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My Wife and the Japanese Sex Club

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My wife didn't just watch the Japanese sex club show...
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I got married in my early twenties and that is when I started to have this fascination with watching guys ogle over my wife. I knew my wife was very attractive, sexy and pretty but I didn't realize how much I enjoyed watching other guys lust over her until I started noticing how much attention she got everywhere we went. I really started to look forward to seeing guys stare at her and break their necks.

She is a tall Filipina with very long straight jet black hair, a beautiful face, high cheek bones, big brown eyes, a slender perfectly light golden brown body, and a perfect butt. She has the most beautiful long slender golden brown legs that really attract attention when she wears a short dress or a short skirt with heels. I would often ask her to wear sexy clothes. If the weather was warm, she would wear sexy clothes as long as she looked fashionable and not slutty.

About two years after we were married she decided to start working out in the gym to really tone her body and build muscles. She lost what little body fat she had completely and became lean at about 110 lbs and she put on some muscle too. At this time she was in her mid-20's. She is not an exhibitionist or anything like that but she does love attention and compliments from guys. I always wanted her to show more in public.

We would sometimes go out clubbing and she would wear a short dress and I would often beg her to lose her underwear and go commando. One time when we were in the club dancing in Florida she did remove her underwear and her summer dress was somewhat see-through. As we were dancing I was behind her with my arm around her stomach and she did not realize that I was slowly crumbling up the front of her dress into my fist raising the front of her dress exposing her bare pussy to the rest of the dance floor for about 30 seconds. She caught me doing it and was quite upset at me. After that she always wore her underwear.

In the mid 1990's I got stationed in Okinawa at Kadena AB. I was told that there was a club in Naha City called "The Stage" or "Naha City Music Club" that has a live sex show club. It was very intriguing to me to go see. I told my wife that one of my co-workers was having a going-away party at this club and she let me go probably because she was also curious about it.

It cost quite a bit to get in but it was fantastic. The show had six Japanese women and four or five women from Colombia. The club was not very large as it could only occupy probably 50 people. It had one T-shaped stage with a circle stage that was about 10 feet across at the bottom of the T. The audience chairs were lined up around the semicircle part of the stage. There were probably 15 or 20 chairs in the first row and probably four rows of chairs behind that in a semicircle.

The show started with a Japanese girl. For her first song she would just dance around. The second song was slower and she would strip completely naked during the song. After her second song she would then do something special. The first Japanese girl for her third song brought out a Polaroid camera and for 500 Yen (about $5 at that time) anyone could have their picture taken with her. This is the only money that was given to the dancers in the club. There was no tipping the dancer like in the States. The girl would get into any pose that you wanted her to do for the photo. Most guys would have her legs spread wide open for the picture and she was fine with that.

Then a Colombian gal would dance for two songs and then strip. She would then bring a small basket onto the stage and proceed to go to every guy in the front row and wash their hands. After she had washed all of their hands, she started on the one side of the stage and would sit on the very edge of the stage and straddle the man who was sitting there.

The stage was elevated above the front row by about 3 feet so when she would sit in front of the man, his head would be slightly above her crotch. She would lay back with her hands above or under her head, spread her legs open and he would proceed to do anything he wanted to her with his fingers. She would give the guy about 30 seconds to do what he wanted and then she would get up and move to the next guy, sit in front of him, lay back, spread her legs and he would do the same thing to her.

As I watched this for the first time I was amazed that this was allowed. No guy on the front row was excluded. She had to go from guy to guy to guy until the entire front row had their chance to finger her. This was incredible to me. After she had finished with the front row, she got up and walked off the stage.

The manager of the club came out next in order to figure out who was going to get on stage to have sex with her. It was understood that if you raised your hand, it meant that you wanted to have sex with her on stage in front of everyone. If there was more than one guy that raised their hand, then the manager would have a dice roll off to determine the winner. The winner would then get up onstage, get naked, and she would put a condom on him.

Sometimes the girl would give him a blowjob in order to get the guy hard. She would then lay down, spread her legs and he would fuck her in a missionary position or she would sit on top of him. The stage was small and it would slowly rotate so that everyone could see from every angle. After they finished, the girl rotation would continue with another Japanese girl that would come out and dance two songs and then a special trick like blowing darts from her pussy. After that, another Colombian girl would come out and repeat the same fingering and sex as the first Colombian girl had. This would continue on a rotation all night.

I went home after that first night to the club and told my wife all about it and she was very curious to see it for herself. We went together soon after and my wife found it to be very erotic. She really enjoyed the show and talked about it for quite some time after that. She told me that the most erotic part of the show to her was that the Colombian girls let anyone finger them.

The part that she really couldn't stop thinking about was that they were getting fingered by any guy who wanted to. It didn't cost any more money at all either. All the guy had to do was sit or stand in the front row of the stage and he was guaranteed to get the opportunity to finger her with her laying down in front of him with her legs spread wide open. And it wasn't just one guy, it was all the guys in the front row. If a guy that was there wanted to finger her, she had no choice but to let them and there was no barrier. It was the real deal. The guys got to feel inside her skin to skin.

She didn't find the sex to be as erotic as the fingering because it was only one lucky guy and he was wearing a condom and couldn't feel a lot anyway so she said. In our pillow talk I told her how much it would thrill me to see her on stage getting fingered by any guy that was there. I could tell that it was a fantasy on her mind as well but fantasy and reality are two different things as she would tell me.

The night that we went to this club there were only Japanese people there. No Americans at all. I told her that there were no other Americans the other night that I went other than the small group of guys that I was with even though on the other night half the club was probably Americans and half Japanese.

For the next few months life was normal. I went to work and she got a job working at a big store on the Air Force Base. She would often tell me about different guys that come just to see her and how she was constantly receiving their phone numbers.

She worked out at the gym almost every day. She would also work out at 3 other gyms around the island. I would go with her occasionally to work out and it would be funny to see all of the guy fans that she had that would say hello to her like they saw her often in the gym. She just loved the attention.

A few weeks later another one of my co-workers was leaving Okinawa soon and was going to have his going away party at The Stage again. So again, I went. The show was about the same but some of the dancers were new. This time I got a chance to talk with the manager and I told him how intriguing it was for me to see the show. We talked about how there isn't any kind of show like this in the States.

I told him how beautiful and sexy my wife is and how I would love to see how an audience of guys would react to her being a dancer. I even told him that she found it very erotic and might even consider doing it as long as she wouldn't be recognized. I didn't think that she would ever consider getting on stage, but I guess it was just a fantasy that I had hoped would happen.

I thought the odds of anyone recognizing my wife were next to nil. Being that it was a Japanese Club that was mostly frequented by Japanese men, I thought that it might be possible to convince my wife Ava to work at the club one night without anyone she knew finding out.

To my surprise the manager asked me if I had some pictures of her on me. I got out my wallet and showed him the few that I had. He thought that she was very beautiful and sexy and he told me that they had not had a Filipina girl there in many years and that if I could somehow convince her, he could probably let her work one night.

So now it was up to me to convince her Ava to do it. I couldn't believe it could happen or that I was considering having her do this. On the other hand this sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We were not going to be stationed there forever and places like this don't exist in the states.

After I got home from the show I was so excited but I figured that my wife would not consider it since she was somewhat shy and had never taken her clothes off in front of anyone in public before. So as delicately as I could I asked her if she would ever consider this one-time fantasy fulfillment of mine. She immediately said no way because she was scared someone might recognize her. I told her about how many thousands of Japanese people are on the island and none of them know her. I also told her that it's very rare that Americans go to that club and she believed me since the night she went I was the only American. I even suggested that she could wear a mask like they do at Mardi Gras and she said that she would have to really think about it and if she were ever to say yes she would have to get really drunk.

Over the next few weeks I bugged her about it now and then trying to see if I was getting any closer to convincing her to do it for me and it didn't seem like I was getting any closer to convincing her. Then, about 3 weeks before my birthday, she surprised me by asking me if we could go to The Stage for my birthday. I said of course we can go to The Stage. I asked her if she was considering fulfilling my fantasy for my birthday. She said that she had been thinking about it a lot and how wild and crazy it might be to get up in front of strangers and take off her clothes and then she said that she would do it. Once she said that she had agreed to do it, she said that her emotions were all over the place about it. She was feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

I was over-the-top excited. I called the manager immediately and asked him if it would still be okay. He said that she could work on the Friday in three weeks and to be there by 6:30 p.m.

Ava would be filling in for a Colombian girl which meant that she would be required to dance, strip naked, get fingered, and then have sex on stage.

He asked if she was OK with that. I told him that she was OK with anything and everything even though I didn't know that for sure. I told him that the only way that she will do it is if she can wear a mask. He said that would be fine.

So the date was set and I was so excited. All I had to do now was keep my big mouth shut and not let anyone know that the sexy girl from the gym and from the Air Force base was going to be performing at the stage. This is where I messed up. Of course I had to open my big mouth to one of my co-workers because I knew he didn't go there so it wouldn't matter anyway. I just wanted to get his reaction.

Although he denied it word must have got around because about a week before she was going to do this I went over to visit her at her work. While I was there I went to go and use the bathroom at the BX and in the bathroom was a note taped to the inside of each stall that read:

**Top Secret**

Ava is going to be dancing at The Stage on June 4th.

I couldn't believe it. I mean, if I found out that a beautiful regular girl that I knew was going to work at a strip club for one night I would not miss it. But this wasn't just a strip club. It was a sex club. Who knows what crazy things might happen. At the least, she is going to dance and strip and maybe even more than that. I think that most guys would call that a chance of a lifetime. I thought that this was probably why some guy was trying to get the word around.

Then two days before the big day, I was in the Air Force base gym locker room and overheard three guys talking about her and what they had heard so I confronted them. I told them that I was her husband. I asked them what they had heard and they first told me that they meant no disrespect and that they heard that she might work at The Stage on the upcoming Friday night. I simply reacted by saying that I wondered who started that rumor.

That same night I was watching Ava as she was getting into the shower and I noticed that her pussy was a little bushy. I was thinking about how much more erotic it would be to actually see the girl's pussy without pubic hair covering their lips and vagina which was unlike the other girls that were dancing at the stage. They all had too much hair on their vaginas to really see it easily. So with her permission, I helped her trim and shave her pussy and I did it well. I trimmed the hair nicely above her clitoris and completely shaved everything else exposing her lips completely.

As the big night approached my wife was getting nervous and thinking that she might back out of it. I tried to rest her nerves and build her confidence. I told her that I had worked it out with the manager and that he was counting on her filling in for a girl who couldn't make it. I helped her pick out some of her sexy dresses, skirts and underwear and then we left to get some Tequila at the store.

I wanted to make sure to get to The Stage early because I was worried that if she saw some Americans there, then she might try and back out of it. We picked up a bottle of tequila and she started drinking on the way. I told her to try not to worry because she was going to be wearing a mask and there probably won't be any Americans there anyway (even though I knew better). I told her how beautiful and sexy she was and she should be proud to show her body off.

We got there an hour early. I introduced my wife to the manager and it was kind of an awkward conversation but he went over the rules of his club. He asked her if she had seen the show before and she said that she had. He told her that she was filling in for one of the Columbian girls. He asked her if she knew what that meant. She asked him to go over it with her. He told her the following:

1. That she would be the 5th girl in the rotation and that there were a total of 6 girls working; three Japanese girls, two Columbian girls and her.

2. That she is to dance for two songs. The first song is just a sexy dance and the second song is a slow strip tease finishing with her being naked.

3. After her 2nd song she is to get the washing basket and then wash the guys' hands who were in the front row and then take the basket back behind the stage and then go back onto the stage. Sit on the edge of the stage in front of the first guy, lay back with her hands over her head and spread her legs and let the guy touch her. He told her to count to 30 and then get up and move to the next guy and do the same thing. She then played dumb and asked what he meant by touch.

He told her "I meant finger you. Pretty much whatever they want to as long as they don't hurt you."

After he said that, she looked like she got very nervous and/or excited. I couldn't tell which.

4. Next he told her that she is to go off stage until she heard music playing. When the music starts, she is to come out and have sex with the guy on stage. He told her to make sure to use a condom that is in the basket. He told her that she is done when the guy finishes

5. She needs to work until closing time.

The manager told her good luck and to let him know if anyone tries to hurt her. He told her that he will be close by watching to make sure that things go smoothly. Ava took her suitcase with clothes, heels, and alcohol and went back to the dressing room.

The show started with the club almost empty except for 2 Japanese guys. The first girl was a Colombian girl and she was kind of chunky and not very attractive. She did her routine and there was not a lot of interest from the Japanese guys that were there and no one was in the front row so there was no fingering or sex.

After her set, a Japanese girl came out and did her dancing and routine. She was fair and again there was not a lot of interest. During her set, some more guys came in. There were both American and Japanese guys that came in. After the Japanese girl did her show, the third dancer came out and it was about 8pm. She was a Colombian girl that had a fair body and fair beauty.

She danced the fast song and then stripped naked for her second song and then did her routine of cleaning all the guys' hands on the front row.

I think that this was the first time to The Stage for some of the guys since they seemed quite anxious and excited to see what they were going to do to the Colombian dancer. After cleaning everyone's hands in the front row she took the basket to the back and then came out and sat in front of the guy on the left of the stage and laid back. He seemed apprehensive at first but the girl guided his hands and helped him to start fingering her. By the time she made it to the third guy everyone had really gotten the hang of what they were allowed to do to her. She worked her way along the front row and it took two songs.

She then got up and left the stage and one Japanese guy raised his hand and then came up on stage and had sex with her. He was pretty lame. During the sex a more guys had come in. By this time there were probably 8 or 10 guys in the club which was pretty normal from what I had seen in the past.

The fourth dancer was Japanese and quite attractive. While she was dancing the guys started really coming in. There were two groups of three servicemen and then a group of two servicemen and then another group of four servicemen. There were also a few Japanese guys but they came in one at a time.

I then saw the two guys that I had talked to in the gym come in with three friends. They went straight to the front row and took the last remaining seats and seemed very happy about it. I couldn't believe this. I had never seen more than five or six Americans in the club at one time and now there were at least 20 or more. There was only one Japanese guy in the front row and the rest were American servicemen.

I was really getting nervous for Ava.

The club is normally pretty dark except for some colored lights over the stage like you would see in a normal strip club in the states. I was thinking that if the club had some kind of a spotlight it would serve to limit Ava's view of the audience so that she could not see the large crowd of Americans and also it would also give the guys in the audience a much clearer brighter view. I went and talked with the manager and asked him if he had a spotlight that he could turn on while Ava was on stage. He said that there was a few white spot lights that were mounted above the front edge of the stage.

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