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Naked at a Slumber Party

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Go to a sleepover. I try to get Satomi & Asuna to do one.
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This was late August, one Saturday, after Oceanview U.'s Japanese language exchange. I guess there were 7 of us, 2 guys, Dave and Naoya, and 5 girls, Lucy, Fujiko, Yuko, Babe and me. Dave is quiet, has bushy eyebrows, but is kind of handsome in a rugged outdoorsy way. Naoya is tall for a Japanese, wears glasses, and likes to be involved, but some girls say he's a bit of a geek. He seems to be more interested in Lucy anyway.

Lucy is Korean. She is very tall and probably in the market for a boyfriend, but school was ending for her. She was flying out the next day, headed back to Korea to become a stewardess. Fujiko is probably my closest friend in the group, Japanese, a tennis instructor, a bit of a tomboy and a real party girl. Yuko was a bit older than the rest of us, closer to 30, but sophisticated, a woman of the world. She can look beautiful at times. Babe is cute, short, smart, Taiwanese. She likes some of the same guys as Yuko, so Babe tries to dress sexy in order to compete.

You probably know me. I'm Japanese, shy(?), but fun-loving, basically a good girl. Some guys say I'm cute, but who knows? Personality-wise, I sometimes get caught up in the moment, doing things I probably shouldn't. I'll tell you the story, and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, it all started when Babe offered to host a sleepover at her house, a farewell party for Lucy.

"Oh, I don't know," I shook my head. "I didn't bring any pajamas or anything."

"Oh, that's OK. You can sleep in your underwear," Babe joked. I quietly mused,

"Or naked."

This got a huge reaction out of all of them, except Naoya who was too busy hitting on Lucy. I was just joking at that point, but it was kind of fun, to tease them, and see their reaction.

"Do you always sleep naked?" Yuko asked me. She was trying to make out like she would never do anything like that, but I knew she had a lover back in Japan.

"Sometimes," I smiled coyly. "Doesn't everyone?"

Dave perked right up,

"Hey, can I come?" Dave is usually the quietest, but apparently, the prospect of seeing me naked seemed to have got his interest up. He was looking straight at me, trying to picture me naked I guess. I wasn't wearing anything special that day, just jeans, sandals and a blue and white t-shirt which was maybe hugging my breasts a bit tight. I had a bra on, so I don't think they could see my nipples anyway. Dave seemed to be getting all excited. I just batted my eyelashes, feigning innocence. Yuko came around in front of him, and crossed her arms in a giant X.

"No way. No men allowed."

I was surprised she was so against the idea, but I guess she was right. If we're going to have a sleepover, maybe we shouldn't include the guys. I mean Dave seems nice enough, but we didn't know him really. He lives way out in the country somewhere, and only comes in for the exchanges. In any case, I had a boyfriend, Ryosuke, and didn't want trouble.

"Oh come on!" Dave protested. "Naoya and I are going to miss Lucy too. We should all be there."

It was pretty funny seeing them get all heated up over whether they could come. Naoya peered over at me, curious now. I was just joking, people! For heaven's sake!

Yuko held firm, and eventually, the guys gave up, and headed off to do their own thing. Babe took us four girls to her place while Fujiko went to fetch some drinks.

Babe lived in a big house with a bunch of other roomers. She led us up this narrow staircase, and unlocked the door. The decor in her apartment reminded me of a commune, with artsy posters on the wall and a vague after-scent of marijuana. The house was pretty quiet. Maybe her share mates aren't home.

She took us to her bedroom. It was decorated nice, feminine, kind of cute. Babe is smart, but she's been trying to remake her image, try to act sexy. We sat down on her bed while she scurried around looking for bedding.

Soon, Fujiko showed up carrying a bag of alcohol and mixers. I usually don't drink—I do crazy things if I do—but some of the cocktails she made sounded interesting so I did try a little.

"Where'd you learn to make all these drinks?" I asked.

"I'm taking a bartender's course," Fujiko explained.

"What drinks can you make?"

"Tickle Me Elmo, Sex on the Beach, Pink Panty Dropper."

"What? You're kidding!" The names sounded so kinky.

"No, I'm serious. For the Pink Panty Dropper, you use pink lemonade."

I mulled this over, but already the alcohol was starting to affect me. I felt light-headed, maybe a bit warm. Maybe I should stop now before I get drunk.

"Can I use your shower?" I asked Babe.

"Are you going to bed already?"

"No, no. I just want to get cleaned up."

"Sure, the bathroom's across the way."

I borrowed a towel, and scooted across the hall. Even through the door, I could hear Yuko and them, giggling away back in Babe's room. They are good people. I felt safe.

I took a deep breath, stripped out of my clothes, and stepped into the shower. I turned on the water, poured some soap in my hand, and lathered up my breasts and pussy. It did feel kind of nice, the warm water and my fingers massaging my body. I didn't want to get too carried away though. If I start moaning, the rest of them might hear.

When I was done, I got out, and checked my body in the mirror. I look cute I think even when my hair is all wet like this. I puckered out my lips, voguing. I still had on my lucky necklace hanging down between my breasts. I had a bit of a tan from swimming at the beach, but my breasts were still white. Only my nipples were a slightly darker color, kind of red. My pubic hair was all wet and messy, kind of indecent looking. I do look hot though I think. Ryosuke likes it when I'm wet. ;-D

I wrapped the towel around me, and then scurried back to Babe's room.

"Where are your pajamas?" Fujiko slurred, maybe a bit drunk. "Oh, that's right. You're going to sleep naked."

I sat down next to her. Fujiko wrapped her arm around my bare shoulder, trying to stay upright. I looked at her, wondering if I could sleep naked. I sleep naked at Satomi's dorm sometimes, although she doesn't like it when I do.

"Maybe I should," I teased, testing the waters. Babe got up, and showed me the clothes in her closet. I'm taller than she is, so I didn't think her nightwear would fit me.

"You're not going to sleep naked!" Fujiko guffawed. "You're too much of a goody two shoes!"

I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I don't know why I was getting so excited. It was just us girls. Worried I was blushing, I leaned forward, trying to hide my face in my wet hair. I don't think Fujiko really knows how hot this all gets me. I had talked her into going for a polar bear run at the frat where she is staying now. Maybe she was too drunk to remember.

"I will if you will," I countered. I still wasn't sure if I should just go au naturel, but all this talk had got me thinking. Babe gave up trying to find me some p.j.'s. She lay back down on her bed, and whined,

"I'm hungry. Can someone go get some food from the kitchen?"

No one moved to help. I pried Fujiko's arm off me, and struggled to my feet, but Fujiko grabbed my towel, pulling it off. Suddenly, I was naked in the middle of Babe's room! I felt so weird, but kind of excited actually.

"Wow! Sexy!" Babe whistled. I felt pretty embarrassed, but none of them seemed too shocked.

"You have long legs!" Babe went on. Lucy looked me up and down, perhaps a bit jealous. Self-conscious, I grabbed for the towel, but Fujiko pulled it out of reach, giggling away.

"You should go to the kitchen like that!" she blurted out. Lucy and Babe laughed.

"Very funny," I retorted, cupping my hands over my breasts. I looked around, gauging their reaction. I began to think maybe I could get away with it. It was a bit risky, but the house had been quiet since we arrived.

"I tell you what. If I do, will you get naked too?" I asked Fujiko again. Babe laughed even more.

"You won't do it. You'd never do it," Fujiko shook her head. She did have a point. I didn't know Babe's house mates. It would be pretty crazy to just wander out into the main part of their house buck naked. But then again, it might be fun...

"But if I do, you'll strip too, right?" I prodded. Fujiko hesitated for the longest time, but finally nodded.

"Girls! Girls! Watch! Emi's going to go out into the hall naked!" she announced. I motioned for her to keep her voice down. To tell you the truth, I hadn't really planned on doing anything like this, but they all seemed amused. Maybe they think I won't do it. Usually, when I'm with them, I'm pretty restrained. Except for Fujiko, I don't think they'd seen me fool around like this before.

Standing here naked had gotten me pretty excited. I cautiously opened Babe's door, and peeked out. I pricked up my ears, but I couldn't hear anyone. The cool air from the hall was tickling my hello kitty, getting me even hornier.

I took a deep breath, and stepped out into the hall. There were all these alarm bells going off in my head, but I set out down the hall, not really knowing where I was going. It was such a strange feeling, wandering around Babe's house in my bare scuddy. I tweaked my nipples, getting even more excited. This really was crazy!

I eventually found the kitchen. I felt so weird standing here, horny, vulnerable, but I rifled through the cupboards, looking for a plate. Opening the fridge hit my body with a blast of cold air, making me even more aware of my nudity. I found some carrots and celery. I wonder if she has a cucumber... Anyway, I piled the veggies onto a plate.

I almost made it back to Babe's room. I was so close, but just at the last second, a head peeked out from one of the doorways down the hall. It was a guy, and the horrible thing was I recognized him. His name is Fang. He is Vietnamese and a friend of Babe's. I think he's a grad student. He usually looks pretty collected, but now, his hair was on end, his eyes wide. I had to admit I did look pretty indecent, my breasts and bush showing, wet, shivering. His eyes focused in on my pussy in particular. He cocked his head to the side in wonder. I should have covered up, but it all happened so fast. I rushed into Babe's room, and shut the door behind me, breathing a bit heavily from the shock of getting caught.

"What? What happened?" Fujiko asked. I was still processing. Had he got a good look at me? I guess he had. That was kind of silly going out there naked like that. I felt guilty, ashamed. Should I go explain? And say what?

"Um, yeah, it was fine," I lied, not wanting to alarm them. It struck me that Babe and Fang might be dating. I hadn't really thought about it, but they did seem pretty close. I finally scooted over, and handed Babe the plate of veggies. I looked at her, worried, but she just calmly started munching on them. Still, I felt awkward.

"Can I have my towel back now?" I asked Fujiko.

"I thought you said you were going to sleep naked." Fujiko is usually nice, but I guess she was drunk. I sat down on a futon, and pulled the sheet around my body, covering up. The rest of them were kind of talking with Lucy.

I kept worrying that Fang might come down here, looking for me. I guess he only saw me for a second or two. Maybe he's shy. It did kind of bother me though. I've got a hot body! Wasn't I worth pursuing? Most guys would at least come, and try to get a closer look, don't you think?

The other girls started changing into their p.j.'s. I couldn't stop thinking about Fang though. What is he doing now? Is he still in shock? Picturing me? I couldn't help but be curious. Still naked, I got back up, and went to the door.

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked, alarmed.

"I just want to get a glass of water," I told her. Babe didn't object, so I opened the door again, and went back out! I was really asking for trouble now. Fang's door was open, but I didn't see him. I scurried down the hall to the kitchen, and poured myself a glass of water. I have to say, I was getting a real thrill wandering around her house naked like this. I felt so awake now, invigorated, horny.

When I came back though, Fang peeked out from his door again, clearly on the lookout for me now! He zeroed in on my pussy again, then glanced up at my breasts. His expression didn't change, but he was clearly quite interested. Part of me wanted to go down, and explain what I was doing, but I didn't know what to tell him. He looked like he wanted to say something, but I motioned for him to keep his voice down. I didn't want Babe to know he'd caught me, twice now! I just kind of stood there, torn. If I don't go explain, he might tell Babe, but if I go down there naked like this, that might just make things worse. I was excited enough as it was.

Unfortunately, Fang got up, spooking me, so I scooted back into Babe's room, and closed the door. My heart was pounding in my chest. Lucy kind of motioned for me to stop fooling around, but I was so excited by then. Eventually, I realized that my clothes were still in the bathroom.

"I have to go get my clothes," I whispered to Lucy. She sat up, offering to help, but I motioned that it was alright. I waited for a while, listening at the door, trying to tell what Fang was doing. Lucy was staring at my ass, making me nervous, so eventually, I just thought to heck with it, and slipped back out into the hall. It was pretty fun tempting fate like this.

Fang was right there watching of course. He peered down at my bare bottom this time, almost smiling now. I blushed, and waved for him not to stare so, and then scurried into the bathroom. He didn't seem upset or anything, rather the opposite, probably turned on by my body. It would be pretty funny to go down, and talk to him, but anyway, I should probably get my clothes first. I was in such a hurry though, that I dropped my panties on the carpet, as I dashed back.

I set my other clothes down on my futon, and then went back for my panties. I dashed out, and grabbed them, but Fang was all excited now, waving his arms, trying to tell me something. I came right back though, and shut the door again. If he really is dating Babe, I probably shouldn't be teasing him.

Still breathing heavily, I got under the covers of my futon, and tried to settle down. I half expected Fang to come down, and knock on our door. Should I go tell him not to? Babe seemed pretty out of it. I think she and the others were starting to drift off to sleep. I should sleep too, but I kept worrying. I didn't know what to do. It's not so often that I get caught naked like this!

The next morning, I awoke to find the other girls already up. Fujiko had left my towel by her futon, so I rescued it, and wrapped it around me. I couldn't tell if Fang was up, but anyway, I nipped across, and had another shower. I actually didn't see him that morning.

Eventually, we girls all got dressed, and took Lucy to the airport. I was sorry to see her go, but promised to keep in touch.

This little escapade got me thinking though. I wondered if I could organize a real naked slumber party at my house. I didn't really know Babe and the others well enough to talk them into it, but maybe Satomi and Asuna would be up for it. To find out, I first dropped by at Satomi's dorm room. Satomi is a cute girl, duckbill lips, exotic eyes, but kind of uptight. I think she's gorgeous, but she's usually not keen on any of my crazy suggestions. She was busy studying, but I told her about getting caught naked by Fang.

"I don't know how you do these things!" she squealed in horror.

"Oh, come on, Satomi. So he saw me naked. It's no big deal."

"No guy will marry you now," she told me, seemingly serious.

"Oh, Satomi. You're just being silly. I've been thinking we should have a naked slumber party at my house."

She didn't say anything. Peeved that she wouldn't listen, I reached down, and tried to tickle her.

"Hey! What are you doing?" she protested.

"I said we should have a naked slumber party at my house."

"OK, OK. I heard you," she finally answered. "Keep your voice down. The boys are outside." The boys in this case were Hector and Kevin, two geeky but sweet dorm-mates of hers. Hector was a swarthy Colombian, and Kevin, a shy artistic Chinese American.

"So you'll do it then?" I asked, all excited.

"I didn't say that," she demurred. I went for her belt buckle again, but she fought back, driving me off. "Stop fooling around here. This isn't the place." That sounded encouraging actually.

"My place then?" I persisted.


"For the naked slumber party!"

"Emi, that's just silly. Why would we have to be naked?"

"It would be fun. Come on. Let's just try it, okay? Some weekend when my host family have gone away."

"You're hopeless. You know that?" she complained, but it was obvious that she wasn't really angry. I reached for her belt buckle again trying to undo it.

"Emi!" she scolded. I continued to press, but when she backed off to get away, she ended up falling off her chair. Giddy, I jumped on top of her, trying to pull up her sweater, and tickle her. We both couldn't stop laughing, but finally, she gave in.

"OK, OK, I'll go to your silly party," she relented. "But no boys and no funny business!"

One down, one to go. My next problem was to get Asuna to come. Asuna is such a precious naif, cute as a button, but largely innocent of the ways of the world (or so I thought). I used to try to shield her from all the kinky stuff, but now that I think about it, she did get naked at the fireworks show when we went to the washroom to change yukatas. Who knows? Maybe she'd be into it. Anyway, I phoned her up, and arranged to go over to her condo a few days later.

I guess the sky was a bit cloudy when I left the house, but for some reason, I didn't think to bring an umbrella. It wasn't until after I got off the bus to walk to her place that it really started to rain. I was just in sneakers, powder blue shorts and a t-shirt, but I found a newspaper, and held it over my head as I ran through the rain. By the time I got to Asuna's patio door, I was soaked.

"Oh goodness, Emi. You are all wet. Here let me get you a towel," Asuna cooed. I didn't really mind so much. It was warm that day, and I had this party thing on my mind.

Asuna was usually this adorable little moppet, her sleek black hair up in twin pony tails, wispy bangs, doe-like eyes, button nose, her lips pressed together in doubt. Today though, she seemed different, more adult, more beautiful somehow. She was wearing raspberry lip gloss, a navy blazer, white blouse, navy mini-skirt, but it was more than that. She was radiating sexuality. I decided to confide in her about getting caught naked by Fang.

"What? No way! How come you were naked?" she asked.

"Fujiko stole my towel," I told her, even though that didn't explain why I kept going out into the hall.

"Huuun!" she nodded, mulling this over. She dug out a towel, and handed it to me.

"So what's up with you? Any new guys in your life?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know. You know me."

I did know her which is why I was asking. I wanted to know why she seemed more worldly all of a sudden.

"Who all is here?"

"Maria and Sandra have gone off to work." Maria and Sandra are Asuna's roommates.

"What about Craig?"

Craig is Sandra's boyfriend. When I first met Craig, I didn't think much of him. He'd burst in on me coming out of the shower. He has this habit of doing things like this, never respecting a girl's privacy. He is kind of good looking I guess. He has these pearly white teeth, and his eyes are dark, Asian looking almost. I guess he's not that bad, but the thought of him maybe being here did kind of get me going.

"I don't know. He might be here. It's been pretty quiet," she answered, eyes wide. I wiped myself off with the towel, but I was still dripping wet.


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