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Nancy's Mid-life Awakening Ch. 19


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Everyone immediately pooh-poohed her comment about having an ugly body and their sincerity gave Nancy a warm feeling from being desired. "You don't have to act out a role like that," Jeanne said. They've done three or four videos and have a lot more practice. I'm sure they laugh about how they sounded in their first video. But like Craig said before, you don't have to role play. Some of our friends just like to have the camera running while they have sex with no pretense at all."

Craig joined the conversation. "If you aren't sure about being recorded, maybe you'd rather be the person behind the camera and just watch?"

"I don't know the first thing about operating your camera," Nancy replied. "Using the camera on my phone is about all I can manage."

"It's not much different," Craig told her. "If you want, I can help you until you get the hang of things."

Nancy finally succumbed to the pressure from her hosts and agreed to run the camera for them. Craig got up from the bed and showed her how their digital recorder operated and she found it very simple. It was basically a point-and-shoot affair and all she had to do was make sure it was pointed to what she wanted to record. He showed her the zoom controls for the lens and also how to quickly release the recorder from the tripod in case she wanted to hold it and move around to a different viewing angle.

She looked at the small screen flip out that showed the camera view and Craig pushed the red "Record" button and showed her the "Mute" control. He left it on "mute", but invited her to turn it on if she decided to include any audio from the room. She saw small symbols indicating the camera was recording and that "mute" was on. She started slewing the camera around until it was centered on the bed. She saw Paul and Jeanne sitting together looking back at her and then Jeanne waved cheerily.

"Since you're the director, what do you want us to do?" she asked still smiling broadly. Paul looked at Nancy blankly and she started to feel flustered again. Craig saw her discomfort, so he stepped in to help her out.

"Let's have Jeanne show you her 'Ultimate Handjob'," he called over to the couple on the bed. Following his cue, Jeanne moved off the bed went through several items in one of the large storage bins on the closet floor. Craig followed her with the camera and as she was bent over, he zoomed in on her ass. Nancy could clearly see her pussy from behind and understood what Craig was focused on. As if she knew she was being filmed, Jeanne wiggled her butt and then looked back under her arm at Nancy and Craig. She reached back with one hand and slowly traced a line from her pussy all the way up the crack of her ass. She then went back to the storage bin and emerged with a several lengths of ribbon that were about one inch wide, a bottle of oil, and some other items that Nancy couldn't quite make out.

Jeanne went back to the bed and had Paul lay back on it sideways so that his legs hung over one side and then used some lengths of ribbon to tie Paul spread-eagle to the four bedposts. The ribbons were clearly more for show than actual restraint and Paul seemed entirely comfortable, especially after she put two pillows under his head and shoulders to prop him up.

Jeanne warmed up a generous amount of oil in her hands and then applied it over Paul's flaccid member and balls. She rubbed the palm of her hand up the underside of his cock and teased the head of it with her fingers before sliding her hand back down its length. Craig pointed to the camera and Nancy pressed the lens control to zoom in so that the only thing in the view screen was Paul's body from the top of his thighs to the middle of his chest and Jeanne's hand sliding up and down his cock which glistened with oil.

His cock remained limp and lay back over his lower abdomen while Jeanne maintained her slow stroking motions. Nancy's attention was almost entirely on the view screen which was giving her a very up close view of what was happening. With only Jeanne's hand in the frame, Nancy imagined it was her hand instead and she tried to imagine what Paul was feeling. She saw his member stirring under the steady movement of Jeanne's hand and as it grew, Jeanne would grasp it completely and stroke it in a more conventional manner before letting igo and watching it fall back on his stomach.

Jeanne did not limit her attention to his cock. She also played with his balls, getting them nice and slick with oil before lightly running her fingernails over the small sacks. When Paul was half-erect, Jeanne took a short length of small cord that she had set on the bed and carefully tied it in two loops around Paul's balls where they met the base of his cock. She asked Paul if it was too tight and he shook his head, 'no'. She resumed her slow, methodical stroking and Nancy noticed that his balls were growing larger and starting to bulge out slightly from the binding above them. She applied more oil and Nancy saw that Paul's was getting more and more aroused. Before he grew completely hard, Jeanne slid a stainless steel cock ring over his shaft. She must have thought it was too large, because she removed it and took any cock ring from the set lying next to him on the bed.

The second ring slid down his shaft with a little difficulty, but the oil helped and she pressed it all the way down to the base of his growing rod. It was no longer lying on his stomach, but had risen to dangle back at an acute angle. Her hand appeared to be squeezing his cock harder whenever she grasped it completely and ran her hand up and down its length. The veins were becoming more prominent as his cock grew and pressed outward against the unyielding metal ring around its base. In the view screen, his cock seemed larger than Nancy could ever remember and she felt her own desire growing to take it inside her.

As if reading her mind, Craig moved behind Nancy and pressed himself up close against her body. His arms encircled her and his hands found both her breasts and her pussy. As soon as his fingers separated the dry outer labia, he immediately felt the wetness welling up from deep inside her cunt. He kissed the side of her neck and shoulder while she continued to keep her attention on the view screen in front of her.

Paul's cock was clearly as hard and slightly more swollen from the metal ring restriction at its base. His balls had also become more swollen and looked like small inflated balloons between his legs. He was watching Jeanne rubbing her hand up and down the length of his cock and balls and could feel the increased pressure from twin constrictions on his cock and balls. He observed Jeanne's face once more as she knelt between his open legs and slowly brought him to release.

She looked intently at the gleaming length of his cock while carefully stroking its oil-coated surface and periodically looked up at his face to make sure she wasn't getting him too excited too fast. He considered her appearance for the hundredth time and while her face was definitely on the plain side, her eyes and smile could be quite captivating. Paul found her body to be in superb condition and he couldn't recall ever being with a woman who was so trim, flexible, and shapely. Her tiny firm breasts were another turn-on for him; they were as unusual for him as the rest of her body. Her hands and feet seemed small and delicate, but he had already found out that she was much stronger than she appeared.

Paul looked over towards the camera and saw his wife behind it with Craig enveloping her from behind and playing with her breasts and pussy. Paul knew she liked that and being taken from behind was her favorite position, but Craig did not appear to be inside her yet. He idly wondered if she was enjoying watching him and Jeanne through the video recorder and assumed she was from the sounds of excitement coming from behind the camera.

His train of thought was derailed by a sudden rush of familiar excitement stemming from deep inside his balls and extending up through his cock. Jeanne also felt the opening spasms of his cock as it tried to ejaculate. However, the tight constrictions she had placed on him were doing a reasonable job of preventing his cream from completely escaping. A small amount of thin, warm cum oozed from the tip of his penis which she continued to lightly rub and massage, smearing the ejaculate over his throbbing member with the existing coat of oil.

Paul felt an extended climax that slowly faded away but which left most of his cum still inside him. As Jeanne continued to rub and stimulate his cock, it remained hard, no doubt being helped by the cock ring that held him tightly and it took very little time for his next climax to occur. Once more, just a small amount of his cum managed to seep out from the tip of his penis and Jeanne rubbed it along the shaft until it disappeared. He was starting to feel over-stimulated and Jeanne must have known because when she looked up at him, she gave Paul a smile that was both playful and evil.

Behind the recorder, Nancy was enjoying not only the close-up view of Paul's cock trying to spurt out his cum with each climax, but she also grew wetter and more excited from Craig's tender attention. She felt her clit growing a little numb from his fingering and knew she wasn't going to climax, s she brought that hand up to her breast and encouraged him to fondle them with both hands. Nancy wondered how Paul was holding up under Jeanne's constantly moving hand. After what appeared to be four separate orgasms, Paul was clearly getting a little distressed and she wondered how Jeanne had been able to cause some many climaxes so quickly.

"Let's go join them," Craig whispered in her ear. By then, Nancy was ready to feel a man inside her and she forgot all of her previous misgivings about being recorded. Craig adjusted the view on the camera to cover the entire bed and then led her to the bed. Jeanne saw them coming and released Paul's cock to stand up and face her husband. They whispered together and Nancy couldn't make out everything they said, but Jeanne stepped aside and Craig had her get up on the bed to kneel over Paul and take his tortured cock inside her wet pussy.

She felt him slip up inside her easily, but before she started riding him, Craig released the cord tied around Paul's balls and she heard Paul gasp quietly in relief. Craig gently pushed her down over Paul and then she felt him lubricate her ass with some of the oil that Jeanne used on Paul. Nancy felt her excitement grow with the anticipation of having Craig filling her ass while Paul filled her pussy. However, Craig wasn't hard enough to enter her. While she slowly rocked back and forth over Paul, Craig was fingering her asshole, and Jeanne was sucking Craig off and getting him hard.

Once he was ready, Craig removed his fingers from Nancy's ass and replaced it with his cock. She was still very tight and she wasn't sure that he was going to be able to get his large pole inside her tiny hole. However, he applied a generous amount of oil to his cock and around her back hole which let him fully penetrate Nancy's ass with very little effort. In the meantime, Jeanne had moved up on the bed across from Nancy so that she was over Paul's face. She pressed herself into him and was rewarded with his tongue flicking and licking around her wet cunt.

Jeanne moved close to kiss Nancy and play with her breasts which almost had Nancy on sensory overload. Paul was already lunging up hard into her with his final climax which was still constrained by the cock ring and at the same time, Craig was holding her hips and slowly building up the tempo of his cock plunging into her ass. Jeanne was still locked in a deep, lustful kiss with Nancy and had taken a firm hold of Nancy's nipples. Their kiss prevented Nancy from being pulled forward as Jeanne pulled unmercifully on the nipples to stretch out Nancy's poor boobs,

Craig lasted two more minutes and then jammed himself hard into Nancy to fill her ass with his spunk and he didn't let go of her until the last drop was out and his cock started to soften. Paul's cock was already falling out of her pussy and was barely half erect, despite the cock ring. Nancy's nipples were on fire and Jeanne's mouth continued to grind into hers. Without thinking, Nancy reached up to take Jeanne's small nipples and her partner reacted immediately with a yelp of pain.

However, Jeanne refused to break their kiss and Nancy was able to play with her friend's small boobs without causing any further outburst. Paul sounded like he was starting to struggle from underneath Jeanne, so she moved off his face and he had a close-up view from underneath the two women while they kissed and played with each other's breasts. He felt someone working the metal ring off his soft dick and realized it had to be Craig. His momentary concern faded when Craig released him and put the cock ring away on a nightstand by the bed.

When Paul pulled himself free from the ribbons tied around his wrists and ankles, the two women stopped their play long enough for Nancy to move off of him and Paul could leave the bed. Before, the girls got back into their play, Craig called out, "Wait a minute. Let's make this a little more entertaining and show you more of what we can do in here." He went to the closet and returned carrying several large ropes and some pieces of metal equipment that turned out to be some sort of pulleys.

Craig stood up on the bed and deftly attached two of the pulleys to the ceiling rail at the foot of the bed and locked them into place over either side of the bed. He then took the remaining two pulleys and did the same thing on the rail near the headboard. Craig took the large ropes he brought out of the closet and ran one rope through each of the pulleys. He tied a large loop on one end of each rope and then attached a padded Velcro strap to the loop. When he finished, Craig pointed to his wife. ""Okay, get up there."

Jeanne eagerly crawled up on the bed and lay back spread-eagle for her husband to fasten the padded part of each Velcro strap to each of her extremities. He looked over at Paul and asked, "Can you give me a hand here?"

Paul came over and followed Craig's lead to pull on the free end of the ropes leading to Jeanne's wrists until her arms were pulled up high and her shoulders were just off the mattress. The rope ends were tied off to the nearby feet of the bed and they did the same thing with the two remaining ropes holding Jeanne's ankles. When they finished, Jeanne was partially suspended from the ceiling with only her bottom barely touching the bed and her legs pulled wide apart. The last thing Craig did was put three pillows under her head and shoulders to give her some support and keep his wife's neck from getting too tired.

"Mmmm... that's more like it!" Craig said with satisfaction. He looked at Nancy and motioned her to the bed, "Go enjoy yourself and have at it."

The two men moved away and watched Nancy move up to stand between Jeanne's legs. Jeanne's bare pussy was open and the soft, pink tissue inside gleamed with her wetness. Just below it, Nancy could see the small brown pucker of her asshole. Craig went back to the camera and took it off the tripod to move in closer to the expected action. Nancy watched him and realized the camera had been recording her the entire time she was one the bed getting fucked by Paul and Craig. In the back of her mind, she wondered how she looked in the video, but her attention remained on trying to decide what she wanted to do with Jeanne.

The most obvious was eating her out and that was easily her first desire, but she was unsure about what to do afterwards. "Go on! Dig in!" she heard Craig say with a hint of impatience. Jeanne was also waiting expectantly, so she put aside her thoughts and leaned down to taste Jeanne once again. Craig moved around the bed to try and catch Nancy's face at the best angle while she ate out his wife's pussy. He had a hard time trying to figure out which woman was enjoying things more, but he finally decided it was Jeanne.

Nancy showed herself to be a quick learner was well on the way to becoming very accomplished in pleasing another woman. It took several minutes, but eventually, she had Jeanne writhing around within her restraints while Nancy worked her into her first climax. Nancy enjoyed being able to excite another woman so much and didn't quit until she became too tired to continue.

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