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My Uncle's Best Friend


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I couldn't help chuckling. "Never heard of that term before."

"I know there are plenty of decent guys out there..." She paused and smiled shyly again. "Sounds like we're both having trouble finding the right person." She paused again and gently grasped my forearm. "I know you did though, Mike. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Wanda. I did what most people don't when they lose something precious. I had grief counselling. It's why I was able to eventually move on. Think I'll always carry a scar on my heart because of what happened, but I moved on from the bitterness and self-pity. I allowed myself time to grieve and realised I had to move on. Julia would have wanted that for me."

"Are you still living at your old address?"

"Yeah. I wasn't going to move out because of what happened. I left it six months before I dealt with my daughter's room." Wanda's hand moved down from my forearm to my hand, feeling her give it a gentle squeeze. "To be honest, it was cathartic. My counsellor understood what I was doing, but suggested keeping her bedroom as some sort of memorial wouldn't help me in the long run. I sold off the furniture but kept a box of mementoes in the garage. I did the same thing with some of Julia's things. I gave her parents some of her things as well. I know they appreciated it."

"Still see them?"

"Once a month, either for lunch or dinner. Haven't got into a relationship long enough to explain why I do that. Anyone I do end up with long-term would have to understand. By now, it's not for me. It's for them. They're good people and I love them like another set of parents. Most of the time, we just catch up and don't spend too much time reminiscing anyway." Clearing my throat, I quickly asked, "Anyway, what about you? Everything good?"

"My career is going great guns, at least," she replied, laughing to herself, "Unfortunately my job doesn't exactly keep me warm at night. I'm living alone again as my last roommate moved out a couple of months ago."

"Still renting?"

"I wish I could afford a mortgage within a reasonable distance of the CBD. Any that I could afford would mean moving out to the western suburbs. No thanks. The commute into the city would be a bitch."

"One of the main reasons I could remain where I am is, you know, life insurance..."

She stepped closed and squeezed my hand again. "Mike... Would you like to meet up for coffee one day?"

I couldn't stop the smile forming as I gazed down at her. "Wanda, be honest. You were aware when we were younger, right?"

"I was never blind, but you were Doug's younger nephew. By the time we were both old enough, I was already with someone. Then you met Julia... I hate that you lost her. My heart broke for you."

"Thanks for coming to the funeral though."

"I know we don't see each other often, but I've always thought of you as a friend."

I released her hand and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her head rest against my chest. "I'd love to grab coffee one day."

"Soon?" she asked eagerly.

"How soon?"

"Well, today is Saturday. Why not tomorrow?"

Leaning back, I met her eyes and the smile was no longer shy. There was real interest in her eyes. Also nerves, perhaps worrying about my response. There was only ever going to be one. "I'd love to. Coffee and cake?"

"And maybe we can just walk around, talk to each other. I think we know each other beyond the surface level, but you know... I've always been close to Doug. Always thought his nephew, his rather close-in-age nephew, was rather cute. Now he's handsome."

We kept chatting away for at least another hour before Doug proposed to Rebecca. She cried some rather happy tears that her now fiancé had listened to her and proposed just how she wanted. Doug had picked out a lovely ring. The smile never left Rebecca's face as we lined up to congratulate the happy pair. Doug couldn't stop beaming as I knew how much he loved Rebecca. They were going to make a very happy couple.

I didn't miss the fact that Wanda spent most of the night in my company, and whenever she held my hand, I found myself smiling. It was a simple gesture, but considering I'd gone without anything close to intimacy in over a year, it was nice just to feel her soft skin in my palm. The party started to wind down once the sky started to darken. After offering another congratulations to Doug and Rebecca, Wanda followed me outside to where I'd parked my car, her car on the other side of the road.

"What time should we meet tomorrow?" I asked.

"Why don't we meet around midday?"

"Parramatta?" I suggested, "I know there are a couple of rather lovely places to sit along the main drag now that they've put the tram lines in. Nice and quiet."

"Meet by the station?"


I took her in my arms again and closed my eyes as she felt rather nice to hug. I could smell the faint whiff of shampoo and perfume. Feeling her hugging me back tighter was even better. We must have hugged quietly for a few minutes before we both ended up clearing our throats, and I had a feeling we were both a little embarrassed.

After wishing each other goodnight, I drove home feeling rather good about life.

We both lived only a few stops away from Parramatta by train. I was waiting for her when she appeared through the barriers, greeting her with another hug though I added a kiss on the cheek this time. I also received another whiff of some rather delightful perfume.

Taking her hand, she gripped it tightly, interlacing our fingers, as we wandered down to George Street. It had been redeveloped over the past few years as the area was turned into a pedestrianised zone, the street now lined with restaurants, bars and other establishments catering to those who wanted to sit back, relax and watch the world go by.

Finding a shop with a free table and a couple of seats, the front of it had the windows wide open to allow in the breeze. After ordering our drinks and a snack, we made small talk, mostly continuing the conversations that we'd been having the previous night. I knew the topic of my loss always loomed in the background though we never really broached it. We focused more on our careers and interests, and also our joint viewpoint regarding the perils of dating in the modern world.

We'd enjoyed each other's company so much that we eventually strolled hand in hand along the river, ending up on the other side and walking back down a parallel street until we ended back near the station. I knew there were a couple of places nearby, eventually walking up to the Commercial Hotel where we enjoyed a beer for me and a glass of wine for Wanda.

Enjoying our second drink as we were thoroughly enjoying each other's company, Wanda eventually cleared her throat, reaching across the table to take my hand in hers. "Mike, I'm taking the bull by the horns. Would you like to come over to mine for dinner this week?"

"Sure. When?"

"Wednesday. I'm usually run off my feet at work on Mondays and Tuesdays. Wednesday is when things ease off and I can get home at a reasonable time. Remember where I live?"

"Best send me the address, just in case."

Walking back to the station after finishing our drinks, we enjoyed another hug though this time she leaned up and left a soft kiss on my cheek. When she leaned back enough that I could meet her eyes, the smile on her face caused my heart to start beating a little faster. The last time a woman had looked at me in such a manner...

Monday and Tuesday passed by quickly enough. We didn't exchange many messages during the day as we were both busy though that didn't stop us from messaging constantly once we were both home. When I suggested that I wasn't too bad in the kitchen myself, Wanda did suggest that she would like to try my cooking one day soon. I figured that I could invite her over during dinner at her place.

I arrived by car at her house on early Wednesday evening, Wanda greeting me at the door with the sort of cuddle I was already getting used to and another kiss on the cheek. Leading me inside by hand, I'd only ever been to her place a couple of times previously as we usually saw each other elsewhere. After a quick tour of her home, I stood opposite her at the kitchen counter while I nursed a beer, Wanda busy putting the finishing touches to the meal she'd prepared.

Sitting at the nearby table, we sat near each other while we were eating, managing to carry on the conversation while stuffing our faces. It was one hell of a meal and I must have complimented her a dozen times while eating. It was enough that she was blushing rather brightly by the time we'd cleared our plates.

After I helped clean up, we relaxed back on the couch in her living room, Wanda turned on the television to a music station so there was a little background music. She changed into some comfortable clothes, curling her legs underneath her as we sat rather close to each other.

"So you knew about my crush?" I finally asked, earning a delightful little giggle.

"You were not obvious. Doug eventually told me one day that it was obvious to him that you liked me. I know you're not that much younger than me, but at the time, it wouldn't have been right. Once you were old enough, the only time I was actually single was after you met Julia. And I was definitely not going to ruin that relationship."

"And now?" I asked, meeting her eyes.

"I've always liked you, Mike. And being honest, if you're willing, I'd love to see where this might go. I'm tired of being single. I'm tired of dating an endless line of shitty men. I know you've dealt with a lot of your own shit in the past eighteen months. What I'd like to do most is just make you smile all the time again."

"I think you could manage that. I've been smiling a lot the past couple of days. People are work were wondering why as I guess it's something I haven't been doing a lot lately."

That made her smile. "I'm glad that I was able to leave you feeling good about yourself, Mike."

I stayed until late in the evening, nursing only a couple of beers as the conversation rarely faltered. I wasn't surprised that the conversation did turn serious once we admitted that we did like each other and wanted to see where the relationship would go. I think we were realistic. Although we did like each other, it didn't mean that it would actually work out.

Walking out to my car alongside me, it was that awkward moment when parting how we say farewell. She gazed up at me with a smile, her blue eyes sparkling behind the thin lenses of her glasses, before I figured that I might as well just go for it and leaned down to kiss her. She kissed me back immediately, gently pulling her into my body, and though it wasn't an immediate hot and heavy passionate kiss, it was certainly a promise of something more to come.

"I'd better let you go," she whispered, "Otherwise I'm going to drag you back inside so we can keep doing that all night."

"Good first kiss?"

"I'm hoping for many more of them going forward." She cuddled into me, her head resting against my chest. "I like you, Mike. Always have. And you were wonderful company tonight."

"Would you like to come over on Saturday night? I can cook a few dishes."

"Like what?"

"Well, I have a penchant for something spicy. Usually a curry of some sort or Mexican."

"I'll be honest, I love a good curry. Don't care about the origin. I don't like it scorching hot, just enough that I know it's spicy and a subtle heat."

"Think I know just what to cook. Want to come around mid-afternoon?"

The smile on her face had me immediately smiling at her in return. "I'd love to. And I won't come empty-handed."

We shared another kiss and I don't think either of us wanted to break apart. We eventually pulled back at the same time before I let her go, getting into my car and lowering the window as she leaned forward to cross her forearms on the door. I started the car and turned to face her. Her fingers caressed my cheek before we kissed again.

"Mike... I don't exactly want to part on this note, but can we take it nice and slow when it comes to being together?"

"I'm not in a rush either, Wanda," I admitted, "I know it's been a while for me, but I promised myself that I didn't need to go and sow wild oats or anything. I loved being married, and so I told myself that I would find a woman that I wanted to be in a relationship with first."

"Good. I like that thought." She paused and kissed my cheek. "I don't want to wait too long though," she whispered, "I'm feeling good about this already."

"Bring a bag if you want to stay on Saturday night. If you don't want to stay in my bedroom, I have a spare bed at least."

"Hmmm. Snuggling sounds nice."

Everyone at work was now left wondering who the lucky lady was as I knew that I didn't stop smiling all through Thursday and Friday. I hadn't been walking around in a bad mood the past few months, but everyone knew about my loss, and I think they were just happy to see me smiling once again. I caught up with my friends on Friday night and they all seemed to be in the know about what was going on. They'd all known me long enough to be aware of my crush on Wanda when I was younger.

I woke up nice and early on Saturday morning as I wanted to get all my chores completed, and the house looking nice and tidy for when Wanda arrived. Grocery shopping didn't take too long as I knew what I wanted, and as I hated doing a 'big shop', I had most of what I needed in the house already. By the time Wanda knocked on my front door, I felt prepared for her arrival. Greeting her with a hug and kiss on the cheek, I didn't miss the backpack over her shoulder.

"You have a lovely home," she stated as I showed her around, not surprised she stopped at the photo I kept on the mantlepiece. She glanced my way and smiled. "I'm glad you left this out, Mike."

"I'm not going to hide from anyone that I'm a widower though I knew you'd understand," I replied.

Escorting her to the backyard, we'd never gotten around to having a pool installed though I had installed some decking, so I had outside furniture at least. A small garden and I kept the lawn neatly mowed. I found mowing therapeutic and lawn care was something I took seriously.

I had the meal cooking slowly as we returned inside, pouring Wanda a glass of wine and we moved back to the living room. I had soft music playing in the background as we continued to talk. If I was reading her body language correctly, she wasn't there just to eat.

After we finished eating, Wanda being very complimentary regarding my cooking, we ended up on the couch again and we were making out within a matter of minutes. I kept my hands on her back or her arse most of the time as her hand ended up underneath my t-shirt and her fingers ran through my chest hair. She almost growled as I had a feeling that we were both incredibly aroused.

"Mike, I'm sleeping in your room tonight. Just so you know," she whispered.

"You'll be the first woman to keep me company."

"And maybe the last?"

I leaned back enough to meet her eyes and smiled. "Feeling good about this already?"

"Everyone at work has been wondering what the hell has had me smiling all week."

I couldn't help laughing as I admitted the same thing. She eventually snuggled with me as we calmed down and watched a movie together, a new release that was a mixture of action, comedy and a little romance. When the movie finished, we resumed our make-out session, Wanda eventually straddled my lap and I'm sure she would have felt my erection as she was only wearing a skirt and I knew her panties were rubbing against my shorts.

Easily picking her up had her giggling as her legs wrapped around me, carrying her through to my bedroom. It was only when I placed her down on my bed that she softly asked me to stop.

"I know," I assured her, "We're taking things nice and slow."

"I'll get changed for bed," she said, "I'm hoping for a lot more kissing and cuddling."

Okay, she was just far too adorable. Older than me though many probably wouldn't have guessed it. While she was changing in the bathroom, I stripped off down to my underwear and slid into bed. Wanda appeared in the doorway a couple of minutes later wearing a slinky vest top and only a pair of panties. I was expecting pyjamas and not that much skin. She blushed as I couldn't help drinking in her petite form.

Cuddling into my side once she was under the sheets, we shared a series of kisses before we fell silent and simply cuddled into each other. I think she'd already realised that she was nothing like my wife which could only be a good thing. My wife had been rather voluptuous and rather tall for a woman. A rather large chest, lovely curves, and the sort of arse I always wanted to pinch. Wanda was nothing like her and I think that would have been a relief to her most of all. I wasn't looking for a replacement. I was looking for something new.

Waking up together the next morning, Wanda was spooned against me and I knew she would have felt something poking her immediately. She was already awake and seemed to sense that I'd woken up as she immediately moved back against my chest while wiggling her bum against me.

"Someone's happy to wake up next to me in the morning," she whispered.

"Well, I guess it is part of the fantasy," I replied.

She rolled over to face me, snuggling into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. Hearing her sigh contentedly had me smiling as it already felt right in my mind. We stayed like that for quite a while before we both felt the urge to get up and start our morning. She wasn't after anything too extravagant for breakfast, taking time to slowly wake up and begin our day.

Agreeing to spend the day together, we headed out late in the morning, ending up on the train and travelling all the way into the city. We enjoyed a light lunch by the harbour before strolling around, always holding hands. We stayed out long enough to stop at a couple of bars and enjoy a drink before finally hopping on a train heading home.

Snuggling into my side during the ride, she whispered, "We should do this every weekend."

"Head into the city?"

"No. Well, maybe that. I mean spend all weekend together." She glanced up at me and smiled. "I mean, if you'd like to do that."

"Can't think of many other people I'd like to spend that much time with."

"Then it's sorted. I'll finish work on Friday afternoon and come straight to yours. And, if you like the idea, I can stay until Monday morning."

"What about during the week?"

"You're more than welcome to come visit and stay with me. And I'll happily cook my man dinner."

"I'm your man, am I?"

She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "I think you're very close to being my boyfriend already. Just one more thing we need to do together before we can confirm that."

I knew what she meant. She grabbed her bag from inside once we were back at my place, walking outside to her car. We shared one hell of a kiss before she got behind the wheel and I wasn't surprised that she invited me over for dinner on Tuesday, adding that perhaps I should bring a bag this time.

We eventually had dinner at her place twice during the week. I stayed each night in her bed, and it resulted in a lot of making out and cuddling, but I could sense we were both hesitant about making love. I knew why I was. I'd been in love and committed to my wife, and I was already thinking of a future with Wanda. I wanted to make sure we had some sort of commitment before we made that final step.

When I finally told her my thoughts a couple of weeks later, she nearly started to cry. She assured me they were happy tears because she took my hands, met my eyes, and admitted that she was already falling in love with me. That led to one hell of a passionate kiss before I admitted my own feelings of growing love for her in return.

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