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My Only Talent Ch. 47


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Lara, separated from Robbie, was psyching herself up before she joined Carmencita, who was doing the preliminary workup on Suzanne. Lara was going to go full super bitch, something she had not done since she was 15 and in her maximal hormonal frenzy period. She was lucky she was able to finish high school after that, but no one was permanently injured, and her dad had to pull some strings.

She was intending some permanent effects on Suzanne, though. She was much more skilled than she was as a teenager, and she knew things about Suzanne she was sure no one else did. She wanted to forgive Suzanne, but she had to scare the living shit out of her just to get her attention and make her change her ways. Get ready, baby!


The driver who picked Suzanne up in another nondescript Black Tahoe had the right password and looked like he did 1,000 sit ups before breakfast every morning. He asked her to put her phone in the fabric bag on the floor, and put on the little grey hood that was on the seat, so her movements could not be traced and she could not identify where she was being taken. She knew the whole DC area well, but he knew his trade, and took numerous on and off ramp detours, U-turns, and curving ramps and soon had Suzanne completely confused as to where they were. Twenty minutes later he led her by the hand along what felt like a loading dock, and when she removed her hood, he was gone, and she was in what looked like a doctor's examining room, but much bigger.

A nurse in all white, with elbow length latex gloves and an ornate weird white and gold mask like that old movie "Eyes Wide Shut" took her questionnaire and contract, set it aside, and motioned for her to sit on the exam table. I disembodied voice over a speaker, clearly electronically disguised, asked her a long series of very personal questions, along the vein of 'would you rather be whipped with a lash or tickled with a feather', jumping off from the questionnaire. They got unbelievably detailed and very personal, and she detected some sort of semantic differential pattern, as if they were honing down the choices in finer and finer detail. At first, they two choices were widely different, and she had a clear-cut preference, but they soon got close, like flipping lenses at the end of an eye exam, where either choice was equally acceptable.

All along the nurse was encouraging her to disrobe and attaching little wireless sensors to her body with little sticky patches. Some of them looked like the placement for EKG leads she was used to, some looked like the lie detectors in the movies, and some were like the electromyographs that Saskia and Bob the Knob used. Once she was all wired up, the nurse casually trapped her hands and secured them to restraint points attached to the exam table, and then, even as Suzanne became alarmed and began to struggle, snagged one ankle and secured it with a snare that promptly secured itself, pumping up like blood pressure cuff and trapping her completely. Secured at three out of four points, it only took a minute for the nurse to snare the other ankle, and soon she was tied down securely and unable to move. The nurse attached several straps with "D" rings all over her body, then pulled over a cart that had several small computers and monitors on it and activated the screens. She scanned each for a moment. Suzanne heard various beeps.

Suddenly, the nurse slapped Suzanne very briskly on the top of her right thigh. It hurt! Monitors flashed and the beeps changed. Suzanne began to panic. The nurse left the room. Time dragged on. Suzanne got nervous, then began to panic. She was trapped, like a specimen in an insect collection. They could do anything to her, and she was powerless to resist. She did not know any of these people and she did not trust them. She began to shake, and she could not stop. Then the flashing strobe lights, and the incredibly loud music began. It sounded like that Rammstein German shit music Kevin played for her one time. Nasty, scary, and so loud and distorted that it made her teeth hurt. How long would this go on? Get ready, baby!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

He used to an Alpha Male.

Sharing your girl, whether it's only in fantasy is the time you become Beta Male.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The questions all i have are questions this chapter only muddies the water about so many things. Why has Robbie turned into that guy? Why would lara want to help period? Nora? The f. Shes okay with this? I've read and enjoyed but the violent 180 of feature characters i dunno i think i might have to unfavorite this story line sorry but i Can't see how this will turn out well at all

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This chapter was amazing. I couldn't stop reading.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 4 years ago
I'm Ready!

Future Unicorn Commercial Knowledge Enterprise Management Associates

F U C K E M ... OH! lol

The whole naming scene - WR = Warren Randolph = Womb Rat - just cracked me up.

Aha! Now we see how you are going to pull Robbie into the net of various sub-plots that you've been so carefully weaving. Well, he'll try to pull him in... I do wonder how much of a clusterfuck Suzanne will become/make of things.

I don't remember Nora being so domestic before, is this a "nesting thing"?

Holy Shite! You really are tying things together - Multi-marriage + the Kincaids? wow


Domestic efficiency, project manager style.


HAH! This is fantastic! There is so much going on here, so many months of training, classes, experience and yes, even the foundation of the Signal. And yet, you don't key on Signal Feedback at all. Robbie is just getting that good at doing the mental/physical/emotional gymnastics needed to accomplish what truly is an amazing feat. And give both of them satisfaction and connection while doing so. I know it's fantasy, but this is Really Impressive stuff, well done!


"Yes, and I still do. But I know I can never trust her or be with her again. She is all yours."

Carmencita could not stop a little tear running down her cheek.


Oh... wow, I know that this is an emotionally charged moment, but I'm wondering if Robbie is 'broadcasting' now?


She needed to find another fuck buddy. Did she need to tell Mike about the new one?


This, along with the giddiness she felt at her future plan to emotionally and spiritually crush Stephen as her end goal reminds me of how little I agree with Robbie's assessment that Suzanne is "basically morally sound". This bitch is broken in her core thinking... not 'sound'.

*SO Confused!*

Why would Clancy go through all of that trouble - with what you are telling us is legit feelings for Chrissy - and then blow his own dick off by going straight to a strip-club?


He waxed philosophical. "What a family! I guess that is what it would be like if you were married to someone that smart, that hot, and that freaky. Big upsides and big downsides!"


This made me laugh and remember the "Hot/Crazy" graph... I'm not sure why I didn't make this connection before? :D

Well, there is no question in my mind that you're a master at the long game. A lot of folks bitch that they don't care about the side-plots that don't directly involve Robbie, so they skip them... and they they bitch because those side-plots now very much involve Robbie - and the girls!

One observation: You've stopped giving us any explicit sexual episodes, even involving Robbie with Nora and/or Lara. I get the pulling back from those details with all that is going on, but to stop completely is a disappointment. Yes, I know that next chapter is going to be a kinky sexual overload, but, that will all be in the context of punishment and emotional catharsis. I miss Robbie and the girls making love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This story is sailing along in choppy seas and at some point begins to sink. Surviving characters jump in the life boat and row away. The author pops to the surface in his submarine and fires a torpedo into the stern just below the water line and as the life boat sinks he waits for the readers to comment.


Tons happening, liking most of it

Great to see u back

A really like this story!

You are back to your best.

I ain't buying "The BIG U TURN" and have to conclude that I must be the only long term reader still reading and commenting because no one has pointed out the drastic change in story continuity. Nothing like possibly getting crotch rot of the mouth to make a story interesting. Right.

I can not believe anyone having read this story from the beginning is buying the last three chapters.

Yes Robbie lost his Susie. Is the author equating this as also losing his brain. Is Robbie now a blithering idiot?

Robbie who has been all about low risk hook ups has now lost his brain and does not accept that std s exist. STD s have been implied from the beginning.

He worry's about Melanie's meltdown episode, Millie's gang bang fantasy, May Ling's Air tight express and steers Big Bones (A pro football player who chases groupies and cougars. Keven only hears from him when he wants to bang sluts at the condo) away to turn around and embrace the idea of him shooting off in Chrissy's mouth with no protection. So Robbie thinks nothing about the risk to him self, Lara and pregnant Nora, from oral std s. " Yea right.' In who's universe does Big Bones not sound like a high risk hook up.

Now in chapter 47 you are back peddling. Chrissy now wants to see Big Bones health certificate. Wow this is like checking to see the gun is unloaded after shooting yourself in the foot or putting your foot on the brake after you have crashed into the car in front of you.

Cause Chapters 45-46 are not likely to make the MC top 250

The intervention is sounding more like the original authors work. Guess you could pull a rewrite to edit out this faux pas and blame it on the corona virus, drinking beige, Alzheimer's or some other BS the readers will except as long as continuity is restored.

Robbie turning into an uncaring ass hat don't cut it.

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago

It's nice to see this story back on track. As much as I want to see Robbie get his Suzie back, it'd be even better if Suzanne picked Robbie and the girls again instead of Mike... Thank you for sharing this with us!

BruceWoBruceWoabout 4 years ago
Chapter 48 has to be coming soon

James, thanks for your email. Glad that you are on the improve.

There are too many story lines left adrift. Good luck with the editing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Шикарное произведение. Надеюсь, что окончание уже скоро и автор не разочарует нас) творческих ему успехов и скорейшего написания того, через что пройдёт Сюзанна для расплаты за все свои действия. Особенно Робби должен оторваться на ней за все то, через она его провела!

10Bender10Benderabout 4 years ago

FUCKEM Ass? Unicorn? Couldn't come up with a different U word? Fuck me. Page one and that's what I remember about this installment. Hilarious.

TiahrTiahrabout 4 years ago
This should be interesting

Eagerly awaiting to see how this intervention with Suzanne goes and if all the players involved gain a little catharsis

AZslyderAZslyderabout 4 years ago

I loved the first 20 or so chapters of this storyline but I believe your cast of characters got away from you. You do an ex wouldn't job of flushing out each of their stories for sure, but spiralling them all back together in one lead up chapter this way to come back full circle tends to leave a reader dizzy. Not to mention, it's entirely implausible that there is no one in the entire circle vehemently against Suzanne's implied redemption. Well written but a few items are killing your edge. 4 *'s

il_literatiil_literatiabout 4 years ago
Brilliant. Love to see the threads pulled together.

I’ve found myself rereading the story from the beginning several times over the past 8 years. Even created an ebook version to track the key plot lines and characters.

Thanks for sharing this, looking forward to much more as these characters continue to grow.

SlofredSlofredabout 4 years ago

So how long till the "GAMES" begin. Love this story line. Keep it coming. 5 Stars.

SorchakSorchakabout 4 years ago

I have to say that I'm not enjoying this story so much anymore. Too many secondary characters that don't really contribute to it, in my opinion. Like, Suzanne was a main character, but then she left Robbie's 'sphere of influence' and I stopped caring about her. Her activities to find herself quite frankly bored me, and I skipped over them completely. The same with Chrissy screwing around with Big Bones. I didn't find it made any difference to the main story-line, so I moused ahead to find where Robbie came back. I may keep reading, just out of a sense of loyalty (after all, I've made it 47 chapters so far), but my interest is waning.

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