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Mom seduces nephew, her kids love to masturbate.
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As before, I'm not interested in reading any tirades about my writing skills. I am aware of my shortcomings therefore I don't need you to point them out. All I want is for you to read the story and enjoy it. If you don't like the subject matter, you can move on to other stories.


The day was a perfect August day, clear blue sky with temperatures in the mid 80s and the birds singing all over the place. Nell was laying on her tummy on the chaise lounge, soaking up the sun. She had a book laying open on the lawn pretending to read. Which, she thought, was a little silly since she was the only one there.

She had finished her errands for the day and had quickly gone upstairs to her bedroom and changed into the tinniest bikini she had. When she had bought it, she and her husband had been planning a trip to Mexico where she would feel comfortable wearing such a tiny bit of cloth. But it had meant shaving her pussy and once that was done she decided she liked it that way and had been shaving ever since. That was two years ago and she was still waiting for that trip.

Since she was the only one home she decided to wear it. She had stood in front of the mirror and studied the image. The bikini bottom just barely covered her pussy and it gave her a camel toe. She had to laugh, camel toes or not this was what she was going to wear in the sun.

Her son Paul was out and about, he'd not be home till around seven or eight and her daughter Kelly was out till about the same time. Nell loved the heat on her back and the back of her legs but the thought of removing the bikini altogether was beginning to take form in her mind. That made her smile, she had only once before in her life got an "all over tan" and now it seemed like a perfect time for it again. But she chickened out, thinking the kids might be home sooner than expected.

Several more minutes past and she gave up all pretense of reading and closed her eyes. No sooner had she closed her eyes than she heard a door slam. "Hey Ma!"

"Hey Paul, you're home early."

"Big surprise, ain't it?"

"You said you'd be home later."

"That's why you're out here half naked?"

"I'm not half naked, and besides, it's none of your business."

"Close to it. What's for dinner?"

"How should I know, you're not supposed to be home yet."

"You're getting burned."

Nell handed him a bottle of lotion, "here, then do my back."

"Yeah? You want me to do your back?"

"Isn't that what I said."

"Well, yeah, but ..."

"Goodness Paul, it's only my back." She reached behind her and untied the bra strap.

Paul's eyes got wide, and at first he didn't know what to about this sudden turn of events. He'd seen her back before, but this seemed different because now there was no bra or bathing suit strap to hide the nakedness. It seemed to him like she'd taken off her bra. But then he realized it really wasn't a big deal. Paul poured a liberal portion of lotion on her back and began rubbing it around. He started at her shoulders and slowly worked his way down. By the time he got to her shoulder blades he was beginning to enjoy himself. His mother had a lovely back and it was really cool to be putting his hands on it, pushing the lotion all over and even down a little to her sides, feeling the soft beginning of her side breasts.

"I'll do the sides, you worry about the back."

"Sure thing, Ma, don't want to make you nervous."

"Don't get smart."

"Not me, not never." By now he was working on her lower back but his eyes were on the waist band of her bikini which ended less than a millimeter above her crack. He entered a fantasy world where he rubbed the lotion inside her bottoms and massaged it into her cheeks. Not noticing, his finger slid just under the waist band.

"Hey! Pay attention."

"Oh sure, sorry mom. I wasn't paying attention."

"I noticed."

"Won't happen again."

"Glad to hear it. Are you about done?"

"Yeah, just a couple of globs of the stuff here." And he finished massaging the lotion into the small of her back, staying well above her bikini bottom. Since he first started noticing girls he'd given his mother's butt a good deal of attention and now even more so since he came very close to getting his hands on it, unintentionally, but still ... The other thing he noticed was that he now had a hard on which didn't surprise him all that much. Not that having one was much of a surprise, but that he got it by looking at his mother's butt. He had to smile, he should feel guilty about it but he didn't. Maybe incest wasn't such a big deal after all.

"Okay, thanks, now tie me up." Nell held the straps for him.

"Sure thing", and taking them from her he pulled them tight and as he began the knot the strap tore off. "Shit!"

"Nice going butterfingers."


"Don't worry about it." Nell held the cups of the bra against her breasts and sat up. Most of them was covered, but still there was more showing that she cared for. "What are you looking at? Go in the house."

"Sure mom." And Paul stood which put his crotch even with his mother's face. She remained seated and for several seconds he just stood, rooted to the ground, not really knowing what he should do. It was obvious his mother was staring at the bulge in his pants.

Nell was looking, it had been several years since she'd seen her son naked, but then it was just a little boy's baby cock. But now, the outline of his dick in his shorts surprised her, it certainly looked bigger than her ex-husband's. She stared at it for a few seconds, forgetting what she was supposed to be doing. She quickly headed for the house holding her bra, feeling her nipples getting very hard, pressing against the bra and into the palms of her hands. The wet spot that had developed between her legs didn't slow her down, but she wanted to get changed as quickly as possible. "Let me know what you want for dinner," she called over her shoulder.

"Hot dogs," he yelled and smirked. He stood by the chaise lounger for another minute or so then made his way to the house. It wasn't working, his hard on wouldn't go away, the only thing he could do was to wait until his mom disappeared into her bedroom then he'd head for his shower and take care of this problem, which he was looking forward to. Paul had long ago decided that he really enjoyed jacking off and he'd do it every chance he got. He even managed it one time sitting on the bleachers during a football practice but watching the cheerleaders. Onc late afternoon he was sitting behind a bunch of girls who didn't even know he existed. He unzipped his pants and hauled out his cock and began jacking off, keeping as quiet as possible. Just before the big moment arrived he thought about yelling at them and when they turned around shoot his cum onto their faces, but instead he shot the first wad onto the back of the girl directly in front of him and then he distributed the rest between the other three girls. He waited for his cum to soak into their coats before tucking his cock back into his pants. When they got home they would have to wonder what the stains were on their coats. Paul sort of wished he could be there to listen to that conversation.

Nell stood in front of the mirror and watched her juices slowly run down her legs as she played with her nipples. She couldn't stand the ache in her pussy and her hand quickly went down between her legs and she went directly for her clit, she wanted to rub out a fast one before she had to get downstairs and start dinner. She didn't want Paul thinking she was in here doing what she was doing. As she began to rub her clit she tried to envision Paul's cock swinging free of his pants and pointing to the sky. That image got her hotter and her hand went faster. It wasn't long before she was hit with a magnificent orgasm, she leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, spreading her legs wide, rubbing her cunt harder and faster and she was once more hit with another orgasm. She squeezed her legs tight over her hand and curled up in a ball trying keep the noise to a minimum.

If only Paul had known what was going on in his mother's room he probably would have rubbed the skin off his cock, but as it was he was imagining her naked ass with his hands all over it. It didn't take long, his body stiffened, a moan escaped his lips and a long string of pearly white cum shoot out of his cock and landed on his face. He was moaning and giggling at the same time as another shot of cum hit his chest and the next four or five strings landed on his stomach. Finished shooting, he slowly pumped his cock, milking the last of the stuff out and down his hand and onto his balls. Fuck, he loved a good orgasm.

Nell dressed in a pair of thong panties and a long tee-shirt, at least long enough to cover her ass, unless she bent over. She was getting curious to see exactly how far her son wanted to go. She didn't know about herself, did she really want to fuck her son? Not only was that illegal but the whole world was against it. Still, she'd wait and see what happened.

Paul entered the kitchen, his mother was fixing dinner and not wearing a lot of clothes. He couldn't help but look, the tee-shirt was almost transparent enough so that he got a clear look at her nipples, and her thong was clearly visible. He was wearing nothing but a loose pair of gym shorts and a tee-shirt and already his cock was getting hard again. He sat down.

"Hey! What's your problem? Get off your dead end and set the table." Nell smiled at him over her shoulder.

"Mom, I am thrilled to be given the pleasure of setting the table, however, it will have to wait a moment or two." His hard on was falling out of the leg of his shorts. Under the table he readjusted it so that it was held in place by the elastic waist band. He had to pull the shorts up a little to cover the head of his cock, but now his left testicle was hanging out the bottom. He swore, if she chose to look then she'd see more than he'd planned on. Or maybe he wanted her to see his balls hanging out and his cock sticking straight up, putting a large bulge in his shorts.

Paul, walking so his mother could only see his side and not his crotch, getting the dishes from the cupboard and setting the table. Nell didn't miss a thing, as her son walked around the kitchen getting the stuff and setting the table she caught glimpses of his left testicle hanging out and the bulge of his cock. It was the bulge that got her attention and she started getting wet again. It wasn't long before her juices were running down her legs and instead of putting her legs together to hide the stuff, she kept them apart, hoping he'd see.

Sitting down to dinner they were rather quiet, Nell with her very wet panties, legs, and pussy and Paul with a killer hard on. Finally, "what time is your cousin getting here?"

"I dunno, Ma, he said around seven or eight."

Nell looked at the clock, "it's quarter past seven, should be showing up soon."

"When's the last time you saw James?"

"Geeze Paul, I don't know, maybe ten years."

"Not the best of family relations, huh?"
"No honey, 'fraid not."


"Yeah, some."

"Like what?"

"I dunno, just a crappy history, that's all."

"You don't want to talk about it, do you?"

"I'd rather not."

"Is it something your first born should know?"

"Let me think about it. Do you have any idea where your sister is? She should be home by now."

"No idea, I'm not keeping track of her."

"She's your little sister, you should keep track of her."

"She's a pain in the ass."

"I'll give you a pain in the ass if you keep saying that."

"You mean my ass or my sister?"


"I'd love to see that!"

"You will, smart guy."

"Ma, you're five foot nothing, I'm six foot three, how's that going to work?"

"Keep it up and I'll show you."

Laughing, Paul began clearing the table. His hard on had gone down, but the bulge was still there only not quite as prominent. Nell watched it as best she could without seeming too obvious. She got up and went to the sink to start washing up, but first she had to reach across to get the detergent and waiting for Paul she leaned across as he came alongside her and her tee-shirt gapped enough for him to see clear to her panties. But he was looking at her nipples with his mouth hanging open. They were big and dark and stuck out at least a half inch. The areolas were dark, chocolate brown and the boy could only think of how much fun it would be to have those in his mouth. She got the soap and straightened up, and knowing her son had been looking down the front of her shirt started her pussy leaking all over again.

She finished the dishes in record time and debated going to her room or the family room to watch TV or a movie. She decided against either choice, she had some financial spreadsheets for work that could use some attention and she went off to her office. Paul sprawled on the living room sofa and got his book. He was not long into it before the doorbell rank. That would be James and Paul went to let him in.

It was a little awkward at first because the last they'd seen each they were about ten years old. But after about twenty minutes they were like old friends.

"C'mon, my mom is in her office." Paul lead James into Nell's office and introduced them. Even though it had been ten years, Nell knew she'd not have known the boy if she'd met him on the street. Nevertheless she was impressed, he was an inch taller than her son, muscular chest and arms, and he had legs, like those of a runner. Mostly though, she was interested in the front of his tight jeans, there was a bulge there that was almost as big as her head. She had to work hard to not stare at it.

"It's nice to see you again, James. How are your folks?"

"Everyone's fine, they all send their regards." And for the next hour the three of them discussed family business, school, college, and the boys plans for the future. Kelly didn't get home till almost ten and while Nell didn't quiz her on her whereabouts, she did give her a look that indicated she would have to explain her absence before the end of the night.

Kelly, like her mother, couldn't keep her eyes off her cousin, especially the bulge in his pants and she wondered how much work it would take to get a closer look. She sat on an easy chair across from the sofa and though she was wearing very short shorts she kept her legs apart just enough to give James a hint of what she had, but not enough to get any dirty looks from her mother. But then her mother was spending more time looking at the bulge and not paying any more attention to her daughter.

Nell looked at the clock, it was past midnight. "Okay kids, I'm an old woman and I have to work tomorrow so I'm off to bed." And in the process of getting off the sofa she gave James a substantial look down the front of her shirt. To increase the chances of something, at this point she wasn't sure, but she stretched as she headed for the stairs. The tee-shirt rose above her thong, giving all three of them a good look at her ass. Within seconds Paul and James both had a hard on. Paul's poked out the bottom of his shorts, and James's went down his leg which was painful inside the tight jeans. He put his foot on the edge of the sofa, raising his leg enough where he could adjust his cock without Kelly actually seeing it, although it was plain that she knew what he was doing.

Now that her mother was gone, Kelly spread her legs further giving James, and not incidentally her brother, a nice view of her panties, which were just as wet as her mother's. After another half hour of teasing the two boys she announced she was going to bed. Paul said he'd show James where his room was.

"You giving him your room? Kelly asked.

"No, your's, what do you think?"

"Since I'm not about to give up my room does that mean he'll have to sleep with me?"

"Right, I can imagine what Ma would say about that."

"I'm eighteen, what's she gonna say?"


James didn't get into this conversation but he did have a smirk on his face. After what she was showing him, he couldn't think of a reason on earth why he shouldn't get a closer look. Well, no matter where he slept he'd see if he couldn't work something out. Cousin or not, she was hot and primed for a good fuck and literally asking for it.

"No dufus, he's sleeping in the spare room."

"That's next to me."

"Yeah, me too."

"Kelly, just haul your sorry ass off to bed, we're doing fine without any help from you."

"Good night, James, sweet dreams," Kelly said with the best come hither look she could muster. "Good night, dickhead," she said to Paul.

James got settled in his room but needed a shower. It was across the hall from Nell's room. He looked out the bedroom door and not seeing a light under her door, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for the shower. As tired as he was he spent a long time under the hot water, hitting his skin like millions of needles. It was wonderful and as he relaxed his mind returned to his Aunt Nell and those beautiful tits she showed him. Not to mention her delicious ass. Of course it wasn't long before his cock began to rise, but this time he could do something about it. He started moving his hand up and down his shaft, loving the feeling of it under the hot water. It wasn't long before it was seriously hard and he had a firm grip on it as he began pumping it in all seriousness. He would certainly prefer putting it in his aunt's pussy and pumping it deep and hard, but when she wasn't available his fist was almost as good, and it was always handy.

James was concentrating on his cock and images of Aunt Nell so he didn't hear the door open. And since his eyes were closed he didn't see the shower curtain open just enough for someone to look in and watch him pounding his cock. The voice next to his ear nearly scared the the life out of him and he jumped.

It hadn't occurred to let go of his cock, "Aunt Nell! What ...?"

She opened the curtains all the way, she was naked, "thought you might want some company?" Not waiting for an answer she got in the shower, standing close enough so that the tip of his cock was against her belly. She had to laugh at the look on James' face, he was in shock.

Nell reached down and moved his hand away from his cock and replaced it with hers as she slowly began to massage it. She smiled, looking up at the young man, "I noticed that you might be on the horny side. Rather like me. What do you think?"

James, his mouth opened and closed several times before he got a work out and when he did it was more of a croak than anything else. Finally he was able to talk, "uh, Aunt Nell, this is the best surprise I've ever had." Within a few moments he got his wits about him and returned the favor. He had one hand on Nell's left tit, squeezing it and pulling on her nipple while his other hand slid down her tummy and over her bald mons pubis to play with her pussy lips. He rubbed his fingers up and down one side then the other, sometimes squeezing the lips before he pushed a finger inside her.

Nell was breathing hard, with the occasional moan slipping past her lips. She was pumping his cock faster, wanting him to cum, but not on her, she wanted him in her mouth. He had put a second finger in her cunt and was fucking her with the same speed and intensity in which she was jerking him off. Nell was getting louder and louder and if she kept that up Paul and Kelly would come looking to see if she was okay. Which she was, but she didn't think this was something they wanted to see. But then again, who knows?

Nell felt James's cock get bigger and start to twitch. He was going to cum at any moment. She dropped to her knees and took his massive dick in her mouth and pushed it as far down her throat as he would go. She surprised herself, his cock was pushed up against the back of her throat and her nose was in his pubic hair and balls on her chin. Within seconds she felt the hot liquid shooting, string after string of cum down her throat. Within moments she was cumming too and thankfully she had his cock in her mouth so it was not possible for her to scream loud enough for the kids to hear her. Her orgasm seemed to start at the end of her toes and blew out her cunt juices and shot to the top of her head. She couldn't stop cumming, having one orgasm after another until finally she could't have another one. But she wasn't done with this young man, not be any stretch of the imagination.


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