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My Wildest Dreams

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Stranger on a late night bus ride.
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I met up with some friends for a girl's night out; we had a few drinks, laughed and shared quite a few interesting stories. The weather outside at 2 a.m. was dreadful, a typical summer thunderstorm in Houston. I thought to myself as I boarded the bus, I was glad I did not have to drive an hour and a half in this weather. The bus was warm from the heat and humidity outside. I was glad I chose to wear a black tank top and long skirt, although the skirt was long, the fabric was gauze and very flowing, so I was comfortable. For some reason there were very few people on the bus at this time, only three others sat in the front near the driver. One more stop and then a long trip across town.

The bus stopped and a man boarded, he did not stop in the front of the bus, he continued to the back of the bus where I was seated. For a moment I felt a sense of panic, but that left as soon as I saw his face. I knew this man, a brief affair from my past, but he did not seem to recognize me. He sat down next to me without saying a word.

The bus pulled away from the bus stop and continued on its scheduled run. After about 10 minutes in total darkness, a streak of lightning lit up the bus, then a loud clap of thunder. I shuddered, a chill ran up my spine...I rubbed my arms to warm up. Then I suddenly felt very warm... the man next to me was intently staring at my chest heaving up and down, I did not notice I was breathing so heavy.

The man's eyes were very calming as he said, "its ok sweetie I'm here."

I could see the concern in his eyes, but I also saw something else, pure lust. At that moment I felt a warm sensation flow through my entire body, with a most intense heat between my legs. The intent look in this man's eyes took me off guard, my lips parted as I took a deep breath. He reached up and traced the outline of my lips.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Absolutely delicious, do you know how badly I want to taste you?"

His words and warm breath in my ear caused my nipples to harden. This did not go unnoticed. In a split second his hand reached up to trace circles around the peaks through the fabric of my thin tank top. Looking in my eyes, he knew I wanted more. He pushed down the front of my top, allowing one of my breasts to become fully visible. He was surprised and pleased by their size, looking into my eyes; he ran his hand across my bare flesh. My nipples became rock hard at his touch. He placed the bare nipple between his thumb and index finger and gently rolled his fingers back and forth. My lips once again parted and in that split second his mouth was on my breast. His tongue felt like fire on my skin, as he traced circles around my rock hard peaks. My eyes closed and my head tilted back. I must have let out a small moan as his teeth gently nibbled at my erect nipple, because I heard him let out a muffled laugh. His other hand was teasing my other breast through the thin fabric. After a few minutes he performed the same treatment on the other breast.

After he had finished he once again whispered into my ear, this time his voice was deeper almost like a growl he said, "That was just a small taste of things to come. Now that I have had a sample of your sensuous flesh, I want more, I want to devour you!"

At this time, all I could manage to do was nod my head yes. I glanced over to his crotch area. I could see his body was starting to react in the same way mine was. I started to reach over to feel his hardness through his slacks, but his hand reached out to stop me.

"Not yet baby, I want you to ache for me. I want you to know pleasures beyond your wildest dreams."

The bus came to a stop. Two of the three passengers, a young couple got off at their stop. As the bus driver pulled away the other gentleman in the front of the bus moved forward to talk with the driver. In the back of the bus, what would happen next are the things I had only read or dreamed about...

My breasts were on fire from the touch of the stranger. His hot, wet saliva still on my nipples felt like molten lava.

He whispered again in my ear, in a low growl, "This is your last chance to tell me to stop, after this, there is no turning back."

In a voice that I did not recognize as my own, I said, "Please, don't stop."

Within an instant his hand slid into the waistband of my skirt. His hot mouth was kissing the side and back of my neck. As his hand reached the moist, warm area between my legs, his middle finger traced a path around my clit; then he let out a silent laugh.

"You are already wet." In the lower growl he whispered, "I can not wait, I have to have the taste of you in my mouth now!"

He slid to the floor and positioned himself on his knees in front of me. He slowly eased my long skirt up to my knees and spread my legs apart. With his fingers he seemed to be mapping out a route for his tongue to take.

The stranger took one last look in my eyes and said, "Relax babe, as hungry as I am for you, just remember I want you to have pleasures beyond your wildest dreams."

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine my wildest dreams, but with this man inching his mouth closer to my mound, all thoughts were lost. His tongue teased my clit at first, and then as he started to apply more pressure with his tongue my body started to tremble. When he felt my first tremble, he began to slowly run his tongue through the slit of my lips. It was as if he was anticipating what my body would do next, not wanting me to climax yet. He reached up and grabbed my hips pulling me to the edge of the seat. He buried his face deeper between my thighs. His tongue moved in short gentle strokes at first, and then came the long more intense strokes. No one else had ever licked my pussy like he was doing now. I could feel my juices starting to flow, as they mixed with his hot saliva I heard him mutter "delicious". I let out a small moan and threw my head back as he ever so slowly inserted a finger into my hole. He was teasing me, and knew it! As he worked his finger in and out in a slow, methodical rhythm his tongue was playing with my clit in ways I had not even imagined.

His speed increased slowly till I let out a small whimper and whispered, "Please don't stop... I am cumming!"

His pace picked up as my body tensed. I did not realize my legs closed tight against his head as my body was rocked with wave after wave of climatic shudders. As my orgasm subsided he lustfully lapped at my slit as if to take in every bit of juice that was there. Just then the bus stopped again. The gentleman next to the driver exited the bus, leaving us all alone with the driver. As the bus pulled away, the stranger got up and walked to the front of the bus and spoke briefly to the driver. The driver put on a pair of headphones and continued on. As he walked toward me, the look on his face was pure unbridled lust. The man now standing in front of me knew he had all of the power. I was trembling, but not out of fear instead it was anticipation. He stood over me just looking at my body as if he was the lion and I was his prey.

After a few seconds of silence, I reached over to trace the outline of the bulge in his slacks. He looked down at me with a small grin as he unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks. I moved to the edge of the seat facing the man standing in the aisle. As he moved the opening aside, I reached up and took his penis into both of my hands. It was throbbing and growing larger by the second; I leaned forward and took every inch into my mouth. I knew if I waited I would never get all of it in my mouth. I kept it there as long as I could , my nose pressed against the mound of soft hair above the base of his cock, I took in his pure masculine smell as his cock throbbed at the back of my throat. The powerful man standing before me let out what sounded like a small whimper and pulled slowly back. I slowly started moving my head back and forth slowly, stopping each time to run my tongue around the head. My saliva was starting to run down onto his balls, so I stroked his shaft while I licked and gently sucked on them.

In his low growl, the stranger leaned over, and said, "You are driving me crazy, much more of that and I will cum all over your mouth."

I looked at him and shyly smiled.

"I don't think so!" He growled, "I am in control here sweetie!"

I did take the chance to lock my lips around his shaft and get a few more licks in on his rock hard rod before he pushed my shoulders back and laid me back onto the seat. He spread my legs and pushed up my skirt. I prepared for his forceful entry, but instead he leaned over and began to once again pleasure my hot, wet pussy. This time he teased his tongue very slowly up and down my slit. I thought I was going to explode! Just then his tongue slipped inside me and I felt a surge of heat through my body that I had never experienced before, my feet even felt like they were on fire.

"Fuck me!" I cried out. I had never uttered those words out loud before, only in my head! "Please fuck me now!"

The stranger let out a small laugh and said, "Are you aching for me yet?"

"Yes, fuck yes!" I said breathless, "Please."

Before I could finish, He rolled me over and pulled my hips up to his. He very briefly teased my slit with his cock rubbing just the head back and forth. Every time he would get near the opening I would try to thrust my hips closer. At last he slowly parted my lips with the head of his cock and slid into me, but only an inch at a time. Finally he thrust into me hard, his whole body stiffened. His cock was buried inside of me deep, I could feel it throbbing. My body started to tremble.

"Don't move", he whispered. "I want to enjoy this. You are so hot and wet, I love the way you are molded so tight around my cock."

Slowly he started pumping in and out. He would completely remove his penis and slide it back in each time. My body shivered, I was brought to the brink of orgasm several times.

He pulled out and whispered, "I want you on top of me." Then in a growl he said, "Face me, I want to see your face, I want to see the amount of pleasure I am bringing to you!"

With one leg on each side of his, he lifted my hips and positioned me above his rod. He eased my body down onto his cock. Slowly he moved my hips up and down, never letting his cock enter fully. I was going crazy and he knew it! I wanted more... I wanted him deep inside me! He gave me a devilish grin as he released my hips, let me slide all the way onto his shaft and moved his hips toward the edge of the seat. I started to grind back and forth slowly with his throbbing cock buried fully inside me. The bus stopped...I froze. The stranger smiled as the driver exited the bus.

"Don't worry; he will be back in about 10 minutes."

I smiled as I started my rhythmic grinding again. I tilted my head back and arched my back. As I rocked back and forth, he sucked on my nipples and kneaded my breast. My pace increased, his cock was rubbing deep inside me, and my body was starting to tremble. The stranger reached around and cupped my ass in his hands pulling me closer, driving his cock more forcibly inside me.

"Don't hold back, baby, I want everything you have."

My body stiffened as my body convulsed. I threw my head back.

"Deeper!" I shouted as my body rocked back and forth.

"Yes, yes, yes! I am cumming!" I am not sure which one of us said it, maybe both.

I felt his cock jerk as he shot his cum inside me. We were both soaked from the mixture of our juices mixed together and our bodies were still shaking minutes later. The driver, at some point, had climbed back on the bus. We were back on our way. The last thing I remember, the stranger looking straight into my eyes, giving me a content grin and kissing me gently upon my lips.

I awoke the next morning, alone in my bed. Was it a dream? My body certainly did not feel like it was a dream. Just the thought of the stranger on the bus caused my tits to tingle and my pussy to moisten! I looked over to see the clock on my nightstand, and found a piece of folded paper with a single piece of chocolate.

The message read...

Delicious! Babe, I knew who you were all along! I could not believe my luck when I saw you seated at the back of the bus! Until next time...sweet dreams, sweetie!

I smiled, then rolled over and went back to sleep, knowing I would never again have trouble trying to remember...My Wildest Dreams!

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tellstory2jaketellstory2jakeabout 13 years ago
Delicious indeed

I can almost taste you through your story. I love the idea of bringing a woman to orgasm with my tongue. I wrote a poem about licking that you might enjoy. My tongue cannot find you, so let me lick you with my words.

- Jake

BarelyJustBarelyJustabout 14 years ago
Dangerous, but Gripping

Love your writing. I don't know about the advisability of the young lady's behavior, but, hey, this is fantasy and nobody gets hurt. You write lust really, really well.

JoeehartleyJoeehartleyabout 14 years ago

Very hot. I enjoyed it a lot.


newbiebabenewbiebabeabout 14 years ago

just excellent!

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