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My New Wife

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I lost her on our honeymoon.
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I was seriously in love with my new wife. We were in the bridal car going towards the reception when I had this revelation. Of course I loved her, that's why I married her. But looking at her in her beautiful wedding dress looking all shy and demure I realised that there was nothing I wouldn't do to keep her happy.

Amber is a tall, lean redhead with beautiful C cup boobs. They look bigger on her frame but with her height they are the perfect size. In her fitted wedding dress her curves looked spectacular. And I knew that underneath she had on something sexy.

The wedding was beautiful and so was the reception. I spent the night looking at Amber, pinching myself at how lucky I was. To me she is stunningly beautiful. She carries herself with poise and grace. She could have been a model but preferred the other side of the camera. She is a professional photographer.

We met when she was working on an advertising project that my company had commissioned. I am a junior executive with an international electronics firm. We had hired her company to do the stills for the advertising billboards and magazines. We met on the set and hit it off straight away.

She was quite shy around men in general and much more comfortable with the female models. She knew what she wanted and how to make the models give it to her.

When we finished I asked her out to dinner. We had a lot of fun and continued seeing each other. Eventually we fell in love. I asked to marry her and she said yes.

After the wedding reception we stayed at the airport hotel as we had an early flight to Paris for our honeymoon. We had decided to go away for a month. At least two weeks would be for sightseeing and the normal honeymoon things. Then we were catching up with a cousin of hers who lived in Paris.

Our wedding night was spectacular. We made love a number of times and I was now in lust as well as love with my wife. She was quiet in bed and at times looked a bit timid but I was gentle and went slowly. I'm pretty sure I made her orgasm.

The first two weeks in Paris were more of the same, but interspersed with visits to the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Pompidou Centre, Sacre Couer, and many other Parisian landmarks. Every night we made love. It was a special time for both of us.

We then met with her cousin Marcelle. She was very pretty. She had organised a small get-together with some of her friends so we could get to know some people and spend some time with them over the next two weeks.

We were gathered in Marcelle's flat with a number of her friends. They were very welcoming, laughing at my poor attempt at French while being quite forgiving of my mis-pronunciations. We were having a great time.

The doorbell rang and it was opened to a vision of loveliness. A tall, blond woman stood there. She was magnificent. Everyone seemed to welcome her. I heard an intake of breath next to me. My wife seemed quite taken by her. She came over to us and introduced herself as Michelle.

She shook my hand then grabbed Amber by the shoulders and kissed her on both cheeks. Amber went bright red. Michelle then took Amber by the arm and led her to a quiet corner where they sat for the rest of the evening talking and laughing together. I could feel that Amber was much more comfortable with this woman than with the rest of the group of mainly males at the party.

Soon everyone went home except for Michelle. Marcelle, Michelle, Amber and I had coffee together. Michelle invited us to her home the next day and said that we could do something together. We accepted her invitation.

When she rose to leave she said goodbye to Marcelle and me, and Amber walked her to the door. I went off to our bedroom. It was about fifteen minutes later that Amber came in. I asked her where she had been and she told me that she and Michelle had started chatting again.

Amber was happy to have made a friend. She told me that they had talked about just about everything and seemed to instinctively have similar views. She smiled at me, kissed me goodnight, rolled over and went to sleep. It was the first night since the wedding that we hadn't made love.

Early the next day Michelle arrived to take us to her apartment. We had brunch with her and then went on a walking tour of her neighbourhood. We arrived back at her place in the early evening. I was really tired so after a glass of wine I was really sleepy. I closed my eyes and was soon asleep.

I woke to the sounds of heavy breathing and quiet moaning. I opened my eyes slightly and was shocked to see Amber and Michelle in a lovers embrace, kissing each other passionately. I made a few noises and woke up pretending that I hadn't seen anything. By the time I opened my eyes the two women were sitting in separate chairs.

I apologised for falling asleep. Michelle just smiled and offered to take me back to Marcelle's place. When we got there she invited Amber out for a few drinks. Amber eagerly accepted. I went straight to bed.

It was after midnight when I felt Amber climb into bed with me. I asked her how the night was and she simply said, 'Spectacular.' I wondered what she meant by that but was too tired to do anything but go to sleep. It was the second time we hadn't made love as a married couple.

The next day Marcelle asked me to go to the market with her. We took off and seemed to be there all morning. Just as we were about ready to go home she stopped me so she could send a text message to Michelle inviting her over. When we got back Michelle was already there. I greeted Amber with a kiss. I went for her lips but she turned her head and offered me her cheek.

I was slightly annoyed and went into the bedroom saying I was tired. I lay on the bed and had a nap. When I woke up it was about four o'clock. I went out to the lounge room. Marcelle was there alone. I asked her where Amber was and she told me that Michelle wanted to take her out for dinner.

I tried to wait up for her but by midnight I gave up and went to bed. About an hour later Amber came in quietly as if trying not to wake me. I pretended to be asleep because I was upset that I had hardly seen her all day.

The next morning I woke late. Noone was home but there was a note from Amber.


Michelle has taken me out for the day. See you later tonight.

Love you,


To say I was upset was an understatement. For the third day in a row this woman was spending the sort of time with my wife that I should have been. I decided that when she got back I would need to talk to Amber about it, especially having seen them kiss. This was getting beyond a joke.


Paris was spectacular and meeting up with Marcelle was great. She had the party for us, which was really nice of her. When Michelle walked in the room I was speechless. She was gorgeous. When she kissed me hello I was spellbound. I hardly noticed that she put her arm through mine and sat with me in a quiet corner.

We talked all night, as if we had known each other forever. I felt so alive talking to her. She was amazing. When she went home after coffee I walked her to the door. She stopped, turned around and kissed me! I mean really kissed me. I felt my heart beat rise as I kissed her back. We didn't say anything but we just kissed for about fifteen minutes. I felt something that I hadn't felt before, even with my husband, Ben.

The next day we went to Michelle's place and then for a walk around her neighbourhood. I felt really relaxed in her company. I thought things might be a little awkward but they weren't. When we got back to her place we had a glass of wine and Ben promptly fell asleep. As soon as we noticed we were in each other's arms again. After about ten minutes Ben made a noise so we stopped kissing and sat in our own chairs. He woke up and Michelle took us back to Marcelle's. She asked me if I'd like to see some local nightlife. Ben was ready for bed but I was quite keen.

The nightlife consisted of Michelle taking me back to her place, stripping us both off and making love together all night. I was falling for this woman, big time.

She kissed me all over and then had me kiss her all over. She attacked my nipples and I attacked hers. She went down on me and licked my clit. I returned the favour. We both orgasmed spectacularly. I felt as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Ben hadn't given me an orgasm even though we had made love every night since we'd been married. It just felt different and, now, I wasn't sure that I wanted it for the rest of my life.

Michelle, on the other hand, was soft and sweet. She spent her time making sure I was satisfied and I did the same for her. As a result we were both worn out by the time I was ready to go back to Marcelle's.

The day after Marcelle took Ben to the markets. Michelle came over and surprised me while I was still in bed. She got naked and we continued on from where we left off the night before. We explored each other's bodies and made sweet love together. Michelle got a message from Marcelle that she and Ben were on their way home. We had time for a quick shower (together) and got dressed before they got home.

Ben went for a nap. Michelle asked me out to dinner and we left before Ben woke up. Marcelle could see what was happening between Michelle and me so she was happy to explain the situation to Ben when he got up.

I didn't get back until after one in the morning because after dinner I went back to Michelle's and made love with her for hours.

The next day she arrived early and took me away before Ben was awake. We went straight back to her place and into her bed. She stripped off my skirt and panties, pushed me onto her bed and attacked my pussy with her tongue. The things that girl could do with her tongue were unbelievable. She had me squirming and I was totally at her mercy.

Fortunately she was kind and gave me a wonderful orgasm. I stripped her clothes and tried to do the same to her. I felt a little inadequate and told her so but she reassured me that I was doing fine. I gave her an orgasm but didn't stop. I kept licking and sucking until she came again. It felt really good to be able to give this beautiful woman two orgasms together like that.

We spent the rest of the day in her bed making love. We kissed, sucked, and bit each other all over. We talked about everything. When we talked about the future I honestly told her that I had been happier in these last couple of days than I had ever been. I seemed to have found my soul mate.

I was amazed that I could dismiss my husband so easily. Ben was kind and loving but the spark was so different with Michelle. She seemed to know my body even better than I knew it myself. I wasn't sure what the future was to hold but I felt that it had to involve Michelle somehow.


When Amber arrived back I said to her that I wanted to talk to her alone. We went into the bedroom and I asked her what was going on.

"What do you mean," she asked?

"For the last three days I have hardly spent any time with you because you are with Michelle. That's what I mean."

"Oh, Ben, I don't know what's happening. All I know is that in the last three days I've been more content than ever. I know this will hurt you but I think I've fallen in love with Michelle."

Tears rolled down her face.

"So you're telling me that the vows we took less than three weeks ago are all shot to hell?"

"Ben, I didn't mean for this to happen but it did. She just excites me in ways that you don't. I do love you but I'm not sure I'm 'in love' with you."

"So our marriage is a joke then?"

"I never meant for it to be like that and I understand that you see it that way but I think I married you because I wanted what everyone else had, husband and kids. You were the one I wanted to do it with."

"But not now?"

"No, I think I was kidding myself. I never realised what it was but I think I'm gay. What I feel for Michelle is nothing like what I feel for you. It just feels right. I think with you I was doing what was expected. But now I've met Michelle I can't go back there. I'm so sorry, Ben, just so sorry."

She left the bedroom. I decided that I needed to go home, straight away. I contacted the airline and found a flight home the next morning. I had no idea where I would sleep that night and I actually didn't care. Amber told me that she was going to stay with Michelle. She packed her suitcase and left me there.

Marcelle was happy for me to stay the night there. I got a taxi to the airport in time for my flight the next day and flew home. I was dreading seeing everyone again, wondering what I was going to say to them. By the time I landed it seemed that Amber had let everyone know what was going on.

My parents and her parents met me at the airport. Her parents were wonderful. They both hugged me and apologised. Her mother later told me that she and her husband suspected Amber was a lesbian from an early age but thought that she had 'grown out of it' when she met and married me.

My parents simply took me home and dad gave me the name of the law firm he dealt with so I could find a divorce lawyer. I did and within a week or so they sent the divorce papers to Amber to sign. She signed them and sent them back straight away. We hadn't even moved in together so I still had my place and all my stuff.


Ben seemed to take things well. He flew home the next day. I stayed in Paris with Michelle. Every day was better than the last and we fell deeply in love. I found work as a freelance photographer and Michelle had many friends in the industry. Life was good.

I thought about Ben a lot. Then the divorce papers came. I read them over. They seemed straightforward so I signed them and sent them back. I still think of him from time to time but I'm so glad I met my soul mate, Michelle. Our friends can't believe the story of how we met while I was on my honeymoon. They think it's hilarious. So do we.



The last three years have been difficult. It's hard to trust women now but I'm slowly getting there. I've dated a few women but I'm still looking for 'the one.' Unfortunately I thought I'd found her but that wasn't to be. I have no hard feelings towards Amber but I truly wish I'd never met her.


The last three years have been wonderful. Michelle and I are still madly in love. I still have to pinch myself that I was lucky enough to find her. My parents visited Paris two years ago to meet her. They weren't too happy about what I did to Ben but they seemed to really like Michelle so that's good.

They visited again three months ago to attend our wedding. Michelle and I got married in the gardens near Sacre Couer. It was beautiful, so was Michelle. I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her.

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ProfWernerProfWerner8 months ago

Seriously! I will just give your writings a miss

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry.....she killed the guy and just walked away. What a bitch.

The husband should have been able to recover any funds spent in the wedding and/or the honeymoon!

other2other1other2other1over 1 year ago

Seriously! She deserves to be miserable, not him, she destroys him and doesn’t give a fuck about him. This is so very very wrong.

eljjeljjabout 2 years ago
What A


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