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My Sister the Slut

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A Sister needs to talk to her brother.
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My Sister the Slut

My mother called one day and wanted me to go check on my sister. She hadn't heard from her in two weeks and was worried. I hadn't heard from her in over a year, and as we live in the same city, and I wasn't worried. I promised Mom, though, so I knew I would have to try.

My sister Carrie had been a pain in my ass for years. When she turned 18, something changed in her. I was 20, and all I heard from my friends (and everyone else who wanted to piss me off) was how much of a slut my sister was. Her and the football team, her and the swim team, her and, well, everybody. She stalked and took almost every one of my male friends. She was so beautiful, so desirable, she could get anyone. I had bad thoughts about her sometimes! She drove me insane. When I went to college, she had to go to the same school. From what I could tell, she actually got worse. She still stalked my friends, but she used her charms to get her grades, she did entire fraternities from what I heard. Once I graduated and found what turned out to be a great job, she followed. I was 12 hours from my parents, and of course she ended up in the same town. She has been married, twice already. Neither one worked out for more than a year. I always suspected that she was cheating, but I tried to stay out of her life anyway. She is my sister, and I love her. I don't respect her though. I'm 29, have a real job and most of the trappings of adulthood. She's 27 and acts like a spoiled child.

I decided to try to call, and of course she didn't answer. I did go by her apartment, and she didn't answer her door either. I was beginning to get worried myself. I was home that Friday evening, trying to figure out where she could be. I didn't want to tell Mom I couldn't find her. It was almost 9pm, I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at my door. I opened the door a crack and was surprised to see my sister.

I opened the door and invited her in. She looked a mess. She was wearing a small red dress with heels, but it looked like she had worn it for days. Her normally beautiful auburn hair was a tangled mess. Mascara streaked down her face. She didn't say a word, but just grabbed me and hugged me as hard as she could.

I held on for a few minutes, then started prying her off. "What happened, Carrie? Where have you been? Mom's going crazy!" I said.

"I was home....I just didn't want to answer the phone."

"Were you home today? I came and knocked!"

"I was...I didn't know it was you. I would've answered."

"So... what's going on? Is there something you need?"

"Well... yes. But I can't just tell you. I...I...we... need to talk."

"Let me text Mom, I'll let her know you're ok. Do you need something to drink, eat, anything?"

"I haven't eaten in two days, so...yeah. Do you have any wine? I could use a glass of that too."

I pulled out some leftover baked chicken and rice and put it in the microwave, then dug out a bottle of wine and opened it. She sat at his kitchen table just watching me. When the food was warm, I put it on the table with a plate and silverware. I gave her the wine and a glass of water as well. While I silently watched her eat, I shot Mom a text. As I watched, I was reminded what a truly beautiful woman my sister had turned into. She was 5'5", about a C-cup with a nice waist, and she had an amazing ass. Her face was close to model-like with the high cheeks and full lips. Why did she just give this body away, I wondered.

Once she was finished, she sat back and drained her glass of wine. She silently held it out, and I retrieved the bottle and refilled her glass. She sat back and looked at him. "Chuck, I have to ask you some questions..."

She was the only one I ever allowed to call me Chuck. "Well, ask away. I'm a bit worried about you Carrie. I have been for years."

"I know. You always cared, even when you acted like you didn't. I always knew that you cared though. First question, Chuck. I will start easy. Do you love me, Chuck?"

"Of course I do. You're my sister. If I didn't I wouldn't be worried about you."

"Good. Remember that, no matter what else I say. Do you want to know about me Chuck? Do you want to know why I act like I do?"

"Well...yes and no. I don't need to know your personal business, but I can tell something is really bothering you. I do want you to tell me what it is."

"Well Chuck... it's all tied together. I have to tell you all of it or none of it. Your choice."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "I guess I have to hear all of it. Don't tell me anything you don't want me to know though."

"I'm an open book tonight... I guess you have heard all the rumors and stories about me, right? You know I'm pretty...available. I'm sure your friends must have told you."

"Carrie, everybody told me. My friends, team mates... Trust me, I do know...."

"I never meant to embarrass you.... I hope you're not ashamed of me."

"Not ashamed...worried though."

She smiled at him. "I hoped you weren't. I didn't know what to do. I was young and stupid, and I was in love...but he didn't love me back. I offered everything, so I thought, and he completely rejected me. I thought I was worthless, so I just began to give it away...."

"Who was this guy? How could someone have so much power over you? Why didn't you come talk to me?"

"Slow down... we'll get there. I've known I loved this guy for years... I still do. After high school, I went to your college. You know that. I tried to stop, tried to act right, but he still didn't love me. So I kept doing those things... Hoping he'd get jealous or mad. He still wouldn't notice, still didn't love me back. So...I got married. I thought that would fix it, I'd move on. Of course it didn't, and within six months I was so bored I was screwing anyone who stopped by. We got divorced after he found me blowing his brother."

"I never knew why, I just knew it fell apart pretty quickly."

"It was over before it started, really. I got married again within a year. Roger used to take me to sex clubs, we had group sex, he didn't seem to have a jealous bone in his body. I thought it might work...but it didn't. That one fell apart when he realized he was nothing more than a sex toy to me. Once he realized I didn't care about him, it ended."

"So I guess you think the other guy is still out there? You still want him?"

"I know he is... Now, just a couple more questions. Remember when you were in sixth grade and that kid tried to steal my bike?

"Sure. I beat his ass and got it back. Why?"

"And I gave you a kiss for it. When I was 18, remember what happened at the Homecoming dance?"

"I won't ever forget...Jimmy the Bastard tried to rape you afterwards. I punched him so hard I broke a bone in my hand. You were still such a sweet girl back then."

"That's right. I was pretty innocent back then, wasn't I? That night, after it was all over, what happened?"

I remembered...Oh how I remembered. "You came in my room and thanked me. You kissed my cheek..." I trailed off and blushed.

"What else, Chuck? What else happened that night?"

"We....we kissed... really kissed. I told you we shouldn't do that. I told you to leave my room. I made you leave."

"That's right, Chuck. One more question... After I started college, remember when I came to your room? I had a bad date, I was crying. Do you remember?"

"Yes... I was so sad for you, you seemed to be trying to change. I held you for hours that night."

"What else, come on... You keep leaving parts out."

"We kissed again... you also were naked when I woke up."

"That's right. Don't make me say this, Chuck. Put this together." Tears were beginning to fall from her eyes.

"I.... I... I don't know what you're getting at Carrie. I want to understand, but I must be too stupid. Please, help me to understand... I want to help you."

Carrie sighed and put her head on the table. She said something that I didn't understand. "What, Carrie? What did you say?"

She put her head up. She was blushing furiously and looking up at the ceiling. "It's you, Chuck. It's you!"

"Huh? Who's me?"

"Goddamnit Chuck! You! I love you! I have forever!"

I sat back stunned. I looked at her and suddenly things began to clear in my head. She had done all those things because I wouldn't love her. She had been trying to tell me for a decade and I hadn't figured it out. "Ummmm....so....what you're saying is that you love me, that... you're...in love with me?"

"Jesus Chuck... Yes. That's what I said. I never had the guts to say it, and it has been eating at me for years. I just gave up tonight. I need to know if there is any chance for us or if I will be alone forever. I'm done, Chuck. I'm done with being a slut. I'm done with anyone.... unless it's you."

A door in my head popped open...one that I thought I had bolted closed forever. I knew how she felt. I smiled and looked at her. "Some things you need to know too, I suppose. That night after Homecoming... I kicked you out because I thought I might rape you if you stayed. I felt like a real asshole, thinking of you like that after the night you had. And after that night in college, when you were naked...so beautiful...I wanted you then. I wanted you so bad but I thought you never would. I knew my roommate was coming back soon, and I was pretty sure he didn't want to see me and my sister in bed. I just thought you must've been drunk or something."

She sat back and stared at him for a full minute. "You're saying you didn't do anything because... you... cared about me?"

"Not exactly. One more question, one that I think you know the answer to. Do you know how hard it is to tell a sibling that you're in love with them?"

Carrie stood up and walked over to him. "So you're saying there's a chance?"

"No Carrie, there is no chance. That would imply there is a chance I don't love you. There simply is...us. If you're willing to stay, I won't ever ask you to go."

I stood up and looked at my sister right in her eyes. "What do we do now?"

She smiled back at him. "Tonight...nothing. I need to sleep. I don't want to start this and screw it up again. We can talk in the morning, but this won't, can't be fast. Two days ago I would have jumped your bones by now...but... I want this to work. Let's talk tomorrow. Can I get a t-shirt and a shower? I will sleep in the other bedroom."

I silently went and got her some clothes and a towel. While she showered, I made sure my guest bedroom was ready. When she came out of the bathroom, she was wearing my old Johnny Cash t-shirt. "Looks better on you than it ever did on me!"

"Nice try Chuck...but not tonight. I would love it if you would help me brush my hair though."

I sat behind her and took the brush, moving it through her hair. I remembered doing this for her years ago, how virtually every night we would talk as I brushed. I also realized when it stopped. She was 15 and starting to become a woman, and I was scared of my reaction. We talked of nothing important as I brushed until all the tangles were clear. She crawled into the bed, and I bent down intending to kiss her forehead. She lifted at the last second and our lips met. We kissed for what seemed to be an hour before she pushed me away. "Chuck, I have to stop. I will talk to you in the morning, but I really need to sleep. Good night, love you Chuck!" With that she turned over with her back facing me.

I went to bed, but sleep was elusive for a long while. Eventually exhaustion set in, and I drifted off. The next thing I was aware of was waking to the smell of breakfast. I do love the smell of bacon cooking!

I threw on a robe and went to the bathroom, washing my face and hands. I worked my way to the kitchen and found my sister finishing breakfast, her hair a beautiful halo surrounding her face. She smiled at me as I walked in.

"I made us some bacon, biscuits, and eggs. It was what you had in the fridge. Hope you like it!"

"It looks fantastic. I guess I'll need to go shopping soon if you are going to do this every day!"

"I'm not going to be 300 pounds, so no. It is the weekend, so we can splurge a little. Sit down and eat, we have some things we need to discuss."

I sat down and she gave me a plate with some coffee. She served herself and sat, eating some before she started to speak.

"Look.... Every relationship I ever had started with sex. They all failed. I don't want us to start like that. I told you I was done being a slut, and I meant it. I need to know that you will respect that...I guess I need to know that you can respect me."

I stopped eating and looked at her. "I admit I lost respect for you at one point. But I gained a lot of respect for you last night. I care about you...and I'll l let you decide how fast things go."

"Good. I have some other questions too. My lease is up at the end of the month. I can renew it, or I can move in here. Your choice. If I move in, I pay half. That isn't up for discussion. I can afford it, and I am not a freeloader."

"You can stay here. I have the space, and it would be great seeing you every day."

"For now, that's the plan then. One more thing.... You're taking me out tonight. You get to pick where and when exactly, but I do expect you to try. We need to know how we work as... as a couple. Just loving each other might not be enough."

I smiled. "A couple. I like the way that sounds. I can plan a date tonight, but this afternoon we need to go shopping. This morning, I want to take you back to your place to start packing. You need some clean clothes, for one!"

"I was going to ask. After breakfast, I'll find something to wear and we can go."

When we were done eating and had cleaned up, I went to get dressed and she started rooting through my things for something to wear. She found some sweatpants and a t-shirt, wearing her underwear from yesterday. I put on jeans and a t-shirt, knowing we were going to do some work. We drove to her place. Her neighbor smirked at us as we went in. I gave him the finger. Her place was a wreck. She obviously hadn't done much cleaning lately. She gathered some clothes in several bags and then began to do a general clean-up.

"I had a rough last couple of days, weeks... don't say shit. Just help me clean, I want to take all the kitchen stuff and my pictures.... Not much else really. Some small furniture. We can be done by next week as long as I come over after work every day and pack. Your pots and pans suck, I'm bringing mine."

I didn't say anything regarding the state of her apartment while we were packing, and we started taking things out to my truck. Once we had a full load, she locked the door and we left. "I have to ask one thing.... How long has it been since you cleaned? I can't have my place looking like that, you know!" I kidded her.

"In all honesty, about two weeks. Something in my head snapped...I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't have the guts. Finally I realized I had no choice last night..."

"Well, I am glad you came over...I really am." I realized my words were falling flat, but how do you tell your sister you love her?

We unloaded the truck and she made some sandwiches for lunch. After we were done, she looked at me and said "Groceries. We need to go."

We went to the store and I let her pick things out. She picked out more than I expected, as well as more things that you have to cook vs reheat. I never realized she cooked, I guess. We also went to Target where she bought some toiletries and a few clothes.

We were home by four. I looked at her and said "Be ready at six, I have some things to do. It is a little dressy, but I'm wearing slacks and a nice shirt. Dress accordingly!" She smiled back at me and went to shower. I went and made a phone call, and since I knew the owner I was able to get a reservation for 6:30. When she was done in the shower, I went and took mine. I was ready by 5:45. I sat on the couch waiting patiently.

At 5:58, she walked out of the bedroom. I almost choked.... She was wearing a tight black dress, cut deeply enough to show a mile of cleavage. It was short but she could sit without showing her underwear as long as she sat carefully. Her hair was down and the auburn waves around her face were beautiful. Her makeup was flawless, bright red lipstick and not too much of anything else. Her green eyes sparkled with her green necklace. I was stunned.

She stared at me for a minute. "So...you haven't said anything. Did I dress appropriately?"

"I would take you anywhere looking like that. Wow.... Just.... Wow. You are amazing Carrie."

"Thank you!" she blushed. "You clean up nicely yourself. Where are we going?"

"Out to the truck."

"You're an ass sometimes!" she said with a smile.

We went out and I opened the door for her. "Thank you, sir!" she giggled. As we drove, we talked of growing up and shared memories.

I pulled in the parking lot and she glanced at me. "Going all out tonight? You don't have to make me fall for you, ya know!"

"This is my favorite restaurant. If you hated this, I don't know what I would do!" I joked.

We went in and had an amazing steak dinner. We spent the evening laughing and generally having fun. My friend the owner came by, saying "You found the prettiest girl ever! Don't let this one get away!" I just smiled and toasted him, not about to explain.

After dinner, we went to the park. There is free concerts every Saturday night, and tonight the band was good. We danced and sang along. Once they were wrapping up, we went home.

Once in the door, she turned and kissed me. Her kiss was amazing. I started running my hands up and down her, rubbing through the clothes. I started to move up her thigh under her dress and she pulled back. "Uh-uh. I don't do that on the first date."

I just groaned...and moved my hands back to her clothes. She felt fantastic through her clothes and she was dry humping me through my pants. Her hands were running over my ass and chest as we kissed. Eventually, she moved back.

"That's enough for tonight. I had a great time! I didn't know they had concerts in the park, and I've lived here for years! Can we go out again next weekend?"

"Carrie, we can go out whenever you want to. Next Friday work for you? I will make some plans."

"It's a date then... I have to go to bed now though. See you in the morning!"

I went and got ready for bed. It was just like high school, I thought. All worked up, but no payoff! I began to slowly stroke myself, thinking about how she looked that night. As my fantasy unwound, a noise intruded on my thoughts. I listened for a second and realized she was groaning through the walls. I began to try to time my orgasm with hers, and just as she began to make sharp mewls I exploded on myself. While not as good as sex, it was good enough for right now. I cleaned myself up and went to sleep.

Sunday morning, I woke up early. I padded out to the kitchen after a trip to the bathroom and began to make some breakfast. She had unpacked some of her pans, and I had to admit her kitchen equipment was much better than mine. I made some sausage and gravy, baking some biscuits. She came out when it was almost done, wearing one of my old Pearl Jam t-shirts. Damn she looked good in the morning...

"I didn't know you could cook! Thank you for breakfast!"

"No problem. I was hungry too."

"Sausage....I love sausage! No dirty jokes either!" She began to blush.

"I can't make any jokes because I love sausage too. I'd be in far worse shape!"

"I want you to know I really had fun last night. I don't know if I've ever had a better date. Really."

"Glad you enjoyed it. I did too. I wasn't trying to be cheap...but I didn't have much time to plan either."

"It was great, it really was. I had a wonderful time. Seriously."

"Today we should go pack at your place. The sooner you're out the better."

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