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Neighbors Ch. 17

Story Info
Chris gets a new chastity device.
11.8k words

Part 17 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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****I'd like to apologize to all of my readers for the delay in publishing this chapter. Hopefully the next installments in the story will be posted more expeditiously. This is a continuation of a long story that started with "Neighbors Ch. 01". I highly encourage you to begin with chapter one. This story involves findom, chastity, and other related themes. If you don't want to read about these, then skip this story.****

The next morning I awoke in complete darkness and dragged myself out of bed and in to my workout clothes. I brushed my teeth and hair and staggered downstairs for some coffee and a quick breakfast. I made sure to log the apple and melon slice and packed my work clothes for the day before I left my house.

It was a lonely drive to the gym. No one else was out on the roads at this early hour, and it was quiet, dark, and still. As I drove, I did a mental checklist of my day. I sighed as I realized it was going to be tough. Cleaning duty followed by my workout at the gym. I had an "all hands on deck" meeting with my employees at eleven, followed by some individual meetings with members of my team immediately after lunch. I remembered I also had to somehow fit washing Justin's car in my busy day. Amber had told me to clear my schedule in the afternoon to fit her new chastity device. I perked up slightly at this - it meant at least I was going to be unlocked for a few minutes. I immediately imagined stroking my hard cock, or even....even Amber's lips around me, sucking me until I exploded in her mouth...

I groaned as the spikes punished my errant thoughts. This damned chastity cage was changing me both physically and psychologically. The need to cum was constant and pervasive now, a sort of background ache that I was always aware of. I was trying to get hard constantly, at the smallest things, as if I was a horny teenager. Even more so, I thought. An exposed calf, or slightly tight shirt, the curve of a shapely butt underneath tight fitting pants...any one of these things was sure to send me into a spiral of arousal and pain now. Psychologically I knew I was being slowly but surely conditioned to obey Amber and Sarah. It was if the cage made me open to hypnotic suggestion and they were constantly feeding me input. Anyways I thrilled at the idea of having it removed, even if just for a few minutes.

I parked in the gym parking lot and punched the code in the keypad to unlock the door. Sarah had sent it to me along with a list of things to do. Once inside, I flicked on the lights and pulled up the text from Sarah to review the instructions.

-Chris, here is what you need to do. 1. Collect all used towels from the bin and start them in the wash (back room) 2. Clean the bathroom - toilet, sink, floor 3. Vacuum everywhere 4. Empty trash cans to dumpster 5. wipe down all equipment 6. switch over towels to dryer. This should take you almost an hour. I'll be there at 7 to check on you-

I sighed and got to work.

The towels were easy. I wheeled the bin of dirty towels to a back room I hadn't seen before that contained an industrial sized washing machine and dryer, as well as a vacuum cleaner and a shelf full of cleaning supplies. I started a load and checked out the bathroom. I also hadn't been in here before but it was pretty basic - a toilet and small sink, and that was it. I found a brush and sponges with some bleach based cleaner under the sink and got to work. It felt a little strange cleaning a public toilet, but it was a small gym and I didn't think there were more than a dozen people here in the course of a day. I cleaned the bowl and seat, then got a sponge damp with cleaner and scrubbed the outside of the bowl and the tank until they gleamed. I treated the sink and faucet and mirror the same way.

Next I vacuumed the grey thin carpet that covered most of the gym, and located the three trash cans - one in the bathroom, one in the changing room, and one in the main room by the small reception area. The sun was just starting to lighten the sky to the east as I struggled with the full bags and tossed them in a shared dumpster behind the building.

Wiping down the equipment took by far the longest. There were twenty or so weight machines crammed into the small gym, and I had to carefully wipe down anywhere someone might touch - the seats, the bars, the weight adjustment sections. Finally there was the rack of free weights and barbells. I used up half of a bottle of cleaner by the time I was done. Just as I finished the last barbell I heard the door open and Sarah walked in.

She had on her standard yoga pants - black today - and sneakers. She wore a gray crop top cut to just below her boobs, and I could see a hint of a white athletic bra peeking below the jagged hem of the top. As usual in the mornings, she wore no makeup and had her hair pulled back into a pony tail. She had a Starbucks cup in one hand and her usual clipboard in the other.

"Uh...Hi Mistress Sarah" It still felt weird addressing her as "Mistress" - or rather, it seemed strange the first few times I said that word each day, and then became almost normal the longer I was around her.

She completely ignored me, and set her coffee down on the receptionist's desk, peering into the nearby trash can at the same time. Without a comment or acknowledgement, she walked to the bathroom, then to the third trash can in the main room, looking carefully at the weight machines as she walked by. Finally, she knelt down and looked carefully at the carpet.

I shuffled my feet and fidgeted with the bottle of cleaning spray, unsure how to act. Finally she stood and looked at me for the first time.

"Are the towels in the dryer?"

"Not yet, Mistress Sarah" I said, hurriedly. "I just finished wiping down the machines, and I was about do that next."

"Do it." She said, crossing her arms across her chest. I thought I could see her lips moving in a faint repressed smile.

"Yes Mistress Sarah" I said, and literally ran to the back room. I put away the spray bottle and rag, and quickly switched over the laundry. I hurried back to the main room. Sarah hadn't moved.

"Strip. On the scale."

I didn't hesitate this time. My sneakers, socks, shirt, shorts, and underwear were off in seconds. I felt the familiar surge of embarrassment when I slid my underwear down my legs, but I knew better than to show any signs of resistance to her command. My time spent in her closet two nights ago was still fresh in my memory.

I bent over and grabbed my clothes, and practically ran to the changing room. Sarah followed me without comment.

I put my clothes on the chair and stood on the scale. I was very careful to not try to cover myself with my hands this time, as difficult as that was. Sarah entered the small room behind me,

She noted my weight, and took it down on her clipboard. Next she took a cloth measuring tape from a small shelf.

"Arms up."

I raised my arms up to shoulder level. Sarah stood in front of me and passed the tape behind my back before cinching it tight against my chest. She noted the number and logged it. She bent slightly at the waist and slid the tape down to my stomach, then my waist. I felt my breathing quicken as her hands worked just inches above my caged cock. Finally, she knelt down in front of me and I barely suppressed a groan. She passed the tape between my legs. I shuddered as she brushed against my crotch. I distinctly felt the back of her hand slide against one of my balls for just a split second before she joined the tape together to measure my quads. I couldn't help but notice her face was exactly level with my cock and I felt myself surge in the cage. She straightened, and put the clipboard down. She casually brushed my clothes off the single chair and took a seat facing me, crossing her legs. She looked at me in silence for a few seconds. I felt myself begin to sweat a little.

Sarah reached down to where she had set her Starbuck's cup and took a slow sip.

"You did a good job cleaning this morning."

I stammered a reply.

"Uh...thanks Mistress Sarah." I winced - I was actually thanking her for her praise, when I was doing her work for her and paying her for the privilege.

"I certainly enjoyed being able to sleep in a bit this morning - it felt luxurious."

Sarah smiled and stretched casually. I watched, entranced, as her raised arms pulled her crop top up, exposing her lean torso and part of her white jog bra. I felt my chastity cage twitch slightly as my cock responded to the view. Sarah didn't miss anything - she smirked as she watched the cage dance slightly.

"Someone's happy to see me!" She let out a pretty laugh.

Quickly, she reached forward and grabbed the steel tube that encased my cock. I hissed in surprise and arousal. She worked it from side to side, getting a good look at the device.

"Amber really amazes me. I never would have thought something like this actually exists - an actual modern day chastity device."

She tapped it with her fingernail thoughtfully. I tried to stay calm but my whole body was tingling with her touch. My breath was starting to come in ragged gasps.

"How long has it been, since you...well since you had an orgasm?"

Her hand was still wrapped around the steel. Even though I couldn't feel anything it was still intensely arousing. I was having trouble thinking clearly.

"Um...I guess...maybe three weeks, Mistress Sarah."

She bit her lower lip and shook her head.

"I don't know how you're not going crazy."

I groaned slightly as the spikes put pressure on my penis, which was trying in vain to expand. She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow.


"Yeah" I hissed, trying to calm down before the pain got worse.

She nodded, but didn't stop handling my cage.

"None of my new chastity clients have spikes in their cages. I imagine they could be...motivating." She chuckled as I winced.

"I'll have to keep them in mind if any of them start slacking off."

She laughed again and held the cage sideways against my body, getting a good look at it in profile.

"But none of my clients have cages this...small."

I winced again in embarrassment. I could tell my cheeks were turning red with shame.

"''s a tight fit" I protested weakly.

"Oh, I'm sure it is, but still...."

She shook her head.

"Probably for the best that it's locked safely away where it can't cause any...disappointment."

I closed my eyes, overcome with embarrassment. With one last tap, Sarah released my cage and stood up.

"Come on - put some clothes on. I'm in a great mood this morning but I'm still going to push you fucking hard."

I groaned again as I dressed. I was grateful she allowed me to wear clothes today, though.

She wasn't kidding. I struggled and huffed my way though another tough hour workout. The last exercise was bench press, and Sarah stood over me as I did my sets, with her legs on either side of the bench I was laying on. It was impossible not to stare up at her - her crotch was just a foot over my head, and even her small breasts pushed her crop top out enough that I could see her jog bra clearly, with small bumps where her nipples pushed against the fabric. I worked extra hard to impress her, and found that I could do a few more reps on each set than last week. When my arms finally gave out, she helped me lift the bar and smiled down at me.

"You're making progress, Chris. There's hope for you yet!"

Sarah sat down unceremoniously on my chest, pinning me to the work bench between her strong legs. Her firm butt felt incredible on my chest, and her crotch filled my vision, just inches away from my face. She wiggled around slightly to make herself comfortable, and then leaned forward to grab something from the floor. Her bare, lean stomach was pressed against my face for a brief second before she sat back up. She had both of our cell phones in her hand. She unlocked hers and typed on it for a second. A moment later I heard the familiar chime of a venmo notification from my phone.

"Unlock this for me" She said, holding my phone over my face. I glanced at the blank screen, and we both heard the click as the facial recognition software unlocked my phone.

"Good boy" she said, patting me on the cheek affectionately.

"That's seventy five for the work, plus you're paying me one hundred each time you clean the gym for me."

She looked down at me and smiled as she tapped "send" on my phone.

I tried to ignore the ache in my legs as I climbed the stairs. My executive assistant was at her desk as usual outside of my office door, working on my schedule for the week.

I remembered my...appointment with Amber this afternoon.

"Hey Ruth - remember I need some personal time after lunch today."

She glanced up over her monitor. Her steely grey eyes matched her hair, and she wore a formal business suit as she usually tended to, despite the fact that the dress code in the office as a whole was very casual. I usually wore khakis and a polo shirt, or even jeans from time to time. My employees were even more casual, with jeans and shorts pretty common. It was a tech firm, after all.

"Yes, Chris. I cleared three hours for you this afternoon, from one until four. You have a meeting with the design team at four. Remember that you have a group meeting with everyone in fifteen minutes, and a few performance reviews after that. I've forwarded your schedule to your calendar."

"Thanks, Ruth" I said, pulling out my phone and glancing at my calendar, noting that all of the entries were there. She was a perfect assistant - unobtrusive but efficient. By now she knew my tendency to avoid the parts of my job that I was less comfortable with - performance reviews, salary negotiations, etc - and made sure to stay on me to get these critical tasks done. I had put off some of these meetings for a week while I was overwhelmed with my work for Amber and Sarah, but Ruth had gently insisted that they happen today.

I collapsed in my chair behind my large wooden desk and let my tired muscles rest for a minute before I woke up my monitor and tended to some emails. I was just beginning to catch up when Ruth messaged me to remind me to get to the conference space. My legs protested as I stood, and I let out an involuntary groan as I made my way to the largest room in my company - where all of my employees could gather. I hated public speaking and had to psyche myself up for events like this.

The next few minutes were a bit of a blur as I addressed my employees, laying out our progress on some key projects, and also where I hoped we could get some more funding in the future. The senior project leaders were in the front of the room, as usual, with the newer employees in the back.

"So as you can see, the numbers for next quarter look quite strong, if we can get the funding I expect for the Sevitsky project, and...uh...."

As I was speaking, my attention was drawn to a young woman leaning casually against the back wall. Unlike many of my employees, she was dressed in full business attire - a flatteringly cut jacket, top and skirt, with high heels. The top was cut just a little bit too low and the skirt a bit too high to be considered completely work place appropriate, but with the jacket the effect was fairly modest. She had dark eyes and short black hair, cut in a stylish bob. She had her arms crossed in front of her ample chest and was staring straight at me, with an amused smile on her red lips.

"Uh...I was saying..."

"Sevitsky" Ruth helpfully offered, from her usual perch by the door.

"Right...thanks. As I was saying..."

I continued my presentation, but I was wracking my brain for who this incredibly sexy woman was in the back of the room. Suddenly it struck me. Samantha - or just Sam, as she preferred to be called - was one of the three interns we took on two weeks ago. I had more or less been a ghost in the office for a while, so it wasn't surprising I couldn't place her right away. We had a strong relationship with the engineering department of my alma mater, and offered three places each year to some of their top students, with the understanding that we would retain one of them for permanent employment. It was a good system that benefitted the university as well as ensure we had a constant supply of strong young talent into our company.

I managed to muddle through the presentation, and luckily there were few questions. My eyes kept returning to Sam in the back of the room - or rather to the creamy tops of her breasts that were just exposed above her top, or her strong thigh muscles exposed below the hem of her skirt, that were accentuated by the heels she wore. Something about her attitude was alluring - confident and strong, so unlike the nervous composure of most of our interns who were just getting adjusted to working in the "real world". She caught my eyes each time I found her in the back of the room, and her amused smile deepened.

As soon as I could, I extricated myself from the room and rushed to my office, closing the door before I exhaled sharply. The points in my chastity cage were making their presence known again. I felt like a teenager, struggling to get hard at the mere glimpse of a sexy woman. I knew it was the effect of being locked for a couple of weeks now, with no sexual relief of any kind. Every small glance or gesture that was in any way sexual was magnified almost to the point of being unbearable for me. I caught my breath and forced myself to calm down. This chastity cage was going to get me in trouble at work if I didn't control myself.

The morning performance reviews went smoothly, and a few personal meetings followed, all taking place in my office. I had almost forgotten about my meeting with Amber that afternoon, and was getting back into the flow of being at work. I enjoyed solving problems, helping my engineers figure out how to approach issues and finding solutions for our clients.

As one of my team leaders left, I had a message on my monitor from Ruth.

"Samantha Holbrook is here for her orientation meeting, Chris."

I froze. I had forgotten that I was meeting with the interns over the next few days to see how they were going with their projects. I reminded myself that I was her boss and nothing inappropriate could happen here without seriously compromising my company. I typed for Ruth to send her in, and pretended to be busy with something on my monitor.

The door swung open, and Sam walked in confidently. I saw her glance around my office out of the corner of my eye, and take a seat in the chair directly in front of my desk. I caught a faint waft of perfume as she sat. It smelled remarkably similar to Amber's - light and citrusy, slightly spicy. I pretended to finished up my email and turned to face her.

She had a small laptop bag on the floor next to her, and she was leaning forward, working with the straps to free her computer. Her legs were pressed demurely together, and the white of her thighs contrasted with the dark skirt. Her low cut jade green top was hanging down and open, and I could clearly see a dark green lacy bra covering her large breasts. They were moving in intriguing ways as she struggled to free her computer. Her black short hair hung over her forehead, covering her eyes as she worked. I couldn't help but stare at her exposed bra. I felt my right hand creep towards my crotch behind my desk as well as the familiar crush of the tight cage on my penis as it tried to stir.

Sam puffed a breath of air to clear her hair out of her eyes and suddenly glanced up. I froze. My hand was an inch away from my crotch - not that I would be able to feel anything, I thought sadly. Her eyes met mine. I'm sure she knew exactly where I was looking.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. I thought to myself.

"Sorry....this stupid bag....." she looked down to struggle with the laptop case for another few seconds. Helplessly, my eyes returned to her cleavage as if drawn there by an irresistible force. My hand was futilely gripping the hard steel of the chastity cage.

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