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Naked Friday 01 - Monday

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Team Building with a naked twist.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/04/2012
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I slowly woke to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing away in the back of my mind and stretched out a hand, pressing the pause button on the top - another ten minutes in bed will be OK, besides, Martin won't have to get up this morning, he has a day off – lucky sod!

As this thought got through to my conscience, I was suddenly wide awake – its Friday – NAKED FRIDAY!!!!

Let me tell you, before I continue, about Naked Friday.

On the previous Monday, all the staff of our small architectural company were gathered around the central table in our open plan office. At the outset, it didn't seem any different from the usual meetings we regularly had other than the fact that this was a Monday, and not our usual Wednesday meeting day. The meeting was held on a Wednesday so that anything that was crucial could be accomplished by close of play on the forthcoming Friday. As a result, Rachel and I were chatting in the kitchen whilst we made our cups of tea about what this was likely to be about – to no avail this morning – the announcement we were about to hear could not have been considered by someone with the wildest imagination – not even me, and believe me my imagination could get pretty wild at times!

We gathered around the table to start the meeting, Donna and I sat next to each other as normal while Dave, one of the Architects, sat across from us and was joined by Phil, the Accountant and Gerald, the Quantity Surveyor. Eventually, Robert, the second Architect, owner and Director of Self Build Planning Ltd, our small company, and Rachel, the Purchasing Officer, joined us at the table.

"Good morning all, I hope you have all had a good weekend, we had the weather for it for a change." said Robert, smiling as he did so. "Sorry to break out of our normal routine " he continued, "but all of us Directors have noticed that we seem to be having a bit of a problem with moral at the minute."

Everybody else around the table, except for Donna, seemed a little surprised at this announcement. Sure, just recently work seems to have flat lined a bit, things slowing down due to the recent banking problems and resultant recession, but we still seemed to be getting along reasonably well.

Robert's voice broke back into my conscience again as he continued.

"I know times are tough at the moment, but if we don't raise our moral I fear for the future of the company. We are a small company and the feelings of others are easily propagated through to the other members of staff which can easily result in a spiral that affects each and every one of us."

He paused for a moment then, and seemed to gather himself together for a few moments. He looked at Donna and she smiled her encouragement at him.

"This Friday, we are going to try to do something that will hopefully raise our spirits and get us out there striving to get new orders and keep this company, and our jobs, alive and prosperous. The work is out there if we get stuck in and grab it. With this in mind, we are going to undergo a team building exercise, and it will take up all of this Friday coming. To explain more, I will introduce to Graham, who will tell you all about it."

Robert got up out of his chair and went out towards the reception area, which is shared by a couple of other small businesses in the building, and came back in a few moments later with Graham in tow. He duly introduced us all to him and we all sat and waited for either Graham or Robert to continue.

"Next Friday", Graham said, "you will all be taking part in a team bonding exercise but, due to financial constraints, this will take place here and not the usual jolly to some paint balling place or other. The exercise will also be filmed for a forthcoming television series that will include a number of other companies in similar circumstances as yourselves and will be aired on BBC 2 in the Autumn. We have successfully filmed four of the six part series, so we are nearly done."

A little bit of a buzz passed around the table, Rachel expressing her concern about being filmed for the television and others making their own little comments, most of which I didn't hear as I was getting interested in this now, me being the exhibitionist that I am it sounded like something that would be right up my street.

How little did I know myself – at the end of this process, I was to find out how much of an exhibitionist I really am – and a whole lot more in the process!

Graham then explained about his history, how he had started up and run four companies to date, all of which he had then sold and were still up and running, one of them in the top 100 companies in the UK. He was not short on experience then, but the next thing he said was like a bomb going off.

"This team building exercise, just like the others that we have filmed, will be called Naked Friday, which by the way is the program title. So far, we have been very successful over the past year and all of the companies involved have gone on to better things. The first two have improved their company's income by as much as 50%, which clearly has an impact on wages and the numbers of staff employed. We will break up for a cup of tea or coffee in a few minutes so that you can discuss this amongst yourselves without the bosses being around to intimidate you. First though, let me explain this more fully."

I looked around the table at the others. Donna and Robert, the Directors, were looking down at the desk, unwilling at the moment to make eye contact with anyone else – they clearly knew what was coming – everybody else was looking around the table at the other assembled members of staff. we all had rather blank, 'rabbit in the headlights' countenances. Eventually, Donna made sure to make eye contact with each one of us and smiled beguilingly at us while Robert kept his head down for the moment. Was this embarrassment?

Graham went on further, "Come Friday, you will all, and I mean all, be required to come to work naked and remain naked for the duration of the working hours of the day, and the work you will be required to do will be no different from a normal work day. During the remainder of this week, we will have a team here, led by myself, to mentor you and who will be filming the proceedings throughout the week. They will also be here on Friday to film the results of the week. The program, which will be aired in the autumn, will include excerpts from what has happened during the week as well as the actual day of the event. Now, to calm your nerves a little, I hope, I have to stress to you all that this is not a sexual thing that we are undertaking here – it is a team bonding exercise. Indeed, if any one of you, male or female, Director or Employee, makes any inappropriate sexual advance, be that physical or verbal, towards another member of staff or visiting member of the public during the course of this exercise, they will be immediately dismissed. That will apply to each and every one of you. This would also include the Police being involved if the situation warrants it."

He paused for a few moments and then said, "Do you all understand the gravity of the consequences that inappropriate behaviour is going to attract?"

He waited whilst each of us in turn acknowledged that we did, and this included Donna and Robert.

Once we had all agreed to this, he continued with, "To allow us to set up our lights and other equipment, we would like you all, excepting Robert and Donna, to get yourselves off to the kitchen, which will remain a neutral zone where anyone can go at any time to discuss issues off the record to my team or with each other, and have a break for an hour."

He then sat down and said nothing further whilst Robert asked us to leave the room.

In silence, we all stood up and went off to the kitchen, carrying our now cold cups of tea with us, everyone had forgotten to drink them after we had made them earlier, variably either terrified, shocked or enthralled by the topic just introduced to us.

As I went out, I felt the heat rising up my chest to my cheeks and thought I must look awful – blushing away like a beacon. All sorts of thoughts went through my mind – naked – in work – for a whole day, and everyone else being naked too. I just didn't know how to react to this announcement – so far outside our society's norms and certainly nothing I had ever contemplated before – 'no, I just couldn't do this' was the thought uppermost in my mind, despite the usually very sexy and often revealing clothing I wore out on dates with my husband. 'Ha!' I thought to myself, 'and Martin thought I was an exhibitionist!' I thought about how I would wear really low cut dresses and short skirts all the while and enjoying being looked at by others. Except for one occasion out with Marting though, it had never been showing off any more than one would find on an average British beach. No nipples showing or pussy flashing, just legs and cleavage.

I nearly always seemed to arouse Martin to my best advantage – he is a fantastic lover and is very gentle and considerate in our lovemaking, seeming to know just what I want, when I want it. Soft slow and loving one day, strong, lustful and animalistic the next. He loves for me to show off my body – a frame of 5 feet 3 inches, shoulder length blond hair, 34B bust, 28 inch waist and 32 inch hips. The only down side seemed to be a rather out of proportion short body against my long slender legs, which I must admit I did use to my best advantage with short dresses and skirts, none of which were ever more than 3 inches below my crotch outside of work and yes, I do know that I show off my knicker-clad bum on occasions – mostly conservative white or black in work but with a tendency toward a G-String, or very occasionally none at home, when out and about outside of work. I even went knickerless once to a club and had a great time, but I had never done it again. But naked – in work – all day? No, I just couldn't do it!

I rarely smoke, but now I scrounged a cigarette off Rachel and nipped outside for a quick one (I meant a smoke, you horny people!) whilst all the others got their teas and coffees. When I got back, the conversation was quite lively, Rachel saying it sounded intriguing, but didn't think she could do it naked – maybe down to bra and knickers – but not totally nude. Phil saying that nobody would want to look at his wrinkled saggy 56 year old body and other such comments.

I listened for a minute or two to others comments whilst I made my tea and then, and honestly, I don't know where it came from, I said, "Well, I think I could do it; it may be fun."

Even as I was saying it I blushed scarlet red and felt very hot indeed, temperature hot, not sexy hot – but then again!

Gerald responded to this first with "That would obviously be fun for the rest of us, but just look at you compared with the rest of us!"

Rachel glared at him and I swear if she'd a decent knife in her hand she would have stabbed in through the heart where he stood.

"What is that supposed to mean – are you trying to say I'm not attractive you dirty little perv?" she spat back at him.

This, of course, embarrassed Gerald and he tried to cover it up but it didn't work.

"Well, if Gina can do it, so can I – I'll show you lot!" and she stomped off back to the office.

The boys all looked a bit sheepish then and, since Rachel had gone back in, they started to follow her. It wasn't long before they were back though, as the film crew hadn't finished yet. Eventually, we were told we could go back to the office when we were ready.

Once we were all re-seated, Graham asked us each in turn what we thought about it and would we be likely to join in. Only Rachel said she would right off, but there was still an element of spite in her response which made it seem unlikely that she actually would, and I said that I would have to talk it over with Martin first, but, following my outburst in the kitchen and feeling obliged, said I probably would. Gerald said much the same thing but Phil said there was no way he was coming to work naked – 'Never goin' to happen!' as he put it.

Dave said he would do it, which surprised all of us, but then it's always the quite ones you have to watch isn't it, and Robert said he would, but then he had to really, he was the one that organised, or at least approved of, this little shindig. Donna said she would do underwear only.

During the course of the next hour or so, Graham outlined the course the week would take. He would be here all week, along with the camera crew, and he would be accompanied this afternoon and for the rest of the week by the Producer, Alison, who us girls could talk to if we didn't want to talk to him.

Basically, he was going to show us clips from the other programs that had already been filmed, get us to pose for a life sized photo cut-out of ourselves in our underwear or swimsuits that would be shown to us later as a group and generally be there to help and answer any questions.

When he had finished, Robert said that we should all go home this evening and discuss this with our families, and asked us to please take advantage of either Graham's, Alison's or his help and ask us any questions we wanted to – all of which would be strictly confidential.

During the course of the remainder of the day, I mused on the subject of course, but mostly we didn't talk about it too much between ourselves. I think all of us were a bit shell shocked and needed time to ingest what we had been told and prepare ourselves for telling our partners/families. Personally, the more I thought about it the more I fancied the idea – it would at least prove to myself whether I was the exhibitionist I thought I was – clearly I hadn't been up to now.

The day finally ended and I made my way home where Martin was waiting for me – he generally got home about 20 minutes before me, and would have started cooking our dinner. I waited until we were eating it to bring up the subject of Naked Friday.

"Martin, how would you feel if I went to work stark naked on Friday?"

Well, let's be fair, how do you begin a conversation like that!

He sputtered and nearly choked, I suppose I could have timed it better, not when he had a mouthful of steak, and finally, with his eyes watering, he said "What the hell do you mean by that? Who would let you anyway – where did this idea materialise from......."

I had sort of stopped listening now, so many garbled questions all at the same time.

Whilst he was still sputtering on, I interrupted him and explained how it had all come about. As I was explaining, I stood up from the table and as sexily as I could, I removed my dress, throwing it over the back of the chair and then proceeded to remove first my bra and then my conservative but lacy work knickers, finally standing naked in front of him. His questions petered out as I undressed. He stared at me and I felt myself blush, and turned around slowly so that he had a full 360 degree view of my now naked body. I hadn't worn tights (euch) or stockings today and had enjoyed the feeling of the air on my long smooth legs.

"Well," I said, "I think I look OK naked, don't you?"

"Of course I do", he answered, "you know I love to see you naked, and I love for you to wear short skirts and what have you... but naked... in work? Come on, who's bloody stupid idea was that?"

I sat back down and said, "Well, you haven't really answered my question – would you like me to do it? Would you allow me to do it even?"

"Let's finish our dinner while I think about that a bit more please, and at least allow me to calm down, 'cause right now I don't think I could refuse you anything."

His eyes seemed to be sparkling a lot more than usual right now and I reached over and put my hand in his lap, feeling his manhood standing proud under his trousers.

"That's the effect I was looking for." I said and kissed his cheek. "I do love you, you know."

I continued to explain it all to him as we ate our meal, during which time I remained naked.

When we had finished he said, "Well, if you want to do it, I suppose it would be OK, I know if you do I'll be thinking about it and trying all day to hide an erection – I got a hell of stiffy on me now just thinking about it!"

Subconsciously while we had continued to eat, I realised that I had been thinking about my own body. My long smooth legs, flat stomach atop them and my medium sized but full and firm breasts with the puffy nipples that seem to remain puffy even when they are erect, to my pussy that, even when sitting bolt upright on a dining chair and with my feet on the floor and legs tightly together, exposed the top half inch of my vaginal opening and most of which is clearly on view when I'm standing, even my inner lips too. The downside of this is that it was not on show too much when bending over or walking up stairs wearing a mini skirt, 2" below pussy or micro skirt, 3/4" below my pussy when standing still. Still, I had found ways to show it off in the past to its best advantage.

Looking at my nipples now, they were slightly stiff and I noticed a small wet patch on my chair where my dripping pussy had puddled my juices. I hadn't noticed until now, but thinking about being naked now at my own dining table and what lay ahead had clearly got my motor running a little! This also reminded me of my latent exhibitionist streak (no pun intended) which every so often got let out of its cage!

"Well, thanks for your support, I knew you would support me, whatever decision I made, but do you think I could do it? And be honest will you – not flattering just to stay in my good books!"

"I know what the thought of it is doing to me, come and feel again if you don't believe me, and I think I would like you to, deep down. You know I like to show you off. But... I had never expected you to show yourself off to that extent. Yes, you've gone topless on holiday, but that had been abroad where everyone else was doing so too and as such it wasn't out of the ordinary."

He paused for a while, then with a quizzical look on his face said "Or is it that mild exhibitionism that makes you seem hornier when we've been on holiday?"

Again, I blushed and demurely said "Do you know, I think it is – I have always wanted to holiday where I can get my top off on the beach and not be scared of getting arrested, or worse."

Well, I had – and maybe it was only now that I was even fully admitting my enjoyment of being undressed in public to myself. This further made me think hell yes, I'm going to do this and making that decision gave me a huge buzz! I got back up and went around the table, putting my hand in his lap – he wasn't kidding – his prick was like a tent pole!

"Feel me too." I said, making my pussy available to him.

His eyes lit up and sparkled when he felt how wet I was.

Before I started to clear the table and start washing up the dishes, I reached for my dress to put it back on. As I was at home I wasn't going to bother with underwear despite the shortness of my dress, this one being only 2 inches below my crotch (and unusually risqué for work wear - had I had some sort of premonition?) and I had to be careful how I moved and especially sat in this one so as to not show off too much.

Martin said, "Why are you bothering to put that back on now, you know I like you to be naked – even if you don't believe how good you look when I tell you. If you are going to go work on Friday naked, you had better get acclimatised to being naked hadn't you?"

I stopped with my dress mid way between the chair and my putting it back on. A second or so thought and I said "To hell with it then, I suppose you're right, I should get used to being naked – and to tell you the truth, I have enjoyed sitting there eating my dinner naked, and you've just felt how much."


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