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My Visit to the Clinic

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My visit to the doctor ends with me serving as her chair.
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*(Read before reading. Contains mentions of shit.)*

One day I decided to go to see a doctor, since I was worried about the look of my erections. Something just felt odd about them, which had gotten me worried. It was something like it was slanting a little to the right. I had read on the internet that it was possible to get a doctor to look at it, so I decided to give it a try.

I had attempted to get an appointment a week in advance and had explained the circumstances, but because I was too nervous, they told me to come down to the clinic that day.

I drove down to the clinic and waited in the waiting room for them to call me in. It took around half an hour, and then a female doctor came out and yelled, "John Smith," which was my name, so I stood up and said, "Yes." The doctor then asked me to enter the room she came out from.

When I walked into the room, I could feel the temperature of my surroundings rising. She must obviously have turned on the heat, which was weird, because it was late spring.

The temperature only caught my attention for a short moment though, before I got a look at the doctor. I was not very tall, and had only average looks, so when I saw how tall and beautiful the female doctor was, I got a lot more nervous than I already was. Especially considering the circumstances of my visit.

The doctor looked at me from her desk in the corner and said, "Take a seat," so I walked over and nervously sat down. The doctor's eyes never left me as I walked over to the chair, which made me feel a lot of pressure. When I sat down, I tried to keep eye contact, but my eyes couldn't help looking away from the doctor's.

The doctor smiled and said, "My name is Alice. You can call me Doctor Alice. You don't need to introduce yourself," she ended, noticing I was going to tell her my name.

She then continued, "John, we are here today, as far I can understand from our earlier conversation on the phone, because you feel like the way your erection looks is odd, correct?"

"Y...Yes, Miss Alice," I answered, evidently giving away how nervous I was.

"Okayy...well for me to check whether there's something wrong with your erection, I am going to have to see it," she told me in an unhurried tone. "Unfortunately, I am the only doctor in the clinic, so it isn't possible for a male to take on the task. I hope you're fine with that."

Honestly, I was a bit hesitant, but I knew that since she was a doctor, I would be childish if I said I wasn't, so I faced her and answered, "Of course, Miss Alice," and looked away right after.

"Ok, now for you to get that erection, I can offer you anything that could be of assistance, you just have to say it," she said, and when I heard that, something must have snapped in my brain, for what I was about to say was really the most ridiculous thing you could imagine.

To give some background to what I was about to say, I was a massive sub, in the context of BDSM. I had always fantasized about being dominated by a woman and used for her pleasure.

I would imagine myself being squashed under her bottom until I was about to pass out, and then her farting in my face, so that when she lifted her ass to give me some air, her stench would be the only thing I would smell. I would often jerk off to these kinds of fantasies and videos in this category.

So, what I ended up shakingly saying was, "Maybe you could fart on my face." I didn't dare look up after that, sure that she was going to be angry at me and ask me to leave, but the only thing I heard was my own heartbeat, and the sound of a quiet room.

Therefore, I built up some courage and raised my head. Miss Alice was looking down at me with lofty eyes and asked, "Is that going to help you get an erection?"

I answered "Yess..." and looked at her with pleading eyes.

Then she stood up and started moving her chair away from her desk, over to another corner of the room and walked back to her desk.

Just as I was wondering what she was doing, she told me, "Fine, you can serve as my chair here while I do the rest of my work for the day." She followed up by saying, "You are not allowed to speak, and if you are spoken to, you may refer to me as Mistress Alice, do you understand?"

I hurriedly got on my knees under her desk and said, "I understand, Mistress Alice."

She looked down at me and said, "Good boy. You're learning quick," and walked towards me straddling my head.

She was wearing a short skirt, so when I looked up I could see her pure white panties, but that didn't last long, as she placed her ass down on my face and covered it. My nose got buried deep into her crack, and I started having trouble breathing.

She applied all her weight to my face and said in a tone of pleasure, "The chairs in this establishment are so uncomfortable, so using you as my chair is really relieving my butt. What do you think, chair?"

"I am very thankful to be able to relieve Mistress Alice's butt," I answered.

"Good chair," she said, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my face, so my nose got pressed further up her crack, allowing me to smell the stench from her butt. It smelled like a mixture of sweat and shit.

Truth be told, I already had a raging erection in my pants at this point, making an obvious tent, but Mistress Alice didn't seem to mind and started doing her work.

Then, I sat kneeling under her desk for five minutes. She would sometimes shift her weight a little, further pressing me inside her asscrack. And then—


She let out a stinking fart directly unto my face. The smell assaulted my nose. It smelled worse than I imagined, but that just turned me on further.

"Remember to breathe it all in, so I don't have to smell them, I want to feel you sucking in the air beneath my ass," she said, with an authoritative tone.

"Yes, Mistress Alice," I obediently answered, and started breathing in heavy breaths through my nose, trying to catch every whiff of the smell coming out from her ass.

"Prrrrfffteee, prft."

She kept farting on my face, the newest always smelling worse than the last. I kept down my urge to choke from the horrible smell, and kept breathing in deeply, until I could even taste the smell on my tongue.

"Chair you are doing well. I can really feel you breathing in my farts, so I will allow you the privilege of pleasing my asshole," Mistress Alice said, and stood up to remove her panties. "Now thank me for giving a chair like you this privilege."

I looked up at her, with a worshipping look on my face and said, "Thank you so much, Mistress Alice, for giving your chair the privilege of serving your asshole."

She looked down at me with a pleased look. "Good. Then get to it." She then sat down on my face again, this time with her asshole over my mouth.

"Start by kissing my asshole." I started kissing her asshole, which left a taste of something salty and stinky on my lips, which turned me on further.

After kissing her asshole for a whole two minutes, Mistress Alice said, "Now stick your tongue out and lick my asshole clean. I have become very sweaty down there from the heat of the room." I then started lapping the outside of her asshole with my tongue, making sure not to miss a spot.

After doing that for a while, I stuck my tongue up her ass and began cleaning inside her. The taste of shit from inside her ass was so bad that I nearly choked, but I kept it down and continued pleasing Mistress Alice.

I could hear that she had begun breathing more roughly and from time to time, I would hear a moan coming from her mouth, making me all the more motivated to keep going. I stretched my tongue as far it would go up her asshole, and started licking and twisting with my tongue to pleasure Mistress Alice.

"That's a good chair, very good! Keep licking inside my ass and make me cum on you!!"

I continued twisting and licking deep inside her, all the while the taste of her ass kept attacking the taste buds in my mouth.

Then I felt her spasm, and she hurriedly moved her pussy over my mouth and yelled, "Swallow it!!!" Liquid started spraying into my mouth. At first it tasted sweet of cum, but then it started to taste salty, and I realized she had begun peeing into me.

My mouth was about to fill up, so I began to swallow all that she sprayed into me. The taste of her pee was awful, but that only pushed my erection further, making me close to ejaculating.

Just before I could come, however, she stopped peeing and placed her high-heeled foot down on my penis, blocking anything from coming out.

"You can't come, or else I won't be able to see your erection, will I?" she smiled mercilessly at me, sweat covering her forehead, clearly giving away how much she enjoyed cumming on me.

I could only try to hold back my ejaculation for Mistress Alice's sake.

Then she bent down and pulled down my pants, revealing my erect penis.

"Ok, let's see here, it doesn't look like there is anything seriously wrong here," she said, "but just to make sure, you can meet me here again tomorrow at the same time and I can check it again, just to make sure. You okay with that, chair?"

I couldn't believe it, but I didn't forget to hurriedly nod my head, "Yes, Mistress Alice. Please let me come again."

She then looked down at me and smiled, "Good chair. Then you may take your leave."

I pulled up my pants, and walked out of the room and shut the door, not missing the glance Mistress Alice shot me when I left.

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GayKatGayKatover 1 year ago

A Beautiful Hot Sexy Story!


Hallo FdomMsub!


This is a beautiful story, but it's quite obvious to me you've never had anyone sitting on your face while kneeling behind her,,, yes!


Finding a domme doctor like your Dr Alice would truly be a treasure... and if she happens to also be gay..

Wow!... Even if she is still straddling the fence, you know a bisexual, one weekend in our play-room with myself, Queen Jackie and six or seven of our (FWB) Friends with Benefits, she wouldn't be straddling the fence any-longer!

Queen Jackie and I are in agreement with our friend and Author, Mistress Leslie Jones..

It's a very interesting well written story... 5-Stars and 5-farting, Peeing Orgasms, Thank-You!


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!


scatfacesittingscatfacesittingover 2 years ago

je to sice velmi krásný příběh, ale nedokázal jsem si představit, jak otrok klečí a ona mu sedí na tom obličeji.

Původně, než jsem začal číst, jsem myslel, že bude mít položenou hlavu na křesle, na který si ona sedne.

Jinak velmi krásný příběh, který se dá číst jedním dechem až do konce.

HerRectalSlaveHerRectalSlaveover 3 years ago

I haven't had a round with a lady doctor before and probably never will. But I am a slave to women that love to make their men suck farts out of their asses. And just about anything else associated with ass domination, except for scat. Your story, was fantastic, and I gave it a 5 star rating. Keep up the good work. I like it.

lesliejoneslesliejonesalmost 4 years ago

I liked this story as it presents Dr Alice as a delightful, no-nonsense domme who enjoys facesitting complete with farting on male subs. The way the story is written makes it very believable. I write stories on this site and I feel this story covers an area I have not dealt with. I found it very nicely done.

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