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Neighbours Pt. 01


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'What the fuck did I just do?'

"It's OK. I've got plenty spare. Just don't tell mum."

'Ohmygod. ASKING my dad to smell my undies. Have I gone mad?'

The panties were soaked, absolutely soaked. The gusset was a much darker green, just as if she had peed herself, but it was 100% love juice. It took me several minutes more to break from her hugs, her kisses, her bare pussy grinding against my hardness, dampening my pants. I left, senses still reeling from what had happened.

I was on a high all the way back home. Sam's thong was on the passenger seat. My mind wasn't on the traffic following each deeply breathed sample of heavenly perfume.

'The defendant is charged with breathing intoxicating pussy fumes.'

I smiled at the stupidity of my thoughts. Could a man be arrested for such a thing? Surely pussy scent was not a category A, B or C drug. And my rod, although slightly longer than average, certainly wasn't interfering with the steering wheel.

All the way home I tried to reason things out. Was I a dirty old perv? No. It was all Sam's idea.

I couldn't, just couldn't qualify playing along with Sam. I should have said no.

But on the other hand, what if I'd stopped her? Would she have regretted trying it? Would that have caused friction - even hesitancy speaking on the phone.

I decided we'd both mutually agreed.


I had arrived back late that evening. Elaine and I now had the house to ourselves again. The day had been tiring for us both and we soon succumbed to sleep that night. I had reflected on my brief time enjoying Sam's beauty. OK, until Elaine did the laundry I admit that I again sampled the twins' personal fragrances, and I now had my own private scent pack for as long as it stayed fresh. Indeed, one afternoon, laid outside on the lounger my mind was reliving the joys of being the father of such beautiful twins. Peter remembered that afternoon too. Purely of his own accord he seemed to fill the space directly behind the zipper of my shorts. So it was the cause of some embarrassment when I heard Nicola call across.

"Hi Harry! I've not seen you for a few days.'

"Oh hi!" I answered after a short pause. "Sorry! I was in my own dreamworld." I sat up, aware of what was now an embarrassing erection. I hoped Nicola hadn't noticed.

"I guessed you two would have a lot of unpacking to do."

"And some more. Dust and cobwebs everywhere."

"Yes. We've been busy too, getting the twins off to uni."

"They're beautiful girls."

"Yes, and don't they know it. They're never short of a boyfriend."

Confident that my inconvenient bulge was subsiding, I rose and walked towards the fence where Nicola stood.

"Wow, builder man. You certainly keep yourself toned."

"I've got to be ready for work that comes my way. The building trade is much on pause at the moment."

Nicola leaned over the fence, checked out the firmness of my muscles. Which would have been fine except that she was wearing only a bikini, and a rather minimal one at that. A quality bikini that enhanced every curve. And man, did she have curves.

"So I can tell," said Nicola. "And here ... " She patted my abs through my tee-shirt. "How about giving you new neighbour a quick peek?" I could sense a mischievous streak ran through her. I courteously obliged. She let out a whistle.

"See, I told you. No big deal. I keep fit in case a job comes up."

"Oh, yes. I see." She ran her hand gently over the muscle. Slowly. "And you keep the most important muscle worked out too."

I was puzzled at first, until her eyes moved downwards. My pride and joy had noticed her interest too. It was too late to try and hide it. Can a man feel flattered? This girl certainly wasted no time.

I changed the subject, asked how things were going in their new house.

"We need a lot of work doing. In fact I was going to ask if you knew anything about showers."

"Well I'm not a qualified electrician, but I know the basics."

"We've had problems with the water suddenly going cold. Then if we leave it a minute or two and switch it back on it comes warm again. Except this morning it wouldn't and I had to put up with a cold shower."

I thought for a moment. "Could be a bad electrical connection ... a loose or broken wire. I'm not doing anything just now. I could have a look."

Nicola's eyes lit up. "Could you? It's been a real pain."

A few minutes later, equipped with my toolbox I knocked at the door. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that Nicola hadn't at least put a tee-shirt on, but I certainly wasn't complaining. I followed her cute bikinied ass upstairs and into the bathroom.

"It's a pretty old shower," I remarked, "But maybe I can do a temporary fix."

Opening it up, it was easy to see the innards corroded. It might have been easier to concentrate without a super delicious girl watching my every move, but I soon got it cleaned and patched up. I utterly refused to take any payment.

"Let's just see how it goes on. It's only taken me a few minutes and it's pointless to charge you if it packs in again tomorrow."

"But at least I can get a decent shower. That's worth a lot."

Whether it was just the proximity of that young and toned body next to me, her scent, her sweet thankful voice ... Or the hug and kiss of appreciation, I don't know. Maybe all of those caused my cock to react again.

"Thank you so much, big boy" said Nicola, looking down. And she gave me another hug and a quick kiss - not a sexual kiss, but a kiss all the same.

"You really ought to have more control over this," joked Nicola, unexpectedly moving her hand down to touch my best friend. "It might get you into trouble." She gave a big grin as her fingers moved slowly from my balls to the tip. I could sense already that pre-cum was starting to flow. The damp patch forming on my summer shorts confirmed the same. The sudden shiver from her brief touch made me realise just how aroused and in need of a woman's touch I was.

Again I thought immediately about Elaine. There were many nights now when she barely looked there, let alone touch. She was working hard, was tired. Real intimacy between us was at an all time low. She hadn't touched me there for weeks.

"Hey, builderman. You should be real proud of what you have here."

Nicola, instead of just lazily touching my errant penis, was repeatedly tracing her fingers up and down it, pausing at the sensitive tip and making a circle with her fingernail. My thin shorts ensured every touch be noticed as if I'd been naked. She (like many other girls I'd known) seemed fascinated, impressed by what she touched. I remained silent, unsure of what to say. The lack of female touch for several weeks had made me very sensitive there. The damp patch was rapidly spreading. Hell, this young lady knew exactly what she was doing. Nicola, with her spare hand, deftly untied her bikini top and tossed it on the floor. Totally speechless I just stood, waiting for what Nicola planned to do next.

"If you won't take any money for fixing the shower, maybe I can entertain you."

"But Elaine wouldn't ... "

"I said entertain, not fuck you. Besides I really like a man who keeps fit, especially when ... " No words were needed as she made certain she admired the length and width of what she was touching. But her touch was so light it was electric.

Now lets get this straight. Despite being a builder and therefore having a legal right to comment on the prettiness of a female, in a loud voice and from the top of scaffolding, I do still love, honour and (occasionally) obey Elaine. But I had done work for my neighbour, and if she wanted to pay in kind, then at least my labours wouldn't be taxed. And, I'm sure you will agree, tax planning doesn't amount to infidelity. Also, by now, Nicola was helping me exercise my love muscle, so was simply acting as my personal trainer.

So, having verified Nicola's attentions were fine, I shut up and let her get on with entertaining me. OK the toilet seat isn't the most comfortable place to sit for a lap dance, but it sufficed. Her dance routine was fantastic. Her bikini bottom was quickly discarded, her small but very firm breasts come oh so close to my face but were then quickly removed. Standing as tall as she was able and as close to me as was possible, my eyes were unable to focus on anything else but the almost smooth area from her navel to her pussy. This was devoid of any body hair save a small trimmed triangle above her pussy. Her inner lips were visible, spoiling (but not badly so) what would, in my mind, have been youthful perfection. Then swiftly turning, bending, her butt was displayed proudly for my delight. Her puckered hole was presented for my inspection. This, again, was one of Elaine's no-nos.

After several minutes of teasing, chiding me for touching her, she tugged me upright again. My cock was steel hard and tenting my shorts. Turning me around, she pulled my tee-shirt up and off my back. Stood behind me, she rubbed those lovely tits against my back, bringing her hands around then tugging my shorts down to my ankles. And then, oh my god, and then she so very gently caressed my cock. Never keeping still, massaging my back with her breasts. By now precum was oozing out, dripping on to the worn plastic tiled bathroom floor.

Content that she now had my entire sexual tension threatening to explode, she bid me turn around and took all she could of my cock in her mouth, little by little until she almost gagged. Any restaint I made, any attempt I made to hold out on the inevitable explosion was pointless. I tried, how I tried to hold back and savour the heavenly feeling.

And then she stopped. Bitch! She stopped, stood up and insisted she needed to pee. No excuse. No modesty. What seemed like several minutes of noisy urine splashing against ceramic before she bobbed, wiped, flushed and, thankfully, resumed giving me her full attention. The teasing, in one form or another, began to annoy. But then I realised it was purposeful ... because each time she performed fellatio interruptus my arousal became more and more to the point where I honestly wondered whether such feelings were really possible.

And then ... and then ... came the one time she didn't stop. One moment she was gently, oh so gently, lips almost closed, sucking at my glans, which like most British men is usually covered by foreskin, the next minute I felt I just could not hold back. That wonderful combination of muscles started to pump ... and pump ... and pump. Outside of Nicola's mouth at the time, my pole just spewed cum over her lips, nose, eyes and hair. So skilled had she been and so aroused was I, I seemed to lose all control. Those delightful contractions that we call an orgasm seemed endless. But end they did. My cum store was now empty. Nicola simply licked away as if caviar had exploded in her face.

As if it just been any day at all Nicola simply put her bikini back on. The payment had been made. The job was done. I did remind her though that it was a temporary fix. We each returned to our sunbathing. I felt completely relaxed, perhaps because of the mind blowing orgasm I'd just experienced. My first blowjob for many years. Elaine just didn't do that kind of thing. At the same time I felt elated. Is that possible? Elation and relaxation both together.

Elaine returned from work exhausted. I had the meal ready for her. We made some small talk, drank a little wine, watched tv. Bedtime was welcoming. We both slept deeply.


September weather is often unpredictable. A few cool days meant that I got on with fulfilling the next items on Elaine's list of tasks. I got a call from one of my contacts offering some bricklaying which I snapped up. We did have a really warm weekend and took the opportunity to light the barbecue. As it turned out, it was to be the last for the year. We invited our new neighbours round, giving Elaine a chance to catch up with things.

It didn't take long for Elaine to share the street gossip with Hazel. You get the picture - who's done what with who, and why it took precisely 30 minutes for Mrs Evans Ringtons Tea to be delivered, by a youth who appeared to be barely out of Year 12 (although Elaine did find out later he was 19 and servicing both mother and daughter. I never found out whether it was separately or together).

The shower had worked fautlessly, which was great. Nicola had mentioned something about decorating. With the brickying, I hadn't got much further than a quote. The work was almost complete so much thoughts came back to starting the decorating.

But food came first. The bbq was fired up and ready to cook. Nicola came over to chat and help, Elaine and Hazel continued the gossip. Nicola seemed fixated on my muscles, which the extra work had improved even more. Food cooked and served, we sat down to enjoy our meal.

Perhaps it was for the best that Elaine and Hazel were locked in conversation. Nicola was in a determinedly mischievous mood. From the moment we sat down I could feel her hand run along the muscles in my leg, time and time again. With each stroke her touch became lighter until each became less than a fingertip tickle. As the strokes became lighter, so did the length. What started below my shorts soon became an erotically charged teasing of my cock. All the while our conversation never stopped. It was as if we were just having a neighbourly chat while enjoying our BBQ.

"Hey, muscle man, these are firm and toned all the way up."

I could feel every featherlight touch.

"And this muscle too," her fingers ran gently, gripping each side of my now engorged cock. "Does it get exercised well?"

A very personal question. This young lady didn't believe in being subtle. And contrary to popular belief it wasn't a muscle.

"Not as much as I'd like," I confessed, but Nicola was one step ahead. "But I'll survive."

"Nonsense," Nicola wasn't going to back down, "It's a very important muscle which must be exercised regularly. I know Elaine works long hours It's very tiring."

"I just don't believe ... "

Nicola butted in."So you don't agree?"

I felt my zipper being quickly unzipped. Followed immediately by my rock hard pride and joy being released from the restraining shorts.

"What the fuck?"

"Ah, so you're all show and no go?"

"But Elaine is ... "

It only took a second or two to raise herself, hike up her already loose and short skirt (which reminded me of a pleated school hockey skirt), grab my hand and place it high between her inner thighs. No panties. Of course not. The wetness just could not be ignored. I ran the edge of my hand, then my fingertips along the lips. She eased forwards, opening more, granting me private access.

"A woman needs muscle exercise too. Surely we're not going back to the 50's. We must exercise together."

Nicola stood up." Elaine. OK if I borrow Harry for a short while? Mother and I have a few ideas for the house. I'd like to run them past Harry."

"Fine. You can borrow him as long as it takes."

I felt I had no other choice. Zipping up quickly I went in the house, grabbed pen, paper and tape measure, and followed Nicola. If I'm totally honest I felt as excited as a teenager anticipating his first fuck.

But Nicola, as I was to find out, didn't do 'first fuck'. She had other ideas.

The ideas, the measuring, the advice took only minutes. Nicola's room was the last to be done.

"OK, builder man. My room, my rules. Or are you going to chicken out?"

I had little choice but to accept. As soon as I was naked and on the bed, Nicola, like a street magician, produced two thick, soft ropes, from nowhere. My hands were swiftly tied to the bed head and thoughts of Basic Instinct planted themselves in my mind as if with equal magic. When my feet were similarly bonded I thought I might become the 51st Shade of Grey. It didn't happen.

It couldn't be called a striptease, due to the fact that Nicola only wore two garments; skirt and tee-shirt. What little she did have on was discarded slowly and teasingly.

Once naked she was on the bed, astride my head, almost, but not quite suffocating me. Basic Instinct by pussy suffocation? Try that in front of 12 jurors!

"The accused mi' lud is thought to have suffocated the deceased by smothering his nose and mouth with her pubis and vaginal lips."

I had visions of my flagpole being so solid that the undertakers couldn't shut the coffin lid.

But thankfully it wasn't so.

"Right, new neighbour. First we tackle some warm-up exercises."

A few seconds later she was astraddle me, hips gently lowering until I was completely inside her. Laid flat on the bed, I had to raise my head to view what was happening. A few moments more and I knew exactly what she meant by muscle exercises. She had taken my full length and girth, eased considerably by her own juices. Now she was tightening just the right muscle at precisely the right time. Just imagine being sucked and squeezed at a slow tempo. Bliss.

All the while, I was watching her small, conical shaped tits rising and falling, something that on its own would have made me hard. Often a voyeur, I loved to see unharnessed breasts, large or small. From a height, up scaffolding, cleavage took on a new meaning. As much as I enjoyed partly hidden milk-jugs, the odd times I got to see them unhidden by clothes were more than welcome wank fodder.

I shut my eyes, utterly grateful and eager to give in to a perfect fucking machine. I could feel that pleasant tension coaxing me, teasing me. No work to do. No careful positioning, no thrusting or retracting, no wondering if I was in the right place to give my woman the satisfaction she needed. Nicola had taken control ... but ... but ...

Nicola speeded up. Subtly at first then rapidly increasing. I knew, just knew I would come.

"No, Nicola. Please. Not fast. Please. No ... nnnnno ... nnnnn ... fuck. " My muscles took over. The muscles over which I had no control. Bliss. Perfect bliss. I pumped a frustrating week's supply of jizz into her cavern.

I was unable to withdraw, Nicola made certain of that. I felt the muscles inside her flex and tense. I was still hard and her now slowing movements meant she was milking every last drop of cum from me. The feeling was weird, my own muscle contractions were slowing but my orgasm seemed to go on and on. With Elaine, I was used to withdrawing, but Nicola had other ideas.

Having come, and with my foreskin drawn back, I felt very sensitive to any movement Nicola made, giving me different sensations I'd never experienced. I was remaining full and hard. A few minutes on and I was beginning to experience the cycle again. My cum was now moving downwards, mixing with Nicola's own lubrication.

But my new neighbour rose up and off me. She knelt so I could easily see her without raising my head too much. Wetting two fingers with mixture of our juices, she began to masturbate. With her spare hand she spread her labia wide, giving me a close up view of her aroused clit, holding herself near to me while she rubbed herself to climax. This only served to rejuvenate my hardness and make me rock solid again.

A pause. Only a short pause while her own orgasm subsided. But there was to be more.

This had merely been the aperitif. I had been given a front row seat to watch a very intimate solo performance. Nicola was only partially satisfied with one orgasm. She shifted forward again.

"So, Mr builder muscle-man," she began. "It's time for tongue muscle exercises. I want you to taste me so good it makes me come."

The supreme scent of a woman on heat was thrust upon me. Her pussy, imperfect (in my view) lips coming down from her slit, now almost covered my nostrils and mouth. Was this Basic Instinct revisited, with no visible murder weapon? Was I to be suffocated, rendered incapable of drawing breath? A perfect murder weapon, hidden behind a pair of cotton panties?

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