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My Wife and My Virgin Friends Pt. 01

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Claire spends time alone topless with my virgin friends.
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Throughout my life, I'd never been much of a social or outgoing person. It just wasn't my nature. Always the quite kid, I learned to find a kind of vicarious thrill in watching or observing others as they did what I couldn't or wouldn't do.

I had a small, close knit circle of friends I'd known since high school, but that was it. That was enough. We all got along well being outcasts in one form or another, but even among our group I was noticeably less outgoing. They always joked about how much of a recluse I was. Telling me I'd stay single my whole life if I didn't get out more, despite the fact that not one of them had so much as talked to a girl alone. I was a proud smug man the day I showed them all, being the only one in our group to get a girlfriend.

We meet online, talking to each other on message boards for months before we finally met up. She was even more beautiful than the few pictures she'd shown suggested, even funnier in person and all around just amazing to be with! She was everything I could have wanted and I knew from that day I'd make her my wife.

That felt like a lifetime ago now, though it hadn't even been ten years yet. Claire and I had been married for a while now, living together in an apartment while we tried to save for a house. If it were just up to me, we would have already had a a beautiful child together but Claire insisted we own our own place before having kids.

"I just don't want our kids growing up in such a cramped space, without any grass for them to run around on!"

"I know, I know. But it just feels like prices keep rising faster than we can save!" This was an argument we'd had weekly now, but we always just seemed to go in circles.

"We'll figure something out, right?" She leant down to kiss my forehead, before finishing getting changed. "We always do, don't we?"

I leant back on the bed, I'd been ready to go for a good few minutes but Claire was only just throwing her top on. The years had been far kinder to her then they'd been to me. Though, that was certainly because she put in far more effort than I did.

She was a small girl, smaller even than I was which I was secretly thankful for. Her curly brown hair reached down just below her shoulders, and bright blue eyes that just lit up her face. She normally wore glasses but right now they were off, giving me a clear view of the fair line of feckless that crossed the middle of her face.

"Is this top alright, Simon?" She asked me while staring at herself in the mirror. "I like the material but I hate how much cleavage it shows."

Her chest was a point of insecurity that i just never understood. They were large, larger than my head maybe, and so beautifully soft and pale. But as much as I loved them, I did have to admit that on her smaller frame they looked a little out of place. She'd never gone in to it fully but I was pretty sure she got teased for them a lot in high school, and that was why she was spending so much time online like I was.

"You look perfect." I told her. The shirt definitely showed off more cleavage than she usually did, but I didn't think any of the guys would complain. You could almost make out her bra through the white material, but only if you looked really closely.

"Ughh, I knew I should have done that washing earlier." She let out a sigh and then picked up her bag, hitching it to her shoulder. "Let's just go, we're already late."

She walked out first and I followed right behind. Watching her skirt bounce as she skipped out of the apartment. Even in a frustrated mood, she always had a positive energy about her and that went double on game night.

As much as my friends had teased me about Claire not being real when we were dating online, they fully embraced her after they met for real. Our games nights had been strictly guys only but for the last few years they'd been happy for Claire to come. A little too happy maybe.

While it felt like my life had been a whirlwind of change that was only just getting started, the guys seemed to live in a never changing bubble. They still worked their same dead end jobs, still stayed up all night gaming and still hadn't had a single girlfriend between the three of them.

The only thing that's really changed is that they've gotten a bit more desperate. They had always been jealous of me and Claire, but recently their comments and leering had become more prominent. Claire never seemed to notice, but I could see how their stared at her sometimes. It's probably something I should have discouraged or talked to them about by now, but their longing gazes always gave me a kind of confidence boost.

I knew that her wearing a shirt as tight and low cut as hers was would be asking for trouble tonight. I knew that more than ever their horny eyes would be all over her. But I couldn't have known just how much of an effect it would have on them.

"I shouldn't have worn this top." Claire said, crossing her arms over her chest as we walked up to the guys apartment. "I'm already getting looks."

"If anyone is looking, it's only because you're too beautiful to look away from." I told her, wrapping my arm around her waist.

She blushed but didn't say anything else as we climbed up the apartment steps, keeping her arms over her cleavage. She was normal so confident but when it came to her appearance that all just fell apart.

"You think they've cleaned up at all since last time?" Claire asked as we approached their door.

"I'd be willing to be those dishes in the sink haven't even moved a inch." I joked back. We both would have much preferred hosting these nights ourselves, but their were three of them and two of us. It was just easier going over here than for all of them to come to us.

We didn't bother knocking on the door and just opened it, these guys weren't they type to remember to lock it even living in the side of town they did.

"Hey hey look what the cat dragged in." Tom said, leaning back in his chair and making no effort to hide where his eyes were staring. "And what a beautiful cat she is today."

Tom was the tallest and skinniest of the three, and that made him think he was the smoothest. His short curly hair and acne that still persisted on his face didn't help him with the ladies though. Out if our group he was the guy with the next most experience with girls though, and that made the others respect him.

"Come on Tom, don't talk about her like that." Dorian said in that nasally tone he always had. "Clearly she's a fox ya know? A voluptuous vixen."

Dorian fit the basement dwelling nerd archetype to a T. Not only was he on the larger side, but also hygiene seemed to be a concept beyond his grasp. It wasn't even just the smell that was a problem, but his thinning short brown hair was visibly greasy and matted.

"Alright boys settle down." Claire said, relaxing her posture and dropping her arms to her sides. "If anything I'm a beautiful Swan. Flying high in the sky, far, far out of your reach."

I loved knowing she didn't feel ashamed or intimidated by these guys, even with as crass as they were. She knew they were all bark, no bite and wasn't above teasing them right back.

"H-hi Claire." Jimmy said as we took our seats at the table, his voice as quite and meek as he was.

Jimmy was a small guy, smaller than me even and I was already below average. He was the kind of guy that still tucked his shirt out of high school, and would have been even more reclusive than I was if the other guys didn't pressure him to go out with them. To top it all off he even went and got braces on a few months back, which combined with the thick rimmed glasses he wore completed his look as a stereotypical, capital N nerd.

"Oh hi my best friends for almost a decade now, so nice to see you again." I said in a mocking tone. "Oh me I'm doing well, thanks for asking."

"What's that? You're here Simon? Somehow I didn't notice you come in..."

Dorian stared right down Claire's cleavage as he talked, as did all the other guys. Claire was leaning against the table which was already at chest height, having them spill out onto the table and be pushed up by it. She could have sat back a little to avoid it happening, but I knew she liked the attention she'd got here. Especially after getting unwanted looks in public, flaunting a little here seemed to be her way of feeling in control again.

"That's no way to treat a guest Dory." Claire said. Her little mocking nick name for him. "You haven't even offered us a drink yet."

"I'll get it!" Jimmy said. His chair loudly scraping on the floor as he rushed off.

"So how have you guys been then, hmmm?" Tom asked. He at least had the decency to look in our eyes while he talked to us at least. "How's your little slice of paradise going?"

"Uuggh, you know how the renting life is." Claire groaned. "We're still trying to save up for a house deposit, but with the landlord increasing our rent it's getting harder and harder."

"I can think of a way for a girl like you to make money." Dorian said, smirking widely.

"Okay, come on man. You shouldn't be saying stuff like that." I said, making my voice a bit firmer.

"I'm just saying, lots of girls do it nowadays." He threw up his hands, pleading his innocence. "I think she'd do well, don't you agree Tom."

"Our fair lady would do well in any endeavour she set herself to." Tom said, diplomatically.

"Thank you boys, but we're trying to start a family here." She was leaning back now, crossing her hands across her chest again. "I wouldn't want anything like that being dug up years from now."

"Ahhh so you're not against it on principle." Dorian said, raising his eyebrows.

"Come on man, knock it off. Don't be a creep." I chastised him. The guy was my friend and generally civil with Claire, but I knew he didn't have the best opinions about girls. It was best just to put a stop to all this discussion before it ended up with us arguing.

"Here's yours Simon." Jimmy put my drink down on the table. I took a sip and could feel the alcohol burn down my throat, just how much did he put in it?

Without thinking I pushes my chair back, wanted to go to the kitchen for some water to clear my throat. The chair bumped right into Jimmy, who'd been going around to give Claire her drink.

I watched in what felt like slow motion as the drink splashed all across Claire's chest. Spilling over her top and into her cleavage.

"Oh..oh God I'm so sorry Claire!" Jimmy stammered.

"No that's my bad." I admitted. "I should have watched what I was doing."

"It's, fine boys." Claire was wiping some of the liquid off her chest, unintentionally making the soft flesh of her boobs jiggle a little. "Could somebody get me a towel?"

"I-i'll get it." Jimmy said, rushing off again.

"God it's soaking right into my top." Claire said, wasting no time in stripping out of it. "Can I borrow a spare shirt from one of you guys?"

I was expecting them to have some kind of snide comment from them about her situation. Instead they both seemed to be speechless, taking in the sight of Claire in nothing but her bra.

It was just a basic white bra, no fancy lace or anything else to make it sexier. Really it wasn't showing much more than she'd been with her top, but the guys still looked like their jaws were going to hit the floor.

"Hello? A shirt guys?" Claire waved, trying to get their attention. The motion of her hands made her chest sway side to side, and you could see their eyes tracking the movent.

"Jimmy, can you grab a clean shirt as well." I called out. Tom and Dorian weren't going to be any help here.

"Don't tell me all the blood rushed out of your brains guys." Claire was blushing, trying to hide her embarrassment. "They're just tits, nothing special."

"Very special, indeed." Tom said, drool practically dripping out if his mouth.

"I don't know why you're worried about money Claire." Dorian composed himself, snapping out of his daze. "There's enough milk in those to feed every guy in town."

"Could be the best selling milk in town." Tom said under his breath.

"Here's the cleanest towel we have! B-but nobody really has a clean shirt lying around..." Jimmy said, passing her the small hand towel. She took it reluctantly, clearly a bit worried about his use if the word 'cleanest'.

"I can't believe you guys don't have a clean shirt between the three of you." She wiped herself down, much to the delight of the guys. I didn't mind a bit of the teasing she did at these things, but it was getting to be a bit much now. if I didn't do something the whole night would be about her tits.

"Do you want my shirt?"

"No honey it's alright, I don't think yours would fit me anyways."

"She's welcome to use mine." Dorian added.

"Then we'd be forced to look at your tits all night, and I'd very much like to keep my lunch down." Claire said back, finishing wiping her chest off.

"Maybe I should just rush home and get another one then?" I didn't like it, but it seemed like the best option. I'd be leaving her topless and alone with these guys for the forty minutes it would take to grab and shirt and come back, but the alternative was a full night of gawking.

"Could you?" She gave me a big smile and her puppy dog eyes. "Maybe take this top as well and wash it?"

"Of course." I stood up and kissed her forehead. "I'll head right back."

"Thanks honey, I'll make sure to reward you when we get home" She said it quietly but the guys still heard, groaning out a mocking OooOooohh.

"You'll be alright with these creeps." I said it jokingly but a part of me was seriously asking her.

"I'll be fine." She sounded alright but I could still detect a faint about of embarrassment or nervousness on her face. Proving my suspicions right she took my glass and nearly downed the whole thing in one go. "Ahha, I'll see you in a bit!"

I walked out towards the door of the apartment, Jimmy taking up my seat next to Claire. The last thing I heard before closing the door shut was Tom asking what game they should play, and Dorian jokingly replying 'Strip poker'. I knew she wouldn't cheat on me, especially not with guys like my friends, but I still hurried a little hearing that.

Claire couldn't really hold her alcohol and never really drank much unless she was nervous. I'd picked her up after a work Christmas party she'd been worried about going to once, and she'd been absolutely wasted. I still hear her colleagues talking about the pictures of her taken that night, but she always told me they were too embarrassing to show me.

I hurried back to my car and speed back home. Traffic was light so I made pretty good time, but the more I thought about her alone, topless and drinking with my sleazy friends the more tense I got.

Out of the car, up the elevator and through the hall to our door. I fumbled with the keys and had to calm myself down. It was ridiculous to be worked up about this, I needed to take a breath.

Stupid thoughts of what might be happening out of my mind, I entered the apartment. I grabbed the first shirt I could out of a pile of Claire's clothes, but then a thought flashed through my mind. She mentioned all her tops needed to be washed hadn't she? I doubt she would still care given her current state, but I thought it best to call anyways.

I call the first time and it rung out. A little more concerned, I called again and she answered on the third ring.

"Heeyyy hoooney, is there a problem?"

"No, no problem babe." I could hear the tipsiness on her voice, not completely wasted but she was getting there. "I just wanted to make sure it was alright to bring an unwashed shirt."

Her voice was distant, not talking to me but one of the guys in the background. I couldn't quite make it out but I think she was telling them to stop touching something. Maybe her cards or her drink?

"Whaa?" She said, talking to me again. "No, it has to be clean."

"Oh, are you sure?" I asked. "It'll take like an hour at least to was and dry a shirt!"

I heard her faint giggling on the other end and then some more hushed conversation.

"Babe?" I asked again, waiting for her reply.

"Humm? Oh yes, thaaat's fine. I gotta go. Looove yooou."

"Lov-" The tone of the call ending cut my words short.

I probably should have just taken any one of her shirts and get back to her as quick as I can, but a part of me resisted the thought. If I didn't bring a clean shirt back like she asked, would she think I didn't trust her? I knew the guys were probably desperate enough to try something with her, but did I really believe my wife would let them?

No, it felt wrong to think of her like that. Even if she was drunk she was still my wife.

So I reluctantly grabbed one of her plain oversized shirts and threw that with the drenched one into the washer. The shortest cycle it had was twenty five minutes, but it felt like it took an hour.

I watched the clothes tumble round and round, to anxious to relax or look away. I wanted to call again to get an idea of what was happening but I stopped myself. I didn't want it to look like I was constantly checking up on her.

Another twenty minutes in the dryer leaving me with nothing to do but imagine what could be happening over there. Did they take Dorian's suggestion to play strip poker seriously? Claire wasn't good at the game when she was sober, so I'd imagine she'd loose every hand while drunk.

Was she sitting there naked right now while the guys slyly took picture of her? Did they escalate the game and start betting other things after she got naked....

Fuck I had to stop myself, a tent was building in my pants and i didn't want to head back like that. I wasn't the kind of guy that liked sharing my wife. I mean, I liked seeing the attention she got sometimes, what guy didn't? But for some reason the thought of her alone with the guys, being made to strip.... It did something to me.

I threw open the dryer door and grabbed the shirt out. It was damp but I didn't care, I just had to get back and get these thoughts out of my head.

The drive back felt like it took twice as long, I got stuck behind the slowest drivers and hit every red light. By the time I was standing in front if their apartment it had been over an hour an a half since I'd left.

An hour and a half of Claire sitting with the guys, wearing nothing but her bra.

I raced through the door and up the flights of stairs cursing their shitty old apartments lack of an elevator. I had to stop by their door and catch my breath, I didn't want Claire knowing I'd rushed up the stairs because I was worried about what she might be doing in there.

As I recovered I heard muffled sounds from inside the apartment. Voices and laughing that I couldn't quite make out. The rational thing to do would have been just going inside and seeing what was happening. Instead I put my ear to the door, telling myself I hadn't recovered enough to go in just yet.

"Tommy, what are you dooing?" I heard Claire's voice, more slurred than she'd been on the phone. "You've already had your turn!"

I relaxed, moving my head from the door and leaning back against the wall. I'd been stressing myself over nothing, they were just playing games like we always did. Claire had been drinking more obviously, but even drunk she wasn't about to cheat on me.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a few moments with no response. I knocked again, harder this time. Still nobody opened the door.

"Hey guys?" I shouted. "It's me, let me in already."

It still took a few moments after that for somebody to finally get the door. Claire opened it and practically fell into my arms, wrapping herself around me.

"Baaabbhy, whaa took you soo long?" I could smell the alcohol on her breath as she hugged me. She was definitely fully drunk now, not even able to stand without somebody supporting here.


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