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My Only Talent Ch. 47


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Chrissy just finished meeting with her academic advisor, and she was on track with her degree plan. She was no longer so uncertain about what she wanted out of life. She would finish her history degree, but she wanted to pick up any required pre-requisites for law school she would need. She was amused by her decision. Her father hated lawyers with a purple passion, thanks to all the insurance related lawsuits he had suffered through.

She got a call from a number not in her contacts. She let it go to voicemail, as she was just entering her last lecture of the day. She would listen later.


Carmencita laid out her plan, in excruciating detail. The Ambassador and the agency's top shrink sat silently, using their best poker faces, and they were unreadable. When she finished, the shocked silence dragged on. Finally, the Ambassador realized everyone was waiting for his reaction.

Uncharacteristically, he was almost unable to speak. He was no wide-eyed virgin on sexual matters. In his own youth he had experimented widely and deeply. In his career, he had run numerous honey trap and sexually charged operations all over the world. He had used Thai ladyboys in several capacities, bugged adult bookstores, and spent many hours tailing people from numerous embassies into and out of Berlin's BDSM scene. He used to send new young operatives into those clubs just to shock them and open their eyes to the separate underground world. There were many stories of either paralyzing disgust, or shocking excitement when previously sheltered youngsters saw things they never even thought about before. But this was his daughter they were talking about, and it all hit too close to home. He sought solace in logic.

"Doctor, do you see any flaws in Ms. Walton's reasoning here?"

"No. She has analyzed the individual psychopathologies and tendencies accurately in my view, based on the information we have. Her plan, as unusual and shocking as it seems, very well may work. I cannot devise one with more likelihood of success. But I must point out the huge risks of all the direct and intimate involvement of several people whose reactions we cannot accurately forecast and whose subsequent actions we cannot control."

The Ambassador snorted. "You have a gift for understatement, Doctor! Alexander, what would you remind me to consider?"

"We have to let Carmencita talk to Robbie and the other girls that were Suzanne's lovers with him beforehand. She needs to confirm her analysis with them, get their commitment to participate or at least stay silent, and get additional ideas to anticipate and mitigate the risks the good doctor referred to."

The Ambassador looked pained. "Carmencita, can you really do this?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes sir, but I need some difficult logistical support. All the players must be together in a secure place that we control, and I need some unusual props and staging within that place. And I need complete control of the scene and the people, and license to be as extreme with them as needs be. Moderation cannot possibly succeed here. The intervention must be bold and daring and driven by the logic of the situation, not the personal feelings or sensitivities of the therapist."

He stared at Carmencita almost rudely. "Can you assure me that all your plans stem from a strictly therapeutic viewpoint and not personal animus towards my daughter?"

"Yes, sir. I had considerable and quite justifiable anger towards Suzanne, and you now know all the reasons why. I also confess I used my professional relationship with Mike to stab at her psychologically several times and I apologize for that. But in the end, I realized that my duty to rehab Mike meant I must also try to put things right with Suzanne. I also must get the right result for Alexander and Steven. In the end, I think Suzanne is basically morally sound. We have to get all of this out in the open and have everyone accept and acknowledge what happened and their part in it."

The Ambassador's next question threw them for a loop. "Why do you two think Robbie Roberts is so deeply involved in so many very intimate, and not just sexually intimate, relationships with so many diverse and uniquely capable people?" Again, the Ambassador knew more than they did about some of those, and his position made him very curious about young Roberts. One could infer a cause from a clearly observed effect, even if you did not know what the cause was.

Carmencita and Alexander had discussed this. It could not be put down to coincidence. Carmencita began, "It can't be coincidence, sir. There is something about Robbie that accounts for this, but I don't know what it is, yet. I will learn more from talking to him and in the interaction with him as we carry out this plan. I am also very curious to learn more."

Alexander offered. "I have met him several times and observed him at length. He is like a bright woman who has learned to 'hide her light' so as not to appear too formidable, but he is very capable. He wastes no time, he is very controlled in some ways, he never drinks or uses drugs for example, but he is sexually uninhibited and frankly can attract and form relationships with women far beyond what his appearance and social background can explain. In two relatively dicey situations that I know of, he kept his head and reacted intellectually and physically in the right way under considerable stress. He seems to have a quality that makes both men and women trust him and open up to him. I think of it as a form of charisma, without having a better explanation to offer. I also think he is the key to making this work, and we have to get him on board beforehand."

The Ambassador looked formidable himself. His face could have been a dictionary illustration for gravitas. "Doctor, any further thoughts?"

"It is a bold and risky play, but it is the only one I see that might achieve success. But God help us if it becomes a news story." Pliskin didn't even want to think about that.

He sighed. "Very well. Carmencita, I am placing my total trust in you, as Alexander has done. You two can proceed to set this up ASAP. I will find a suitable location, and I will have total control of the perimeter, and you will have total control of what happens inside it. When should I pull Steven Byers out of the situation?"

Alexander took that one. "Right away, we want Suzanne off balance for a while. We could call him up to his reserve unit as a cover, perhaps? But then immediately turn him over to Carmencita for preparation for his 'new assignment'.

"I agree. Let's talk about the physical arrangements and support you will need and pick a date. We are now committed!"

The meeting went on for another hour. There were several useful and secure facilities in the DC area, and most of the players were nearby. Robbie and the others were at least in the same time zone. A plan began to take shape.


I had developed a habit of sitting outside after my rowing workouts, on the same little bench that overlooked the Charles River. The bike path gave me a convenient way to get there from Nora's place, but these new workouts took a lot out of me, and I needed to rest and eat my brown bag lunch early before I could recover enough to be sure to balance the bike on the way back and not hit anything. It was cool up here, but that felt good, and it was sunny enough to keep me from feeling chilled. I had never seen anyone else on the bench, before today.

As I approached, there were two people already sitting there. I recognized one.

"Hello Dwight!" I sat on the bench with them. This could not be a coincidence. The woman between us was incredibly hot, with flashing smart girl dark brown eyes, raven black hair, and perfect Latina skin. But even without Suzie signals, I could tell she only had eyes for Dwight. My own eyes let her know I noticed her, just in case.

Alexander felt Carmencita shiver beside him. What was that? He offered his hand. "Robbie, my real name is Alexander Walton, and this is ..."

"Your wife. Congratulations!"

They both looked shocked.

"Come on! She's a babe, she obviously loves you, you're wearing matching gold bands, and you're not stupid. You could not have let this one get away. What brings you to our fair city?"

"This is my wife Carmencita. We are here to take you to lunch and have a talk about several things."


"Suzanne Pliskin, her past, and her future."

"Okay, you have my attention. But I need to take my bike home, put my lunch in the fridge, and change clothes."

"We can put your bike on top of my rental car."

I knew something was up when he drove directly to Nora's without asking me a thing.


Alexander and Carmencita waited in a parking space near Nora's place while Robbie showered and changed. Alexander had some questions for his wife. "What was that shiver that went through you when Robbie first sat down?"

"What shiver?"

"Come on Carm! The accelerometer in your watch probably recorded it, so you know what I am talking about. What was it?"

She smiled shyly. He rarely saw her look embarrassed, but she clearly was now. "I just gained some real insight into Robbie's 'charisma' as you call it. He communicated somehow, body language, eye contact, pheromones, something, but I got several clear messages in just an instant. My reaction was involuntary, and now I understand why Suzanne responded to him, and all those other women too!"

"What messages?"

"It was subtle, but intense. (1) He wanted to fuck my brains out. (2) He was totally confident he could do it. (3) He would not try unless I let him know I wanted it. (4) He was trustworthy and was not going to hurt me. It all hit me like a freight train."

"He does seem to be remarkably successful with women. But not with you, I hope!"

"That's why he said what he did, to signal you, not me. To most smart single women, those four things assuage their biggest fears about starting a new relationship. He would be impossible to ignore."

"Wait a minute! When a woman first meets a guy, does she really want to know that he wants to fuck her brains out?"

"Absolutely. We all want to be desired. But it's so much more exciting if you also think the guy could really make it happen! Add honest and trustworthy and he is the total package. He is not handsome, but he looks intelligent, earnest, and fit. Some random girls just won't like his looks, but for most single women, if he showed any interest at all, it would not be a matter of if they wanted him, but just when."

Alexander understood a little more about Robbie's life now, too.


Ambassador Pliskin had ten balls in the air today, but at least Alexander was working the Suzanne problem for him. There was a super sensitive operation going on in North Carolina, and his whole staff and half the rest of the West Wing was on pins and needles hoping they could prevent a disaster on the scale of 9/11. The intelligence apparatus had all sort of protocols to keep one operation from interfering with another, and some of them were such deep looking AI that he sometimes wondered how they made the connections to a risk at all. But this alert jangled his nerves and stretched all bounds of coincidence to breaking. The bots he started on Robbie Roberts didn't die, they just ran in the background, until somehow, working through the UK interface, they pulled up direct connections from Robbie Roberts to a key operative in the North Carolina situation. That couldn't be real! This was one of the few times the Ambassador wished he had a boss other than POTUS. He would love to let someone else sort out this mess. But he would be ruined if anyone else besides Alexander knew, and the opposing political party would have a field day trashing POTUS and demanding that Pliskin resign. The President would tell him, "Isn't this your shop? Manage it!"

He would. He always did. But he was thinking about hanging it up a lot more often these days.


We went to Legal Fish Bowl, apparently one of Dwight/Alexander's old hangouts when he was at MIT. I was starving, but also curious. I ate and Carmencita talked. She was very smart and had a great vocabulary, but what she proposed was incredible and impossible.

"No way. Her father would have us all killed ten minutes later!"

"Nope. He is completely on board. And before we do it, Mike will be too."

"How do you know that?" They told me. It was even weirder now. Cool job though, Dwight.

I focused on Carmencita. "So, you met Dwight in Austin?"

She looked nervous, but so hot. "Alexander, in San Marcos. The rehab hospital there."

"And he managed to seduce you?" Alexander did not appreciate the verbal stress on the words "he" and "you".

"Well, I had to drop some not so subtle hints, first." She smiled a very hot smile. She was amazing.

I looked at Alexander. "Don't use up all your luck when you are young, buddy. How much of all this does Suzanne's father know?"

"Everything, in great detail. And some stuff you don't know yet." They told me all about this poor Steven Byers bastard, and what Suzanne was doing to him. I heard my grandmother teaching me about 'there but for the Grace of God go I' and I shivered. Then they told me how we would help Steven get back on top.

"You realize Suzanne will get off on that. It will be a dream come true for her, but then later the guilt will kill her relationship with Mike."

Carmencita grabbed my arm. "That's a remarkable insight Robbie, but Mike will know all about it and be on board with it all, and he will forgive her afterward. He even knows about Steven and you and thinks it was fine for Suzanne to have lovers while he was out of action. And I will make it clear to Suzanne that she had no choice, she will feel totally humiliated, dominated and controlled and know it was all forced on her and beyond her volition."

"She would get off on that too, but it won't be easy to achieve!"

"I have to be her worst fear of a dominating mistress and achieve total humiliation and control. Any suggestions?


They said in unison, "Who is Millie?"

"Ask Ambassador Pliskin, I'm sure he knows. I also need to talk to Mike before I agree to anything."

Alexander asked. "Won't that be awkward?"

"This whole thing is light years beyond awkward, but I need to know what Mike is thinking, too. I cannot make myself do what you ask if he is not really okay with it. Talk to Ambassador Pliskin about Millie and my meeting Mike, and then let me know."

They dropped me back at Nora's place in silence. We all had a lot to think about. I had agreed not to tell Lara and Nora anything until it seemed like the whole thing was a go.


The Ambassador was floored. He knew who Millie was, and that Robbie knew her and her new husband, but not that she had a prior intimate relationship with Robbie and Suzanne. He knew Millie Kincaid was way too politically risky to be physically involved in this thing, as she might be followed and draw media attention, but perhaps she could just consult in the planning stages. But first he had to know how much Jay Kincaid knew about all of this. Robbie and Mike had to talk, he supposed, and Carmencita could set that up. He gave them the go ahead. Who should talk to Jay Kincaid? Hell, it had to be Robbie Roberts, too. How did this kid end up in so many loops?

Pliskin considered, not for the first time, whether he should have had children!


Pepe 'Guapo' Flores got an unexpected call from an old buddy from the Kaufman county sheriff's office, who he had heard got some kind of job in DC. He said someone would drop off a secure phone at Guapo's office, and he should give it to Millie and tell her to answer when it rings. That's all he would say, but Pepe trusted him, so he did it, but he told Jay Kincaid about it, too.


Tuesday when I left the apartment, there was a note under the door, from Alexander. "Will see you on the bench after your workout."

I was disappointed to find only Alexander, with no Carmencita in evidence. 'Good morning. Where's Carmencita?"

"Working. Lots of things to do. You need to talk to some folks. Millie Kincaid first, then Jay. She can help us prepare, but not be there physically for the intervention. Here is a secure phone. Millie has another one, and the number is in speed dial #1, Carmencita is #2, and I am #3. Ambassador Pliskin is #9, but do not call him unless it is an immediate life or death situation and I have not answered!"

I nodded.

"We'll go back to your place to change, then you call Millie to agree to keep silent and help us plan. She is far too publicly visible now to be there, and she has to tell Jay about it. Then conference in Carmencita and Millie and finalize what it takes to totally break Suzanne down." It sounded so clinical: the intervention.

"While you talk, we will head to DC to talk to Mike and Carmencita at the hospital when we are sure Suzanne will not be there. Once you three are all on the same page, we will bring you back here."

It was truly a whirlwind tour. It only took a few minutes for me to get ready. Alexander drove to Logan airport and took the service road back to the maintenance area. We parked, went into a grey building with some little trees out front, and then walked out the other door to a waiting twin engine turboprop aircraft. In three minutes, we were moving out. I guess the Ambassador was involved.

The little secure phone seemed to work fine, even in the aircraft, and Millie answered right away. Carmencita did too. I told Millie what we were doing, and after she conceded it would not be wise for her to be there, she readily agreed to help us plan. We talked for about an hour. It was probably the strangest phone call I had ever been part of. I learned some stuff I had never even thought about. Those girls really did talk about everything. Carmencita was especially interested in my role as the "Master", the scenarios we played through, Suzanne's reactions, and the costume I wore. Then she and Millie talked a long time about Lara and her trapeze.

Alexander was on his phone the entire time in the seat across the aisle. He was on several calls before I rang off with Millie and Carmencita. "We got what we needed from Millie," I offered.

He nodded. "When we land, use your regular phone to text Nora telling her you will be home late tonight and explain everything to her then. Like Millie, she is also a little too sensitive politically to be at the intervention, but we need her on board. We are also going to go visit Lara after you meet Mike, so text her that you will be coming later today, time uncertain.

This thing would be a lot more complicated than those 'family interventions' they had on cable TV. Even more personal, and emotional, and lasting much longer: 'gut wrenching' did not begin to describe it.

Soon we were lining up for landing at Reagan, or KDCA as my dad would designate it. We taxied over to a little hangar with a parabola shaped roof, and walked to, no surprise, a black Chevy Tahoe with a serous looking driver in a dark suit. We went north on the GW Parkway and crossed the river and arrived at a big hospital complex in just a few minutes. We went up a freight elevator to a conference room where Carmencita was waiting. She looked very professional in her white coat. I would consider getting injured just so she could rehab me.

"Mike will join us in a minute. He is showering after his therapy session.


Suzanne was enjoying her Tuesday afternoon session with Steven Byers. She had to work him harder to get herself worked up, but he was really getting into his role as her sub. He was reliably making her come with his mouth, and she was letting him get close to her pussy sooner and more readily. She rewarded him by kissing his ass, and then began penetrating it with her tongue. After he was loosened up a bit, she had introduced him to her smallest strap on last Thursday, and today she would start with that one and perhaps move up to the next larger one. On course for total domination. It would still be a long time before he got his final blowjob, but she would enjoy watching him beg, and then only after he had begged for the biggest strap on and taken it, all the way. And then, she would tell him she was bored with him, and he should go away. It would feel so good!

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