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My Older Neighbour Gertie Ch. 02

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Julie catches her mother and him in the act.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 09/14/2022
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I woke just as the sun was starting to illuminate the eastern sky. I was a little disorientated at first, thinking Gertie's gentle breathing was my wife Jane, that the bedroom was our bedroom. Then I remembered that for one remaining night I was in Gertie's bed.

That thought made my cock twitch. It was preparing itself to fuck her again, to feel her elderly pussy sliding over its girth. Then I remembered we were saving ourselves for the arrival of her fifty-eight-year-old daughter, Julie. Julie was coming to take her recently widowed mother home to Preston, to live with her. This was Gertie's last night with me; with Julie's blessing. Not only that, we both wanted Julie to catch us fucking, and then we wanted Julie to join us!

We wanted to put on a show for Julie; it wouldn't do for Julie to just catch us sleeping. Julie catching us fucking or, at least us enjoying each other's body in some other way was a huge turn-on for us.

I had an idea, getting out of bed quietly, without waking Gertie. I visited the bathroom then made my way downstairs. In Gertie's porch was an umbrella stand. Her late husband's umbrella was still there. His umbrella I hooked on the inside handle of the outer door. As soon as someone tried to open the door it would fall to the floor, and we should be able to hear that, the signal of Julie's arrival.

The street outside was silent, my house across the road was in darkness. Nobody was aware of the utter debauchery that would soon be taking place at No. 24 (Hopefully!)

Fully erect at the prospect. I made my way back upstairs, my bobbing erection leading the way. I climbed back into bed with Gertie, snuggling up close to her, cupping a heavy tit in my hand.


Over in Preston, Julie turned off her alarm clock. She resisted the urge to put her pink dildo to good use, it was still on her bedside table from earlier that night.

Sleepily, she stumbled naked to her bathroom and sat on the toilet. Her stream started hesitantly at first, a few droplets, that momentarily clung to her trimmed pussy hair. Then the full flow unfurled her labia. She wiped herself and flushed. She turned on the shower and, waited for the water to warm up.

With honest appraisal she looked at her body in the mirror. Her full, heavy breasts with their large, thick nipples. Her stomach, no longer flat and toned, but rounded and a bit flabby, her heavy thighs, that were toned, thanks to her horses.

Turning sideways she looked at her large rounded bum, "Will he be turned on by this old body?" she thought. Then she chased away her doubt with the thought that he was shagging her old mum, of course he would. The thought of his cock inside her, his young, thrusting hips, made her start to get wet, again!

Julie's lack of self-esteem over her body was one of the reasons she had been single since her divorce. Her husband left her for a younger woman. The mirror steamed up, signalling the end of her self appraisal and the start of her day.


The clattering of the umbrella woke me, I looked at the clock, five past seven, Julie was much earlier than she'd indicated. I took that as a promising sign. I gently shook Gertie to wake her, "Ssh, Julie's here." I whispered.

We both listened. There was a slight click as the inner porch door was closed. She didn't call out to announce her arrival. She was obviously trying to not disturb us.

I knelt between Gertie's widespread legs, she finished lubing her elderly pussy and was ready for me. Supporting myself on my arms I moved my rock hard cock to her entrance. Gertie held it as I gently inserted myself, "Aaah!" moaned Gertie.

Julie later told us she heard that moan. She started to nervously strip in the front room. When she was naked, she crept upstairs with trepidation.

I raised Gertie's legs and put my arms behind her knees to keep them raised. My legs were spread with the intention of letting Julie clearly see her mothers pussy being fucked.

That is what Julie saw. My thick cock fucking her mother, the thick shaft glistening, her mother's elderly pussy aroused and swollen, she could even see her mother's anus. Never had she had such an intimate view of her mum.

Julie was squeezing her breast and fingering her pussy. Gertie could see her, "She's watching us." she whispered in my ear, "I think she's naked."

That thought made me groan. I had to slow down to stop myself from coming. Withdrawing from Gertie completely left Gertie's well fucked hole gaping, waiting for re-insertion. I slowly re-entered her, A soft moan came from the doorway. I again withdrew completely however, this time I stood and without warning went to the door.

Julie was like a frightened deer caught in the headlights. She backed away and tried to cover her breasts and pussy. I took one of her wrists to pull her into the bedroom. She resisted and shook her head.

I looked her up and down. Her breasts were large, like her mothers, but firm-looking, not soft. She also had feint blue veins on them. Her nipples were large and erect. Her pussy was trimmed, she had short, brown pubes with just a trace of grey. A heavy musk betraying her wetness and her arousal.

"Hello love," said Gertie, "we were waiting for you."

Julie was staring at my cock and lower body. I moved very close to her. Tentatively, she reached for my cock. I moved my cock to her open hand, her fingers closed around it.

Gertie said softly, "Feel how hard he is, can you see now why I wanted him?"

Julie silently nodded.

I put my hand between Julie's legs, and she didn't back away. She moved her legs apart to give me better access to her very wet pussy lips.

She squeezed my dick and moved closer, her head on my chest.

"You filthy bastard." she breathed, "You want to fuck me, don't you?"

"Yes. But do you want that?"

Silence hung in the air. Julie broke it, "Yes. It's been so long for me. These last few days I've done nothing but think about what you and mum have been doing. I wanted to watch you... and join in."

I pulled her towards the bed, this time she didn't resist. Gertie moved to one side to make room for her. Julie lay on her back, her knees bent, legs wide apart.

I climbed onto the bed and positioned my throbbing cock at her entrance. Julie had an expression of pure lust.

Gertie was smiling.

I couldn't believe what I was about to do. Julie was gorgeous. Outwardly she was so self-assured, so powerfully attractive, seemingly dominant. In reality, she needed assurance, to feel wanted, needed. This attractive woman, older than my mother, was naked for me, her pussy wide open.

I pushed my cock deep inside Julie, her tight, wet cunt enveloped me.

Julie's mouth opened, she mouthed a silent, "Oh!" her eyes were wide open. I placed my mouth over hers. She moaned into my mouth as I started slamming into her.

I looked across at Gertie. She was frantically frigging her ancient pussy as she watched us.

Julie started whimpering, "Oh mum, it's lovely, his cock's really deep inside me."

I supported my weight on my arms, looking down at the breathtaking body beneath me. Her breasts and stomach were wobbling with each thrust. Looking down between her legs I could see our union.

I felt my own orgasm building. I started to think of where, but in the end I just wanted Julie to take it all inside her slurping wet cunt.

Then I lay down on top of her and started ramming her hard, harder than I dared with her mother. Julie started wailing, and I heard Gertie grunting through her own orgasm. I came, thrusting hard into Julie with each spurt. Julie lay there and took each thrust, her mouth wide open. Her legs trembling.

I withdrew my cock, cum was oozing from my tip. I moved up and positioned my cock near Julie's face. She didn't need me to say what I wanted; she eagerly took me in her mouth. Her mother knelt between her daughter's legs and started lapping my cum from her daughter's gaping hole.

When all traces of our union were gone I collapsed on the bed between the naked mother and daughter. Gertie pulled the sheets over us.

"Let him sleep a bit love." said Gertie.

Sleep I did as the two women snuggled in close to me.


Whilst we were sleeping, the other side of town, another old lady was rising. She swung her thin legs over the edge of the bed and sat up and stretched her wiry body. She slept in the nude and glanced at herself in the wardrobe mirror as she stretched.

"Not bad for an old bird." she thought to herself. Her breasts, though small, and by no means pert, were not saggy either. Small areolas, but large brown nipples that seemed to get larger as she aged. They were firming up as the cool morning air caressed them.

Mabel stood and padded her way to the bathroom, her small bum wobbling as she walked. She sat on the toilet, hands on her knees as she peed. When finished, she dabbed herself dry with tissue. She peered between her legs at her pussy, sparsely covered with grey pubes.

"It's been a while hasn't it Kitty? Not since old Arthur pegged it."

Arthur was the man she'd seduced whilst he was round fixing things that had "broken".

"He liked fixing you, didn't he? How he loved you."

Mabel was right, Arthur loved her pussy, especially her thick, meaty labia; right up until the time his heart gave out. (Thankfully not when he was in Mabel's bed.)

That was eighteen months ago. Since then Mabel had made do with her fingers and battery powered friend.

But things were looking up. One was a handsome Jehovah's Witness, Brian, who had started calling regularly. He looked to be in his forties and was a widower. She'd found out that much about him. She'd also found out he wasn't averse to sneaking a peek at anything she'd "accidentally" expose for him.

He'd started calling regularly after she'd (against her better judgement) accepted The Watchtower and Awake! magazines he'd offered. A couple of times a month he'd call with the latest issues.

He'd ask if she'd read this or that article in the previous issue, and she'd nod or shrug. She hadn't the heart to tell him that the only use she had for them was to put them in her budgie's cage for it to shit on.

He usually called on his own, he'd accept her offer of a cup of tea, and they'd chat. He'd always try to turn the conversation around to his religious message. It was mainly Sunday mornings when he visited, and she made sure she was still in her robe, but stark naked underneath.

She knew it was probably hopeless, but for her, it was a challenge and a bit of fun. He'd definitely looked at her exposed breast the first time she let her robe gape open for him.

She'd also sit in her chair next to the hearth and place her cup down on it. He'd sit in a chair opposite. She'd let her legs fall open when she leant down to pick up or put down her cup. She'd seen his reflection in the fire surround as he leaned to one side for a better look at the pussy she was exposing to him.

He didn't move away if she stood close to him, pushing a tit and firm nipple against him.

She'd often seen a bulge in his trousers as he left; a bulge that wasn't there when he arrived. One time he'd worn khaki chinos and left with both a bulge and a visible wet spot!

Sometimes he had another evangelist with him, most times he didn't. Mabel behaved herself if they weren't alone.

She hoped he was on his own today. She was going to go shit or bust now that she had another person of interest in her sights; Gertie's soon to be ex-lover David. If she scared Brian away then there was always David. There was David if she didn't scare Brian away.

In case Brian called this morning, and he was on his own, she made preparations. Sitting at her dressing table, she opened her legs. Taking a tube of KY jelly she generously lubed both her vagina and her rosebud. "Well you never know." she said to herself.

Then she took some blusher and carefully applied it to her groin and inner thighs. "Perfect." she thought, as she admired the rosy-red glow.


I woke up with an erection. No wonder, because Julie had me engulfed in her warm mouth as Gertie caressed my balls. I closed my eyes feigning sleep and enjoyed the sensations.

Julie was sucking me with slow, languid strokes. Now and then lifting her mouth off me and angling my cock to the side for her mother to suck. When Julie was sucking me, Gertie was stroking my anus with the tip of her finger. I could feel an orgasm building, so I touched Julie's head.

She looked up at me. I mouthed, "Come here." at that she shuffled up the bed. We kissed, an open-mouthed, passionate kiss. I held out my hand for Gertie.

"Climb on top of me Gertie."

"Let me see." said Julie, twisting around.

Julie held my cock upright, guiding it into her mother's vagina.

"Oooh how it's stretching you!"

This was my first good look at Julie's 58-year-old pussy from behind. It was magnificent, perfectly formed, lovely wrinkled labia peeking out, droplets of her secretions glistening.

"Julie, sit on my face."

She turned and squatted over me. I could see her thighs were toned. And when I felt them they definitely were. Julie was looking down between her breasts and her legs at me. She had a look of sheer adoration.

Gertie's vagina had me in its velvety grip, sliding up and down my rock hard length. Julie's pussy was getting closer and closer to my mouth.

Julie then knelt on the bed. Her gorgeous, wet pussy smothering me. I felt Gertie's pussy clamping and spasming on my cock as she came.

I was aware of Gertie climbing off the bed. She patted my cock and left the room. Julie turned 180° and I felt her mouth on my cock. I could now breathe again and focus my eyes on the wonderful pussy that had been on my face.

I placed my hands on Julie's large buttocks and spread them. Her most private parts clearly visible to me. I kissed and sucked her pussy. By listening to her purrs and moans I could tell what stimulation was working best for her. I wanted this lady to come on my face.

However, I was very close myself. Julie was wanking the part of my shaft not in her mouth. Her lips and tongue and her obvious enjoyment were sending me over the edge.

I came suddenly, filling Julie's mouth. Her legs clamped my head as my spurting cock triggered her orgasm.


Brian parked his car at the end of Mabel's street. He was on his own as there was an odd number of them out preaching that morning and everyone else had paired up.

He hated this aspect of his religion, knocking on doors knowing that you were annoying most people. On the rare occasion anyone showed interest, he could then spend more time with them; if they let him. That way he could get away with knocking on fewer doors.

Mabel was a problem though. Most nights now when he went to bed, instead of praying he masturbated. Masturbating made him feel guilty, it was a sin.

After his wife Carol died he'd masturbate now and again, always with erotic images of his lost love in his mind. Now it was frequently and every time with erotic images of the elderly lady Mabel. The images pushing him over the edge as his erect cock soiled his pyjamas with his pulsing, spurting seed. Thinking of Mabel, instead of Carol, made him feel even more guilty.

He thought about Mabel a lot. She spoilt his concentration at work. The first time he'd met her he couldn't help noticing her huge nipples, clearly outlined under the thin robe she always wore. He'd hoped she'd not seen him glance down at her nipples. She had.

Then one morning her robe had gaped open. He couldn't help but look, he saw her whole breast and fantastic nipple! How he wanted to feel it, to suck and chew on it.

When they were in her living room he caught a glimpse between her legs as she reached down for her cup. It happened more than once. One time she spilt some tea on the hearth and leant over even more to wipe it. This made her legs open wider. He got a very exciting, long look at her pussy. The meaty labia parted to reveal the pink interior. He got so hard that time he almost came in his chinos.

Instead of just replaying those accidental exposures when he masturbated he was now fantasising about fucking Mabel. Not fornicating, not having sex, not making love, but fucking. Bending her over and fucking her cunt. Those words "Fucking" and "Cunt.", why was he thinking those words? What was the matter with him?

He knew he should get some sort of help. If it was a younger woman he was thinking about then he might have been able to. However, this was a little old lady. He'd be too embarrassed. Pervert! That's what they'd think.

Besides, he also enjoyed thinking about Mabel. The orgasms he was giving himself, when he was fantasising about thrusting his cock into the little old lady's cunt; they were the best ever.

He adjusted his erection as he knocked on Mabel's door. "I've left here with an erection before, but this is the first time I've arrived with one. I hope she doesn't notice." he said to himself.

Mabel opened the door, she did notice.


Julie got up and went downstairs to get dressed. I cleaned my teeth and had a wash. Then I dressed and went downstairs to join them.

Gertie had made some bacon sandwiches and a pot of tea. Gertie sat in the rocking chair. It was the only piece of furniture left to sit on downstairs. Julie and I sat on the floor.

"Tell me," said Julie, her mouth full of bacon sandwich, "how did you two get it together? How did it start?"

"Well, a bit like this really." I said, looking between Gertie's legs at her pussy.

Julie followed my gaze and saw what I could see under Gertie's dressing gown.

"It was my friend Mabel's doing really. She's always been a randy tart, ever since I met her during the war." Gertie went on, "When David moved in over the road I told her that if I were a few years younger... Since your dad and I didn't any more.

She said not to let that stop me. She told me to ask David to come over and help me with things that needed doing around the house. Even showed me how to create things for him to do. Then, when he came over, she told me to flash him, be suggestive, things like that."

"But the age difference?"

"I've always had a thing for older ladies, one of my first sexual experiences with a woman was a neighbour of my grandma."

"So what will you do when mum moves away? Preston's a bit too far?"

"Mabel will take of him no doubt." said Gertie.

I choked on my tea.

"Well she will," said Gertie, "I'd also like you to bring her over to say goodbye to me please. She's only the other side of town, I'll give you her address."

Gertie wrote down Mabel's address, pressed it into my hand and kissed me. Then she went upstairs to get dressed.

"I've got the van hire booked for next week." said Julie, "Perhaps before we load the bed in it, we could... if you have the energy?"

"Certainly!" I smiled.

We kissed. It started as a peck on the lips but became a full make out. My hand inside her blouse, inside her bra, her heavy tit. She was squeezing my hardness. Then she broke off.

"We haven't time. I really want to, but I've too much to do today. Next week we can fuck like rabbits. Anyway, go on, off with you, go and fetch Mabel. She might be able to help you with that!"

I went home to tell Jane that Gertie was about to leave, and I was nipping out to fetch one of Gertie's friends to say goodbye to her.


"Cup of tea Brian?" asked Mabel as she filled the kettle.

"Yes please." he replied as he ogled her bottom, deliciously outlined by the robe she was wearing.

Mabel already had two cups in their saucers. What Brian couldn't see was that one cup was already full of tea. Tea that had been left to become lukewarm. Neither did he notice that as she poured the tea she was only pretending to fill the lukewarm cup.

"Shall we go through?" said Mabel, her breast brushing Brian's arm as she passed him.


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