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My Old Dark Flame


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"Well. . . yeah. . ."

"Do you want to fuck him?"

"NO! I mean, we've never done anything like that. . ."

"But you're thinking about it?"

"No. I mean. . . not really. . . maybe. . . a little."

We danced in silence for a while, my mind running a million miles an hour. It was certainly good to see Keisha again; and I had to admit to myself that I would love to fuck her again, just 'for old times sake', to remember the thrill of our first time together. And there was a part of me that thought it might be fun to let Suzy have a shot at Artis, while Keisha and I watched. But Suzy wasn't usually like this. She could be as lusty and randy as anyone else, and I knew that she'd had her fair share of sexual experience before we met. We'd never swapped or swung, or had a threesome, but we joked about it often. Mostly, it was just a way to excite each other, and keep our sexual edge honed; but in the back of both our minds, (mine for sure, and I was pretty sure Suzy would agree), if the right situation arose, we might be open to actually doing it. And this was starting to feel like it just might possibly become The Right Situation.

Since we'd been married, though, I'd never known her to fixate sexually on another guy like she seemed to be doing now with Artis. Was this reappearance of my 'first' prodding her in a libidinous direction? Was it making her jealous?

"Mike?" Suzy began again.

"Yes, dear."

"Do you want to fuck Keisha -- you know, 'for old times sake'?"

"There's a part of me that does, yeah. But I'm married to you, and I don't remotely want to put that at risk."

"But I've fucked other guys, before I met you. And you've fucked other girls."

"Maybe not as many as you think. But yeah."

"And my sexual past has never bothered you."

"No it hasn't."

"So, would it bother you if I had one more guy? One time? If it's just sex, and nothing more? If you got to be with Keisha again?"

I laughed. "Suzy, I should probably be jumping at your offer; most guys would, I'm sure. I have my doubts; we're married to each other, which we weren't when we were fucking around in college. But I'll say this - if Keisha wants to fuck me -- big 'if' -- it only seems fair that you and Artis should get to play, too. Let's just see how it goes, and not try to force anything, OK?"

My wife kissed me, passionately. "I love you," she sighed.


Suzy and I returned to the table, and resumed chatting with Keisha and Artis, catching each other up on where we'd been and what we'd been doing for the past 20 years. After a while, another good dance number came up, and this time, Suzy suggested that Keisha and I should take the opportunity to catch up more 'privately', and she would dance with Artis. No-one objected, so Keisha and I headed to the dance floor together.

"It's really good to see you again," I began.

"Likewise. You look good."


"And your wife is a sweetheart."

"Yes, she is."

"Listen, I'm sorry about Artis' crass remark."

"Oh, I didn't take any offense from it. I mean, what he said is true."

"Yeah, I know. And I've never forgotten, for what it's worth."

"Just like you promised."


"When we finished making love the first time, you promised me you'd never forget it. I'm gratified that it's still true. Because I've never forgotten it, either. Or you."

Keisha said nothing in reply, but laid her head against my shoulder. I couldn't see the look on her face, but she seemed lost in thought.

I looked across the dance floor at where Suzy and Artis were dancing. They were a bit of an odd couple -- the top of Suzy's head barely came to the bottom of Artis' chin. They were laughing and enjoying each other's company, as far as I could tell, but there was something odd in Suzy's facial expression, that I couldn't quite read, even having been married to her for 15 years. Then I saw her sneak a quick glance down, toward Artis' crotch, which was rubbing against her belly. Did he have a hard-on? Was she feeling it against herself?

Keisha spoke again. "Where are you guys staying?"

"At the Edgewater."

"So are we! Why don't we go back, and the four of us can hang out at our room for a while?"

"That sounds great! I'll see what Suzy thinks."

"I don't think she'll mind."

No, I thought to myself. I don't suppose she will. . .


As Suzy and I drove back to the hotel, we were re-checking our disposition toward the rest of the evening with each other.

"Did you and Artis enjoy your dance?"

"Oh god, Mike! The man is hung like a horse!"

"Really? How do you know?"

"I swear, when we were dancing, his hard-on went from below my belly-button, almost up to my tits! And as thick as a salami!"

"Do you think he knows you were checking him out like that?"

"I think he knew exactly what he was doing, subtly grinding himself against me on purpose, just to let me know. What about Keisha?"

"I think she's up for whatever happens. So let's take it easy, and see how things go."

"I'm fine with that."


We got to the hotel and stopped at our room to change into more casual clothes (that we could easily shed, if the need arose), and grab a couple bottles of wine that we'd brought with us, before heading to Artis and Keisha's room. Keisha greeted us, and welcomed us into their room. Artis greeted me with a Scotch-on-the-rocks. There were two king-size beds, and a 'sitting area' with a pair of love-seat-size couches, facing each other. Artis and Keisha took one of the love-seats, leaving the other one for Suzy and me.

The four of us sat and talked and systematically lowered the levels of the wine and Scotch bottles, and the conversation flowed in correspondence to the flow of the alcohol. Soon we were laughing raucously at each other's stories, and feeling very mellow; the more we had to drink, the wilder and more uninhibited the conversation became, quickly taking on a ribald, sexy tone.

Keisha turned and looked at me. "Mike," she said, "I haven't seen you in 20 years, and there's something I'm dying to know."

"Ask me anything," I answered, spreading my arms wide in alcohol-enhanced magnanimity.

She grinned. "That's quite a blank check. . . well, then. . . Everybody here knows (thanks to Artis) that I was your first, and of course you're married to Suzy. But -- how many women have you had sex with in your life?"

I chuckled to myself. Clearly, she was meaning to take the evening in an erotic direction. Suzy turned and looked at me, grinning expectantly.

"Four," I answered. "Counting the two who are in this room."

Suzy wore a bemused look. "I'm wondering," she said, giggling, "who the other two are."

"We can talk about them later, if you really want to. But 'four' is my answer."

Turning to Suzy, Keisha asked, "How about you, Suzy? How many guys?"

Suzy paused, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. Was she hesitant to tell the real number? Or just taking a while to count them all? Finally, she looked back at Keisha. "Sixteen," she finally said. "Or seventeen. I'm not sure."

I exercised all my self-control not to arch my eyebrows in surprise. I knew that Suzy had been a fair bit more sexually-active than I had been in our college years, and that never bothered me. But the size of her number surprised me. I knew that she'd had a few more-or-less-steady boyfriends, which didn't leave a lot of time for too many others. I smiled at my wife. "It seems we could have a lot to talk about later."

Keisha laughed. "My number's about the same as yours, Suzy; maybe a little higher -- around 20."

Artis was laughing to himself now, his laughter growing slowly from a chuckle to a belly-laugh. Turning to his wife, he said, mock-plaintively, "Awww, baby, you don't want me to say, do you really?"

"Come on, Artis," Keisha chided, giggling. "Everyone else told theirs, now you have to tell yours."

"Fair's fair," Suzy chimed in.

"Well, OK," he said, "but I really don't know, exactly. Somewhere around a hundred, I'd guess; maybe a few more or a few less. I've never taken an accurate inventory," he said with a grin and a chuckle.

Suzy looked questioningly at Keisha, who just shrugged and said, "We've only been married for five years. What he did before he got to me, I can't do anything about. I'm pretty sure he ain't tomcattin' on me now." Artis held his gaze on Keisha. If he was stepping out on her, he'd developed a pretty good poker-face.

"OK, Suzy," Keisha said, turning again to my wife, "Besides Mike, who's the best sex you ever had?" I shifted in my seat, not totally sure I wanted to hear her answer.

"Besides Mike?" Suzy asked, shooting a quick, nervous glance my way. "Do I have to?"

"Uh-huh!" Keisha responded. "C'mon -- tell it!"

Suzy sighed. "OK, there was this Italian guy who was really sweet and attentive, and really hung, with amazing stamina. That was probably the best. Besides Mike."

I shifted in my seat again, then said with a chuckle that I hoped didn't sound too self-conscious, "Well, yes, of course; besides Mike."

"Ever had a black guy?" Keisha continued.

"There was one black guy," Suzy replied. "But he wasn't half as good a lover as he thought he was. Pretty full of himself."

"That's too bad," Keisha replied. Then turning to me, she asked, "How about you, Mike? Besides Suzy, who's the best sex you ever had?"

I smiled. "No fair," I protested. "One-third of all my non-Suzy lovers are sitting right here. Fortunately, the true answer is also the 'politically-correct' one -- it's you, Keisha."

"Amen to that, brother!" Artis chimed in.

"Speaking of 'politically-correct'," I teased him.

"But it's true!" he protested.

Keisha sat next to her husband, across the room from me. Smiling shyly, she said, "I'm flattered, Mike. And, just for the sake of saying so, of all the guys I ever fucked besides Artis, you're the one I remember best."

Suddenly, the conversation hit a lull. For a minute we all sat quietly, then Keisha spoke again. "I don't know what Suzy would think," she began, "but if she's agreeable, could we fuck again now, for old times sake?"

Suzy was struggling to contain her excitement. Obviously, she wanted this at least as much as Keisha or I did. "And what are Artis and I supposed to do while the two of you are, um, renewing your acquaintance?" she asked, almost gleefully, darting hopeful glances at Keisha's husband.

Keisha laughed. "Whatever you want, girlfriend. Every woman owes it to herself, at least once in her life, to get fucked by a really huge cock. And I promise you, my man has a HUGE cock. Enjoy yourselves."

With that, Keisha turned to her husband and kissed him. Suzy turned and gave me a wet, passionate kiss.

"Have fun," I told her.

"I plan to. You have fun yourself."

Then the two women stood up, and each walked across the room to the man who wasn't her husband.

Keisha came over to me and straddled my lap, immediately grinding her crotch against mine, much as she'd done those many years before. Even through our clothes, I could feel her slit nestling against my shaft, which was rapidly expanding. I slid my hands up under her shirt, caressing the smooth brown skin of her back, sides and belly, while she leaned forward to kiss me soulfully. I hadn't tasted her thick black lips in 20 years, and I was savoring the memories of the way they seemed to overwhelm and devour my own. Except it wasn't a memory; it was happening live and in real time.

I found the clasp of her bra, and unfastened it, leaving it to hang free under her shirt while I lovingly caressed her firm, heavy tits, causing Keisha to groan at my touch. Over her shoulder, I could see that Suzy had already lost both her shirt and her bra, and was dry-grinding Artis with their pants on, while he fondled and suckled the milky-white tits that I knew so well.

I stripped Keisha's shirt and bra off her, and she tugged my shirt off over my head, leaving us both naked from the waist up. As we had done that first time, 20 years previously, we luxuriated in the sensations of naked skin on naked skin, black on white and white on black, and she slid her voluptuous tits against my chest, hairier now than it had been that first time.

"Mmmmmmm," she purred. "I love this."

I leaned forward to nuzzle Keisha's chocolate-brown tits. They really were bigger than I'd remembered them, and I suckled them with great relish, while Keisha groaned and pressed my head tightly against herself.

Even as I continued to lick her tits, I slipped my finger inside the waistband of Keisha's pants, fondling and caressing her full, round, ass-cheeks, and teasing her butt-cleft with my fingers, which seemed to pique her arousal. She stood up, and as she did, I stripped her pants and panties off her, leaving her completely naked. Quickly, she pulled me up off the couch, and stripped my pants and underwear off me as well, so we were both naked. We embraced each other tightly, savoring again the wonderful sensation of mutual full-body nakedness.

Over Keisha's shoulder, I could see that Suzy had pulled Artis' pants down to his ankles, and was getting her first look at his naked cock. The skin of his shaft was darker than the rest of him, and his cockhead was a throbbing purple-black. It was huge -- nearly a foot long, and thicker than Suzy's wrist. As I watched, she was slowly stroking along the length of it, her hand not coming close to reaching around it, muttering to herself, "oh. . . my. . . god. . ." over and over again. Before I turned my attention back to Keisha, I watched my wife lean forward and stretch her lips around the massive head of Artis' cock, while he gently stroked her cheek and encouraged her.

"Yeah, baby," he crooned, in his deep bass voice, "suck my cock. Oh, yeah, baby, that's good. . ."

Keisha wanted to push me back down on the couch and mount me, but I had another idea first. I pushed her down on the couch and knelt between her legs. She smiled appreciatively as I leaned forward. Spreading her legs, I could gaze directly into her naked pussy. Her pubic hair was thicker than I remembered it being, still in the same tight black curls. Her dark cunt-lips were swollen with arousal, and the pink petals of her inner lips were in full flower. I could see her erect clitoris peeking out from under its hood, and the rich aroma of her arousal emanated from within her. I savored her scent, laughing to myself that the first time we were together, years ago, I never would have imagined putting my mouth on her pussy. At least I'd learned something in 20 years.

I nibbled and nuzzled her inner thighs, moving slowly and inexorably toward her center. I nibbled on her puffy cunt-lips with my lips, and ran my tongue along the delicate moist folds of her inner lips, savoring the musky/tangy taste of her pussy, while she moaned with delight. Slowly, I ran my tongue again and again along the length of her slit, occasionally pausing to probe inside her with my tongue. At last, I moved my attention to her clit. First, I lightly sucked on it, like sucking nectar from a peach, flicking my tongue across it lightly, while Keisha squirmed and writhed at the sensations I was creating in her. Finally, I made broad, ice-cream licks across her clit, which drove Keisha to the cusp of orgasm. She draped her legs across my shoulders, and rhythmically squeezed my head between her thighs, mewling and moaning in a high-pitched voice, until at last she came, feverishly grinding her cunt against my face as she cried out in ecstasy. "Oh my god, Mike, that was fucking fantastic! Where did you learn to eat pussy like that?"

I nodded over my shoulder, in Suzy's direction.

"Your wife must be a very happy woman."

"She seems to be," I replied, smiling as I savored the scent of Keisha's love-juices smeared on my face.


I sat next to Keisha on the couch, while she briefly caught her breath. Across the room, Suzy was positioned above Artis' massive erection. I watched as she gripped it with both hands, placing it against her entrance, and wiggling her hips until his cockhead was snug between her cunt-lips. Slowly, she began to impale herself on Artis' long, thick prong, wriggling her hips in little circles to facilitate taking him in. "Oh god," she whimpered. "Oh god, oh god, oh god." Soon she had an inch of him inside herself, and she continued her little wriggle-dance until he had two inches inside her, then three. Her pussy-lips were stretched to their limit around Artis' thick pole, and still Suzy continued to work him into herself. Now she had fully half of his long, thick rod inside herself. "Oh god," she whimpered. "Ohgodohgodohgod."

"That's it, baby," Artis crooned to her. "You're doin' fine."

Keisha reached over and began lazily stroking my cock as we continued to watch my wife slowly impale herself on Keisha's husband's huge organ. I cupped my hand over Keisha's mound, and began idly stroking two fingers in and out of her pussy, while she clenched her smooth sugar-walls around them.

There were only a few more inches of Artis' cock remaining outside of Suzy's pussy, and she seemed to be accommodating him more comfortably now. Creamy girl-cum oozed from her, coating Artis' shaft as she slid up and down on him, and Suzy was no longer wriggling gingerly on his manhood; she was twisting and grinding purposefully, and her plaintive cries of a few minutes before had morphed into lusty groans of pleasure.

"Oh god!" she cried triumphantly, "I have never been filled so full! Oh, Artis, you're filling me up! God, what a huge cock you have!"

"And it's all yours tonight, baby," he assured her.

Incredibly, we watched the last inches of Artis' cock slide into Suzy, his balls nestled against her ass. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it. Suzy began to squirm and writhe on Artis' massive meat, and before Keisha and I turned back to each other, Suzy was quivering and squirming to a tremendous orgasm.

"Oooooohhhh, god!" she cried. "Ooooooohhhhh, god! Never anything . . . like this before. . . Oooooohhhhh god!"

"Well, I suppose they're occupied for a while," I said, and quickly Keisha was back astraddle me. She took my cock in her hands. By now, I was as big and hard as I'd ever been, after seeing my wife get reamed by Keisha's husband. "Hope I'm not a disappointment."

"How 'bout you don't worry about comparing with Artis, and just worry about making me happy?" Keisha chided me. "Now, put your fine white cock inside me!"

"I would be delighted to do that!"

"Damn right you would."

With that, Keisha held my cockhead against her opening, and slowly, sensually slid herself onto my man-meat, until my entire length was buried in her velvety warm depths.

"Aaaahhhhh," she sighed happily. "Very nice. Welcome back to Keisha's playhouse, Mike."

"Thanks for having me back."

Slowly, Keisha began grinding herself on my cock, and for a long time, we rocked together in our primal mating couch-dance. Keisha's cunt was so comfortable, it was hard to believe that it had been 20 years since my last visit. On and on we mated, like the warm old friends we were, in no hurry to rush to climax, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's bodies.

Suddenly, from across the room, Suzy shrieked. "Oh, shit!" she cried, "I'm coming again! Oh my god!"

As her newest orgasm crested and began to subside, Artis, gently stroking her face, said, with a grin, "Hang on, baby; we're just gettin' to the best part of the ride." With that, he hooked his elbows under Suzy's knees and cupped his hands under her ass, leaned forward, and stood up, his cock still buried inside my wife.

"Oh my god!" Suzy shrieked. "You're not gonna. . . don't drop me. . ."

"I never would, baby. You just hang on." And with his powerful arms, he began to raise Suzy up off his massive cock, and slowly let gravity bring her back down on him, driving her even more forcefully onto his cock, her own weight keeping him buried deep inside her. With every thrust, she emitted a guttural primal grunt - "Unngghh. . . unngghh. . . unngghh!" Soon, with her arms wrapped around Artis' neck, she was undulating herself on his pole, and he was rolling his hips, thrusting his massive meat up into her, as she squealed with a sensual delight she had never known.

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