spent time with Tobias, the way I never got to, I was determined to spend most of the evening and early morning with Zeos. However, I wasn't about to forget that I had a child who loved me. After a few more hours it seemed like Tobias was getting tired, that was when I asked Harold and Camilla to keep an eye on him while Zeos and I went out. I put my hair in a decorative bun and dressed in a simple dark blue evening dress. He was wearing a black and white designer suit.

My head throbbed a bit while I got dressed, I distinctly remember dressing up numerous times just for Zeos. He set a small box on the vanity before he moved to straighten his tie, the box looked like it had seen better days. I opened it and saw a pair of star shaped sapphire earrings. As I stroked the jewel I felt like I should know these, they sparkled as if they had been recently cleaned.

"I had these made for you after a few months of courting you."

The throbbing in my head faded slightly as I tried to remember when he gave them to me, shaking my head I put them on. He leaned over.

"You look beautiful, we should go so we can get to the restaurant and claim our reservations."

"You made reservations?"

"Of course I did, I suppose I didn't have to."

"No no, you should always make reservations, even when you only have to flash a smile to get a table."

He smirked and I got up to follow him downstairs, I stopped myself before I told Camilla to make sure Tobias was in bed before midnight.


We went to an expensive looking restaurant, the color scheme was black and gold when we arrived the host took us to our table. I glanced at the well dressed tables and then over to the booths that had thin shimmery curtains decorating them. We took a small booth and set our coats on the other seat. The centerpiece was a mix of fake black roses and fake gold leaves with a single candle being held in the center of the two. It smelled like vanilla, like a body wash, not overpowering but strong enough to be in the air.

The waiter took our drink orders and when he left Zeos slipped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him then looked up.

"Zeos are there still royal human families by our home?"

"Yes there are and yes they are very much like what you would read about in a human school, except there isn't a worry over the plague and no one goes around burning everyone who looks suspicious. They know full well that demons and other non-human species exist and accept that so they can live happy lives with their families."

I nodded, they were lucky, demonic protection and no nasty plague spreading rats or fleas to worry about.

"But they have seen you guys drive cars and use cellphones haven't they?"

"Yes and they have access to those too, they think it is demon technology."

"Why not tell them what humans came up with?"

"Because the demons have improved on a lot of the human technology you are use to, for example our television programs can be designed to fit the viewer. More commercials, less commercials, news on so many channels, favorite programs for each individual person so there is technically, always something on. Except the only thing we pay for is the television set everything else comes with it."

I frowned, now why couldn't humans do that without charging an arm and a leg for everything.

"That's just how a lot of humans are." he said.

I smiled, the waiter set down our drinks and took our meal orders.


A little while into eating, I started to feel strange, I frowned until I noticed Zeos was smirking at me.


"Feeling aroused my love?"

I blushed, is that this was? I shivered when his hand rested on my thigh.

"Zeos don't...we're in public."

He slid his hand up the slit in my dress and continued until he pressed against my pussy through my panties. I shivered again.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."


I spread my legs slightly.


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