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My Sister's Deception Ch. 05


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"My kitty sure is hungry," she said, stroking his cock and kissing him quickly on the lips. "My kitty likes to be fed by cock."

She looked around the room and saw that although Denny's was the only penis currently exposed, several men were sporting erections and rubbing them through their pants.

"What do you say, boys?" she asked, pushing herself up and rubbing her swollen pussy along the shaft of Denny's cock before pushing the head just into the opening of her pussy. "Do you want to see Denny feed the kitty?"

There was a chorus of "yeah" across the room and Daisy smiled.

"It's gonna cost you," she said, still rubbing Denny's cock in her open sex, getting him wet.

"Here," Rick said, grabbing an envelope and thrusting it forward.

"Thank you," Candi said, taking it from him. We'd all been so focused on Daisy disrobing that we'd not noticed her enter the room.

Her long brunette hair still flowed over her shoulders, but now it rested against her naked skin; all she wore was a gold chain around her waist and a pair of fuck-me pumps.

"I think they wanna see Denny's cock get into the kitty," she said as she walked up behind Daisy.

She slid her hands down to cup Daisy's breasts and pinched the nipples between her fingers as several guys stood up and whipped out their wallets.

A minute later, Koko walked back in, stood at the edge of the doorway and shed her bikini panties.

She and Candi kissed and began to fondle and grope one another as Daisy continued to wriggle against Denny, teasing him as she used his cock to pleasure herself. I smiled and shook my head, amazed. Somehow, she'd managed to slide a condom onto his erection; his angry red penis, clad in latex, probed at the opening of her sex.

She began to raise and lower herself, hat still on her head, almost as though she were busting a bronco in slow motion.

"Ohhh, yeah," she said, smiling and her breasts bouncing. "My kitty's hungry. My kitty's hungry for cock."

She pushed gently against the shaft of his penis, sighed and sank down, swallowing the head of his cock in her pussy and lowering herself, until she was impaled on his pole.

"Mmmm... nice and hard," she said, kissing him. "Just like I like it."

Daisy rolled her hips against Denny as he grasped her hips, closed his eyes and sighed.

"My kitty's still hungry, though," she said. "Can I make your rooster crow? That'll satisfy my kitty."

Denny's eyes fluttered open as she continued to rock against him.

"You want... you want me to cum?"

She nodded and smiled as she slowly licked her lips.

"I wanna make your cock crow inside me."

She thrust her breast against his lips, pushing her nipple between them as she rode his cock.

"You wanna make your cock crow inside me?"

Denny nodded and Daisy pulled her breast from his mouth as she began to fuck him in earnest.

Whether they already had favorites picked out or not, I don't know, but as Daisy continued to ride Denny toward orgasm, Candi and Koko split apart, their nipples hard and pussies swollen with arousal, and they each found one of the men sitting masturbating. They both dropped to their knees and began giving the guys blowjobs.

I looked over at Rick, who was in a trance-like state as his eyes darted between his friend being fucked and the two guys getting head.

Denny began bucking beneath Daisy and groaned as he thrust up into her, and Daisy changed the way she was riding him, no longer focused on making him cum, but now intent on draining the semen from inside him.

I'd seen more than enough, and I quietly made my exit.

It wasn't that late when I got back to Jen's apartment, but I opened the door quietly anyway, on the off chance that at least Meghan would be asleep. Flickers of light, an ebb of sound from the TV and the clink of a glass being set on the coffee table told me they were still awake.

"Well?" Jen asked, turning on the couch and twisting her body to peer past Meghan, who'd likewise swiveled to see me.

Neither of them was anywhere close to being ready for bed. Jen was wearing shorts and a tank over a tank; Meg was wearing a short denim skirt and sleeveless button down blouse.

"It... uh..."

"I'm assuming there was alcohol," Meghan said, shifting on the couch and revealing that most of the buttons on her blouse were unfastened. "A lot of it." She took a sip from her own glass, and a glance past them showed two wine bottles, one of them clearly empty.

I nodded.

"Is he drunk?" she asked sitting the empty glass back down.

"Probably," I replied. "I don't know for sure, though. They were still going pretty hard when I left."

Jen sighed as I walked into the living room and dropped my shoes.

"Did they have a stripper?" Meghan asked as I walked around and sat down on the edge of the couch.

I nodded as Jen shifted on the couch to get closer to me.

"More than one?"

I nodded again. "Three, in fact."

"Three?" Jen asked, her eyes opening a little wider.

"Did they go all the way?"

"All the way?"

"Yeah," Jen said. "Did they take off everything? Or did they still have on a thong or..."

"No," Meghan replied, shaking her head. "That's not what I meant."

There was a moment of awkward silence and then Jen reached back and grabbed Meghan's hand.

"They don't do that sort of thing at bachelor parties," she said, and then she turned to look at me. "Do they?"

I shook my head. "Not at any that I've been to before."

"What about tonight?" Meghan's voice cracked and I could see she was beginning to tear up. "Tell me the truth. Don't lie to me. Did Denny have sex with them?"

There was an edge to her voice that told me she wasn't just hurt by the thought of it, she was getting pissed.

"Just one of them."

She swallowed hard and for a moment I thought Jen was going to hit me, but suddenly, Meghan had a death grip on her hand.

"So... what, then? Did... she give him a blow job?" A tear streaked down her cheek and she bit her lip hard enough I thought she might draw blood.

I shook my head and Meghan's eyes welled up with tears. Jen pulled Meghan to her. She folded and melted, sobbing, and Jen stared daggers into me as she cradled Meg's head in her lap.

Meghan sobbed against Jen and I headed to the bedroom.

A couple of minutes later, Jen practically stormed in after me.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked.

"What did I do?"

"You told her that her fiancé fucked a stripper."

"Okay. So, you're pissed at me for being honest with her?"

"Would it have killed you to lie to her?" Her voice, an accusatory whisper, wasn't much softer than her glare.

I nodded. "I could have. But she wanted to know the truth, and I didn't want to lie to her."

"She's devastated."

"I know, but how much worse would it be if I hadn't been honest and she'd found out about it later? Then she'd have been almost as pissed at me as she is at him."

Jen bit her lip and nodded.

"What if she decides not to go through with the wedding?"

"You think there's a real chance of that?"

"Would you blame her?" Jen bit her lip and folded her arms against her chest. "I mean, Dale never cheated on me, but..."

Not with another woman, anyway. He'd been so committed to other extracurricular activities that she'd never had his full attention once they'd wed.

"I think it still pisses her off more than anything that Denny keeps telling her he doesn't want to have sex with her so their wedding night will be special."


Jen nodded. "It's bad enough she's got all of her wedding stress right now, but she's so horny it's making her cranky and bitchy."

"Really?" I laughed.

"It's not funny, Kyhl," Jen said, slapping at my arm and then turning toward the bed. "She sooo needs to get laid in the worst way.

"Did you have sex with any of them?"

"The women at the party?"

She nodded as she sat on the bed and laid back; I watched her shirt pull away from her shorts, exposing her belly.

I shook my head and she smiled, sighing.

"Did you want to?"

I shook my head again and she stretched, smiling and raising her arms over her head, stretching her tank against her breasts.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Why did I not want to?"

She nodded.

"Because," I said, sitting down next to her on the edge of the bed, "I love you and I don't want to do anything to hurt you."

Jen smiled, closed her eyes and sighed again as she rolled over and wrapped her arms around me.

"And besides," I said, "I'm not that big on the idea of sloppy thirds or fourths."

Jen blinked hard, looked up at me and then crinkled her nose. "Uh, yeah, I guess that would be kind of gross. Were they pretty?"

"They were okay looking." Not entirely honest, perhaps, but not a lie, either. "But nowhere near as pretty as the two of you." I slid a hand under her tank and rubbed her bare skin.

"Uh-huh. Probably smoking hot, drop-dead gorgeous. Three naked women, one of them fucking and the other two sucking. You had a live porn show for your private viewing."

"I don't know that I would call it private..."

"You know what I mean," she said, poking me. "So. Did it turn you on?"

I looked at her and smiled.

"Well, did it?"

I nodded. "A little."

Jen giggled and brought her hand in between my legs to grope at me. "Probably a lot would be my guess," she said, pressing her fingers around the growing bulge in my pants.

"How do you know I'm not hard from watching you writhe on the bed?"

Jen giggled. "I don't. But, then again, it could be that you find Meghan attractive tonight."

My mouth dropped open. "Really? You think I fine teary-eyed sexy?"

"Teary-eyed, maybe not so much," Jen said, shifting on the bed. "But Meghan, yes. I know you think she's cute, adorable... and right now, she's half-way undressed. It's not going to piss me off or make me jealous for you to say you think she's hot."


"Really. And it's like I told you before. She's practically your sister, too."

"Yeah, you've said that before."

"Well? Think about it. Name one woman on the planet you know better than her; that you're closer to than her."

I took a deep breath.

"Besides me," Jen said.

Jen nodded and batted her eyes at me as she dipped her head. "And then there's the fact that she's so vulnerable right now."

We sat there for a moment looking at one another.

"I know you're not suggesting I take advantage of her," I said.

Jen shook her head and rolled against me again. "Not take advantage of her, but..." Jen kissed my arm and pushed her fingers into mine, lacing them together. "You love her as much as I do. I think. But, I know you love her, and right now, she needs that. She needs somebody to just hold her and love on her and..."

"I thought that's what you were doing."

Jen nodded and kissed my arm again. "I was. And then I had to come in here and kick you in the butt for being honest with her. But you were right; she'd hate you later if you'd lied to her, so she'll love you even more for being honest with her."

I looked down into Jen's eyes and shook my head. I'd seen her do complete one-eighty's like this before; mad at me one moment, all forgiven the next; and it never ceased to amaze me.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Well," Jen said, laying back on the bed. "She's had too much to drink to drive herself home. And I wouldn't want to send her home by herself right now, anyway."

"No, that's definitely not a good idea."

"And... you don't really want to make her sleep on the couch, do you?"

"Not really." I shrugged. "I'll take..."

"You're not taking the couch, either."

I took a deep breath and smiled. "So... the three of us in bed together? Again?"

Jen nodded. "Why not? You didn't seem to mind last time."

I sighed. "No, I didn't. But she wasn't upset, then, either."

"You worry too much. Go," she said, pushing me away from her and waving me toward the living room. "Go love on her a little and bring her to bed."

"Just like that? What if she doesn't want to come to bed?"

Jen sighed and continued to wave me out of her bedroom.

"Be persuasive. Do whatever it takes to get her in here; pick her up and carry her if you have to. I'm going to go ahead and crawl in bed and wait on you."

I stopped in the doorway and looked back at Jen. She was bent over pulling at the bedcovers and she turned around to stare back at me.

She waved her hand sharply, motioning for me to go find Meghan.

I entered the living room in time to see Meghan headed to the kitchen with both empty bottles. She looked back at me over her shoulder and smiled weakly as she sat the bottles on the kitchen counter.

"So. Were they good looking?" she asked. There was a nasal twang in her voice that confirmed the tear streaks on her face; she'd been crying and was forcing herself to have a stiff upper lip.

"They were fair," I said, laying my hands on her shoulders, rubbing gently and then pulling her to me in a hug. "Nowhere near as good looking as you or Jen." I turned her around inside my arms, hugged her again and kissed her on the forehead.

She leaned back and sagged against me, reaching up and wrapping her fingers around my arm.

"You're saying that to try and make me feel better."

"No, I'm saying it because it's true."

Meg pushed back and looked up at me.

"So you're telling me Rick and his friends hired ugly strippers for my fiancé's bachelor party? And you expect me to believe that?"

I took a deep breath and she poked me with a finger.

"I thought so," she said trying to push away from me.

"Wait a minute," I said, grabbing at her waist. She stopped trying to wrestle away from me and leaned back against the kitchen counter.

"All three of them, skilled at their job though they may be, pretty though they may be; none of them are real."

"What do you mean, none of them are real?"

"They were getting paid to enjoy what they were doing. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure at least one of them was wearing a wig, and all three of them were fake."

"Fake?" She raised her eyebrows.

I raised my hands and covered Meghan's breasts as I leaned in to whisper in her ear. "They were enhanced; not real. Not like you, and not like Jen."

"Ohhh... that kind of fake," Meg said, covering my hands with hers and squeezing as she inhaled sharply. She made no effort to push me away from her, and I felt her nipples harden through the thin cloth of her bra and blouse. "Remind me again why you and I broke up?"

"Neither of us really wanted to commit to anything serious. Or that's what we told each other anyway."

Meghan looked up at me and nodded slowly.

"Do you ever wonder what if?" she asked, biting at her lip. "I mean, if we'd stayed together, I wouldn't be stuck in this mess with Denny."


"And you and Jen might never have... you know."

I nodded. "You might be right. We'll never know, though, will we?"

Meghan shook her head, sighed and pulled her hands from mine, reaching up to put her arms around my neck. I pulled my hands from her chest and hugged her.

"Your hands felt really good," she said, giggling.

I hugged her tight, lifting her gently off the floor and then sat her back down.

"Don't tell anybody," I said. "I'd hate for them to get the wrong idea."

Meghan leaned back, looked up at me and laughed, bringing a hand to cover her mouth.

"You're funny," she said, stifling a giggle. "The three of us naked in bed together a few weeks ago and you're worried I might tell someone you were copping a feel?"

She leaned up and kissed me. I felt her breath against me as she kept her lips pressed to mine, and then she turned her head to the side, pressing her face against my cheek.

"Denny hasn't so much as touched me since that weekend, either, much less fucked me."

She sighed again. I began to gently rub my hand up and down her back and she pushed back from me, hopping up onto the counter.

"You have no idea how frustrated I was when we left your apartment, do you?"


She closed her eyes, nodded and smiled as she reached for me and pulled me to her; I slid up against the counter, standing between her spread legs.

"When I crawled into bed with the two of you..." She caught her breath, blinked rapidly and looked up at me again. "When the two of you started... making love to me..." She swallowed hard. "I was so sure you were going to fuck me, and then..."

"I passed out."

"Dead to the world," she said, giggling again and burying her face in my shoulder as she relaxed against me.

"Still wish I'd slept with you that first night instead of Jen?"

Meghan leaned back, her eyes slowly dancing across my face, and then she shook her head.

"No. On one hand, I'm still kind of amazed at the whole brother-sister thing, but the two of you are so... together. You're much more solid than Denny and I am. I think I was mostly upset at the idea that you'd both let alcohol push you into something you were going to regret, but you're making it work.

"Now I'm just jealous of the fact that she's got someone that loves her and pays attention to her while I'm stuck marrying a man-whore." Meg covered her mouth with her hand and giggled as she leaned into me again. "I am so fucked and right now I'd be happy just to get fucked."

I put my arms around her and she sighed, scooting forward a little and relaxing against me.

"I'm so lucky to have friends like you," she said.


Meghan pulled back and looked at me as she nodded.

"Because Jen said she thought of you more like a sister."

Meghan giggled again and leaned back, and my hands dropped to the tops of her thighs.

"She told me that, too," she said, kicking at me gently with her heels. "So do you think of me as your other little sister, too, and does that make you my big brother?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it does."

Meghan smiled and laid her hands on mine and pulled them up to her chest, closing her eyes and sighing as my hands closed again on her breasts. She pressed my hands hard against her chest and squeezed me with her thighs as she drew in a deep breath, and I leaned in and kissed her.

Meghan's mouth opened to me and her hands fell away from mine as she clutched at me. I cupped her breasts in my hands, squeezing them, feeling the nipples straining to be free.

"You can do anything to me that you want to," she said, her voice raspy as I groped her. "Especially if it involves being naked and either or both of you holding me."

"What about...?"

She pushed her hand against my mouth and shook her head.

"After two and a half months of nothing and tonight, he can go fuck himself if he thinks I'm going to feel guilty about anything. I just want to feel wanted and loved tonight."

I bent down and kissed at her neck; she reached up and swept her hair to the side, baring it to me.

"It's getting late," I said, almost whispering into her ear. Her nipples were hard little buds against the palms of my hands; I drew my fingers to them and pinched lightly.

She nodded. "Ohhh... I know." Her voice was light and airy as she gasped.

"Jen told me to do whatever I had to to get you to bed." I began unfastening the remaining buttons on her blouse.

Meghan giggled, looked down where my fingers were working and looked back at me. "Your sister wants you to get me into bed? She actually said that?"

I smiled. "We were talking about the fact that you don't need to drive home..."

Meghan shook her head. "I'm not going home tonight."

I nodded as I pulled her blouse open. "And she told me she wanted you to sleep with us."

Meghan smiled and licked at her lips. "Sleep?" There was a twinkle in her eye as she rolled her shoulders back and let her blouse slide down.

I smiled and looked down at Meghan's chest; her nipples were clearly visible through the sheer fabric of her bra, swollen little buds of flesh begging to be sucked.

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