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Naked and Unafraid Ch. 03

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Helping others go naked and unafraid.
7.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/26/2021
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This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with those institutions has ever behaved as described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. Also, all characters are at least 21.

This is a continuation of Naked and Unafraid Chapters 01 and 02. I fear this story will not make much sense unless you have already read the first two chapters in order.

I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


A few days after our play at the quarry, Jake Pohl called me. "You piece of shit," he started the call. "Letting my wife and daughter act like sluts in public. Someone should rip your balls off!" He didn't seem open to hearing that, yes, we'd gotten sexual, but Kelly Ann and Melissa had initiated it. I let him go until he ran out of steam. "Stay the fuck away from my family," he shouted before he disconnected. I hadn't said a word.

A couple of days later, I was "downtown." The Foundation kept most of its funds with institutions in the state's largest city. However, to be "good a citizen," we kept a few hundred thousand dollars on deposit at small banks in town. I'd been meeting with the president of one of those banks.

I was walking back to campus where I had parked when Melissa Pohl came out of one of the small office buildings across the street from the courthouse. She smiled and gave me a bright "hi Peter."

"Hello Melissa," I said, "what are you doing downtown?"

"I work part-time for a lawyer in that building," Melissa answered. "He's solo and can't keep his files organized. I do his filing. It' great to see you, although I do like you better in what you were wearing last Sunday."

I laughed. I'd been nude last Sunday as had Melissa. "You looked pretty outstanding Sunday," I replied.

"You like me naked?" she asked. I nodded. "Good," she continued, "I like being naked when people are around."

"Uh, Melissa," I started.

"You got a pissed off call from Dad, didn't you?" she interrupted.

"Yeah," I replied.

We were walking past a coffee shop. "Do you have time for coffee?" Melissa asked. "Let me tell you what's going on. I've got a bunch of friends but you and Joanna and Siobhan and Ian and Sheila and Keith are really the only friends Mom has. You should know. I expect she'll need you at some point."

Everyone, male and female, looked at Melissa as we entered the coffee shop. Although she was dressed conservatively, she was just that beautiful.

We got our coffee and sat. "Mom and Dad are having problems," Melissa said. "First, Dad hates the insurance business. He always has. He's thinks he'll get back into baseball. Somehow, in his mind, Mom working for the Athletic Department was going to get him a coaching job. That illusion shattered when Mom was fired. She was set up, but Dad blames her ending his 'opportunity.'"

Melissa sipped more coffee. "Second, because Dad hates it, his insurance agency isn't making any money. Most of what it does make he pays to Christina. More about her in a minute. Third, Dad always sort of dominated Mom. Dad made the decisions even though Mom probably has better judgment. Dad isn't any more, but he was raised fundamentalist. For years, he knew what to say to make Mom feel guilty, to think that her real desires were evil. Mom has shrugged that off and embraced her exhibitionist desires. Dad has lost control and doesn't like it one bit."

"Fourth, and biggest, is Christina Flores," Melissa said. "Christina was a volleyball player. She's a tall girl with long, beautiful legs. Dad hired her right after she graduated, the same time I was graduating from high school. I always wondered why Dad wouldn't let me work in his office. Well, last January, before the 'nude cheerleader' stuff, a friend of mine whom Dad doesn't know rented the apartment next door to Christina. My friend is a grad student with odd hours, so she's home in the day. I was at her place one afternoon. I heard Dad's voice outside. I peered out. He was grabbing Christina's ass. They went in her apartment and, a few minutes later, you could hear them doing it."

Melissa sipped some more coffee. "My friend told me Dad's over there a lot. These 'fishing trips' and 'golf outings with customers' he's been doing on weekends lately? He always takes Christina with him." Melissa paused, seeming a little sad.

Melissa reached out and put her hand over mine. "I had to tell Mom," she said. "I don't care that he's fucking Christina. Mom doesn't care either. Limiting your sex life to just one person would be insanely boring. It's the fact that Dad's hiding the relationship at the same time he pretends he's so much more 'moral' than Mom. Ok, he's human. We all fuck up. But now he's denying it. He's acting just like Art Rizzo!"

"I'm sorry," I said. "I like your father."

"I think Dad likes you too," Melissa said. "He's not really upset about last Sunday. I know he's thought about fucking me. With that huge dick of his, it would probably be fun, but that's baggage I don't need. Dad's feeling trapped. Things are falling apart. His business is broke and he's about to lose his 'most beautiful woman in the room' wife."

"Kelly Ann is going to leave him?" I asked.

Melissa nodded. "She's already met with the lawyer."

"How do you feel about it?" I asked.

"He's my Dad," Melissa said. "I love him. He never tried to control me as much as he did Mom. But Mom went through a bad time. Instead of being there for her, he was upset about how it affected him. Instead of helping Mom, he was watching the video of us over and over. I think he really had the hots for Bethany rather than me."

"You know," I said, "I've never seen the video."

"You haven't?" Melissa exclaimed. "It's good. I really like it. I'll e-mail you a copy. Anyway, I know you've got places to be and so do I. Don't worry about Dad. His bark is much worse than his bite. But Mom is going to need you guys. She's been repressed so long. She's going to need support getting back to the exhibitionist she was at 24. I'll help. I've got another year and I'll probably stick around after graduation next spring unless something wonderful comes along. But Mom is going to need all her non-judgmental friends."

True to her word, Melissa sent me a copy of the video shot by Sally's boyfriend. Her cover e-mail said, "I'd really like to be there when you watch this. I know it is rude to invite myself, but how about a viewing party Saturday night?"

I mentioned that to Joanna, who was curious to see the video. She had not been at the booster dinner. Siobhan, Sheila, and Keith hadn't been at the dinner either and wanted to see the video. Since they were all available that Saturday, we decided to have a cookout and viewing party at Joanna's.

I e-mailed Melissa back telling her what we had arranged. Melissa's response e-mail said, "Great! A friend who is also in the video is in town this summer. May I bring her? And Mom?" I e-mailed back that Melissa was welcome to bring guests.

Siobhan, Ian, Sheila, and Keith were already there when Melissa and Kelly Ann showed up that Saturday. Joanna and I answered the door, nude of course. Melissa and Kelly Ann walked in with a darker-skinned girl. I remembered her as one of the other cheerleaders at the booster dinner.

By way of introduction, Melissa said, "Peter, you remember my friend Lena from the booster dinner, don't you?"

Lena said, "Melissa told me I'd be meeting some like-minded people tonight." She looked at Ian and me and said, "I remember both of you."

Joanna told Lena, "we're a bunch of good friends who prefer to be nude when we're together. I hope we don't offend you."

"The only way you'll offend me," Lena said, "is if you say I have to stay dressed."

"No," Joanna chuckled, "we'd never say that."

Lena whipped her sundress over her head. She wore nothing underneath. Lena was not fat, but she was curvy. "You're wondering where I'm from," Lena said to me. I was wondering but was embarrassed to be called out.

"Yes," I admitted.

Lena smiled. "Born and raised in New York, but Mom and Dad both immigrated from Brazil."

Melissa and Kelly Ann came out from the front room where they had undressed and left their clothes. Melissa came up to me, gave me a bare hug, and said "How is my favorite AARP member?"

"I'm fine," I replied, "and, for the record, I do not belong to AARP."

"Your loss," Melissa said, "I was thinking of offering discounts."

Joanna gave us both a look, and asked Melissa, "What would you like to drink?"

"What do you have?" Melissa asked.

"Come into the kitchen and you can choose," Joanna replied.

The two women turned and walked away. Melissa walked with a slightly exaggerated swish of her gorgeous ass and glanced over her shoulder to make sure I was looking. Joanna caught that and began swishing her gorgeous ass. I was impressed how two women, 37 years apart in age, could both look so beautiful side-by-side.

Kelly Ann and I also hugged. "How are you doing?" I asked.

"Jake moved out yesterday," Kelly Ann replied.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No," Kelly Ann said, "it was necessary. My lawyer is filing the divorce papers Monday. I can't play the role Jake wants anymore and Jake can't accept me for what I really am. Still, I lived with him for almost a quarter century. It's tough. Jake made it a little easier by telling me he's moving in with Christina."

Joanna had come back into the room. "If there is anything we can do to help, just ask," she told Kelly Ann.

We had a wonderful cookout, less because of my work at the grill than because of the presence of six lovely nude women. After we'd cleaned up, everyone went to Joanna's entertainment room. We had loaded a copy of the booster dinner video into the computer connected to Joanna's big screen TV. I had been at the event, but it was enjoyable to watch it without the anxiety I had that night.

The video lasted about half an hour. When it finished, Joanna said, "damn, that must have been fun."

"I was wet when we headed back to the locker room," Melissa said, "weren't you Lena?"

"I'm just glad Sally asked Kevin to record it," Lena said. "I didn't think to ask Jack."

"We'll delete the video," Joanna said.

"Keep it," Melissa replied. "It's already been on the Internet. Even friends from high school have seen it and called me."

Lena chuckled and said, "I sent a copy to my mother."

Joanna, Siobhan, Ian, and I all looked at her, a bit dumbfounded. Seeing our reaction, Lena explained, "I told you Mom is Brazilian. She came to the States for college, but she always goes back for Carnival. The pictures of Carnival parades we see here show the women dancers wearing a thong and something over their nipples. Mom says there are plenty of parades where the women dance wearing nothing but shoes and some fancy headdress. Mom dances in a couple of those parades every year. The first Carnival after I graduate, Mom said I can go with her. Won't that be cool? Mom and me both parading together bare ass naked!"

The week after the cookout, Joanna and I went to the County Clerk with our passports, driver's licenses, Fred's death certificate, and my divorce decree. We got some paperwork done.

Siobhan and Ian always took vacation in July. "It's when we have time," Siobhan explained, "and its off season for the places we like to go." Joanna and I went with them to Key West that year. Siobhan and Ian had found a clothing optional hotel a few blocks off Duval Street. It looked like an old house which had been added onto. The expansion had been built around a courtyard containing a small pool, a deck for sunbathing, and a lot of tropical plants. The young woman who checked us in told us, "there must be some mistake. The room we have reserved for you only has one bed. We didn't realize you are a party of four."

Siobhan, who had made the reservation, replied, "no, that's exactly what I asked for."

The young woman looked at the four of us for a moment, somewhat confused. A smile came on her face. "Enjoy your stay," she said. With the four of us sharing a bed, we would.

It was a nice hotel. It was a joy to get up in the morning, go to the lobby stark naked, get a free cup of coffee, and drink it in the courtyard. The hotel had about twenty rooms. Given that it was July, I was surprised that most seemed occupied. Apart from Joanna and myself, the clientele seemed primarily European.

We spent some time clothed doing the touristy things like taking pictures at the southernmost point monument and visiting Hemingway's house. Siobhan and Ian had been to Key West recently, but neither Joanna nor I had been there in decades. We always found several hours a day to sit nude by the pool. The hotel did not have a restaurant or bar. Of course, there were many of those a short, albeit clothed, walk away. To my surprise, Key West also had a clothing optional bar. We managed to end up there each night of our stay.

We rented a car and went to Boca Chica, near Mile Marker 10, a couple of days. It wasn't a legal nude beach, but we'd been told we wouldn't get hassled there. We didn't, but we were about the only people there both days. We talked about going to Haulover in Miami but decided that was too much driving.

The highlight of the trip was the boat we chartered for the Wednesday of our stay. I had handled that and made sure that (1) the four of us would be the only passengers and (2) the charter operator had no problems with us being nude. The boat was a powerboat with a canvas top over part of the seating area but also some open space towards the stern where we could sun. Although it wasn't designed for seating, you could also sit at the bow.

Fran and Derrick operated the boat. Fran was, I'm guessing, thirty-something. She was a slender woman with a deep tan and without a visible ounce of fat. I had the sense Fran may have spent too much time outdoors as her skin had a somewhat weathered look. If you substitute "man" for "woman," my description of Fran also describes Derrick. They were both friendly, informative, and tolerant.

We had arrived on the dock with Joanna and Siobhan in bikinis and Ian and me in tee shirts and shorts. As soon as we were out of the basin where they docked, Fran announced "clothes may come off now." There were other boats around, but we didn't need to be told twice. Fran assured us that, "no one worries about nudity on the water in the Keys."

Fran and Derrick gave us a tour for an hour or two, telling us various interesting things about the Lower Keys. They stopped and provided masks and fins so we could snorkel. The underwater life was fascinating and nude snorkeling is great fun.

After we finished snorkeling, Derrick and Fran took us to an island that was, roughly, a hundred yards long by fifty or sixty yards wide. "That's where we'll eat lunch," Derrick explained. "Don't bother getting dressed," he added. "No one else is likely to show up and, if they do, they won't care."

Derrick beached the boat. Derrick and Fran declined our offer to help carry things from the boat to the beach. While they set up for lunch, the four of us walked along the water's edge. I understand that most of the Keys are rock or coral and that seemed to be true here. There was one softer, sandy patch. As we walked back to get lunch, Siobhan said quietly, "anyone want to put on a show?"

We knew what Siobhan meant. It sounded like fun. Joanna and I stopped, hugged, and began kissing. Joanna stroked my dick and I put a hand between her legs. Joanna and Siobhan got on their backs on the small soft patch. They were almost touching. I mounted Joanna and Ian mounted Siobhan.

We had all made love outdoors before at home and we had made love with people watching before, although always with members of our little group. Making love on a tropical beach, with the sea only inches away, being watched by two strangers was a new and very stimulating experience. I had glanced their way a couple of times and knew that Fran and Derrick were watching us. I suppose anyone would watch if two couples started fucking just a few yards away.

The four of us had wanted to have sex in that setting. That's why we'd come to the Keys. That day, we wanted to do it with people watching us. Both couples took it slow to make the experience last as long as possible. We also talked, as we usually did when we were making love together. That day, our goal was to try to synchronize so that our orgasms came as close together as possible. We didn't do badly. Joanna came first, being more vocal than usual so that Fran and Derrick knew she was coming. I came next. Ian and Siobhan came a few seconds later.

We washed off in the sea before we walked back to Fran and Derrick. As we approached, Derrick commented, "you guys are certainly uninhibited."

"I hope we didn't offend you," Joanna replied. "The setting just seemed so perfect."

"Not offended at all," Fran replied. "It was pretty hot watching you."

"We won't be offended if you two want to do the same," Siobhan added. Fran and Derrick looked at each other. For a moment, I thought they would strip and fuck, but they didn't.

Fran and Derrick also refused our offer to help clean up after lunch and load the boat. We sat at the water's edge while they re-loaded the boat. Siobhan, our naughty one that day, said, "let's confuse them a bit." Again, we knew what she meant.

When it was time for us to board, Joanna and Ian waded out to the boat holding hands. Ian helped Joanna aboard with two hands firmly on her bare bottom. Siobhan and I followed and did the same. As Derrick took us back out to sea, Joanna and Ian sat in the bow with their arms around each other. Siobhan and I put fresh coats of sunscreen on each other. I sat on a bench in the stern. Siobhan sat in my lap.

We boated for some time. We saw two dolphins. Around mid-afternoon, Derrick dropped anchor near another small island and said, "you can swim here if you like." We swam for a while. The water was surprisingly warm.

The water was also shallow. I found a spot not far from the boat where I could stand with the water only up to my waist. Siobhan came up. We stood close, facing each other. I felt her hand wrap my balls under the water. I leaned forward and kissed a nipple, then I started sucking it. After a few moments, Siobhan put her hands on either side of my face and raised it up to hers. We kissed as I fingered her under the water.

Siobhan put her arms around my neck. I grasped her ass with both hands, lifted her up, and lowered her onto my erection. She wrapped her legs around me. Ian and Joanna came up to us, standing close but not blocking the view from the boat. I hadn't fucked standing up in some time. I was mildly proud that I still could and could get Siobhan off. After Siobhan and I came, Ian and Joanna made love the same way.

When we got back to the boat, Derrick was grinning. "You guys are non-stop," he said.

"Can I ask a question?" Fran asked.

"Sure," I replied. I suspected I knew what was coming.

"Uh, who is really with who?" Fran asked.

"Ian and I were married before we met Joanna and Peter," Siobhan answered. "They're getting married later this month."

"It's easiest," Joanna said, "to think of us as a one couple made up of four people. We see it as though Siobhan and I are both married to both Ian and Peter."

"That's, uh, wow," Fran said.

"That works for all of you?" Derrick asked.

"Better than I could imagine," Ian replied. Siobhan, Joanna, and I nodded in agreement.

Before we docked, Derrick and Fran anchored again a little way outside the basin so we could watch the sun set. Another boat anchored a few yards away. There were seven or eight people on the other boat in swimwear. The four of us stood nude in the stern, arms around each other's back, watching the sun go down. Someone from the other boat called out, "love your outfits." We were glad they enjoyed us.

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