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My Wife's New Nurse

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Disabled wife hires a live-in nurse to also fuck her husband.
12.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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The following is a work of fiction and describes a fantasy that is probably extremely common for individuals who are sole caregivers for their spouse who has a chronic illness that robs them of any interest in sexual intimacy. None of the characters actually exists nor did any of the events occur. However, the first part of the story about a wife having MS is based upon personal experience.

This will probably be the last story that I write for a while. I greatly appreciate all of the kind comments that some of you have posted to my previous stories. Fiction writing is something that is new to me, so your positive feedback has been greatly appreciated.

Each of my stories includes a bit of my own life and/or fantasies and to be quite honest, this last story has hit much too close to home. I had tears in my eyes as I wrote the last few pages. I have several ideas for a followup chapter with my narrator and his new wife, Melinda, but I need to take some time off to recover emotionally before starting up again.

My wife Ginny and I were high school sweethearts. We started dating as juniors in high school and decided to get married four years later while we were juniors in college. I was studying engineering and she was in nursing school. So, when it came time for us to graduate, we decided that I would be the one to interview for jobs since she could find employment just about any place that my work would take us.

During our first years together life was wonderful. We had two good incomes and we both worked fairly regular hours, so we were able to buy our first home two years after graduation and were able to do a fair amount of travel. We had friends through my job, through her work, from school and also from our new neighborhood.

We loved each other and loved being together as much as we could. What more could any young couple ask?

One day when we were both about to turn 30, Ginny woke up one morning and said that it felt like she had the flu. Only, she also had double vision in addition to feeling really crappy. From her education, she knew that this was probably not the flu. So as soon as her doctor's office opened, she called for an immediate appointment. Since the receptionist knew that Ginny was a nurse, she was told to come in at 9A and they would try to work her in.

Since Ginny didn't feel like she could drive safely with double vision, I called my office and told them that Ginny was sick and that I needed to take Ginny to the doctor.

Since Ginny didn't have a scheduled appointment, it was almost 11A before we were called back to an examination room. The doctor walked in about 30 minutes later. When he heard Ginny's symptoms, he immediately got onto his phone and called a friend who was a neurologist. His friend told us to come right over and that he would try to work us in based upon the description of Ginny's symptoms.

We finally got to see the neurologist at 4P. The doctor performed a number of tests on Ginny to evaluate her neurological functions. When he was finished, he told us that he would schedule Ginny for an MRI tomorrow morning and that we should ask his staff to set up the appointment. He also said to tell his staff that we would need a follow-up appointment in two weeks. I took Ginny home and put her in bed and then fixed my dinner. As for Ginny, she wasn't hungry due to the flu-like symptoms.

The next morning, we were at the MRI facility for a 10A appointment. The staff took Ginny back for her test and she walked back out after about 45 minutes. I took Ginny home and put her back in bed and made sure that she had her phone was within reach. I grabbed a bit of lunch and then went to work for the remainder of the day.

Over the next week, Ginny's vision recovered and her flu symptoms abated. If not for her nurses' training she would have assumed that she had recovered, but she knew better but did not tell me that.

Two weeks later, I went with Ginny to her neurology appointment. She no longer needed me to drive, but I was curious and wanted to be there to provide support. When the doctor walked into the exam room, his hands were full of literature. He looked at me and then at Ginny before telling her that she had Multiple Sclerosis. Ginny just nodded because she already suspected as much.

The doctor explained that in the early stages, there are two forms of MS but that it was too early to know which one that she had so he would treat the more common form. He handed all of the literature that he had brought to Ginny and explained that this was information from the MS Society and would tell her more than he had time to explain. He handed Ginny a prescription for medication and explained how she should take it and what side effects to watch out for.

He also told us to schedule a return appointment in six months, but that if she had any problems with side effects or a return of any kind of unusual symptoms, she should call for an immediate appointment.

Four months later, I woke up to find Ginny crying. She said that she could not feel the sheets on her left foot and that her leg felt like it was freezing. I touched her left knee and asked if she could feel that. She said, "Feel what?" I also told her that her leg felt a bit on the warm side.

So as soon as I had fixed breakfast and had taken Ginny's back to her in bed, I called the neurologist's office and asked for an immediate appointment. At first, the receptionist said that we would need to wait, but then she saw a notation on Ginny's chart and said that we should be there at 10A.

We arrived at 10A and saw the doctor at noon. He did a number of tests to determine Ginny's ability to sense different types of touch on her left foot and leg. After he finished making his notes, he told us that he wanted Ginny to have another MRI tomorrow but that based upon this new development, he was pretty sure that Ginny had the Primary Progressive form of MS.

He went out and quickly returned with some more literature. He said that there was only one treatment for Ginny's form of MS and that the drug has some potentially significant side effects. The drug also had to be given as an infusion, just like many cancer chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, we needed to read everything that he had just provided before deciding whether Ginny wanted to proceed.

After a week, Ginny decided to go ahead and start the treatments. Fortunately, she didn't experience any of the more severe side effects.

Two Years Later

Although Ginny has continued with the treatments, it is questionable how much they have helped. Her MS has continued to progress as she slowly lost control of her legs and lower body. Early on, she used a cane to get around. Then she moved to a walker. Today, I placed an order for an electric powered wheelchair for her because even getting around inside the house has been becoming difficult for her. And needless to say, she had to quit her job about a year ago because just trying to walk was draining all of her energy.

Two More Years Later

Ginny has been confined to her wheelchair now for the last 18 months. My day starts early with helping her get out of bed, clean up and get dressed before heading for the kitchen to fix our breakfast. As I am eating, I fix Ginny's lunch and put it on a low shelf in the refrigerator where she can get to it. I also try to hide a couple of surprise snacks there too. When I come home, I fix dinner for us and then help Ginny get undressed and into bed.

At this point, Ginny has lost almost all feeling and control of her body below her waist. That means that our sex life has been almost non-existent for the last two years. Ginny feels bad about the fact that not only do I have to do all of the work around the house but all that she can do to express her love is to hug and kiss me. She agreed to try to make love to me by letting me fuck her pussy, but she felt nothing. I had to use lube because she couldn't respond when I fingered her clit because she didn't even know that I had touched her. Her libido was also almost non-existent, so sex had become an empty experience for me when I knew that she was faking any response to my attempts to make love to her.

As a result, I had to start resorting to watching porn in order to get any sort sexual gratification. Ginny wasn't very happy that I was watching porn, but she was also frustrated by the fact that she felt that she had abandoned me when it came to any form of intimacy beyond cuddling and kissing. We were both still very romantically involved, but our shared sex life had become non-existent.


One Friday when I came home from work, Ginny seemed happier than she usual. She said that she had spent an hour during the afternoon talking with one of her old nursing friends named Melinda. She said that she had invited Melinda over tomorrow afternoon so that they could talk face-to-face and so that I could meet her.

Saturday Afternoon

Melinda came by around 2PM. Ginny hadn't told me that Melinda was super attractive. She was about 5'8" tall and had long wavy brunette hair. She was wearing a tight knit top and skin tight jeans. It looked like her tits were about 36C, that her waist was around 28 inches and her hips about 32. Considering that she had to be around 50 yrs old, this was like having a model walk into my living room, especially for since I was rather starved for sexual contact with women and had to be extremely careful about what I said to any of the women when I was in the office.

I showed Melinda into the living room where Ginny was waiting and Ginny asked me to join them. Since Ginny and Melinda were old friends, much of the discussion was for my benefit. Melinda told me where she had grown up, some of the places where she had worked with Ginny and finally added that she had lost her husband to cancer two years earlier. Melinda caught Ginny up on the nursing gossip that Ginny had missed since she had stopped working. It only seemed like it had been a few minutes before Melinda looked at her watch, jumped up and said, "Sorry, but I have to go."

I walked her back to the door. When we got there, she gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "That is for taking such good care of my buddy Ginny."

When I got back to the living room, Ginny told me to sit down. As soon as I was seated, she just blurted out, "Would you like to fuck Melinda?"

I couldn't believe what she had just said, so I asked her to repeat it. It took a bit for what my wife had said to register and process because it was such a shock. All I could think to say was, "Of course I would, but I love you and you are my wife."

Ginny rolled over to me so that she could put her hand on my knee and said, "Legally, I am and always will be your wife, but physically, I haven't been your wife for some time now. I am trying to find a way to fix that as best I can."

Then she explained that she had not yet spoken with Melinda, but that after their discussion yesterday and today, Ginny wanted to broach the subject with Melinda.

So the next day, Ginny called Melinda and asked her to come by to talk in a few days.

In the meantime, Ginny explained that what she wanted to propose to Melinda was that Melinda would move into our spare bedroom to become Ginny's full time nurse. We would not pay Melinda except that she would receive free room and board. Then Ginny added that part of Melinda's job would be to be Ginny's sexual surrogate with me. Melinda would give me a hand with the housework and would be there to be sure that Ginny was eating hot meals at lunch instead of my cold sandwiches or salads.

Three Days Later

Melinda came to the door and I escorted her back to Ginny. Ginny had already told me to leave them alone until she gave me a call. So I headed for my home office to get some work done.

When my phone rang, I saw that it was Ginny calling, so rather than answer, I just walked back into the living room. Ginny and Melinda were both smiling at me as I walked in.

Ginny explained that Melinda loved the idea. She had been thinking of retiring from nursing very soon and this was the perfect answer for that. She would only have one 'patient' who was also a former friend and that meant no paperwork, no overbearing doctors, etc.

Ginny and Melinda had also agreed that any of us could terminate the agreement at any time and that if that occurred; Melinda would be able to continue to live with us for a reasonable length of time to give her time to find another position or a place to stay.

Then Ginny explained that the only part that Melinda wanted more information about was what her role with me would be. At that point, I told Melinda, "Let's go back in the bedroom and talk privately." I gave a wink to Ginny as I turned.

Once we were back in the bedroom, Melinda wanted to know what sort of a relationship with her that I was interested in. I told her, "I still love Ginny with all my heart and nothing can change that. All that I want from you is an outlet for normal sex."

At that she grinned and said, "Right answer."

At that point, she leaned over and put her hand to the back of my neck so that she could give me a hard kiss. It seemed like she kept her lips locked to mine for an hour, but it was probably only a minute or so. Regardless, my heart was racing as my body reacted to such a bold move on her part.

As soon as she drew back from me, she said, "Define normal sex."

So I said that would be using my cock to fuck her pussy in any position that you like and both of us performing oral sex on each other. At that, she reached over, unzipped my jeans and pulled out my cock. She gave me a quick exam and then leaned over to start blowing me. I took this as giving me permission to unbutton her blouse and stick my hands into her bra to fondle her tits, which was something that I had longed to do ever since she first walked in our door the other day.

She only blew me for a short time and then leaned up and said, "You taste good. I am going to enjoy giving you blow jobs."

Then she reached behind her back to undo the clasp on her bra. She leaned back and lifted her bra to give me access to her tits. They looked even better than I had imagined, especially on a woman of her age. I eagerly dove in and started sucking on her nipples and fondling her other tit. I switched for a bit before she sat up, pulled her bra back down and redid the clasp.

She said, "We are going to get along just fine. Final detail, will you be spending the night with me or with Ginny?"

I repeated that "Ginny is my wife and I feel obligated to spend my nights with her. However, often she sleeps all afternoon. We can set up a baby monitor and then the two of us can spend those afternoons fucking each other for as long as we want."

Melinda said, "Right answer again and I love the idea of a baby monitor. I am used to patient call buttons, but a monitor works too. Now, I have one more question, what will Ginny think about this?"

I laughed as I explained that this whole thing had been Ginny's idea. How she felt guilty about not being able to provide me with sexual companionship and that you are her solution to her guilt.

Melina laughed and said that Ginny always had been the nurse who would come up with unconventional solutions to problems.

Then I had a question for Melinda, what if Ginny asks to watch us some time so that she feels comfortable with what we are doing?

Melinda said, "That would be fine with me so long she doesn't want to do it so often that she would become a voyeur."

At that, we stood up and gave each other a passionate kiss. I felt my body tremble at about the same time that I noticed Melinda shudder a bit too. I looked her in the eyes and said, "We definitely have chemistry together."

Then I kissed her again for quite a bit longer.

We were about to go out when Melinda asked where our bathroom was. She went in and looked in the mirror to confirm that her hair was acceptable and that her blouse wasn't too mussed up.

We went back out to where Ginny was waiting. Melinda went over to her and shook her hand and said, "Ginny, we have a deal. How soon can I start?"

Ginny grinned and said, "Melinda my dear, that is up to you. You would be welcome to start immediately, but I know that you will want to move a few things here before you do that."

Melinda asked, "How about I bring some things over tomorrow afternoon."

Ginny said, "That would be fine" but couldn't see me standing behind her rapidly nodding my head at Melinda but Melinda saw and understood what tomorrow would bring for both of us.

The Next Day - Saturday

Melinda arrived this morning around 10. She had a carry-on bag with a few things and some clothing on hangers. She explained to both of us that she wanted to delay moving more until we had all had a few days to determine that this was really the direction that we all wanted to take.

I took her clothing and showed her back to the bedroom and also showed her what would be her bathroom. She dropped her bag on the bed and opened it up to remove a notebook. She gave me a quick kiss and then said, "Now I start work."

She walked out into the living room and sat down next to Ginny to start interviewing her. Melinda asked about Ginny's medications, doses and the schedule for each of them. She asked about Ginny's normal daily routine, when she liked her meals and even minor details like how she charged her wheelchair and phone and where she charged them. She then started asking Ginny about her preferences for food, what she liked, what she cannot eat and what she doesn't like.

As soon as she was satisfied that she had an idea of Ginny's diet, she marched into the kitchen and started looking through the pantry, refrigerator and all the cabinets to get an idea of where things were located and what sort of pots, pans and other culinary equipment that we had. Throughout all of this, she was rapidly scrawling comments in her notebook.

When she had finished, it was about time for lunch. She asked Ginny if she had a preference for lunch and when Ginny told her no, she looked at me and I said, "Whatever you want to fix because I am thrilled to have someone else helping with the cooking."

Melinda made us all sandwiches that she served with corn chips and a large glass of milk.

Once we were finished, Ginny said that she really needed a nap, so Melinda and I took her back to get her into bed. Melinda asked me to help Ginny into bed by myself so that she could see how I had been doing it. Once I had finished, she gave me a few tips that she said would help save future strain on my back.

After we had Ginny tucked in for her nap, we closed the bedroom door. As soon as the door had closed, Melinda took my hand to lead me to her room. Once we were there, she told me to get undressed because it was now time for my first therapy treatment. As she was also undressing, she told me to get into bed face down because she wanted to start me out with a relaxing back massage.

She climbed up behind me and started working my lower back muscles. She explained that after all these years of lifting Ginny into and out of bed alone, that my back was very tense. Then she added that this was also to loosen up my back because she had been sexually abstinent for almost as long as I had and she wanted me to be able to give my all to her pussy when we started fucking.

The massage was not only relaxing, but was also turning me on. She shifted her position up a bit to reach my shoulders. That was when I realized that she was also getting turned on because I could feel her pussy juices starting to wet my asshole. She finished her massage by lying down on my back and rubbing her tits all over my back and her hips all over my butt.

She finally rolled off of me and gave my ass a slap and said, "Now it's your turn. I want you to fuck my pussy for as long as you can. I know that it probably won't take long for either one of us to come the first time, but that will just be the first of several this afternoon, so get busy."

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