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My Uncle's Best Friend


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"I love you," she whispered on Saturday night when we were in bed. She was down to just her panties, her small B-cup breasts pressed into my chest.

"Wanda, I don't think you realise how much I love you already," I replied, earning such a smile before she kissed me, feeling her pressing herself into my groin. I was almost perpetually hard while we were in bed together. She had joked more than once about leaving me with blue balls and being sorry about that.

I knew we were on the verge of giving in to temptation, but it had been a long time for both of us. She'd been waiting longer than me, and I knew she was carrying her own scars as a couple of previous boyfriends had broken her heart. Neither of us was going to force the issue, it was going to happen naturally, and I knew she was hesitant about going full-court press on me because she knew I was being patient for both of us.

"Mike... Do you... um... jerk off a lot?" she asked after breakfast the next morning. I looked at her and started to chuckle. "I know people don't usually talk about their habits, but I feel you hard against me, and I love the feeling, so I'm just wondering..."

"What about you?"

"Mike, when I get home after visiting you, I usually have to take off my panties and wring them dry. And I definitely have to take the edge off most nights nowadays."

The blush immediately came to my face. I knew I aroused her, but hearing her put it like that was a real turn-on. "To answer your original question, I guess I have taken matters into my own hands more often lately," I replied.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Taking her hands in mine, I gave her a soft kiss. "Don't be sorry. We agreed to..."

"Mike, take me to bed now," she whispered, "Please..."

I did as she asked, and given neither of us was wearing much, it didn't take long for us to get naked. I'd already seen her breasts often enough. Lowering her panties, she kept her pubic hair trimmed and her pussy otherwise neat. Her scent was intoxicating, and in the light provided through the window, her arousal was obvious. When she helped lower my underwear, her eyes lit up at seeing my cock for the first time. Hearing a compliment about your junk always raises your ego.

Moving onto the bed, Wanda learned that I loved to give. Her body was a playground and I was going to enjoy it. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive, her nipples rather pink and I had her moaning whenever I gave them attention. Her skin was soft and I enjoyed leaving kisses everywhere. Arriving at the junction between her legs, she wasn't shy in spreading them wide, and when I gave her an orgasm for the first time, I met her eyes and noticed her lower lip trembling.

"I love you so much already," she moaned softly, "Once we make love, Mike, that'll be it. Everything will be perfect."

It was perfect. My cock isn't anything particularly special, but when I finally slid inside Wanda, I couldn't believe how tight she was. I knew she was already hot to trot, but the noise she made as I slowly sank inside her was something else entirely. Her pussy was almost sucking my cock deeper and deeper, an urge to ensure we were fully joined as quickly as possible.

Moving in unison, it didn't take long before we were smiling at each other as I knew this was it. I'd found the one I wanted to be with, and the look in her eyes suggested she was feeling it too. The way her fingers would dig into my back as her arousal increased, feeling her legs move to ensure that I wouldn't pull out when I needed to cum.

Admittedly, I didn't last all that long the first time. I was far too excited and she felt far too good. Warning her that I was close, she kissed me softly and told me to finish.

"I'm on birth control for now," she whispered, "Though I'm hoping in the future, I can stop taking it."

"Yeah?" I replied rather dumbly as I met her eyes.

"We're perfect together, Mike. This is it. You're mine forever now."

"I think I can live with that."

We made love for what felt like hours. I would orgasm and Wanda would do her level best to get me nice and hard again as quickly as possible. When she went down on me, I couldn't help smiling as she insisted that she would always return the favour as I'd already proved that I loved giving oral myself. Watching her ride me was a vision, my petite goddess loving it as she enjoyed a series of orgasms before I needed to climax again.

By the time we fell asleep in each other's arms, I think we both knew that our future would be together.

I was busy at work on Wednesday when Doug called me. I'd heard from him every so often while dating Wanda though he never usually called me during the day. He sounded ever so excited when I picked up my phone.

"Mate, I don't know what you've done but I've never heard Wanda sound as happy as she sounds," he told me, "I guess things are getting pretty serious?"

"Serious enough that I'm tempted to invite her to move in sooner rather than later," I told him, "Don't mention it to her, but it would be the next natural move regarding our relationship."

"Given where she lives and the fact that she's stuck in rental hell..."

"How are things with you and Rebecca?"

"Still in the planning stages. I'm guessing the invitation I send out for you and for Wanda might have to go to a single address now."

"I'm sure Wanda will keep you informed. Sorry if I've been taking all her attention lately."

"Mike, you are honestly the best thing to happen to her in a long time. Everyone is happy for her and for both of you. Trust me when I say that she's never been as happy as she is now."

It didn't take long until our relationship was at the point that Wanda and I were together every night, and I wasn't oblivious to the fact that Wanda enjoyed spending more of her time at my place than hers. Before I asked her to move in, there was one request I had to make of her that had me unsure as to how she would react. I knew it was going to sound weird though when I mentioned it to my parents and sisters, they thought it was a rather sweet gesture.

Wanda was around on Thursday night. We'd cooked dinner together and were relaxing in the living room when I gave her a gentle squeeze. "Sweetheart, there's something I want to ask you but I'm not sure how you're going to react," I stated.

"I'm guessing it's not about moving in or marriage if that's how you put it!" she retorted humorously.

I took a deep breath. "I was wondering what you would think if I introduced you to Julia's parents."

Wanda immediately turned to face me. What I didn't expect was the smile on her face. "I think that's a lovely idea, honey," she replied, leaning up to kiss my cheek, "I know they're still important people in your life. And I'd love to meet them."

"You would?"

"I met Julia more than once, Mike. I remember how much she loved you. And if she loved you that much, I can only imagine how much her parents must adore you as well."

I sighed with relief, much to her amusement. I called Julia's mother the next day and asked if she and her husband wanted to come visit for lunch as I wanted to introduce Wanda to them. She was delighted to hear about the invitation, and although I had mentioned a relationship, I'd kept my cards close to my chest.

Wanda was understandably nervous on Sunday in the minutes before they were due to arrive. I assured her that they were going to fall in love with her immediately, and if I loved her, that's what mattered. I answered the door upon hearing the knock, greeting my father-in-law with the standard handshake and then my mother-in-law with a kiss on the cheek and a cuddle.

When it came to introducing Wanda, John, my father-in-law, practically adopted her immediately. Mary, my mother-in-law, gave me a look of approval within two minutes. As for Wanda, she had another set of parents and I could see she absolutely adored them in return. Lunch was a success and it was Wanda who insisted that we catch up as often as possible, and there was the idea of introducing Wanda's parents too.

The next weekend, I asked Wanda to move in with me. She cried, hugged me as tightly as ever before we shared such a kiss, we ended up in the bedroom and it was only a couple of hours later that we turned to each other and I joked, "What did I ask again?"

"I'm guessing you've already taken note of the things I've been leaving here."

"You can move some of your things into the garage. I'm guessing you'll either put the rest in storage or sell?"

"I plan on moving in and never leaving, so I think I'll just have a garage sale." I met her eyes and couldn't stop the stupid grin. "I said this was going to be forever, Mike."

We were eager to live together. The very next weekend, I organised a van to help bring over some of the bits and pieces she wanted to bring, but we spent most of the time cleaning the place and organising a garage sale for the next weekend. Wanda admitted that she wasn't particularly sad to be moving out given it was a rental. She was only worried about getting her bond back so we spent Saturday and Sunday of the weekend after scrubbing the place from top to bottom.

Two months later, Wanda and I attended the wedding of Doug and Rebecca. Our relationship wasn't a secret to anyone, and I could only hope that we were not the centre of attention on their big day. Doug couldn't have looked happier while Rebecca was a gorgeous bride. During the reception, Wanda dragged me up to the dancefloor to dance, moulding her body against mine with her head resting against my chest.

"Think someone might be next on the chopping block," Doug stated from nearby.

"Leave him alone," Rebecca admonished him, "But you do look rather adorable together, Mike. And your dress is wonderful, Wanda. Thank you both for being here today."

"And at least we only had to send out the one invitation," Doug added.

"Hmmm. Maybe Doug was right. I hope we get an invite," Rebecca said with a grin.

To be honest, I'd already been thinking about proposing. The moment I realised that I was in love with her was the moment that I knew I would end up proposing. Wanda would never pressure me to do so though we had discussed marriage, children and a life together. We knew discussing such things was sensible so we were on the same page or at least could come to some agreement. We agreed that getting married would be the final step in our own relationship, but given that she was approaching forty, she was eager to start at least trying for children.

Unlike the proposal of Rebecca, Wanda seemed to have an inkling that I was thinking about proposing. She didn't make any outrageous requests though when we went ring shopping, she did give me suggestions as to what she might like. But when it came to the proposal itself, she insisted on it being a private moment between only the two of us.

Keeping that in mind, I tried to think of a place that was sentimental to us both. And I remembered a picnic we'd shared not long after we'd started dating. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I'd driven us from the western suburbs all the way into the city to the eastern suburbs. There are parks just west of what is known as 'The Heads' (otherwise known as Sydney Heads, the entrance to Sydney Harbour) where we'd enjoyed more than one picnic over the months.

I bought the ring that I could only hope she loved and suggested another picnic by the harbour on Sunday. Wanda loved the idea as the weather was meant to be perfect and she loved a picnic. The pair of us sitting back on a blanket, picking at some nibbles, sipping at our drinks, either chatting away about any topic that came to mind or Wanda would cuddle into me and we'd lie back in contented silence.

She knew, of course. Wanda had me figured out rather quickly. It didn't stop her from crying when I proposed, her hand shaking as I slid the ring onto her finger. I didn't need to make any sort of grandiose speech. Wanda knew how much I loved her, and when she clutched at me tightly and whispered how much she loved me, I knew she was right about one thing.

We would be forever.

As soon as we let the families know, including Julia's, everyone wanted to celebrate with an engagement party. Wanda was happy to have one as the proposal was at least private, so a month later, we gathered with all our friends and family to celebrate our impending nuptials. My parents were delighted that I was getting married again. Wanda's parents adored me already and wanting to marry their daughter only improved our relationship.

"When do you want to start trying?" she asked me that night.

"Want to possibly be pregnant when we get married, or wait until we're married?"

"Hmmm. I've waited this long. I guess waiting a couple more months won't be too bad. I think I'll stop taking my birth control soon though."

"Doctor has given me the all clear. What about you?"

"I'm fertile as hell, Mike," she replied, causing us both to chuckle before she snuggled tighter into me, "I can't wait to start our family."

I enjoyed organising our wedding with Wanda. I'd done the same with Julia, wanting to know as much as I could, remembering how much Julia appreciated my interest. Our wedding day was as much about me as was about her, the joining of two lives, the expression of our love and commitment to each other. Like the proposal, Wanda didn't want an enormous, grandiose wedding. We would invite our family and close friends. Maybe a couple of close colleagues from work. The wedding itself would be held outside on a warm spring day, keeping our fingers crossed the sun would be out.

Wanda has no interest in a hen's night, having read too many horror stories about what could go wrong. I trusted her anyway, and she knew that she'd never do anything that would fail the 'future husband test', but all she ended up doing was going out for a few drinks after work one evening. I did the same thing with my friends, nothing more than a few beers at a local pub, chewing the fat and enjoying a good laugh.

"Nervous?" Mark asked, my best man again. He'd been by my side during those dark days after the loss.

"No, mate. Can't wait to see her," I replied somewhat excitedly, hearing him, James and Greg chuckling. My fourth groomsman was Doug as I had to include him considering his own relationship with Wanda. And my last groomsman was Julia's brother. We'd always been friendly, and our friendship had become closer after our joint loss. He absolutely adored Wanda and had approved of her immediately. He told me that, as far as he was concerned, he now had another sister, feeling the same way about my two sisters.

Wanda looked stunning in her white dress as she was escorted by her father. Complimenting her when taking my hand, I could feel hers shaking slightly, lifting away the veil and kissing her cheek. I heard Mark mutter something about being a lucky son of a bitch which had both of us laughing. The ceremony was rather simple without any religious overtones. An exchanging of vows and rings. Promises of love and fidelity. And an ending kiss that we kept somewhat chaste.

After a series of photos taken nearby, we were escorted to the hotel where our reception was being held. Walking into the ballroom to be greeted by everyone had us both smiling before I escorted Wanda over to a little something I'd organised. It was a photo wall of all our friends and family over the years, but I knew she would appreciate a little something.

Taking pride of place were a series of photos. In the middle was a photo of my new wife and I, taken not long after our relationship was official. It was taken at a party with Wanda cuddled into my side, gazing up at me as I returned her gaze. The love was evident. But alongside our photo was one of me, Julia and our daughter, and another of Wanda and Julia's parents that I'd taken during one our of meetings. Julia's parents were in attendance, and I had someone bring them over to look at the photo wall. Mary couldn't contain her tears, hugging me tightly, Wanda hugged me and her at the same time.

"I'm thinking our children are going to have three sets of grandparents," Wanda stated, "I promise that you will always be a part of our lives. We've already agreed that we'd love you to be godparents."

"Good thing you married her, Mike!" John stated, "A woman like this wouldn't remain unmarried too much longer."

It was a fantastic evening. Everyone had a great time. Sure, a few people had too much to drink, but thankfully there were no arguments or fights. I loved our first dance, Wanda moulding against me and whispering incredibly dirty suggestions into my ear. When I met her eyes, she smiled as I knew how I was looking at her.

"I'm thinking we conceive tonight if we're lucky enough," she whispered, "Want to give it a go?"

"You realise if I drag you out of here now, everyone will know why."


"You are a naughty little minx, o' wife of mine."

"And you just remember that. I might just wait at home all naked for you once we're home from our honeymoon. Or let you know I'm home naked and see how quickly you can get home."

"You totally want to get pregnant, don't you?"

"God yes. I want our family to start straight away."

We didn't leave our own reception too early as we were enjoying time spent with family and friends. Everyone had their chance to spend a little time with the bride and groom. All her friends loved me. All my friends loved her. The families were already close and friendly, and Julia's family was very much a part of their lives. My parents had kept their own close relationship with them.

Making love that night as husband and wife was wonderful. Wanda barely stopped smiling and appreciated it when her new husband made sure she enjoyed herself. When it came to making love, she whispered into my ear how fertile she was, how eager she was for me to knock her up, how much sex she was going to ensure we had in the future as she was getting close to forty and knew she was going to be horny all the time. Meeting her eyes, she smirked before I climaxed, and I growled that my wife was going to be a kept woman from now on.

Taking a two-week honeymoon was a great way to start our marriage, boarding a cruise ship at Circular Quay as it would take us around the Pacific Islands. We paid for a lovely cabin that came with a balcony. And given that they knew we were on honeymoon, the crew of the ship went out of their way to ensure our journey was memorable.

When Wanda told me that she was pregnant a couple of months later, I think we both started to laugh as it was obvious where we'd conceived. What made me chuckle even more was the fact that she dragged me to our bedroom and demanded I fuck her. Just to be completely sure, she suggested.

She went into labour a couple of weeks early while we were home asleep. Having been through it once before, I even surprised myself by how calm I was. We'd been through all the classes together, Wanda not overly concerned as I walked her to my car and then quickly drove her to the hospital. Her labour was lengthy, wanting me in the delivery room with her the entire time. I'd called the families while she had been briefly taken away.

By the time she'd delivered our baby girl, nearly everyone was present to hear the happy news.



I placed the flowers down on the first grave while my two girls placed flowers down on the smaller grave next to it. Standing back, I felt Wanda take my hand in hers, her head resting against my upper arm. Our two girls stepped back and cuddled into my side.

"You think she's watching us from heaven, Daddy?" Belinda asked in that cute little voice of hers.

Although Wanda and I were not particularly religious, our girls learned certain things at school. And even non-religious people can be left hoping there is a heaven. The thought certainly gave me comfort during those dark days after I'd lost them.

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