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Naked City

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Living and working naked.
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Five years ago.

Are you having fun honey?

Yes, of course I am. I always enjoy our time at this resort. You know how much I like running around nude.

Yes, I do. How would you like to be able to be nude all the time?

Are you planning on moving us here full time?

No. I am planning on moving us to the middle of Nevada. Of moving or building a new headquarters and plant there. We are in negotiations to purchase a large tract of land. Since we will own the land will be able to make our own rules for the most part. Did you know that public nudity is not against federal law?

Well, sure I knew that. That is how we can be here now. Right?

Yes, dear. So I believe we will be able to open Nu City in about two years.

Nu City? From the French Nu? As in naked?

You like it?

It has a ring to it.

So, the middle of Nevada. How far from the nearest city?

From the nearest city to the edge of our soon to be city 105.7 miles. We will be completely self-sufficient. We will have houses or apartments for everyone, grocery stores, vehicle charging stations, entertainment places, parks and whatever else we can think of.

There is a big problem. A lot of people are not comfortable being naked or around naked people. How are we going to overcome that?

Well you are the Vice President of Human Relations for our company aren't you. That is your area and your problem to figure out. But, I only want people who are either nudists or at least comfortable being around nudists in Nu City. Any current employee that doesn't fit the profile will stay at our current facility.

We will need a very in-depth personality profile survey. I will reach out to some psychiatrists and have them put together something for us to use.


Congratulations, I have the privileged of offering you a position in our company. If you accept the position offered you will need to be at my office at 6:00 AM on July 14th of this year. Plan on staying in the area for one week, during which you will receive orientation classes.


R. E. Baker

Human Resource Manager

Baker Industries

I immediately sent off my reply that I would be at that appointment and would be happy to accept the position offered. That was two months ago. The job offer came two weeks before my final tests and graduation from college. I received my degree in Human Resources with honors, with my parents watching. It was the proudest moment of my life thus far. I had three weeks before the appointment with Mr. Baker. I spent the first week at home. Caught up with my folks, and friends. Then went camping with my girlfriend at a remote lake where if past experience held true we would be the only people within 30 miles.

Carrie and I packed my truck and drove to the trail head where we would hike the last 50 miles. She and I had done this twice before so our confidence was high that there would not be anything we could not handle. We figured three days in and three days out. That left us a week of camping by the lake. If the previous two trips were any indication Carrie would shed her clothes after the first day and not put anything back on until she absolutely had to dress or get arrested. This of course was just one of the reasons I love her. She was also very smart and the most caring person I have ever met. Her views and mine were rarely in conflict. Usually resolved after an intellectual and fiery debate. She won many of them, but not all of them. And most of all she was fun and funny. I will leave it up to you to interpret "fun".

We parked the truck, donned our backpacks, locked the truck and started hiking. Since there weren't any other vehicles at the trail head Carrie was already making indications that she could get naked earlier than she normally would. I told her it was her decision, but that since we were still outside of the National Forest she wasn't on good legal ground. She saw the logic and waited until we were another mile along (still a good ten miles from the National Forest boundary). She told me to hold up, dropped her pack and began stripping. I always like seeing her strip. And she always teases me a little. Going slower than necessary. Carefully folding each item and putting it in her pack before removing the next. I watched as she took her boots and socks off, setting them aside. Next off was her shirt. Then her pants. Both folded and packed. She stood barefoot in just her panties and bra (which she only wore when around her parents). She posed for a second, so I snapped a picture. She is just so beautiful standing there in the mountains almost naked without a care in the world. Then quickly she removed the bra and panties. After she packed them away I could see her shoulders relax like a huge weight and just been lifted from her soul. She always did that whenever she took her clothes off. Clothed Carrie was very cute, very girl next door/tomboy cute. Naked Carrie was just so much more than beautiful. She radiated joy. So much more than any supermodel cardboard cutout woman. Much more than the individual parts. Yes, her breasts were gorgeous, proudly standing on her chest without sagging, nipples centered out front and always hard. She keeps her pussy hair waxed, which I love as well (I am not a pervert, I just like to see her lips). Now naked, Carrie walked like a cat towards me and kissed me like tomorrow will never come. Her reward is my penis trying to rip itself through my hiking shorts to reach her vagina. She laughs at my discomfort and promises that she will give me the first aid I seek once we make our first bivouac spot.

We hike on. The weather is pleasant about 65 degrees. Very good for hiking. I begin to sweat. I can see that Carrie is not sweating. Well, when she is right she is right. I ask her to stop and I take my clothes off too. She smiles at me warmly. She laughs at my still erect penis. Then tells me to buck up and hike. We still have many miles yet to our bivouac spot.

Half-way there we break for lunch. Just a couple of sandwiches her mom made for us, our only non-dehydrated food. Until we get back to "civilization" we will live off the land and our small cache of dehydrated food. I know how to make snares for rabbits and we will fish. The lake has always provided for us well. I am confident it will do so this time too.

I make a grab for her but she deflects my hand. "No, no. Not until we have set up camp for the night. I am not going to walk 10 miles with rocks and pine needles in my ass". She is smiling, she isn't teasing she is promising that we are going to be making love all day every day once we make camp. This is going to be a great trip. We start hiking again.

Just before sunset we reach our first campsite. We have done this many times together so setting up camp is quickly completed. She starts a fire as I get a pan of water to boil our dinner. We set the pan off the side of the fire so it wont boil away too fast. I grab her hand and run into the river for a quick swim. This is what we always do, so she is running almost before I could start to run. Splashing each other, rubbing our hands over each other, washing away the sweat from hiking and caressing each other makes me extremely happy. I pull her to me and we kiss. I love the way she kisses me. She doesn't use technique she bares her soul when she kisses me, which is just so much more sensual. I hope she feels the same from me. She doesn't talk about it so much as just melts in my arms. I must assume she is OK with my attempts at conveying just how much I love her.

I pick her up and carry her to our tent. She is dripping wet from our playing in the river, but I can also smell that she is already wet and ready to make love with me. We haven't been together for months, not since my spring break. Carrie decided not to go to college since she was a computer whiz. She didn't need a degree. All she needed was an interview to prove herself. Any computer science degree available would already be at least a decade out of step with what she already knew. My plan was once I got settled into my new job I could get her an interview with my company. Then we could get married. Of course this isn't how it happened, but I didn't know that then.

I laid her on our bed (OK two sleeping bags zipped together). We kissed and fondled each other. Each knowing what the other likes fondled. We have been together since sixth grade and have been lovers since her eighteenth birthday. I am amazed that she isn't already snatched up by some high-tech company and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. But she waited for me to graduate. Doing freelance work to keep busy and to keep her skills sharp. How can I not love her. She has waited for me. She has sacrificed for me. I have to stand tall for her in every way, as a lover, a husband, a provider, a partner, and her man. I enter her, slowly like she likes, building a rhythm together. Tonight she wants it slow with a very slow quickening of our pace. She wants it to last a long time, at least fifteen minutes with a mutual climax. It is almost always like this the first time after being apart for so long. I don't find this boring in the least. I find it very erotic. We move together and then apart, joined as one. Our senses melded with each other. We are so in tune we feel the other building to orgasm before we feel our own orgasm approach. I begin pumping my load into her as her eyes roll up into her head. She is having a massive climax. I have never seen her have one like this before. It takes her several minutes to hug me back, she is just limp in my arms. Finally she focuses on my eyes. "I love you. Will you marry me?" We say at the same time. Shocked and happy we both say, "yes". I reach into my backpack for the engagement ring I bought her. She smiles as I put it on her finger. For me there is nothing more beautiful than Carrie, naked wearing my ring. And I get to see her like this for at least the next ten days. She won't get dressed unless the temperature drops below 45 degrees. Since, it will only be that cold late at night, she will not get dressed. She is a committed naturist. At least in front of me. She hasn't broken the news to her parents yet. I suspect that once we have our own house she will constantly be nude at home. That is fine with me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have plans to show her off to my lecherous friends to get my sick kicks. If she only wants to be naked for me I will be happy for the rest of my life. I only care that she is happy.

We had a great time camping, I was able to snare a few rabbits and catch lots of fish. Together with our dehydrated food we ate very well. We swam in the lake every day, sometimes several times a day. We hiked around the lake one day. We even saw another couple camping on the lake. Since they were not naked like we were we let them be. I am sure they saw us and if they wanted to visit they would have. We each respected the other and just waved from a distance when we were out and about.

Carrie was determined to remain naked, as always, and stayed that way all the way to the truck and most of the drive home. I had to pull off into a deserted area and practically force her to dress so as not to attract the attention of some puritanical police officer.

The next day I said good-bye and flew out for my orientation.

I was met at the small corporate owned airport by a chauffeur in a medium sized car. After loading my suitcase in the trunk he drove me to the corporate office. I checked in with security and went to the HR offices. R. E. Baker turned out to be a woman of sixty or so. She was dressed in typical corporate attire, her hair was styled and her make-up was invisible to my untrained eye.

"Good morning Mr. Viles. I am Robin Baker. I am pleased that you accepted our job offer. I hope that you will like working here. You might not know that our facility and all the area around it for 25 miles in every direction is owned by Mr. Baker. This includes everything in Nu City. Everyone in Nu City is an employee of the company, except of course for the minor children. As employees any criminal activity is punishable by termination of employment or imprisonment in our prison. We have a unique community here. Quite unlike any I am aware. We have structured our laws off of a small town in Texas except for one. We do not have any law prohibiting nudity."

"But everyone I have seen so far has been clothed."

"Yes. When we have a new employee arriving the people who would see them within the first hour are all told to wear clothes if they don't normally. We don't want to shock you too badly until we have a chance to brief you. So, Mr. Viles, are you still interested in working here?"

"You mean everyone in Nu City and the surrounding area can or will be naked at any time they choose?"


"Then it will be my pleasure to work here. I recently became engaged to my childhood sweetheart. She is an excellent computer person. And she loves to be naked. This city would be her dream come true. Would there be a chance she might work here too?"

"Congratulations on your engagement. I believe we will be able to find a position for Carrie here." Robin smiled.

"Er, how did you know her name was Carrie?"

"We did a background check on you. She came up. We looked into her as well. In truth, we have been anxious for you and her to arrive." She pushed a button on the intercom, "Lisa, send her in now please." The door opened and Carrie walked in with a 'cat at the canary' grin.

"Hi honey. Guess who also got a job here?"

What could I do but laugh. They had both got me. I couldn't have been happier. I was worried they wouldn't have a position for her and she would soon get bored living in the middle of no-where. Nu City was at least a hundred miles from the next closest city. It was on reclaimed desert land. It did have all the amenities any small city would have, a grocery store, electric charging station (all the cars being electric), hospital, mall with food court and movie theater, sports facilities, police station and prison, etc.

Orientation consisted of hours of policy videos. Once we left Robin's office we began seeing lots of people sans clothing. Some were just not wearing all the clothing usually worn in public, some weren't wearing any. Not everyone took part in the relaxed dress code, but they did not seem to be bothered by those who did. "So that is what the survey was about." I thought. Very good. Smart even. Only offer jobs to those people who are at least nudity tolerant. I wondered if the survey also determined likelihood of non-criminal behavior too. If it didn't, I was going to recommend it for future surveys.

After the three hours of policy videos were completed we were taken to our new quarters. We were to live in a small apartment complex. The complex was small, only about 50 units. But the apartments were at least 1,200 square feet. Ours was a two bedroom, two bath unit. So we had room for company I assumed. We were told we would be here for at least a year. Then if our annual reviews went well we would be moved into one of the suburb houses if we wanted. Each of the four suburbs was built around a central community center with pool, tennis, volleyball, and basket ball courts. Apparently our chauffeurs had dropped off our suitcases at our new apartment. Carrie insisted that I carry her over our new threshold. I did. The first thing she did upon being set down inside our new digs was strip out of her clothes, I was actually amazed that she waited that long. The second thing she did was to strip me out of mine. After an hour of making love in our bed we showered together (a really nice big shower) then we went exploring. Carrie was very excited that she could be naked all the time in our new city. She vowed she would only get dressed when management insisted.

Carrie stuck to her vow. To my utter pleasure and many others as well I expect. She is quite beautiful as I have said. She is also completely faithful. We have three children now. All three are mine. That is to say genetically they are from Carrie and I. The company tests every child born to ensure no infidelity occurred to create the child. If there is, it is considered a crime and the woman is fired unless the man protests that he is fine raising the child as his own. The biological father forfeits all his rights to the child and is fired unless the man/husband allows him contact with the child and to keep his job. I hear several sterile men have become fathers in this way. History also tells of similar situations have happened for millennia.

Anyway, we have been here for the last 15 years. Carrie has remained naked the entire time. Except for new arrivals, which only last an hour at most. And most times she just stays out of the way until the hour is over.

Carrie's parents and mine have visited many times over the years. As you can expect the first time they saw her and me naked they were taken aback. We of course had told them of our new lives here long before they visited. Carrie's mom took to visiting us frequently. She also was frequently naked during her visits (like daughter, like mother I guess).

Our children are wonderful. We have two daughters and a son. Took all three tries to finally get a son. But it took only three years to get all three. They are very close. We have a four bedroom house but only two bedrooms are used. The kids insist on bunk beds and living together in one room. I would be worried about the arrangement if we lived anywhere else. Psychological testing is done routinely on everyone to root out anybody who would sexually attack anyone else.

People develop relationships with those they are attracted. Just like any other city holding hands, hugging, and kissing is performed in public. And just like every other city more intimate sexual acts are carried out in private.

Our girls and our son all know not to have sex with anyone until they are in love and can support themselves financially. I expect at least one of them will end up jumping the gun a bit. I have no clue which one it will be. It won't matter, we love them all no matter what. Best to let them think about consequences though, don't you think?

Sorry, I seem to have wondered too far ahead. Back to those policy videos. Most were standard boring company policy. There were a few more interesting though. Obviously the sexual harassment video was a bit more interesting seeing as full nudity was accepted almost everywhere. The only exception is where Personal Protective Equipment or PPE was necessary. The second was the history video of our founder. Though not strictly a policy video it did shed some light on this unique place. Seems he was a genius inventor who was able to patent his inventions. Unlike most corporate inventors who's inventions were the property of the company they work for. So, he being a nudist, bought tons of square miles of land in a modest climate and built his ideal city. Since the government has many laws against nudity he circumvented those laws by owning all the land his city sat upon. Private property and all is private. Signs posted all around the property warned visitors about the nudity. So far there have been no major issues with outside authorities. They seem to ignore us. The last video was the consequences of violating Nu City law. We received a complete penal code for Nu City, which is the same as for the company. Any theft above minor shop-lifting by minors is grounds for termination of employment. Fighting that results in serious injury or becomes a habit is grounds for termination of employment. All sexual assaults are grounds for imprisonment. Any careless act resulting in a death is grounds for imprisonment. The manual goes on and on of course. But those are the highlights. Oh, and there are security cameras everywhere to catch any criminal behavior. The videos are highly encrypted and only available to the police and district attorney. So far as I can tell there has been nobody sent to prison who was not guilty of the crime they were accused. Oh, the prison had only two inmates. One was guilty of careless actions resulting in the death of another (she was too busy talking to her passenger and ran over a pedestrian. The other was obsessed with a co-worker who didn't reciprocate his affections. He didn't take it too well and now is serving a 30 year sentence for trying to force the relationship.


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