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Neighbours Pt. 01


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She turned to fully face me. Her face was flushed. I could appreciate the perfection of her boobs, topped with the most beautiful and very erect brownish-pink nipples which were displaying the after effects of her sister's attention, the pleasurable soreness giving each nipple a red tinge. Her areolae, a deeper colour, provided the perfect match for the now tanned skin of her breasts.

"No white bits then?" I ventured.

"Dad! Behave yoursel!" she scolded. "Yes I do have white bits. But you're not going to see."

I pouted my bottom lip. She came closer, her tits almost in my face, her nipples fully erect. This wasn't the first time she'd done this and it was usually when she wanted something, often money.

"So can you lend me £20 please?"

"You know how tight money is at the moment."

"But I'll pay it back."

"You'll have to ask mum. You know how my work is at the moment."

With that she sat herself down on my lap, her left breast touching my face (oh yes, this was always move 2). I felt the soft, still moist skin gently pressing against my cheek. There was still the warmth of the hot shower, the lingering scent of the shower gel. I felt my hardness again growing rapidly, becoming almost unbearable, restricted by my shorts and now by Sam's cute butt. Without asking I put my hand on her waist just above the towel. I was seriously hard and Sam knew it. She stood up in mock alarm.

'Dad!" she chided again, glancing at my tented shorts and, I thought, a little bemused by the size of the tent. Sam had said this before. She (like many other girls) knew exactly what she was doing. This was a game - the sole prize being paper cash transferred from my possession to hers.

"Please, dad. I'll give it you back as soon as I can." How many times had I heard that?

Her firm breasts, soft and scented, rested briefly against my arm as she kissed me on the cheek, reminded me of the powerful bargaining tool women use. I sensed yet another cash flow problem. Sam had cleared out her bank account and was waiting for her wages from her part time waitress work. She glanced down again before gently lowering herself on to the offending bulge. I took that to mean she felt comfortable, maybe more aroused by the way she had control over its size and rigidity. Move 3 suddenly came in to play. Her butt moved gently but firmly against my bulge. Believe me, I almost came in my pants.

"Please, dad. I'm totally broke."

I was horny, so fuckin' horny. It just wasn't Elaine's fault, she was working her socks off to keep us solvent. I wondered how much I could push Sam.

"OK then, persuade me." I moved my hand again up her side, just underneath her breast. I wondered how much she needed the cash. My hand was now cupping, then lightly stroking, the bottom of a very delicious tit. It was most certainly a game. A game Sam was determined to win. She and I were very close and each time the game progressed a little further. She knew she could stop, pull out of the game at any time. But she also knew how much she needed the cash.

"How about showing me your white bits?" I just managed to ease my hand into my shorts pocket. There were four £10 notes. "Before your sister comes downstairs."

Sam looked at me. The kind of look that told me she was seriously considering whether or not to take up my offer.

"£20 you pay back and £20 you don't." My hand was now gently brushing a very erect nipple. She shivered involuntarily, unable to deny that her reaction was as apparent to me as my arousal was to her.

"Dad!" Not quite so chiding this time. "Don't ... That's so pervy" But her voice trailed off.

"Well?" I made to stuff the cash back in my pocket.

I could hear the shower still running. Was Karen attending to her own needs? Sam almost reluctantly stood up, loosened the towel and let it drop to the floor. She stood silently, watching my eyes move down her tanned body until they focussed on their target. Of course, there wasn't even a hint of stubble. Unhidden by a mass of pubic hair I could see a deep long groove, her pubis, a reddened pink, her lips stilll puffy from her sister's touch. Her sex was still aroused and gave it a sense of perfection in every way possible. A sensuous valley. Parting her legs slightly only served to enhance the view. Was there an extra dampness there? Were her feminine juices still flowing freely? It really seemed as if they were. And white? Well not quite so. There was a pale tanning as if her vee had been exposed to the sun. After too short a time she turned around, moved over to the suitcase and leaned over it.

As quite a few clothes were now dumped on the carpet, the hairdryer was easy to find, but that didn't stop me getting an enhanced view of that swollen ripe split peach, nor a view of the puckered hole above. Nor too of the slight browning surrounding that puckered hole. As if suddenly aware of the extra visual delights she was offerening, she rapidly found the hair dryer and was about to return, towel in hand, upstairs.

"Don't you need this now then?"

Sam looked half flustered, came over and took the 4 tenners from my hand, again revealing her silky smooth wares.

"Thanks, dad!" She smiled.

I patted my lap.

"And a kiss?" I turned a cheek towards her.

"DAD!! What the fuck is wrong with you today? You wanted me to drop the towel, you fondled my tits, you watch me bend over like a prize perv and now you want me sit, naked, on your lap. Isn't mum giving you enough?"

"Well no actually ... you see she's working hard for all of us. She's tired ... and we don't ... well ... it's 3 weeks ago ... but you're right. I'm sorry." I felt embarrassed at spilling all that out.

Perhaps I'd opened up too much. Too much information in too short a time. Sam came over. Sat on my lap, almost a saddened look on her face. She knew it was a sexual game and that I wouldn't abuse her. She gave me a cuddle. One, two, three, four ... I lost count of the kisses.

"I'm sorry too. Here." She stood again. Twirled slowly around, came close, made sure I got a good look. Then abruptly picked up her towel and hairdryer and went upstairs.

A few minutes later I heard both girls talking, joking and giggling in their bedroom before they came down, smartly and sexily dressed, and went on their way. All too soon it would be time for them to return to university bedsits.

Before Elaine was due back from work I still had the problem of feeling incredibly horny. I also felt very guilty. For fuck's sake I'd persuaded my own daughter to show me what was a very intimate, private part of her, even offering her a bribe. But she had done what I asked with minimum persuasion. What would she think of me? Would she tell Elaine? I needed it. Something to spice up a boring day. Something brought about because of Elaine's tiredness? I was confused, so bloody confused. I tidied the suitcases sufficiently to find a holiday's worth of pheromone-loaded panties. My visit to the bathroom was far too short to enjoy my horniness to the max. So hyped up, with sights, touches and now scents, it took literally seconds before gallons of cum shot excitedly from my engorged member. I wiped up my cum, still feeling guilty.


It's always hard work getting the twins prepped and away to uni, so I enjoyed lying on the lounger taking the weakened but welcome September sun. Sam had been grumpy since the evening she'd returned from holiday. No texts from Alec, her boyfriend, while she was in Spain and things had cooled with him since then. Elaine and I couldn't remember whether Alec was boyfriend #10 or #11. According to what we overheard, one-night fucks didn't count. Sam and Karen were well aware of safe sex and it was up to them to pick and choose. Sam would no doubt find someone at uni she deemed fit enough to be allowed to sample the inside of her treasure box. Elaine had taken the previous day off work and had driven Karen the 50 miles to her bedsit. Later in the day I drove Sam the longer distance to hers. She never mentioned my desire to see her totally naked, but she seemed OK about it.

Reaching the bedsit, her home until the Christmas break, I helped Sam empty her gear from the car. Only one of her fellow residents had arrived and there was a cheerful exchange having not seen each other since the start of the long summer break. All belongings safely stowed in her room, a few tears passed between us. Sam would phone us regularly, but she would use the mid-term break for extra studies.

"Well, I'd better be going," I said, ready for the 2 hours plus drive.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug first? I won't see you till Christmas." Sam still looked tearful.

"Of course ... come here."

Sam's young, firm and adequate breasts insistently pushed against me as we hugged. The scent of her hair. Perfume lightly applied behind her ear, fragrance from a body spray gave her sweatshirt a hint of extra freshness.

I wasn't expecting a kiss full on the lips. The kiss lasted for more than a few seconds. I made to move away, but Sam's hug told me that was not what she wanted. She hugged me tight, not letting go as her lips parted, slowly but deliberately. Her arms moved from my waist to my shoulders, pulling me firmly downwards and adding pressure to our second kiss.

'Wow, certainly wasn't expecting a boyfriend kiss.' I thought. I'd witnessed these occasionally when they'd been at ours. A boyfriend kiss was a term that the twins used to distinguish the difference between a normal kiss on the lips, and one where lips were well parted, tongues etc.

'Dare I do this?' Sam's conscience tugged at her. 'I don't think I've seen mum and dad kiss like this.'

'OK. She's offering. Why don't I respond?' My conscience wasn't quite so caring.

My hands rested on her waist, by no means the slimmest but Sam very much had an hourglass figure. She seemed a bit hesitant at first, I suppose like she might be with a new boyfriend. I played along, perhaps Sam felt a little guilty about non-repaid loans. As the kiss progressed she seemed less tense. Had I been 20 years younger, I could well have been a boyfriend. But I was neither. Gradually I let my mouth relax a bit more, the way I would do with Elaine; not often these days, true, but occasionally we did. My own lips parted wide and I could feel myself being drawn into a spell of Sam's making. I let her interpret that as she pleased.

'Wow, dad took the hint. This feels good.'

At first tense, Sam's body began to relax. I relaxed too. I could feel my body responding in the way nature taught it. Within minutes Sam had taken me back in time to my very first erotic kiss. Our two mouths were beginning to become one, fused and almost inseparable. Our heads instinctively turned to an angle that maximised lip contact. Saliva flowed within. Our teeth briefly touched and our tongues sought compelling erotically charged exchanges. Elaine hadn't kissed me this way for quite some time. Without thinking, perhaps an inborn reponse, I began to press my groin against Sam. Immediately feeling guilty I pulled away again, but Sam pushed against me, her hands moving from my shoulders to my butt. There was no way she couldn't feel my arousal.

'How hungry are you Sam? Do you want to explore my mouth? Do you want to rub against me?'

'Hell, dad's making me feel so good. He's obviously so horny with mum being so tired. If only I could admit he's a much better kisser than any of my boyfriends. I'll step it up a little.'

My head was full of Sam scent - her hair, her body. My lower chest was pressed against the soft cushioning fullness of her breasts. I felt Sam's hand seek mine. She released her hug enough to guide it under her top, upwards to her breast.

'Fuck it. He's making me feel so damned horny. This CAN'T be so wrong, can it?'

'Holy shit. What am I doing? I just wanted to show dad he's appreciated and loved. His kisses are so damned good he's making me horny as hell. I can't stop now.'

'I really shouldn't let Sam make the moves. Oh fuck it. Wrong or not, Sam must need this.'.

Sam was wanting me to play along. Her idea. Nothing wrong, surely? I gently moved my hand, lightly tickling the sensitive skin there. Sam was well blessed with beautiful breasts. I flicked her nipple ever so softly. It was rigid. I sensed her shiver. Our tongues eagerly explored, seeking and dwelling on the best sensations. My hand cupped under her breast, feeling its fullness, taking its weight.

'Wowee! He kisses real great. But he's my dad. What the hell. He's good. He's gentle and he damn well knows he's turning me on.'

The angel on my left shoulder told me this was all wrong. She's my daughter for fuck's sake. I tried to pull away. Sam was having none of it. I felt her sex push against my erection, moving, now grinding hard against it. The devil on my other shoulder bade me push and grind back.

Eventually the angel's advice fully took hold. I broke away, stood back a little. We both breathed in air.

"Wow, dad. Where did you learn to do that? I wish I was mum."

"Oh, a long time ago." Truth was I hadn't kissed Elaine like that for years. And grind against her? Perhaps, but it seldom happened.

"Dad, I'm really sorry about the day we came back from holiday. I was tired after the journey. I really didn't know that you and mum ... you know ... haven't ... "

She seemed somewhat lost about exactly what to say.

"That was for looking after mum."

Again I said I needed to be on my way. Sam could easily back out, but she had other ideas. She pulled me to her.

"And this is for looking after me and lending me money until my student loan comes through."

'Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was supposed to be just a boyfriend kiss. It's got more than that. It's wrong but it feels so fucking right. And I'm so horny and my panties are getting wet.'

'If i don't do this now I'll regret that I missed the chance.'

It was much more than a kiss. She knew. I knew.

Pulling away again, Sam unzipped her Levis, moved my hand down to allow me to touch her panties. They were silky, nice to touch. My middle finger ran down, pushing the fabric against her long smooth groove. It stuck there, creating a cameltoe. I slowly managed to run my finger up and down. She shivered several times.

'Now I'm very sure this is right,' thought Sam, 'He's so gentle.'

I could tell that Sam was thinking something over in her mind, then she slowly pulled my hand away.

'No, I shouldn't have done that. I've gone too far. Sam's quitting.'

But my thoughts were completely wrong. Sam unfastened the Levis, pulled them down to give my finger access inside her silky green panties. I hesitated, still unsure whether I should continue.

"Please, dad. It's ok." She must have read my body language. "Really. I mean it. You're so gentle. I'm not used to that."

I could remember when I was her age. Quick fumbles were never gentle. I nodded and smiled. "If you're sure."

Parting her legs slightly she ensured my fingers could part the narrow fabric of her thong, so I could dip into her well of sex juices. Her pussy lips were tight and smooth, far tighter than Elaine's. The skin folds pushed together, gripping my middle finger. So aroused was she that I could easily find her engorged clit, as we kissed deeply again. She was wet, very wet, as if this had been well planned beforehand. Anticipation leading to desire. So, if she knew and anticipated this, I owed it to her to go through with her plan. Our mouths met again. This was pure unrestricted lust.

'No, no, no. This is my daughter. It's all so wrong.'

'Yes, but she's offering. You need it. She needs it. Take it man. Elaine has denied you. Sam has been denied by her boyfriend. It's only a kiss and grope. Take it.' The devil was winning me over. WHY NOT?

Yes, but what if ... ' the angel began again. I could almost sense the devil giving the angel an evil stare.

I could easily, gently, lazily move my finger just the quarter, half inch it needed. Sam's clit was so responsive, the much younger nerve endings sending messages immediately to the pleasure part of her brain. Her jaw tightened several times just enough for me to know exactly that sexual energy pulses were radiating through her. The shivers, the times when she broke our kiss to let out soft moans. Her hands suddenly gripping me. And me? Rock fucking hard solid. The guilt feelings were ebbing away. A few minutes more and ..."

'Oh dad. Please don't pull away again. Just keep touching there.'

"Slowly dad. Please. Hold back. I don't want to come just yet."

I felt her mouth tense again several times as we deeply kissed again. My fingers were hardly moving as I tried hard to keep her right on the edge, then ...

"Mmmmmm." Her fingers dug hard into my skin then clenched tightly. Muscles in all parts of her tightened then fully relaxed. "Ohmygod ... Fuck ... Ohhhhhhh!!"

"Ouch!" This time she bit my lip.

"Sorry dad."

'But don't stop. You're doing it just right."

Sam pulled away again, rolling her eyes, breathing heavily. Thinking she'd come, I pulled away too.

'That's it. She's has her pleasure. Either that or she thinks I've gone too far.'


Her breaths were coming in gulps.

She pulled my head towards her, eager to resume the kiss. I began again to massage that oh so sweet spot between her legs. Her kisses became furious. I could sense the tension within her, waiting for her clit to command her to come.

She let go of my head. Pulled back. Her breaths became deeper and deeper.

"Don't stop, PLEASE DAD. Faster. Don't stop. Faster, please, please, please. Ohh, ohhhh.

But this time I slowed again. Slowed ... right ... down.

"Noooo, dad, PLEASE. Oh fuck. You stopped just as I was gonna come."

A pause. A long pause.

Little by little my finger moved again. The one finger that can bring such pleasure. We kissed again. Sam pulled my head roughly so our lips became locked in another kiss. I speeded up a bit. The muscle stretching began again, her fingers dug into my shoulders. I could sense the explosion build up inside her. My finger moved faster and faster and ...

"A deep sigh as her body took over. There was no stopping even though my fingers began to ache.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhhh!"

The most powerful orgasm I'd witnessed for a long time surged through her. Ripped through her like a tornado.

'Hell,' I thought. 'This girl could waken Rip van Winkle.'

The sighs, the rapid breaths, the moans of orgasmic pleasure gradually subsided until they were merely a whimper.

The force of her cumming had made her light-headed. She didn't speak for what seemed like an eternity.

I'd just made my daughter orgasm. What the fuck had I done?'

The pleasure ripples slowed then stopped. Her breathing slowed. Gently pulling my hand away and moving it close to my nose, she said, with a broad smile,

"Thanks dad. Now remember me as you are driving home." And with a twinkle in her eye, "See you at Christmas."

"I will. You smell good. Real good. I won't wash my hand for a week."

Sam looked lost in thought. Indeed she was.

'I know. I just know he will have been in my laundry. All dads must do. My boyfriend would have, given the chance. Will it embarrass him if I ... '

Sam smiled again. Inwardly at first, then outwardly. Kicking off her Levis without any hint of modesty or uncertainty she swiftly removed her pale green thong. Flashed the gusset against my nose.

"Here you are."

"Now you can wash your hands. I'd hate you to get food poisoning." She laughed.

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