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My Sister the Slut


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"I agree. After breakfast we can get dressed and go."

Once we were ready, we went to her place. I stopped and got some boxes, and we began to pack. I ordered a pizza delivered for lunch so we didn't have to stop. Once the truck was full around 3 o'clock, we went back to my house and unloaded. We were both hot, sweaty, and stinky. I let her go first in the shower. While she was in the shower, the phone rang. Mom again. I caught her up on some of it, and told her that Carrie was moving in. I told her it was just to save some money for both of us, but Mom gushed about how I was "saving" my sister. I told her I would have Carrie call her later and hang up. Finally Carrie got out of the shower and I could get in. I gave her a brief rundown of the call and told her to call Mom. She said she would while I cleaned up.

I showered and got out, feeling much better. Carrie was on the phone with Mom, telling her how great I was being to her. If Mom only knew. Carrie was wearing another of my old shirts, and this one was barely past her crotch. This girl was going to kill me.

We had a brief talk that night, but we were both tired. I knew she was feeling better about life in general because of the way the light sparkled in her eyes, a light that was missing when she first showed up. I brushed her hair and she gave me a very nice goodnight kiss, spanked my ass, and sent me to bed.

The week went by pretty normally. The only change for me was that she made dinner every night, as she got home earlier. That girl could cook! I had to warn her by Thursday to start cooking healthier or I would get big as a house. Most nights we would pick out a show and watch for a while, curled on the couch and enjoying the company. I brushed her hair every night. I learned that she was actually pretty damned smart too. How had I never noticed things like that?

Friday morning I told her I would be home a little late and to be ready to go by 6pm. I told her to dress very comfortably and to wear good shoes. She looked at me questioningly, but just nodded. I got home Friday about 5, just enough time to change clothes and gather a couple of extra items. She came out in a t-shirt and jean shorts with boots, looking absolutely fabulous as usual. I put her in my truck and off we went.

I drove out of town about half an hour and found the trail head I was looking for. I pulled the basket out of the back and we started walking. By 7:15, we had found the site I was looking for. There was a cliff edge with an amazing view of the valley. I spread out a blanket and we sat down.

"I had no idea that this was even here.... I spent way too much time in the clubs. This is really amazing Chuck."

"It is one of my favorite places. When I can't handle life, or when I want to enjoy it, this place helps bring my world together."

I pulled out the food that I had ordered out of the basket and we ate while looking at the view...or she did. I watched her, mostly. I wondered how I had never realized how much she liked me. I wondered what would have happened had I tried something all those years ago. I wondered how her body would feel in my hands. I wondered....

"Earth to Chuck, Earth to Chuck! Are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry....my mind was wandering. This place can do that to me. What were you saying?"

"I was saying how much I appreciated you bringing me here...and how much I have learned about you in the past week. You are a better man than I thought, Chuck. How are you still free?"

"Well...thank you. I want to show you every place I love. I have been learning a lot about you lately too...and it makes me wonder why I didn't hang with you more in all these years. I guess I'm still free because I had an idea of what I wanted, and no one measured up. All those girls fell short in one way or another."

"Come on Chuck..... I can't believe that I would measure up then. I've been a pretty horrible person for a long time."

"You don't know the standards, so you can't say that. Trust me, you are way ahead of the pack."

"Seriously. Why me? I am not....well respected....in the community. I'm not particularly successful. I'm not gorgeous. I have issues, Chuck. Why me?"

"Again, you don't know the standards. First, just because it is easiest, you ARE gorgeous. You are the prettiest woman I know, period. I know you have issues, but I have some too. Who doesn't? As far as respect, the community can go fuck itself. The only thing that matters is whether you and I have mutual respect."

"You are a truly unique individual, Chuck." She smiled at me and sat back. "Does a girl get a kiss on the second date?"

I put down my food and moved towards her. She fell back on the blanket and I climbed over her, kissing her neck and chest. I moved to her lips and let my hands begin to roam as she began to moan. Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me tight to her as she rolled to her left.

"Don't let go, Chuck. Please. Don't let go." She whispered in my ear.

I began to feel a wetness on my cheek and I knew she was crying. I pulled her as tightly as I could and whispered back. "Never. You're mine now."

After she had calmed a bit, she began to kiss me again. We made out like two teenagers in a car, rubbing each other over the clothes. The stars were coming out by the time we quit. We gathered up all of our trash and started back down the trail, holding hands.

When we got back to the truck, we threw away the trash and she walked into my arms. "Thank you, Chuck. This was exactly what I needed."

"Any time." We had a long hot kiss and got in the truck. She stayed silent on the drive home, but she had a smile on her face. Once we got home, I got another one of those kisses before she stepped back and went in. She stopped at her bedroom door and looked back at me.

"You're really making this wait thing more difficult every day, you know."

"Carrie, I am ready whenever you are... just don't tease me."

"Chuck, I'm not teasing. This is going to be great...when it happens. I'm going to get a shower and go to bed, see you in the morning."

She went in the door and I just stood there for a moment, wondering if I could handle the storm that was surely coming. She might kill me, but what a way to die... I made sure everything was put away and went to my room, listening to the shower run. When she got out, I listened closely. I was already hard, and I began to hear moans yet again. I began to stroke listening to her moan and grunt, finally letting loose when I heard her muffled "CHUCK!" yell through the wall.

Saturday we had some shopping to do, and we stopped for lunch. "This doesn't count as a date, Chuck."

"Why not? We're out eating. I should get some credit!" I grinned.

"Nope... We all know what happens on the third date, and this isn't it!" She had a sensual smile on her face. She was killing me.

"OK, it's only half a date. I should get something for this!" She laughed, and we ate. On the way home, she said she wanted to go somewhere else and began giving me directions. We finally pulled into an abandoned strip mall. She had me pull to the back and she unbuckled her belt.

"This is for the half-date...." She said as she leaned over and kissed me. As we made out, I felt her hand rub me over my pants, then I felt the zipper go down. She pulled out my rapidly hardening cock and leaned back to see it. "Nice!" she said, dropping her head down. She spat on me and then began to stroke me with her hand. The girl knew what she was doing! I was so worked up I knew I wouldn't last long.

"I'm...I'm...it's coming!" I squealed out and she dropped her head to my lap, putting her lips over the end and swallowing. I thought I would never stop coming, the whole scenario was too much for me.

She pulled her head up and smiled. "That was fun. I wasn't going to do that, but I didn't want you to make a mess on you or me! That should keep you interested enough for the third date though..."

"That was...insane. You're probably going to kill me on the third date, but I think it's worth it!"

The drive home was much less interesting than the stop and we made it home. After we unloaded everything and put it up, she took my hands and looked at me. "I don't want to disappoint you, but that is as far as it goes for now. I have to take this slow...so we can't have a date tonight. You have no idea how much I want to, but I just can't yet. If it helps, we are getting there!"

"I told you, however long you need. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy today, and it was totally unexpected. I'm just saying we are on your timeline."

She pulled me close and hugged me. "Thank you." She murmured into my chest. I just held her for a few minutes, waiting for her to loosen her grip.

When she let go, I looked at her and said "How about dinner tonight? Not a date, just dinner. Nothing special, I just don't want to cook."

"Sounds good to me. We don't have to clean either!"

"I'm going to grab a quick shower, then we can go. Give me 15 minutes!"

I rinsed off and got dressed. We went out and got some pizza and a pitcher of beer. We laughed and kidded each other through the whole meal, just enjoying the company. I had forgotten how quick her wit was and seeing her happy made my heart soar. She dug in her purse for a moment and silently handed me an envelope. I opened it and it was a doctor's note, detailing some tests. Based on it, she was clear of STD's. I looked at her questioningly. "I just wanted you to know. I'm clean. It seemed necessary. Also, I've an insert to keep me from getting pregnant. Just an FYI."

"You didn't have to do this. I trust you."

"I don't trust very many people anymore, so yes I did. I just wanted you to know."

"I want you to know that I care... everything else is unimportant." She dropped it at that point and we picked up with the evening.

As we were finishing everything, an older man walked up. "Carrie! I haven't seen you in a while! I was hoping to see you at the club, I never got the chance to sample every hole."

Carrie looked absolutely stricken, blushing. I looked up at the man. "I'm going to only say this once. Shut up and go away. Now."

The man stepped back and looked at Carrie. "Call off your dog, my dear. I know you enjoyed it when we fucked, so perhaps he just doesn't know you."

I slowly stood up. "Last chance."

The man looked at Carrie and sneered. "She's a lousy lay anyway." He walked off before I said anything else.

Carrie started to cry, and I went to pay the bill. I walked her to my truck and put her in, taking her home quickly. She just quietly sobbed all the way home. When we got home, I carried her in and put her on the couch. "Stop. He's clearly an asshole. Your past is your past. I'm not leaving." I sat beside her and held her until she stopped crying.

"Chuck, it'll never stop..."

"I don't care. I just want you to be happy. I just want us to be happy."

"You can handle it once, twice. What about the twentieth time? The hundredth time? Eventually you'll get tired of it...and me."

"Never. I'll never be tired of you. Ever."

She finally headed to bed an hour later. She didn't sleep much, and neither did I. I heard her crying more than once. At 2 am, I'd had enough. I went in her room and climbed in bed with her. I held her tightly and wiped her tears with my hands. She fell asleep in about 15 minutes.

The rest of the week passed calmly, with her cooking and cleaning up my place. I had a nice Friday planned, but when I told her to be ready she swung her head side-to-side. "I get to plan this one Chuck. Be ready."

Friday when I got home, she was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. I looked at her and cocked an eyebrow, waiting to see what she had to say. "The pizza arrives in twenty minutes. I have a movie picked out. Be ready by then!"

I put on some comfortable shorts and t-shirt and waited, paying for the pizza when it showed. She was in her bedroom so I called for her to come eat. She walked out in a large bathrobe and sat on the couch. I gave her some pizza and let her start her movie. "Pretty Woman", what a choice. We ate almost silently, then she excused herself to the bathroom as we paused the movie. When she came out, I literally lost my breath. She was wearing a green teddy, more lace than anything else. It showed everything and nothing at the same time.

"Well Chuck? Do you like it?"

"I...I couldn't breathe for a moment. You look absolutely incredible!"

"I bought this just for you. I hoped you would like it. This is the third date...so I thought it would be easier if we just stayed in."

"Are you saying what I think?"

"My god I hope so....I think I might explode if you don't touch me soon!"

"One thing...I don't have as much...experience...as you. I don't know if I can do what you need. I'm worried about this..."

(Sigh...) "Chuck...I don't know exactly how to put this. I've been fucked eight ways to Sunday. I've done all sorts of things. I've fucked I don't know how many guys, and girls...but I've never made love. Make love to me, Chuck. That's all I need from you."

"That I can do...but if you want something I'm not doing, I can be a willing student!"

She came over and sat by me on the couch. "Let's watch the rest of my favorite movie before we do anything else." She said with a smile.

After we watched Richard Gere climb the fire escape, I looked over at her. "Is that what you want? Do you want the white knight on his steed?"

She looked up at me. "I already found him." Then she pulled me down to her face in a kiss. We kissed for what seemed hours. My hands were wandering all over the playground in front of me. While kissing her neck, I took a chance and slid down one of the arm strings...and met no resistance. Slowly her left breast was revealed. It fit perfectly in my hand, and the dark red nipple was hard as a marble. She began to moan, and I pulled away from her mouth and my lips found her nipple.

"Jesus Chuck, why did we wait so long?"

"It doesn't matter...we're here now!"

She backed away and stood up. "We need to move this to my room." She slowly walked towards her room, ass swaying and the teddy slowly falling off both shoulders.

I followed, losing clothes as I went. By the time she was sitting on her bed topless, I was down to my boxers. She looked at me and giggled. "I've dreamed of this for years... but it seems that dreams don't do this justice." With that, she grabbed by dick through my shorts and started to pull them down. She wouldn't let me sit, instead pulling my dick to her mouth. "Last time was to avoid a mess...this time I get to show you how it really works!"

I can't really describe what she did...it was like she made love to my cock with her mouth. Her tongue never stopped moving, and she went all the way down to my balls. She licked my balls, sucked my balls, and it was like a storm. It was like she was everywhere at once, kissing, licking, sucking. I doubt I lasted two minutes. I looked at her in a panic and gasped "C-c-cumm!" and that was all I got out before I exploded in her mouth. She held me where I was until I was finished, then she opened her mouth and showed me what I had done before she swallowed with a smile.

"Jesus Christ... that was... beyond anything I've ever even heard of... amazing..." I stroked her hair as I talked (or babbled), staring down at her face. She just sat there smiling.

"I thought I might take the edge off so the rest of the evening you could last longer. I take it you enjoyed that."

"Enjoyed doesn't cover it..."

"Well, now that you're a little more clear-headed, what do you want Chuck? It's all on the table!"

"Carrie, we're not fucking.... We are going to make love. We do what we both want. Right now, I want to try to return the favor!" She giggled and laid back on the bed. I pulled the teddy off her bottom and just stopped and looked for a moment. She was so beautiful. Then I began to kiss my way from her toes up her legs. She had a small heart-shaped tuft of red hair just above her slit.

I took a deep inhale through my nose and dove in. She was wet already, so I licked the outer lips, then the inner ones. I found her clit easily and began the old "ABC" trick. I put two fingers in her and curled, finding her g-spot. She began to moan, groan, and babble, so I knew I was on the right track. I was up to W in the alphabet when she started to bounce on the bed and tightened her thighs around my head. I was in deep when suddenly the oceans of the world exploded in my face. I couldn't breathe, but I kept my tongue moving. She tasted slightly sweet, tangy, and tasty. When her hips lost their grip on my head, I moved up and took in a deep breath, breathing very heavily. I looked down at her and she was smiling.

"I don't normally do that...you're the third guy that's ever made me do it."

"Well, thank you. I plan on making you do that a lot more often!"

"Come here, Chuck!" She pulled me up to her face and kissed me, covering us both in her juices. I felt her hand find my cock and position it at her entrance as we kissed. "Put it in... just put it in. I need this!" I made a choice and slammed it home, hard. "Oh god Chuck! Do it!" I began to hammer hard, knowing that next time would be a slow easy screw...but we needed to get this out of our system first. She could do amazing things with her pussy muscles. She would squeeze me and let go, timing it with my thrusts. I figured if I died right then, my life was complete! I pulled her over and got her doggie style. I was able to really let go then, and also had the chance to feel those amazing tits while we were doing it. Her body was fit, toned, and firm. It was even more fabulous than I thought it would be. When I could stand it no more, I let go after a hard, deep thrust. When she felt me coming, it set her off as well. She made the cutest mewling noises!

I rolled off and laid down, gasping. She laid back, breathing hard as well. "Well Chuck, that was a great start!" she said, laughing.

"You almost killed me! But what a way to go! I just hope I can keep up with you..."

"I'm hoping I can keep up with you! I'm not bullshitting when I say you're really good!"

"Well thank you! I'm going with inspired. You bring out the best in me."

She rolled on her side, looking at me in the eyes. "I didn't think I could, but right now I love you even more. I mean it. That was great."

"Whenever you're ready, we can do it. As long as my body holds up, that is!"

"Your body doesn't look quite ready yet, but maybe I can help!" She moved down the bed and took me in her mouth again. While I had my doubts, she coaxed it back up in no time. I moved her head off me and pulled her up the bed, kissing her.

"This time we can take it a bit slower. This time, we have all the time in the world." While sideways, I pulled her leg up over mine and found my way into her sweet tight pussy. I moved much slower and gently this time, kissing her and moving my hands all over her body. She began to move with me, and her hands were roaming my body too. I found a sweet spot on her neck that made her pussy flutter on my cock and used it often. I have no idea how long we went at it, but when she grabbed my face and pulled it away, I knew it was ending soon.

"Chuck...come in me. Come in me. I need you, I need you!" I found the magic spot on her neck again and she began to come. That lead to me letting loose in her one more time as well. We laid back, both covered in a fine sheen of sweat and sex, breathing heavily.

"So Chuck... was it worth the wait?"

"Honestly... I wish we had been doing this for years. But we can't change the past, so we will just have to make up for lost time. I want to do this every day!"

"Was I... was I good enough for you?"

"Seriously? I'm laying here almost dead. You are the best. Period."

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