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Naked Goddess on Stage Pt. 04

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Audience wants more, so here she comes again!
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/23/2020
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(Author's Note: Part 3 was supposed to finish this series, but several readers contacted me privately with suggestions for a final sequel. Following their useful suggestions, I'm adding this chapter. Thanks for the helpful comments!

The first three parts presented a description of the actress appearing on stage playing the role of the naked Goddess of Peace and Reconciliation in an experimental theater production of Lysistrata. You may wish to read the first three chapters first. But if you don't, just bear in mind that the role of the Goddess is performed nude so that the various parts of her body can be discussed in relation to the ancient Greek lands to be divided as part of a truce ending the Peloponnesian Wars so that the warriors may resume sex with their wives. What follows here describes the post-season production with the same actress.


Soon after what was intended as the last of the four performances, the theater-going public demanded another staging of the play and insisted that the same actress play the role of Naked Goddess. The editors of both the local newspaper and the college paper got flooded with letters praising the performances and asking for more. The theater company agreed to stage an additional performance about a month later, and once again she agreed to be cast in her role as the Goddess. Of course I attended, with both trepidation and excitement about what surprise she might further shock her audience with this time.

So here's how the added performance went. Same stage, same crew, same costumes (which for the Goddess was no costume at all), and same script. However, rumours got out that there might be some changes, so many patrons who'd attended the regular performances were first in line for new tickets. As family, I was given a comp ticket.

For the acts leading up to the final one, everything was the same. As soon as the final act started, the one the Goddess appears in, I noticed some changes. The curtain rose to reveal a dark stage, lit only by a single spotlight rising in brightness to reveal the Goddess, naked and alone and seated on the throne and enveloped in a swirl of mist from a fog machine. As the mist dissipated and the footlights came up, her nude body was illuminated from the front and below. Her legs were together, but as soon as the warriors and their wives approached her from both sides to begin debating the peace treaty, Goddess lifted her legs over the armrests. Now with her legs spread, the play seemed to be almost following the previous performances, except for the mist.

And one other, very important thing: Thick silvery white fluid started flowing out from the very wet place between her legs. In the darkened auditorium, the Goddess' naked body commanded the scene. With her nipples prominent and thrust forward, the details of her nude body sharpened into focus as the mist dissipated. She was very clearly flowing. A lot.

The juice continued while the warriors and their wives recited their lines about the 'flowing river and the bounty of the land' they are about to divide peacefully. As they debated the terms of the truce, Goddess flexed her pelvic muscles and a few times reached a hand down to move her clitoris around just a bit. She seemed able to regulate the flow in time with the script. By the time the truce was signed the seat of the throne and the floor underneath were slick pools of fluid, and strands of it ran onto the seat and floor. In the glare of the spotlight, the white of the fluid contrasted sharply with her dark pubic hair and with the nail polish on the fingers rubbing her clitoris.

This was the scene for about 15 minutes, ample time to study the sexual charms of the Goddess, although anyone would have gladly spent an eternity enjoying this view of her. As the warriors and wives departed, the mist swirled up again, gradually obscuring the details of the fingers between her legs, then her nipples and finally her face. The lights dim, and the curtain comes down. The play is over.

For the curtain call, the cast gathered onstage in costume. The Goddess' costume was still her nakedness, and she was held off the floor by two 'warriors' on each side, holding her legs out to the sides. This position of course opened her legs again and a whole new flood of juices began dripping to the floor. The audience jumped to its feet in wild applause while her smile matched the openness between her legs. Her nipples and her exposed clitoris appeared to be more extended and a little darker than before.

She held her smile until she involuntarily grimaced in response to an unexpected orgasm that suddenly came over her, causing new fluid to spurt and then drip from her. With that, her whole body sagged and the four men holding her off the floor gently brought her legs together as the rest of the cast closed in around her and the curtain descended.

The audience was left wondering how so much juice flowed out, even before the curtain call impromptu orgasm, and how it got in there in the first place. She's a goddess, but still there's a human woman playing this role, and humans have limits! To explain this mystery, here's how the theater company managed this:

Weeks before the extra performance, the entire stage company got to work figuring out how to make this show a little different. The Goddess had already shattered boundaries by unexpectedly masturbating on stage as the curtain closed on the final regular performance, so now they needed something even bolder. But what? The director reported a lot of positive response to the audience seeing the flowing juices of her onstage orgasm, indeed most of the letters were about that. Somebody suggested that maybe she could somehow keep up a stream of fluid while the warriors negotiated the truce. Goddess said that although she'd be very sexually excited and would be flowing naturally anyway, she just didn't think she could produce enough by herself, even with another orgasm.

It soon became obvious she'd need help. She'd have to store up the ejaculate of several men. So someone suggested that with all these healthy young males around, some could contribute. She'd already had her tubes tied so there was no chance of pregnancy, and of course she wouldn't allow any of them to really fuck her—that was reserved for her husband. They would simply place their penises inside her one at a time and have their own orgasms-no stroking inside her. (Note: this was long before anyone thought about AIDs.)

By now everyone was used to having this attractive naked woman with them all day every day, doing everything they were doing, except that she stayed naked. Having ditched her robe after the second rehearsal, she stayed nude even during lunch and other breaks. The only time she even covered her lady bits was when visitors came to watch the rehearsals. And there were lots of casual visitors: sound people, lighting crew, drama students, janitors, the food caterers, delivery men, even lost students looking for a classroom. For each of these, she just smiled at them and placed a finger over her slit, and a finger of her other hand over one nipple or the other until they left. That was the extent of her modesty.

She was already naked; the only new thing they had to do was to get her filled with sperm and she'd have to learn how to hold it in until time to let it out in front of the audience.

The week of the performance, they brought in a soft cot, and she lay down on it and had one of the stage hands prime himself, then slide all the way into her and ejaculate and withdraw immediately. Then she stood up and walked around a bit, but no fluid came out. So she lay down again and had a second fellow do the same thing. And another. And another. Each went all the way in. After each fellow made his deposit they waited to see if any leaked out (none did), but then when the fifth guy went in, what was already there oozed out around his penis. So, the subsequent ones slid in only about an inch, so as to not disturb what was already there. She was able to take in four more after that, for a total of ten before the accumulated semen started overflowing from between her open legs.

Then she stood up and to see if it flowed out. With her legs now closed, it all stayed in, so they had a few more guys make deposits. She had the sperm of over a dozen men inside her before she was no longer able to hold it in. She also discovered that by slightly lifting her clitoris she could regulate the flow from the opening below.

They rehearsed this the entire week before the performance. Several men were held in reserve in case any of the scheduled men shot early, and also to 'top her off' just before she went on stage. In fact, at the actual performance one fellow pumped into her as she mounted the throne just before the curtain went up. As they say, timing is everything!

As the curtain came down at the end of the play, two more men were waiting to replenish her for the curtain call, and they finished just as the curtain rose. That accounted for her ability to release additional fluid at the curtain call. Again, timing is everything! In fact, those final two entries were what caused her curtain call orgasm.

They rehearsed several times each day, until they got it right. There were 20 male actors, about 30 male stage hands and and other workers on hand, so most of the 50 different guys were involved once each day, for the 5 days. She treated all as equals, regardless of age or skin color, even those who were uncircumcised. They just had to be 18 or older. Some were married or had girlfriends, so they were invited to observe their men. Since everybody was standing around watching each penetration anyway, the actress didn't mind the additional spectators. After a while, they noticed that these were the times in the rehearsals when most of the casual visitors showed up. By the third day, for some reason the delivery men seemed to make most of their deliveries when word got out that she was on the cot again. And it sometimes took 3 or 4 Post or DHL guys to bring in a small package. From the cot, she playfully signed each delivery slip.

If a visitor happened to be there when she had a man inside her, she was quick to explain that she was busy producing the props for her scene. "See, watch, he just goes in, fills me, then pulls out. Stay and watch a few more and you'll see what I mean." If the visitors were interested, she opened herself to show how much she'd accumulated so far. Many were interested.

She practiced getting from the cot to the throne without losing any of the juice, and by the day of the performance she had rehearsed enough that she felt confident to do the actual performance.

The performance came off as I described, and that's how she managed to have so much flow!

The audience just couldn't get enough! Following this spectacular performance, there was great demand for even more. The theater company agreed to it, but this next production would be very special. Instead of using the stage, they would use the backstage areas and invite only the major donors and friends and family of the cast and crew, but not the general public.

And instead of re-staging the play, they would present a behind-the-scenes demonstration of how the play had been rehearsed and what went on backstage during tryouts, rehearsals, and performances. This would be a special treat for the theater company's supporters who had seen only the finished production. Her husband, her brother and sister, her rabbi, fellow grad students, the press, and financial supporters of the stage company would be invited. Drinks and finger-food would be served.

This special event was held a few weeks later, and the 30 or so people in attendance were taken backstage where they were taken through the whole process of producing and staging a play. They observed the director interviewing new actors, assigning roles, coordinating the lighting, and giving instructions to get all the numerous jobs that had to be done. The cast and crew carried on as though the observers weren't there, stopping only to answer questions. The cast went through several costume changes, sometimes fleetingly nude while changing from one outfit to the next. Only the actress playing the Goddess was fully nude the entire time, from greeting guests at the door to allowing intimate inspections of herself, as each part of her body was called for in the re-enacted script. She had us observe as her nipples and clitoris stiffened while the other actors read the script lines. She had to stop twice while we watched her finger herself in order to hold off a larger orgasm. Even when the script was not about her body, she remained at hand, naked and ready to help with pushing props around and the numerous other odd jobs necessary to the staging of any play.

The story line of the special event was built around the actress, beginning with her response to the cast call, how they got her to overcome her reluctance to play the part nude, and then her backstage and onstage experiences, from sliding down the rope and posing on the Throne, to culminating in her onstage orgasms.

One reason this performance was put off several weeks was to allow time for her to grow enough new pubic hair to have some to trim, which was accomplished that evening for interested attendees to watch. Then once her lips were shaved bare and her remaining bush was trimmed, the crew showed how the Goddess descended onto the stage. Nude and lit from below by a spotlight, she climbed the scaffolding to an aerial platform where she took hold of a rope and rode it down. On the way down she showed how the rope passed over her clitoris and aroused her almost, but not quite, to the point of orgasm before finally reaching the floor. Even for this demonstration, we had to wait a few minutes while she composed herself and wiped away the juices running down her legs.

Like the other cast and crew members, she engaged in discussions with the donors and other invited observers, even as the only one nude.

When it came time to demonstrate how she had accumulated so much semen, she dangled her breasts above the cot, spread herself from behind and asked a volunteer to insert a dildo to simulate the first few deposits, then turned onto her back and handling the dildo herself, simulated the additional ones. Then she mounted her throne and assumed her pose. With her legs open she discussed her role in more detail, including how she had felt being so completely naked onstage and her feelings of vulnerability at the moment, since she was now sitting there totally naked in front of us, not just nude but with her most intimate parts so open to our view. Especially since even people from her temple were standing so close and directly in front of her.

She described what it felt like having an orgasm onstage in front of so many people, which she'd now done twice, the one that she'd planned and then the curtain-call one that took her by surprise. She told us that any feelings of shame or humiliation were quickly eclipsed by what people in America would call 'horniness', and the horniness won.

Now off the throne again, over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres she mingled with the crowd some more, and as she socialized we noticed her nipples becoming darker and firmer, and her breath getting a little shorter. And that the tip of her clitoris was out again. Reaching down to touch it, she explained that she felt intensely turned on from standing so close to everyone while being the only one naked. And that if they'd stick around a few more minutes she'd give them a special treat.

For that treat she invited all to gather close around the throne as she climbed it once again and slowly and dreamily masturbated, giving a running commentary of her mounting arousal. This time we were close enough to feel her breath, and experience the lovely scent of her sex. To finish the evening, and herself, she brought herself to a gentle and satisfying climax, indeed it was satisfying for everyone.

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MFFMMFFMabout 4 years agoAuthor
Point well taken

To Anonymous and BigBeanie: your comments are valid and constructive. I'll keep them in mind for future writing. Thanks for taking the time to critique the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Unfortunate conclusion

While the earlier chapters were a bit unbelievable, they made some sense and were engaging. This one was totally implausible, both socially and physically. As BigBeanie suggests, write your own story and ignore the suggestions to turn it into a sleazy gang bang screed.

BigBeanieBigBeanieabout 4 years ago
You were right first time.

Imho you've made your story ridiculous by adding this 4th chapter. It's too crude, too over the top, too unbelievable. It doesn't fit the tone of what went before and it's addition devalues the whole.

My advice - write your own ideas, not someone else's. There's something 'mechanical' about the writing in this chapter that wasn't 't there earlier. It's like the difference between an original painting and one of those 'painting by numbers' kits.

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