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My Wife and My Virgin Friends Pt. 01


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"Whoa, you doing alright Claire?" I asked, trying to pull her off me to see if she could stand straight. As I pulled her off I felt her chest cling onto my top for a second. Was she still wet from that earlier spill? No I saw her clean that up, it must have just been sweat.

"Phff, I'm...Fine..." She could barely keep her head up, just how much did she drink!

"You two coming back in?" Dorian said. I could tell he was staring at Claire's ass as she leaned on me, never one to miss an opportunity.

"Sorry guys, I think I should take her home." She fell back onto me, her wet chest pressing against mine. She groaned as I mentioned us leaving, but seemed other wise dead to the world. "We'll just have to catch up next week!"

"Do what you gotta do man." Tom said. "We'll see you next week."

Jimmy and Dorian added their goodbyes as I started closing the door. Just as I was about to shut it I heard Dorian's last comment of the night.

"See you Monday Claire."

Maybe I was being paranoid again but it felt like he timed his words to hit right as the door slammed shut, too late for me to ask just what the hell he meant. I could try and open the door with Claire clinging to me, but something about that just felt pathetic.

Instead I just carried a half passed out Claire back to the car and took her back home. The cool outside air seemed to help sober her up and getting her into our apartment was much less trouble then getting her out had been. She collapsed onto our bed the moment we were inside, her head probably still spinning a little.

"You doing alright babe?" I asked, cautiously handing her a glass of water.

She reached out blindly, her hand missing the glass and grabbing onto my shirt. she tugged at it, not hard enough to pull me in but enough for me to get her intention.

"Okay, okay." I put the glass down and crawled onto of her, embracing her in a hug. "You get so needy when your drunk."

I gave her cheek a cute little peck that seemed to fire her up like an engine. She locked her legs around my waist and rolled over, pushing me down onto the bed and placing herself on top of me.

"Mmmhhh I'm always a needy girl!" She kept me pinned down with an arm and her legs, her free hand tracing it's way down my chest and circling the growing bulge in my pants. "And I think you know what I need right now."

She had that devilish smile she got whenever she took control. her tits hanging right in front of my face, hypnotic moving back and forth. enticing me to come and take them.

I wanted to take her, and I would, but a nagging feeling in the back of my mind wouldn't leave me alone. It threatened to ruin the moment if left alone, so begrudgingly I took her hand and moved it away from my crotch and asked her my question.

"What happened while I was gone?"

"Hmm?" She took a moment to mentally reset herself, clearly not expecting me to ask something like that in a moment like this. "We were just handing out, you know?"

"Right." I could have just left it and that and moved on to the action, but I needed more clarification. "So, you guys just played games and drank a little to much?"

I could see the frustration build on her face. Her smile dropped from her face as she moved down and sat on my lap, her knees at my sides.

"Well, not exactly."

"Not exactly?"

She crossed her arms and pouted, clearly mad I wouldn't drop this. Really I wanted nothing more than to tear her clothes off and take her right now, but that nagging feeling was only building and building.

"We tried at first but the guys couldn't concentrate with my tits out like they were." Her eyes darted around the room as she explained. "They wouldn't stop making comments about how nice they were, or how amazing they'd be to suck."

She was blushing, clearly embarrassed but she didn't stop.

"Then you called, and I start to realise I'm getting a bit drunk. Tom, ever the gentleman, helped me answer my phone so I could talk to you but then he started tickling me!"

"He... he tickled you?"

"Yeah, I think he was trying to get me to squirm so they could watch my chest jiggle."

Okay, that wasn't so bad. Kinda creepy behaviour but better than I'd expected really. Definitely better than I'd feared.

"Then after that call you took forever to get back. What happen with that anyways, you said you had the shirt and then took like an hour to show up again?"

"What? You told me I had to wash it!"

"Did I? I'm pretty sure I just said to grab any clean shirt?"

"There weren't any so I had to wash and clean one!"

"Really? I'm pretty sure they were all mostly clean enough. Anyways let me continue."

Continue? I felt my body clench up a little, so they did more than tickling then...

"With you being gone so long, things were getting a little awkward and umm, that drink was a little strong. They wouldn't stop talking about how nice my tits must be to feel, so I maybe suggested they should just get it over with and touch them."

"Wh...What?! You told them to grope you!"

"It's not a big deal! They just couldn't get over them, so I thought if I let them cop a feel they'd stop staring at me! It's not like I took my bra off or anything!"

Fuck, I knew those bastard's would take advantage of her in that state! I mean, I guess she suggested it, but they must have knowing leering at her like that would make her feel uncomfortable!

"Fuck babe, why didn't you just tell them not to stare!!"

"Well it was your fault my shirt got drenched!" She was getting a little angry now. "And they're my tits, so it felt wrong to be blaming them for the situation. But come on, it's just a bit of touching. Not a big deal."

It was the kind of logic that only made sense a couple drinks down. But it was hard to stay angry when she'd done it with kind intentions in mind, harder still while she was sitting on me topless. she was right anyways, the guys probably wouldn't ever stop talking about it but it wasn't that big if a deal.

"Yeah, your right. Sorry" She smiled again, taking my apology as a sign we were moving on from the conversation. She slid her pants off, revealing her pink cotton panties with a wet stain already visible.

I put my hands on her waist as she began grinding herself against me. The moment she had her bra off I moved my hands to her tits, groping the bountiful soft mounds...much like my friends would have been doing not to long ago...

"Poor bastards are probably jerking off to the memory of touching these just over your bra." I said, unable to keep my big mouth shut. "Meanwhile I get to see and feel every inch of them!"

I circled her large nipples with my fingers, lightly squeezing them. She let out a soft moan from the contact, always having been sensitive there.

"Mmmhh yeeaahh." She moaned, slipping a hand under my pants. "Except, well...."

"Except what...." My hands went still but hers kept going, rubbing the length of my shaft that pressed tightly against my underwear.

"So, Jimmy went first right? He was next to me so I let him get a couple grabs in."

I dropped my hands from her, letting them rest at my sides. That nagging, tense feeling clawed at the back of my mind as she told her story.

"I had to convince him, but he got their eventually. Then Tom came over." She wriggled down my legs as she talked, pulling my pants down and releasing my cock. "Tom didn't need any convincing, he got right to it! Jimmy kept his hands over my bra the while time, but Tom wanted to get a better feel."

She started teasing my cock, her fingers lightly brushing against it and cupping my balls. She looked directly at me, her eyes raised with a strange look I knee the exact meaning of. 'You wanted details, so listen to each and every detail then'.

"Tom's hand started on the top of my chest, and made their way down. With one hand down each side he got to get a proper feel of them, jiggling and squeezing them as if he owned them!"

She leant down, taking her tits out of my view but moving her face towards my cock.

"With all that alcohol I'd had... it started feeling a little good... but finally I told him his turn was done!" She ran her tongue from the base of my cock to the tip and I could feel the goosebumps ripple over my skin. My while body on edge as she kept teasing me.

"And then... well. Dorian wanted more, since he went last and all..."

She took it all into her mouth, running her soft wet lips down my cock all the way to my balls. My fingers dug into the beg as I did everything I could not to burst right there.

"Shluurp, ahhh. Getting a little excited honey?" She asked, giggling next to my cock.

"Fuuccc, juust.... What did he do..." My voice was quite. I almost couldn't bare to hear her continue but I couldn't let her stop now.

"He took those big meaty hands of his and he grabbed my tits right out of my top!" She started jerking me now, hard and fast. Her soft hands feeling amazing as she worked my cock, slick with her saliva. "The other guys all had their cocks out, jerking themselves silly while Dorian pinched and pulled my nipples!"

Claire already had me so far on edge it didn't take long to push me over. Her tight grip around my cock working relentlessly to finish me off.

"Ohhh fuuUuck baby!" I moaned, unable to hold myself back.

"That's it honey! Cum all over my big far tits just like the other boys did!" She leaned forward and jerked my cock right over her cleavage. My knees involuntary writhing as I experienced one of the most intense orgasm of my life.

"Nuugghhulllggh fuuuuuck." She kept me perfectly aimed as I shot my cum over her chest. Her tits gleaming in the soft lighting, my cum slowly dripping down them.

"Jesus honey, I've never seen you cum that much before!" Claire said, leaning over to the bedside table to wipe herself up with a tissue.

"Fuck that was amazing." I said, my breathing heavy. "But, umm... that didn't actually happen right?"

She gave a quick laugh, throwing away the tissue and lying down next to me.

"Come on baby, do you really think I would let something like that happen?"

I laughed as well, feeling a different kind of relief wash over me.

"Dorian did pinch my nipples, but only a little bit." She said, gently stroking my hair. "Nobody got a look at my tits and they definitely didn't get any cum on me."

"Wait, so they did touch you!"

"That's what I've been saying! But we didn't take it to far or anything. Besides, after a performance like that you can't tell me it doesn't excite you a little!"

She was snuggled up against me, so warm and soft. Fatigue from such an intense orgasm started to grip me, a yawn escaping my throat.

"Maybe." I said, my eyes slowly closing.

"So you'd like if we did this again?" She asked, trepidation in her voice.

I really wasn't sure, and I was too tired to work through everything I was feeling, so I repeated my answer.

"Maybe." Then I added. "Nothing beneath the clothes though..."

"Of course! I let them get a little carried away before but I think we can have a lot of fun with this! Honestly those guys could use just a bit of feminine attention. They live like such slobs and I think...." I could tell how excited she was, but her words began to get more and more distant as I lost myself in her arms.

"Babe?" Claire asked, jolting me awake. I must have passed out for just a second.

"Humm?" I said, half conscious.

She looked like she was about to say something, but stopped herself. Putting a hand to my cheeks she smiled, her eyes as warm as she was.

"Why don't you slip under the covers and get some sleep." She said. Soft, comforting.

"Mmm yeah." I said, making myself comfortable. Wrapped under the blankets I nearly feel back asleep, until a stray though caught my attention. "Mmmhhh but you didn't get your turn."

"It's...alright" She said

getting into bed next to me. "You can make up for it tomorrow."

Cuddled up against her, I began to drift back off. This was a new and maybe exciting discovery we'd made about ourselves, but we'd work out what it meant tomorrow.

Claire stayed up, texting friend on her phone or something. I realised in my final moments of consciousness that I'd forgotten to ask why Dorian had said he would be seeing her on Monday. I let the thought flutter away, something to deal with tomorrow.

I ignored that small remaining persistent nagging kernel of tenseness that had nestled into my mind. What harm could leaving it one more day do?

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

reminds me of my favorite story Just One of the Guys, please continue

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer7 months ago

A story, based on the involvement of some mentally retarded dickhead, isn't much of a story. It's like teasing and tormenting a helpless animal.

cycoticcycotic10 months ago

Loved this, a good start!

Are there still plans for a part 2?

26thNC26thNC11 months ago

Beyond silly.

Vera1812Vera181212 months ago

Great read, cant wait to read your next piece, keep writing!!!!!

TriangleToastTriangleToast12 months agoAuthor

Just for that for that last comment I'm gonna besmirch the good name of nerds in whatever country you're from even harder Anonymous!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

It is your story, and a fiction, but only in fiction can you have shit like this!

In a real life, nobody is that dumb: "I had a small, close knit circle of friends"...

Do you comprehend the meaning of those words?

I can see they are tooooo hard for you?

Well... Nerds are good friends, and you are insulting every nerd in the country with your story. -1

PS: You could put it in fetish so that all mentally ill cuck lovers would sing phrases to you...

pmatpmat12 months ago

Nice job. Keep writing. Fine tune. Dismiss any trolls.

hbcpl2019hbcpl201912 months ago

Fantastic start, very well written

DauerspitzDauerspitz12 months ago

Great start! One of the kind of premises I really like and also well written. Cool thing that you choose a nerd squad as "antagonists". But there is also a thing that didn't make sense. Claire was very horny when they got home, but shortly after its all about the MC and her horniness is never mentioned again. Still a 5* for me, please keep going! I'm looking forward to your next installment!

DomindiDomindi12 months ago

Not a bad start. Hope to see the continuation soon.

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