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Naked For Freedom - Book 01 Ch. 02

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A teacher finds a new life in America, naked.
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/08/2013
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Naked For Freedom

The Adventures of Amy Thornhart


Chapter 2

Amy opened her eyes. It was a dream, a weird dream. She laid there in her bed. After awhile, she decided to get out of her bed to get her mail. She put her trench coat on and her high heels. Amy walked outside to go to her mailbox. The sun was slowly creeping up to start the day, on this England's morning. She reached her mailbox. The morning breeze ran up her coat and tickled her pussy. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. She doesn't like wearing clothes at home. The cool breeze woke her up a little as she steps outside, from her apartment building. Amy got her mail and was returning to her apartment. Her stomach was making that certain noise. She looked at her car and stopped to ponder. Amy was thinking that if she goes out and get something to eat, no one will think that she was naked under this coat. She'd forget to go to the grocery store, the other day and really had nothing to have a meal.

She drove to a 24 hour breakfast restaurant. She sat down in a booth and ordered her food. Her coat was too tight to sit in, so she unzipped her coat. Her coat exposed half of her breast. She looked down to see that her nipples were begging to poke out. She paused and figured out what that new feeling was. It was the air hitting her pussy. Every time the café's door opened, she felt the wind going under the table. She looks around to see if anyone was looking. Then she quickly opens the bottom of her coat, putting the sides next to her waist. Her breast popped out. She quickly folded over the top of the coat to cover her breast. Amy took her coat's belt and tied it under her breast. She needed that refreshing air on her pussy. She looks around to see if anyone was looking. They were more worried about going to sleep or eating. She smiled and leaned back because she knew that no one had seen her. She looks down on herself. Her areolas were exposed over looking her pussy.

"Can I help you miss?" A young waitress was standing right next to her.

Amy jumped up to see the waitress looking at what Amy was seeing a second ago. Then the waitress looked down on her pad and was telling her the café's specials. Amy was hoping that the waitress didn't see anything. But she couldn't try to close up, and then she will definitely see her. Amy looked at her menu and ordered her food. Then the waitress took Amy's menu and took a step back. Amy looked down to see one of her breast was out.

"It's going to be busy in here soon, there's a better booth in the back." Said the waitress.

Amy nodded and gathered her stuff and followed the waitress carefully. When they arrived at the booth, Amy looked at the booth. The booth had no view of the seating area. It was just outside if the kitchen's door. Amy wondered why she needed to change her table. Being a woman by herself, does the restaurant needed to keep an eye on her? What type of place is this?

"We use this booth for the employees to eat and to relax." The waitress pointed to the seat, for Amy can sit down. The waitress moved closer to her and started to talk to her in a whisper. " tell you the truth, I've been working here for awhile. I use this booth for my breaks. She looked around and moved even closer to Amy. "I don't wear clothes at home." Amy's face lit up. The waitress backed up and smiled. "One time, the boss saw me take off my coat, when I first came to work. That day I was running so late, I only had time to throw my coat and shoes and raced to work. I had a spare uniform in my locker, so I thought I could put that on. I was putting on my uniform. The boss walked in the room as I opened my coat in front of him. Later on, in the day, he asked me why I arrived nude under my coat. I'd told him my story. Later, he approached me and said if I was comfortable with my nudity, I can come to work nude. I can't be out here in the seating area without my dress and shoes though. He'd made this booth for me, so I can eat and take my breaks here, in the nude."

The waitress moved in closer. While she was talking the smell of her perfume and the sight of her cleavage were intoxicating to Amy. Amy looked down to see the waitress undoing her uniform. Her uniform was more like an apron, that was like a short dress. In a split of an eye, the waitress undid a string and lifted the uniform over her head. Amy was shocked.

"No one can see you back here. The cook is either asleep or watching tv back there. I knew you were naked under that coat. You can be naked here. I am.

The waitress held out her hand towards Amy. Amy looked puzzled. Then, the waitress tugged on Amy's coat and waved her hand. Amy pointed to her coat and the waitress shook her head yes. Amy slowly took of her coat and gave it to the waitress. "I'll bring your food in a sec dear." The waitress hung Amy's coat on a coat hook next to the booth. "It's good to see somebody else, other than myself." Amy smiled as she sees the waitress about to go through the kitchen's door. The waitress turned around to see Amy looking at her. Amy smiled to see her waitress was naked. Her nipples were stiff. The waitress turned around to walk in the kitchen. Amy sighed and leaned back. She realized she didn't look at her mail yet.

She reached for her coat pocket and felt the mail and yank it out. She sorts through them. Her eyes lit up, knowing that the day has come. She became nervous, knowing that this one letter can change her life forever.

Amy stared at that letter. St. Bradley, the letter had on it. She opened the letter and took a deep and slow breath.

"Dear Ms. Thornhart, after reviewing your resume and application, St. Bradley wants to invite you to become part of our staff. St. Bradley needs you to become our 'Development Instructor'. This position involves teaching potential and current students in courses that they have difficulty in or want to excel in. We are aware of your transition from England to the United States. We arranged a furnished condo for you when you arrive. As you know, this is St. Bradley's first year and our city, Pleasant Haven, is also new. We all need to get adjusted to this. We are very excited that you chosen St. Bradley. Together, we can build a new future! Remember, our temperature doesn't go below 78 degrees here and rains weekly, so dress appropriately".

Amy screams and jumps, like a little school girl. The kitchen's door opened. The waitress came out. "What's wrong?"

Amy turns to see her waitress standing there completely naked holding a spatula.

"I got the job I wanted!"

"Congratulations!" The waitress said joyfully. Amy stared at the waitress's nude body. "I better go get your food." They both looked down and smiled. "I'm taking my break now, can I join you?"

"Of course..."



They both nodded at each to establish each other's name. Yolanda went in the kitchen and came shortly out with Amy and her food. Amy smiled as Yolanda sat down nude across from her.

"This is my first nude in public. Do you do this all the time?" Amy asked.

"No... just at home and at work. I live by myself. No one sees me and it feels good to be nude. My boss allows me to be nude. He's very open mind. At first, I thought he was a pervert. Then before I started to be nude at work, I wanted to talk to him. He lives by me, so I went to his house to talk to him. He came to his door and yelled behind his closed door . He said he was watching tv and didn't want to talk to no one now. I told him it will take a second and I wanted to talk to him, face to face. He opened the door and I stepped in to find out that he was naked. We sat down and he'd explained to me that nudity was fine. I felt comfortable around him and that night I'd started doing this." She pointed to her body.

The kitchen's door opened a man came out to stand next to the table. "It's slow; I'll take over for the next 30 minutes." He looks at Amy and smiles. "Continue to entertain our guest." He smiles and goes into the main seating area.

"That's the boss." Yolanda said.

After they ate, Amy put her coat on and walked to the front to pay. Yolanda went in the back to put her uniform back on. Amy didn't bother to tie her belt. She held her coat closed. Yolanda walked up to the cash register. Amy went inside her purse to get some money. Her coat opens up. Yolanda smiled. Amy paid and walked out. Yolanda watched Amy walking away with the sides of her coat going back and forth on the sides.

A few weeks later, Amy finds herself in a taxi, passing by the city's sign -- Pleasant Haven, home of St. Bradley College. The taxi pulls in front of her new condo. The neighborhood was very quiet with no one around. The condo complexes were still building built and there were only a couple of dozen cars in the parking lot.

It was getting late in the evening and the stars were so bright. She enters and walks around to admire her new home - a fully furnished, one bedroom condo, with a large kitchen and living room. This was much larger than her apartment in England. She started to unpack her belongings in her bedroom. She was thinking that she couldn't believe that she was chosen to be a teacher at a brand new college. She can really go far. The college even built this city. The college and the city are in the middle of nowhere. The closest city is 20 miles away.

The phone rings. "Hello."

"Hi, this is Steve, the St. Bradley's dean. Is this Amy Thornhart?"


"Well, on behave of St. Bradley and Pleasant Haven, I welcome you. I just called to make sure you'd arrived safely and if you needed anything."

"Thanks, I'm good for now."

"I'm calling because your first class is tomorrow at 10 a.m., in your classroom. F110"

"I'll be there."

"I hope you enjoy your accommodations. If you have any questions let me know, ok?"

"Ok. I just want to thank you for this great opportunity."

"You're welcome. We are lucky to get you. See you tomorrow Ms. Thornhart."

"Bye Dean." She hung up the phone. Her body was very tone from her school days of playing sports several years ago. She kept it up with her daily exercise routine. She stood 5'10" tall and long brown hair that reached to the middle of her back. She walks over to her bedroom's window to see the wonderful view of the campus's bell tower, in the far distant, illuminated by the moonlight. She smiles.

"I'm home. A new life... a new beginning!" She shouted. She started dancing and remembered that she needed to go to bed. She pulls her dress over each f her shoulders. Her dress falls to the ground. Amy unhinged her bra and drops it on her dress. She started to wiggle getting out of her panties. She smiled, then started to dance like a stripper.

Amy steps out of her panties and opened her curtains, wider. She gazes at the beautiful scenery again. After a few minutes, she turns and goes to bed.

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TNSr5rTNSr5rabout 12 years ago
Wearing Very Little

I live alone and wear as little as possible as much as possible. I find there is BOTH a sexual side to this tendency AND a freedom side to it. I love the feeling of freedom and release it gives me. I even held a video conference from my office at home with almost 100 people watching me on my computer, all the while I wore a shirt and tie but nothing below the waste. Sitting in my chair behind my desk with my laptop cam showing only my chest and head to almost 100 people was an AWESOME RUSH!!!

lickmydivinepussylickmydivinepussyabout 12 years ago
luv'd it luv

I like getting naked in public too

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good Start

Good start keep it coming.

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