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Naked About Town

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Exhibitionism and a lesbian revelation on National Nude Day.
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I would like to thank sweetfantasy559 for being my editor for this story.

Warning(s): This story contains lesbian sex, exhibitionism, and public sex. If that bothers you, I ask that you please pass this story over instead of commenting negatively about it.

Disclaimer: First of all, this story is complete fiction. Any resemblance of this story's characters and/or plot to real-life people and/or real-life scenarios is completely coincidental. In writing this story, the author guarantees that all the characters in his story are of legal age (i.e. at least 18 years of age) in his state/country and that this is the original version of this story and has been previously unpublished. Finally, this story is the sole property of the author, with permission granted to Literotica to use and distribute at its discretion. No other copying, printing, translating, publishing, editing, adapting, or distributing is permitted without the approval of Literotica and/or the author. Thank you. Now, without further ado, on to the story....


Holly Fitzgerald ran excitedly to her car. It was the fourteenth of July, the last day of the first session of the summer semester of her freshman year in college. It had been difficult, but the small curvy blond had managed to get all A's and B's. Now, after all her hard work, she couldn't wait to get away from school and spend some time loafing at the local beach.

She got into her SUV and began the short drive to the beach. On the way there, however, she saw a sign pointing the way to Prescott Lake. Hmm....the lake would be so much quieter than the beach...and so much more relaxing she thought. She changed her mind about her destination and turned her car around and headed towards the exit for Prescott Lake.

Little did she realize the adventure she was about to embark upon.

She reached the lake in relatively short order and set upon organizing her various items around her and getting her suit on to take a dip in the lake. She looked into her handbag and gasped. Her bikini wasn't there! Where did it go! She could swear she had put it there before she left her dorm room. What was she going to do now? Her whole trip was ruined!

Or was it? She got a naughty thought and smiled to herself. What if I went skinny-dipping? That would be fun, wouldn't it? she thought with glee. Holly had moved across the country to get away from her small-town conservative roots and had decided to experience as many different things as she could. Why not this one? She giddily began shedding her clothing, not hesitating for a second. She aimlessly threw her clothes on the bank and dove in to the water. The water was perfect! She came up uttering a shriek of exhilaration. She was skinny-dipping! She swam back and forth, diving under the water and coming up laughing. She could definitely get used to this. She would definitely be doing this again!

"Well what do we have here?" a voice called out from the bank. Holly quickly twisted around to see Michelle Ferguson, a girl she considered her arch-rival. The two girls had been at each other's throats ever since their junior year in high school when they were both up for varsity captain of the cheerleading squad. The race had started a conflict between the two that had been exacerbated by Holly's eventual win of the position. Ever since then, the conflict had moved to a type of open war where each girl was trying to humiliate the other one. The war had continued after high school when both girls had coincidentally happened to go to the same college. It appears that the next strike in their war was about to be taken.

"Michelle" Holly said in surprise. "What are you doing here?" "I followed you here you dumb bitch. After that stunt you pulled on me in the cafeteria, I couldn't let an opportunity for revenge slip away." Michelle said with an evil smirk.

"Michelle, I-I'm sorry-" Holly began in worry, but Michelle cut her off. "Save it bitch, you're getting what's coming to you whether you're sorry or not." With that, Michelle began picking up Holly's things, including her clothes. Michelle rummaged in Holly's jeans, pulling out a set of car keys. "Looks like I got a new ride!" Michelle said triumphantly. "Michelle, please don't do this." Holly pleaded, but Michelle was already walking away with all of Holly's things, only glancing over her shoulder to say "Have fun getting home". With that, she ran up the path and Holly heard a car start and drive off. Her car!

Holly gingerly made her way out of the lake, holding her hands over her breasts and vagina. She was naked at a public lake, where anyone could come by, and she had no clothes or anything else to cover up with. Worse, she had no car, no money, no phone, and no identification. What if she was picked up by the police? What could she tell them? How was she going to get out of here? She walked up the path that Michelle had taken. The path led up to a parking lot, which turned off of the highway. From where she was in the parking lot, any cars that happened to go by on the highway would probably see her, but fortunately, the highway was bereft of cars.

Holly weighed her options, deciding that she should walk her way back to the college and try to get back into her dorm room and get some clothes. With any luck, she could catch a ride with an understanding person who wouldn't try to take advantage of her situation.

With that resolved in her mind, she started walking up the path to the highway and then along the highway in the direction of the college.

She walked further and further, thinking that the college was about a mile from where she was. At first, she walked with her hands covering her body, but then realizing that this only slowed her down, began walking normally with her hands at her sides. As she walked further, she noticed a change coming over her body. Now that she was naked and worried about being found, her every sense seemed keener, especially her hearing since she was listening hard for oncoming cars. Every sound now made her jump or look around in fear, but she soon began to distinguish the sounds of nature from anything else. Her mind was also very active. What if she was caught by someone? What if she was caught by the police and she had to explain everything and they took her to jail as she was. She imagined herself naked in a jail cell and shivered. What if she was caught by a group of boys and they took her in their car and made her their naked sex toy, touching and caressing and even....well, going all the way with her? For some reason, that thought turned her on incredibly. What if she was caught by Michelle again, or Michelle's clique and they made her do more humiliating things, like streaking in town or make her go naked at school or maybe even make her masturbate in public? These thoughts only served to turn her on more and she unconsciously began touching herself, one hand caressing her breasts and pinching her nipples while the other hand thrust two fingers inside her shaved sex, caressing her G-spot, and the pad of her thumb touching her clitoris. She groaned in exquisite pleasure and began touching herself more vigorously, her thoughts propelling her masturbation. Oh God! I'm masturbating in public! What if someone sees me? What if they took pictures? What if they asked to help me along? She groaned loudly at this thought. She was almost there, almost-

"Hey good-looking, what happened to you?" a voice called from behind her. She quickly shoved her hands away from her body amidst her lust-clouded mind and whirled around to see who would be so mean as to interrupt her when she was so close to climax.

"Amy!" she shrieked with a mix of surprise, happiness, and a little embarrassment. Amy Westfield was a basketball player at the college and her best college friend. Amy could help her get back to her dorm! Yes! She was saved! Holly must have been so lost in her lust that she didn't hear Amy pull up behind her in her convertible with its top down.

"Well, what happened to you?" Amy asked again. "I mean, I'm sure there has to be a perfectly good explanation why you're walking naked on the highway, right?" Holly then regaled her entire story to her friend and told her what her plan to get out of her dilemma was. "So, can you take me back to get some clothes?" Holly asked hopefully. "Sure, hop in" Amy said cheerfully.

They had gone a little ways down the road when Amy piped up "Okay, I just have to ask. What's it like being naked in public?" "It's...ok" Holly said haltingly. "'s just ok?" Amy questioned in a deadpanning manner. "Yeah...I mean I didn't ask to be in this position. You saw me covering up as I was walking." In reality, the entire experience for Holly had been a huge turn-on and she had noticed her friend glancing at her several times during their ride. It seemed the more her friend looked at her, the hornier she got. Now, with her friend looking at her and the conversation focused on her ordeal, she was as horny as she had ever been and she was aching to get off after she had been denied her orgasm earlier.

All of a sudden, they heard sirens blaring behind them. "It's the cops!" Holly shrieked anxiously. "What are we going to do?" "Relax, I've got it all under control." Amy said with a wink.

They pulled over as the cops followed suite and got out of their cruiser to walk over to them. "Excuse me ma'am, I know we're a college town and we pride ourselves on being a little bit more liberal than others, but public nudity is still illegal. Do you mind telling me what you're doing being naked?" The officer, named Simmons according to his badge, spoke gruffly.

"Well, I-" Holly began, but was cut off by Amy "She practicing her legal right officer. Today is National Nude Day and she's celebrating." "Now look here miss" Simmons began angrily, turning his attention to Amy. "There's no such holiday and-"

"Sir" the other officer, named Dunlap according to his badge, piped in. "In a second sergeant. Now as I was saying, there's-" Simmons continued, but was cut off again.

"Captain" Dunlap persisted, this time with more urgency in his voice. "Ok, what is it sergeant." Simmons said irritably. "It looks like she's telling the truth. See." Dunlap said while handing over a Blackberry to Simmons. Simmons looked hard at the screen of the Blackberry, his face tightening with consternation. He shut the Blackberry and handed it back to Dunlap, then spoke to the girls. "It looks like you're right miss. Our illustrious mayor Johnson has decided that, for the first time ever, those citizens of Carterville wishing to participate in National Nude Day are welcome to do so as long as no obscene behavior occurs from it. It looks like you girls are in the clear. We're sorry to have bothered you. You may go about your business. Have a good day." With that, both officers returned to their police cruiser and drove away.

"I can't believe that worked. How did you know about this?" Holly asked Amy in amazement. "I didn't" Amy said with equal amazement. "I just know that there is such a holiday as National Nude Day and it's today. I didn't know this town actually allowed its observation."

The girls drove off, still in wonder of the events that had transpired. They hadn't gone far when Amy began questioning Holly again "So, how did that make you feel, being exposed to those officers?" "Well..." Holly began "it wasn't really pleasant at all. I was scared I would be arrested the whole time." " didn't enjoy that one little bit?" Amy pressed. "No, why would I enjoy that?" Holly asked in shock at her friend's suggestion. "Well....I guess the fact that your nipples are hard as diamonds, your clit is poking out, and your leaking like a broken faucet is pretty suggestive of that fact." Amy said with a laugh. Holly looked down at her body to find her friend's words to be true. Her nipples were so hard and erect they hurt and her pussy was leaking juice almost all the way down to her knees, as he large clit protruded out. Amy continued "You know, I think you really get off on this. I bet you like exhibiting yourself and you loved it when the cops saw you and you're horny as hell right now. In fact, I bet you weren't even trying to cover yourself when I found you. I bet you were trying to get off and I'd even bet that you were almost there when I showed up. Am I right?"

"Well I-" Holly began, but she knew what she was going to say was a lie. The truth was she was horny beyond anything she could have possibly imagined and she had been trying to find release when Amy found her. She was so desperate to come now that she was ready to do just about anything to get there. "Ok...yeah, you're right. I've never felt like this before, but I've never really made a habit of being naked in public either." Holly said with a wry smile.

"I knew it." Amy said, pumping her fist into the air. "Don't worry. Now that you're free to be naked, I have some plans for us." A mischievous smile crossed her face as she said this. "What kind of plans?" Holly asked warily, although the thought of more public exhibition made her stomach flip-flop and her pussy twitch. "Oh don't worry, you'll love it and you won't get hurt or in trouble or anything. I promise." Amy replied with a sincere smile. For some reason, that smile made Holly really trust Amy and she knew her friend would never do anything to hurt her as they entered this new part of their relationship.

They made their way into town without another word to one another. On the way in, they ran into quite a bit of traffic, which meant there were quite a few honked horns and ribald comments at the naked girl in the passenger seat. They drove until they reached the parking lot for the local general store in town. "Here we are." Amy said. Holly took a look around. The parking lot was packed with cars, probably from students buying last minute groceries before they left for break. "You want me to get out and walk around naked in there?" asked Holly, her fear and sense of modesty gripping her again. "Don't worry, it'll be easy. We can't get into trouble and I know you really enjoy this. Besides, if you do this, I promise you it'll be worth it for you in the end." She said this last part with an impish grin.

Holly, acquiescing to Amy (and a little curious to see her reward), opened her door and walked out, holding Amy's hand as she did so. "Oh, and don't cover up, no matter what. If someone tries to take your picture, smile and pose. This is National Nude Day, so if you act like everything is ok with you being naked, it'll be a lot easier for you." Amy said, winking and giving Holly a peck on the cheek.

They walked into the store and the reaction was immediate. There seemed to be a collective gasp throughout the store as the beautiful naked blonde entered. Holly and Amy made their way through the aisles, but were constantly confronted by stares, clapping, wolf whistles, off-color comments, scowling and smiling faces, rebuking comments, and the occasional picture. Holly didn't see anyone that she knew, but she did see plenty of college-age kids there, and many wanted to take her picture. She let a few do so, but not everyone. What Holly really hadn't counted on was her body's reaction to its exposure. If she thought she had been aroused before, she was totally unprepared for how horny the general store trip made her. By the time she had her picture taken the fifth time, her juices was running to the floor and she was unconsciously masturbating in the aisles, at first when she thought no one was looking, but eventually began doing it without realizing her eyes had closed and her hand was in her soaked cunt. Many times, it took some clearing of the throat from Amy before she realized where she was.

"Okay, I've gotten everything I need. Now let's get out of here before you lose it totally in public. With that, she grabbed Holly by the hand and pulled her to the cash register and paid for their stuff. They hurriedly made it past the cashier, who had no secret as to his pleasure at seeing a naked girl by the grin on his face (and the bulge in his pants).

"What did you get?" Holly asked, after her horniness subsided enough for her to be able to talk. "Just watch" Amy responded. She took out a black Sharpie and a giant piece of white poster board and wrote something in large letters that Holly couldn't see because Amy was blocking her view. Amy then taped the poster to two pieces of wood and tied the other ends with string to the pulled-down top of the convertible. When she was finished, there was a sign over her car that said "We're celebrating National Nude Day!" Holly laughed out loud, but her jaw dropped when she saw what Amy did next. Amy proceeded to take of her clothes right in the parking lot! She stripped until she was naked and then...she opened her trunk and threw her clothes inside, then closed the trunk and locked it! When she saw Holly's look of shock, she said "What, I'm not going to let you have all the fun." Both laughed good-naturedly as they got in. Obviously, word had gotten around town that there was a naked girl going around town, traveling in a red convertible, but people were now surprised to see two naked women in a red convertible. The sign certainly was attention-grabbing as well and the two girls found themselves the center of attention wherever they went. By the time they had escaped everyone following them, they'd had to double-back through an alleyway three times and then hide out in the same alleyway for an hour! Eventually, the crowds stopped looking for them and they were able to finish their business in peace.

They drove to the park and parked the car. "Amy, what are we doing here?" Holly asked curiously. "Just follow me" Amy said reassuringly. She took Holly's hand and they walked together to a bench in the center of the park. They sat down and Amy looked at Holly with a look that was mixed between longing and worry. "Holly, I have to tell you something. Ever since I met you, I've liked you a lot. I mean, I like you in a way that makes me want to be more than just friends with you. I really enjoyed today and I know you did too. I think we both learned today that exhibitionism turns us both on (for Amy had gotten very horny in the time she had been naked in public) and I think we should continue to explore this together, as well as other parts of our relationship. What do you think? I'll understand if-"

Amy never completed her words because Holly has mashed their lips together in a smoldering kiss. They both groaned and wrapped their arms around each other's heads. They released each other, both gasping for air. "Yes, my answer is yes" Holly said, her voice thick with lust. She immediately moved down Amy's tall lithe frame to her modest-sized breasts. She began kissing her breasts and sucking on her nipples, lightly biting them as she did.

Amy groaned in pleasure "We're in public! We can't do this here! We'll get caught!" "Baby, we're naked and horny as hell. I can't wait anymore. Besides, this will be the perfect ending. We're naked in public and now we're going to get it on in public." Holly rasped huskily.

Holly then proceeded down between Amy's legs, kissing her way down as she went. She spread Amy's legs and kissed Amy's dripping sex, which was shaved like hers was. Amy gasped with pleasure as Holly continued her ministrations. Holly then began to suck Amy's wet pussy, penetrating it with her tongue and caressing its folds, then darting it in and out, caressing her G-spot in the process. She then stuck two fingers inside Amy and began thrusting them in and out, massaging her G-spot, while redirecting her mouth and tongue to Amy's clit and sucking on it while caressing it with her tongue. Amy's groans turned into loud moans, and then yelps as Holly continued to pleasure her.


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